The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) (2 page)

BOOK: The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1)
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Chapter II

The Infamous Thief


Zander awoke the next day; he had laid there asking himself if what he had experienced was a dream. He walked over to the mirror and examined the small scar on the top of his nose. He had barely touched it with his fingertip and it burned, someone had tended to it while he was asleep. It must have been Vallus, it’s obvious that was how he arrived back home. There was a tap at the door,

Vallus entered in his uniform.
“Ready to go? You don’t want to be late for debriefing.” He smiled looking at Zander.

Was this the same person? The same Vallus that Zander had met in the garden last night? It couldn’t have been
, it was as if he had two personalities. Zander had gotten ready and packed his things and together they headed off to headquarters.

“Zander I want to apologize about last night, I just didn’t want you to go into battle unprepared.” Vallus explained himself.

“I thought you were going to kill me!” Zander shouted at him.

Vallus laughed, “Are you kidding? I was going easy on you brother.” He said.

A chill came over Zander’s body, going easy? He thought. If that’s easy could you imagine him being serious? I feel sorry for any mystic willing to cross his path. They had made their way into militia headquarters and boarded the elevator. The knots in Zander’s stomach had become even larger.

“Vallus, what unit are we exactly?” Zander asked.

Vallus smiled and looked down at him, “Extermination Squad.” He said.

Zander’s eyes widened, “Extermination eh? That’s um…cool.” He said and swallowed really hard.

The elevator doors opened and they walked down the narrow hallway. Zander kept getting sidetracked by all the computers and gadgets he had seen. Most soldiers in the militia carried guns, but Zander and Vallus preferred good old fashioned steel for their weapon. Judge Vallerus had always told them growing up that guns kill too quickly. He had been a good father but a cruel soldier.

They walked into the command station, inside they saw Lieutenant Omak smoking a cigar and looking through some paperwork. He was a middle-aged, bald and muscular man with a thick accent which Zander didn’t particularly care for. He had come to the Academy and spoke to the students at special presentations the Academy had held. Zander couldn’t stand the man; Vallus hated him too but had to respect him because he was the one that gave the orders. Vallus and Zander walked in, saluted the Lieutenant and sat down.

“Well Vallus is this the new graduate?” Omak asked.

“Yes sir this is Zander, he will make a fine addition to the Extermination Squad.” Vallus said.

“Well let’s hope he survives longer than the last one.” The lieutenant sighed.

Zander felt a sudden awkwardness, “He’s kidding Zander.” Vallus said as he and the Lieutenant started to laugh. Vallus’ tone began to change, “Now that the introductions are out of the way, what is our mission sir?” Vallus asked.

The Lieutenant had pushed a folder towards him that read “Confidential” “You’re going to the desert village of Oaba, there’s a thief that is suspected to be a mystic by the name of Heiro and we need you to scope it out. If the story checks out, kill him.” Lieutenant Omak said.

Vallus and Zander stood up and were ready to leave, “Are those two even here yet?” Vallus asked.

“Yeah they should be waiting outside, you leave immediately. Dismissed.” Omak said as they saluted him and walked out of the command center.

Zander looked up at Vallus, “Who are we meeting again?” Vallus looked back at Zander and smiled.

“You will see.” He said.

Outside waiting for them were the other two members of their squad, Blitz and Ace.
These two soldiers unlike Zander and Vallus preferred guns as their primary weapon of choice but they had also carried their swords just in case they needs them.

“Hey boss it’s about time.” Ace said waving at Vallus.

“Sorry I took so long guys had to let the Lieutenant meet the newest recruit, this is Zander. Zander this is Blitz and his brother Ace.” Vallus introduced them.

“Hi guys.” Zander said.

Blitz and Ace saluted Zander, “So Zander how good are ya in battle buddy?” Ace asked.

Zander felt a knot in his stomach form; he didn’t want to tell them he was just a weakling who has never been in a fight in his life.
 Zander began to speak but nothing came out.

“He will be a valuable asset to this squad guys, Zander is quite the warrior.” Vallus said. Zander looked up at him relieved; Vallus had the same dumb grin he always had.

“Well I guess it’s on to Oaba then.” Zander said as he looked over at the brothers then to Vallus.

The four of them walked on through the edge of town. Zander didn’t know what was going to happen when they got there but one thing was for sure he was afraid.


The next day the squad had made their way into the scorching
desert, to Zander this felt like two-hundred degrees. Many fears were in the back of his mind like dying of starvation or dehydration and the buzzards picking their bones clean. But he didn’t have time to think such thoughts; the only thing that mattered at the moment was the mission at hand. Blitz and Ace were on what seemed like their thousandth game of paper, rock, and scissors. For soldiers they didn’t exactly seem all that bright. Then there was Vallus who didn’t seem to be bothered by anything. No matter what the situation he had always kept his cool, Zander wished he could be more like him.

They came to a broken bridge that had once stretched over the large crater in the sand, “Well it seems like a dead-end.” Zander said.

Vallus laughed, “It only seems that way, the village is in that crater we have to climb down the side.” He said as Zander swallowed hard and nodded.

One by one they made their way down the side of the crater, slowly but surely they made their way down safely. They finally saw the sign that read “Oaba Village”,

“Everyone be careful, this village is a poor one but it is also quite rough when it comes to its people.” Vallus told them.

They walked on through the entrance to the village, there were many merchants selling trinkets and cheap weapons on the side of the street. Everyone seemed to be wearing rags, Vallus was right this was poor town. The squad walked by the bar, a suspicious looking man that had been glaring at them from a far walked up and got into Vallus’ face. The man’s breath smelt of
cheap whisky and cigars, Zander could smell it from behind Vallus and it had almost made him sick. Vallus didn’t seem to be bothered by this,

“What the hell are you doing here? Your kind isn’t welcome.” The man said.

Vallus smiled at the man, “We came to investigate a mystic infestation, and we want no trouble we will be on our way once our mission is complete. Now please stand aside.” Vallus said politely.

The man became angered and drew his sword, “Okay wise guy let’s see what color you bleed, I said you don’t belong here!” The man said swinging his sword towards Vallus, who caught it with his bare hand.

Vallus’ expression quickly changed, “I asked you nicely to let us through, I don’t want any trouble but if you insist on causing it I will feel obligated to stop you.” He said.

The man began to laugh heartily, “Bring it pony tail.” He said and spit at his feet.

Suddenly Vallus vanished like his fight with zander, his speed incredible. He appeared behind the man and placed his hand on his shoulder. “You seem to do much harm with this arm, what if you weren’t able to use it? What a pity that would be.” Vallus said calmly as he used two fingers and struck the man’s right arm in multiple places.

“Now I’d suggest that you make your way to your local hospital quickly, or you’ll have permanent paralysis.” Vallus said.

The man clearly couldn’t move his arm as he ran off. Zander was amazed at his friend’s incredible abilities.

Suddenly a man ran past them and almost knocked Zander over. “Stop that thief!” a merchant shouted from across the street.

“Looks like we found our guy boss.”
Blitz said as the four of them ran after him. They chased him to the edge of the crater,

“Look Vallus! He’s up there.” Zander shouted pointing to the top of the cliff.

They began to climb back up; when they got to the top they saw the man standing before them. He wore green tattered rags, with short red spiked hair and was almost as tall as Vallus.

“Why the hell are you four following me?” the man asked.

“We have come to eliminate the mystics in this village and it is our suspicions that you are the man were looking for.” Vallus said.

The man began to laugh, “You heard correctly I am Heiro, the mystic thief.” He said.

Zander grabbed his sword and held it tightly. “You are hereby sentenced to death for the use of magicks in the kingdom of V’nairia.” Vallus explained.

Heiro drew his sword, “Well ladies, shall we dance?” Heiro asked.


Zander wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him or his squad but he was sure of one thing; this time the battle was for real and he could die.





Chapter III

Dark Destiny


The battle between Heiro and the extermination squad was underway, the four of them had no idea what abilities the mystic had in store but they weren’t about to under
estimate him. Zander stood frozen in fear as the others ran towards the enemy with their weapons drawn. There was only one thought on his mind; the fact that he could die.

“Let’s go boys, strike the enemy altogether!” Vallus shouted.

“Stone Art: Stone Wall!” Heiro said as a wall of solid rock appeared before them blocking Vallus sword strikes. Suddenly, Heiro leapt over the wall into the air above them “Flame Art: Fire stream!” He shouted as flames cascaded down the rock wall like a flaming dragon and surrounded the three of them.

Just before they were engulfed, Vallus managed to flee unharmed. Vallus looked back and noticed the others hadn’t escaped, he had feared the worst.

“We are fine boss, worry about the enemy!” Ace shouted over the roar of the flames.

Vallus was relieved he could now focus on his opponent. He dashed toward Heiro at top speed and clashed swords with him. There was a mighty crash as the blades collided; with all his body weight Vallus pushed Heiro backwards. “Now I have you!”

Heiro screamed as he spat the flames once more. Vallus pressed against the flames with his blade; he could feel a searing pain on his hands all the way up to his wrists. After a moment the flames had stopped, Blitz and Ace were fine. The smoldering rock wall had crumbled and smoke enveloped the battlefield.

Zander was amazed at the level of skill they displayed; he wished to be that powerful. Heiro stood there with his devilish grin and glared, “Don’t you all know how to give up and die!” he shouted in anger.

Vallus was aware of Zander’s fear and he couldn’t complain, after all it was Zander’s first real battle; of course he would be unable to think or move. Vallus also knew that if Zander did help that he would have to protect him and that would be a distraction. The three of them had a plan, Vallus looked over at the two brothers and nodded; that was the signal.

“Blitz, Ace T-formation!”
Vallus shouted at them.

They ran around Heiro forming a triangle and each had taken out a scroll and unrolled it in front of them. Heiro was unaware of this technique and was trying to read their movements to no avail
. They each had taken their swords across the palm of their hands and allowed the blood to drip onto the scrolls.

“Sacred art: Restriction binding seal!” Vallus said as chains began to spring up out of the earth and wrap themselves around Heiro. “This is a two-hundred year old sealing technique you will not be able to release yourself from this, it’s over.” Vallus explained.

Zander had noticed Heiro’s expression, it was blank the grin and attitude had faded. Vallus raised Ebony’s blade in front of Heiro, “Sword Art: Extending Blade!” Vallus said as Ebony’s blade grew longer until it pierced Heiro’s heart. Heiro struggled for a moment, and then became motionless.

The four regrouped on the battlefield, Zander slowly stood up and walked over to Vallus

“Im so sorry Vallus,
I just couldn’t move.” He said felling ashamed of himself.

Vallus patted Zander’s head and smiled. All tension and fear suddenly faded, Zander knew everything was going to be okay.

 Laughter was heard from behind them, Zander’s fear flooded back to him. They had looked over and saw Heiro dusting himself off, he was alive and had broken the seal. “That’s impossible! That seal indestructible.” Vallus said.

Heiro laughed hysterically, “You lowered your guard when you thought I was dead so it weakened the seal, I can harden any part of my body to withstand damage.” He said.

“This guy is invincible.” Zander sighed.

Heiro dipped his index finger in his own blood and drew a symbol on the ground and then on his wrist. Vallus didn’t recognize the symbol but knew it meant trouble for them. “Im through playing games it’s time to end this, “Demon art: Blood Sword.” Heiro said. Blood came from the cracks in the ground and formed a blade that Heiro picked up with his hand. “This is a forbidden technique that I created; I can manipulate the blood into any shape and can also harden it.” Heiro explained.

The squad couldn’t believe what they had seen, a weapon created from his own blood. Heiro threw the sword in the air and it formed a crimson colored sphere. “Well it was nice knowing you all.” Heiro said through his devilish grin.

Vallus didn’t know what was going to happen next but without thinking he turned and shielded Zander. The sphere of blood exploded and hardened shards of blood made their way towards them. Everything had gone quiet; Zander felt something warm dripping on his face. He looked up and saw Vallus hovered over him; his mouth had blood running from the side. He mumbled Vallus’ name under his breath almost as if he didn’t mean to say it like he was in a trance. Vallus fell to his knees and Zander caught him. In Vallus’ back were shards from the sphere digging into his back, carefully Zander pulled them out one by
one. The blood from his wounds began to flow more quickly now,

“Vallus why did you protect me?” he asked.

Vallus had the usually dumb smile, “Because you are my best friend, and my comrade it is my duty to protect you with my life.” He said.

Zander’s eyes began to tear up but he couldn’t think about crying right now he instantly thought of something
else. Where is Blitz and Ace he thought to himself, about ten feet from where they were sitting was where Blitz and Ace laid motionless. Zander walked over to them and checked to see if there was a pulse, they both were dead. They had suffered extensive damage to their internal organs; there was no way they could have survived.

All the fear Zander had felt in this one solitary moment had gone away, now he had become enraged. He drew his sword and pointed it at Heiro, “You bastard I’m going to kill you!” Zander shouted.

Vallus could feel the hatred coming off of him but Vallus was too weak to help. “If you think you can fight me alone go ahead.” Heiro said confidently.

Zander knew this guy was on a whole other level but he had to try. If he didn’t do something soon neither he nor Vallus would make it out alive. Zander ran towards his opponent, his sword had struck against Heiro’s; he could feel the immense pressure coming from the mystic’s strength. Zander thought of his friend and how badly hurt he was and that made him even angrier. With all his might he pushed against the blood sword and managed to find an opening and slashed right above Heiro’s left eye. He hit him, he actually damaged him but he had lost his focus for
at this moment Heiro delivered a kick across his face knocking back onto the ground.

“You can’t defeat me!” Heiro shouted, as he ran towards Zander.

Zander threw Ivory into the air, just before Heiro had gotten to him. Heiro came down with his blade but Zander rolled to the side barely dodging the blow. Zander grabbed Ivory as it fell into his palm and sliced Heiro diagonally down his side. With the blow came a flash of light, the two of them stood face to face glaring at each other not saying a word. Suddenly the two of the collapsed from exhaustion, all Zander could think about was Vallus and if he would be okay.


Zander woke up in the hospital a few days later, he felt as though he had been sleeping for years. He sat up in his bed and seen the scratches and bruises that Heiro had given him had been bandaged. He instantly thought of Vallus, he jumped up frantically and headed towards the door. Before he could open it he saw the doorknob turn and Kerra entered.

“I see your better.” She said smiling.

“Yeah I feel much better, what happened exactly?” He asked, he had tried to remember what exactly had happened on the battlefield but his memory was cloudy.

“You had fainted from exhaustion, and the militia came and found you. You defeated the mystic and he was captured for questioning.” She explained. Defeated? More like luck, he remembered only striking him twice and neither blow was fatal.

“Where is Vallus?” Zander asked. Kerra had a grim look on her face and Zander feared the worst,

“He is down the hall, he is in a coma and they don’t know when he will wake up.” She said. He immediately ran for the door and went down the hall to Vallus’ room.

He opened the door and saw his friend lying there, he was sleeping peacefully. The only thing that came to mind was Zander looking up at Vallus as he shielded him from the blood swords attack. “It’s my fault, he would have been fine if I helped them; Blitz and Ace would be alive too.” Zander said.

Kerra placed her hand on his shoulder, “It was your first real battle no one is blaming you for anything.” She said trying to comfort him.

He became angry and put his fist through the wall, “That isn’t an excuse!” he shouted.

She could see the pain in his eyes she couldn’t imagine being in the same situation. “Come on we will get you something to eat, you must be hungry? We will come back later.” She asked. He turned to her and nodded; they both walked out the door and left Vallus to rest.


A few hours later, a cloaked figure slipped into Vallus’ room
and stood over him examining his body. He pulled out a vial of purple colored liquid from under his cloak. He poured the liquid into Vallus’ mouth, and waited a moment.

Vallus opened his eyes and looked around, “Where am I?” he asked.

“You are in the hospital that was some battle you were in my friend.” The figure said.

Vallus stared up at the figure and could not see his face, “Who are you?” he asked.

The man waved a finger in front of his face, “That is not important at the moment; I have come to offer you a proposition.” The man said.

Vallus sat up and looked around he didn’t see Zander, Kerra, or his sword Ebony in the room. “Where are my friends?” he asked.

The cloaked man laughed, “Friends, oh you mean the two that haven’t come to see you since you have been here; the one that left you to die in the desert and took your sword.” The figure lied.

Vallus shook his head, “No that isn’t true, your lying!” Vallus shouted.

“Don’t you know anything about the twin blades, only those that already possess one sword can wield another, anyone else it would curse.” The man explained. He was right Vallus remembered his father telling him the story of the two blades. “You have no friends now Vallus, but I can give you what you want.” The figure said.

Vallus became curious, “What do you mean what I want.” He asked.

The figure sat down on the side of the bed and took out a black sphere. “I know your longing to stop your father’s revolution, and I can give you the power to do it unimaginable power.” The man said. He was right Vallus did want to stop his father’s revolution, hell he wanted the kingdom all for himself. Power was what Vallus craved and he would do anything to get it.

“What do you want in return?” Vallus asked.

“Simply acquire ivory from Zander and bring the two blades to the shrine inside the northern caves.” The man said handing Vallus the sphere.

“Alright I shall do what you say.” Vallus said as he took the sphere, the power from it surged within him. He could feel ten times as powerful as before. He got up out of bed, and ran out of the hospital in search of Zander, Ebony, and Ivory.


Zander and Kerra rode the elevator to the Supreme Judge’s office; they walked down the long hallway and finally reached his door. They knocked and coul
d hear him tell them to come in.

“Ah Zander, Kerra what a lovely surprise. Have you gone to see Vallus?” Judge Vallerus asked.

Zander saluted him, “Yes sir he is still in a comatose state.” He said.

“I had feared as much, but we have the finest doctors in the city it’s only a matter of time before he wakes up.” Vallerus said assuredly.

“I wanted to bring Ebony to you so you could give it to Vallus when he returns.” Zander said.

“Why that’s very thoughtful of the both of you thank you.” The judge said smiling. There was another tapping at the door, this time Vallus had walked in the office. The three of them were so surprised, “Son your awake!” Vallerus said in amazement.

“How are you feeling Vallus?” Kerra asked.

Vallus walked over to them but he wasn’t smiling like usual, he had a blank expression. “Never better.” He said.

Zander walked over and handed Ebony to him, and Vallus gladly accepted it. “Zander where is Ivory, it is very important that I get it from you.” Vallus said. Judge Vallerus noticed something was wrong, Vallus would never ask for the other blade.

“Why are you asking for it?” his father asked.

“This doesn’t concern you father.” Vallus said. The judge became angry,

“How dare you speak to me that way!” he shouted. Vallus ignored his father’s ramblings.

“Where is it Zander?” Vallus asked. Zander shook his head, “I won’t tell you, something is different about you.” He said.

Vallus laughed, “Well if you won’t hand it over I guess I’ll just have to take it from you.” He said. He held out his hand and his fingertips were glowing with a purple aura, and placed his hand on the ground. “Demonic art: Hellhounds!” he shouted. Five black beasts with red eyes and razor sharp teeth sprang up from the ground.

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