The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (93 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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“The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; the people who are a part of the US system, but are dissenting against it.
Or, those who are working for some other system; persons who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity so that their own civilization, nation, country or ideology could survive.
They can be anyone, from Russia to Israel and from India to Serbia. Then you cannot forget the American Jews, who are annoyed with President Bush ever since the elections in Florida and want to avenge him.

Then there are intelligence agencies in the US, which require billions of dollars’ worth of funds from the Congress and the government every year.
This [funding issue] was not a big problem till the existence of the former Soviet Union but after that the budget of these agencies has been in danger.
They needed an enemy.
So, they first started propaganda against me and Taliban and then this incident happened.

Drug smugglers from all over the world are in contact with the US secret agencies.
These agencies do not want to eradicate narcotics cultivation and trafficking because their importance will be diminished.
The people in the US Drug Enforcement Department are encouraging drug trade so that they could show performance and get millions of dollars’ worth of budget.
General Noriega was made a drug baron by the CIA and, indeed, he was made a scapegoat.

President Bush or any other US President, they cannot bring Israel to justice for its human rights abuses or to hold it accountable for such crimes.
What is this?
Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United Sates?
That secret government must be asked as to who made the attacks.”
Osama Bin Laden

The London Tube Bombings – 7th July 2005

On the 7th July 2005, one day after being surprisingly awarded the 2012 Olympic Games when Paris was the overwhelming favourite, London was rocked by a series of bomb blasts resulting in the deaths of more than fifty people.
Not quite in the same league as 9/11 of course, well certainly not as regards loss of life, but more than sufficient to remind us all that we are extremely vulnerable and susceptible to attack by those who ‘envy our freedoms’, or so we are deceptively led to believe.
Perhaps conveniently or even by explicit design, these incidents also coincided with the G8 summit of world ‘leaders’ which was in session in Scotland and which allowed a united front of condemnation to be forthcoming from
the senior nations of the world all of whose presidents or prime ministers ‘just happened’ to be virtually ‘on the doorstep’ at the time.

Along with the 9/11 incident, the 7/7 attacks formed the second leg of a two-pronged attack on the freedoms of the people of the western world.
Not at the hands of Muslim terrorists though, as they would have us all believe, but more at the hands of a local, home-grown variety of terrorist, better known as the British government in concert with MI5, the CIA and the Mossad (Israeli security services) and whom all have a much more credible vested interest in curbing our freedoms than do any so-called Muslim terrorist group.

The official story is that four disaffected British Muslim youths planned and carried out a sophisticated operation culminating in a simultaneous bombing attack on three London tube (subway) trains and a bus by virtue of the use of explosive devices carried in a backpack, killing themselves and fifty-plus others in the process.

As always in these cases, there are two directly competing and conflicting explanations for the 7/7 attacks.
One is the ‘official’ version of events and the other is the ‘conspiracy theory’ version.
Now let us examine all the facts and the evidence emanating from this day of infamy and let the reader decide for him or herself which is the more likely to be true and which the conspiracy.

In May 2004, an episode of the BBC ‘Panorama’ programme was aired during which a scenario was mooted whereby a bus and three tube trains would be attacked simultaneously by four suicide bombers during the morning rush hour.
Is this starting to sound eerily familiar yet?
The discussion panel included such notables as Michael Portillo, a former British government minister and a character by the name of Peter Power who just happens to be an ex-senior police officer (more of him shortly).
The basis of the programme was a mock exercise in which the panel of experts discussed how a terrorist attack on London would be handled and this was revealed gradually through faux news reports as the show progressed.

“No terrorist attack would be complete without the advance airing of a scenario docu-drama to provide the population with a conceptual scheme to help them understand the coming events in the sense intended by the oligarchy.”
Webster Tarpley, historian and researcher, 2009

But for the moment, as promised, back to Peter Power.
On the morning of 7/7, he and his training company were in the process of conducting an emergency terror drill that unbelievably almost exactly matched the real events unfolding around him in the city of London.
The exact same three tube stations that were involved in the real world were the ones ‘co-incidentally’ being used by Power in his ‘drill’!
On the afternoon of 7/7
he was interviewed on the BBC Radio 5 ‘Drivetime’ programme

“…at half-past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for, er, a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing upright!”
Peter Power, CEO of Visor Consultants, a management training organisation

Yes we believe you, Peter.
Of course we do – especially given your past background and your appearance in the 2004 docu-drama (above) and despite the odds against this scenario occurring by chance that have been independently calculated to be in the region of 14 billion to one.
Was Power simply cleverly protecting himself by this announcement and thus ensuring that were he to become a statistic shortly afterwards, due to his ‘insider knowledge’ that there would almost certainly be questions asked regarding his death?
If so, he would by no means be the first to use this tactic.

On the 5th-8th April 2005 a large scale terror-drill given the code name of ‘Atlantic Blue’ was undertaken involving the participation of many different facets of government.
How interesting to note than that shortly after the 7th July 2005, the Independent newspaper reported that… “By an extraordinary coincidence, all the experts who formulate such plans are together in a meeting at the headquarters of the London Ambulance Service – and they are discussing an exercise they ran three months ago that involved simulating four terrorist bombs going off at once across London.”

How the coincidences all pile up, all of course in close synergy with the story of 9/11.
On the morning of 9/11, the security, emergency and rescue services were all hampered by the fact that there were several, not just one mind, but several simultaneous exercises taking place that almost exactly reflected the real world events occurring at that time.

In 2005, the Metropolitan Police exercise Operation Hanover just happened to be held on the 1st-2nd July and its theme was that of three simultaneous bomb attacks on three underground (tube) stations.
The police have been extremely reluctant to discuss this amazing coincidence that occurred literally 5 days before the ‘real’ event.
Why would this be?
In fact this information only came to light in 2009, four years after the event.

Another virtually un-publicised fact that came to light during the 7/7 inquest was that
no post-mortems
were carried out on the bodies of the victims.
This is most definitely against the law.
All bodies believed to have suffered an un-natural death must by law undergo a post-mortem examination.
In addition to this fact, would not a huge amount of information regarding the placement and composition of the bombs have been revealed by these examinations, had they taken place?
Surely post-mortems would have revealed some definitive, incriminating information that would have provided clues to the many unexplained hows and whys of the tragedy.
Indeed, what could possibly explain such a seemingly bizarre course of action other than of course the necessity of avoiding conflict with a completely fabricated narrative?

After the event, we were immediately informed that the explosives used were of military origin and as most people in the truth movement are well aware, the first reports are always the most revealing, but are often never heard again and suppressed once the powers that be realise that initial reports do not fit the concocted story at which they eventually arrive and which then becomes the de facto truth.

“The nature of the explosives appears to be military, which is very worrying….the material used was not homemade but sophisticated military explosives …”
Christophe Chaboud, chief of the French anti-terrorism Coordination Unit who was in London assisting Scotland Yard with its investigation.

How, it is perhaps pertinent to ask, would four, to all intents and purposes, perfectly normal youths procure a substantial quantity of military grade explosive material?
And also that being the case, why did the police several days later announce that they had found the homemade bomb ‘factory’ near the homes of three of the four alleged terrorists in Leeds, West Yorkshire?
Surely an experienced, senior anti-terrorist officer such as M. Chaboud could not have made such a fundamental error could he?

“A bath filled with explosives has been found at a house in Leeds that was the ‘operational base’ for the London suicide bombers.”
‘The Independent’ newspaper, 14th July 2005


The newspaper went on to blithely state that the explosives were made of black pepper and hydrogen peroxide.
The notion of heating up hydrogen peroxide in their bathroom to the point where it would make an explosive mix with black pepper is simply laughable, to say the very least, let alone that a rucksack could hold enough of such a concoction that if and when exploding could supply enough energy to bend and even break steel bars.
Also, how could they possibly test that their ‘bombs’ were actually going to explode on demand.
Were they simply all going to go tramping across the city with this allegedly lethal mixture swilling around in their backpacks?
Indeed, has anyone ever successfully managed to construct a bomb from a few such household ingredients, let alone one capable of such devastation as was created on 7/7?

Another perhaps obvious question is why would terrorists who wished to avenge themselves upon the British people for the UK’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, choose to kill themselves in the process?
Surely on such crowded trains in rush-hour it would have been a simple task to set a timer to detonate the explosives and then quietly exit the trains, leaving their bags on the floor amongst the feet of hundreds of unsuspecting passengers.
What would have been the risk involved there?
Would not their cause have been better served by them living to ‘fight’ another day and possibly repeat the feat elsewhere?
Suicide bombing is an expedient used only where smuggling explosives and leaving them in situ is impossible due to heavy security presence and not simply as a pointless statement of bravado, as the authors of this unlikely scenario would wish us to believe.

At the 7/7 Inquest in November 2010, Dr. Morgan Costello gave evidence that he was asked to attend two tube-stations, Edgware Road and Aldgate, for the ‘purposes of certifying the extinction of life’.
He counted six bodies at Edgware Road and seven bodies at Aldgate and declared these as 'life extinct'.
The huge contradiction arising from this simple fact, completely unreported in the compliant media of course, was that the numbers should have been seven and eight respectively – that is of course if we count the bodies of the bombers.
This is surely indicative of the fact that the alleged bombers were not on the trains at the time of the bombs exploding.
No similar count seems to have been carried-out on the Russell Square train, but we do have certain information regarding the behaviour of the Russell Square bomber, Germaine Lindsay, immediately prior to his untimely death.

“A New Zealander working for Reuters in London said two colleagues witnessed the unconfirmed shooting by police of two apparent suicide bombers outside the HSBC tower at Canary Wharf in London.
The man who was not prepared to give his name said two English colleagues, whom he also refused to name ‘witnessed the shooting from a building across the road from the tower’.”
‘The New Zealand Herald’, July 2005

There is plenty of eye-witness evidence available proving beyond reasonable doubt that the 7/7 attacks were not ‘suicide’ bombings at all.
For example, Bruce Lait who was in a tube train carriage near London's Aldgate East station when one of the bombs exploded described a scenario that absolutely confirms this fact without question.

According to Lait, as the survivors were being escorted from the wrecked train carriage by a police officer, he warned them... “…mind that hole, that's where the bomb was”.
The metal around the edge of the hole was pushed and twisted upwards exactly as though the bomb had been underneath the floor of the train.
Surely if the bomb had exploded above floor level then the opposite effect should have been observed.
Lait further commented that… “They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said.
Very strange indeed.

On the 5th July 2005, one of the quartet, Mohammed Siddique Khan took his pregnant wife to Dewsbury Hospital in West Yorkshire with a suspected potential miscarriage.
Upon returning home, Khan announced to her that he was ‘going to see his friends’ and this was the last time that his wife ever saw him.
She miscarried on the 6th July.
Would Khan or anyone for that matter, really have abandoned his ailing wife for a whole day while she was in such a precarious condition?
He was a highly respected member of his community, not just by the Asian element, but by all races alike in what is an extremely multi-cultural environment.
He was also highly respected by the headmistress (principal) of the special school in which he worked as a classroom assistant.
In addition, the police had used him to mediate between rival gangs in local disputes because simply put, he was trusted by all sides.
The MP, Hilary Benn had taken Khan on a tour of the House of Commons and he was specifically regarded as being politically neutral, by no means an extremist and an upstanding citizen, protective of the good name of his community and was always seen to be keen to maintain amiable relations with the local white community.

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