The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (121 page)

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Werner von Braun

In 2008 the young, independent researcher Rik Clay, whom I met in 2009, shortly before his extremely premature, suspicious death, also went public with his whistle-blowing investigations connecting the 2012 London Olympic Games with Zionism and the false UFO invasions as well as their relationship to the coming ‘New Jerusalem’ to be ushered in via Bluebeam.

As outlined previously, the 2012 Olympic symbol clearly spells out the word ‘Zion’, even including the minor detail of the dot above the letter ‘I’.

The highly suspicious Olympic logo

So, what are we to conclude from all this?
There is so much evidence in support of the ‘Bluebeam’ premise and if my research has taught me one thing; that would be that there is never ‘smoke without fire’ where these entities are concerned.
There is obviously no 100% proof that all this subterfuge is happening whilst we collectively ‘look away’, but given the track record of our lords and masters, it does not take a huge leap of faith to believe that it is all eminently possible.

The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive for the NWO's absolute control over the populations of the entire earth.
I would strongly encourage the reader to investigate this for themselves before dismissing it as the absolute lunacy it would appear to be upon first reading.

Suppressed Technologies

As early as the late 1880s, trade journals in the electrical sciences sphere, were predicting free electricity and free energy in the near future.
Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming common place and Nikola Tesla was demonstrating ‘wireless-lighting’ and other wonders associated with high frequency currents.
There was indeed much excitement about the future such as had never been seen before.

Within 20 years, there would be cars, planes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio and easily portable cameras and the Victorian Age was giving way to a truly technologically-based future.
For the first time in history, the masses were being encouraged to envision a utopian future filled with abundant modern aids and communication, as well as plenty of jobs, housing and food for everyone.
Disease would be conquered as would poverty, life was improving exponentially for the previously dispossessed and everyone was going to benefit from this ‘brave new world’ of science.
So, what happened to shatter this optimistic illusion?
Where did all the promises of ‘free’ energy breakthroughs go?
Was it all simply wishful thinking that science eventually disproved?

Actually, the answer to that question is ‘no’.
In fact, the opposite is true.
Many free energy technologies were developed with all the other breakthroughs and even since that time, multiple methods for producing vast amounts of energy, free or at worst, extremely low cost have been developed.
None of these technologies have ever managed to find their way to the bulk of the world’s consumers however.
Exactly why this is the case, I will discuss shortly.
But first, here is a short list of free energy technologies that are currently inexistence and that are proven beyond all reasonable doubt to be effective.
The common feature connecting all of these discoveries is that they use a small amount of one form of energy to control or release a large amount of a different kind of energy. Some of them tap into the underlying ether field in some way; a source of energy which is conveniently ignored by ‘modern science’ and technology.

Wireless Electricity

The Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla, whose contribution to subsequently suppressed technologies cannot be underestimated, was the undisputed ‘father’ of many of the inventions that define the modern electronic era and was the first person to demonstrate this principle, in 1890.

Tesla based his wireless electricity idea on a concept known as electromagnetic induction, which was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831 and purports that electric current flowing through one wire can induce current to flow in another wire, nearby.
To illustrate that principle, Tesla built two huge ‘world power’ towers that would broadcast current into the air, to be received remotely by electrical devices around the globe.

Few believed it could work and to be fair to the doubters, it did not work that well.
When Tesla first switched on his 200 foot-tall, 1,000,000-volt Colorado Springs tower, 130-foot-long bolts of electricity shot out of it, sparks played around the toes of passers-by and the grass around the laboratory glowed blue.
Despite this initial failure, there is little doubt that Tesla eventually succeeded in his quest to produce wireless electricity, but it has remained commercially un-used and dormant for more than one hundred years, largely due to the energy cartel’s suppression of the technology to protect their own profit-streams.

However, after a gap of greater than a century, several companies are now coming to market with technologies that can safely transmit power through the air, a breakthrough that portends the literal ‘un-tethering’ of our abundant electronic devices.
Until this development, the phrase ‘mobile electronics’ has been somewhat of a deception.
How ‘portable’ is your laptop if it has to feed every four hours, like an embryo, through a cord?
How ‘mobile’ is your phone if it shuts down after too long away from a power-source?

The technology about to arrive upon the electronics market is an inductive device, much like the one Tesla designed, but much smaller.
It looks like a mouse pad and can send power through the air, over a distance of up to a few inches.
A powered coil inside that pad creates a magnetic field, which as Faraday predicted, induces current to flow through a small secondary coil that's built into any portable device, such as a flashlight, a phone, or a portable computer.
The electrical current that then flows in that secondary coil charges the device's integral rechargeable battery.

Radiant Energy

Nikola Tesla's magnifying transmitter, T. Henry Moray's radiant energy device, Edwin Gray's EMA motor and Paul Baumann's Testatika machine all run on radiant energy.
This natural energy form can be gathered directly from the environment via ‘static’ electricity or extracted from standard electricity by a method known as fractionation.
Radiant energy can perform exactly the same functions as ordinary electricity, at less than 1% of the cost.
It does not behave exactly like electricity, however, which to be fair, has contributed to the scientific community's misunderstanding of it.
The Methernitha Community in Switzerland currently has 5 or 6 working models of fuel-less, self-running devices that tap this energy.

Permanent Magnets

Dr. Robert Adams of New Zealand has developed several electric motors, generators and heaters that run via the use of ‘permanent magnets’.
One such device extracts 100 watts of electricity from the source, generates 100 watts to recharge the source and in addition produces over 140 BTUs of heat in two minutes.
An American scientist, Dr Tom Bearden has constructed two working models of a permanent magnet-powered electrical transformer.
It uses a 6 watt electrical input to control the path of a magnetic field coming out of a permanent magnet and then by channelling this magnetic field, first to one output coil and then to a second output coil and by repeating this rapidly, the device can produce a 96 watt electrical output with no moving parts.
Bearden calls this device a Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, or
Jean-Louis Naudin has duplicated Bearden's device in France.
The principles for this type of device were first discovered by Frank Richardson in the US in 1978.
Troy Reed also in the US has developed working models of a special magnetised fan that heats-up as it spins.
It takes exactly the same amount of energy to spin the fan whether it is generating heat or not. In addition to these developments, many inventors have identified working mechanisms that produce motor torque from permanent magnets alone.


Mechanical Heaters

There are two classes of machines that transform a small amount of mechanical energy into a large amount of heat.
The best of these purely mechanical designs are the rotating cylinder systems designed by Frenette in the US and Perkins, also in the US.
Within these machines, one cylinder is rotated within another cylinder with about one eighth of an inch of clearance between them.
The space between the cylinders is filled with a liquid such as water or oil, and it is this fluid that heats-up as the inner cylinder spins.
Another method uses magnets mounted on a wheel to produce large currents in a plate of aluminium, causing the aluminium to heat rapidly. These magnetic heaters have been demonstrated by several scientists from various countries.
All of these systems can produce ten times more heat than standard methods using the same energy input.


Super-Efficient Electrolysis (The Water-Powered Car

Water can be broken down into its constituent parts of hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. Mainstream science however, claims that this process requires more energy than can be recovered when the gases are recombined.
This is true only in the worst case scenario.
When water is bombarded with its own molecular resonant frequency, using a system developed by Stan Meyers also by others, it collapses into hydrogen and oxygen gas with very little electrical input.
Also, using different electrolytes (additives that make the water conduct electricity better) changes the efficiency of the process dramatically.
It is also known that certain geometric structures and surface textures are more effective than others.
The implication of this is that unlimited amounts of hydrogen fuel can be made to drive engines eg. in cars for simply the cost of water.
Even more amazing is the fact that a special metal alloy was patented by Freedman in 1957 that spontaneously breaks water into hydrogen and oxygen with no outside electrical input and without causing any chemical changes in the metal itself.
This in effect means that this special metal alloy can make hydrogen from water free of cost, forever.

Stan Meyers, the American inventor of a working, patented vehicle that ran only on normal, household water, was allegedly murdered by poisoning in the late 1990s after successfully demonstrating his prototype which was capable of 100mph+.
He had been the subject of harassment and threats by Elite ‘Big Oil’ interests and his death was perhaps the not too surprising culmination of his refusal to cease the project.

So what is happening today regarding Meyers’ great invention?
Absolutely nothing.
The patent still exists and is available to view on the Internet, so therefore the technology or at least the wherewithal to recreate the technology, still exists, so why is this invention not being manufactured today?
Simply because it would solve all the world's energy problems instantly and almost literally overnight, eliminate oil as an essential fuel and as we now know, that is not how politics and commerce works.
It is always money that rules and common sense is not the determining factor.


Implosion Engine

All current, major industrial engines use the release of heat to cause expansion and pressure to produce energy, as in a standard internal combustion engine.
Nature uses the opposite process of cooling to cause suction and vacuum to produce energy as in a tornado.
Viktor Schauberger of Austria was the first to build working models of implosion engines in the 1930s and 1940s.
Since that time, Callum Coats has published extensively on Schauberger's work in his book ‘Living Energies’ and subsequently, a number of researchers have built working models of implosion turbine engines.
These are fuel-less engines that produce mechanical work from energy accessed from a vacuum.
There are also much simpler designs in existence that use vortex motions to tap a combination of gravity and centrifugal force to produce a continuous, perpetual motion in fluids.

Cold Fusion

In March 1989, two chemists from the University of Utah announced that they had produced atomic-fusion reactions in a simple table-top device.
The claims were forcefully ‘debunked’ within six months and the public subsequently lost interest.
Nevertheless, cold fusion is a very real phenomenon and not only has excess heat production been repeatedly documented, but also low-energy atomic element transmutation has been catalogued, involving many different reactions.
This technology definitely could produce low-cost energy and prove beneficial in many, many other important industrial processes.

Anti-Gravity Propulsion

Perhaps the most fanciful of all the alternate technologies, anti-gravity propulsion is today regarded by science as impossible.
However, there are reports from several sources that state that captured ‘flying saucers’ have been back-engineered in order to produce and take advantage of this supposed ‘sci-fi’ technology.

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