The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (92 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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David Frum, (yes you guessed, another Zionist-Jewish criminal) was Bush’s speechwriter at this time and is the one responsible for inflating the number of Israeli dead by 2600% of the actual amount.
Why would he do this?
Because he is a Zionist of course and was attempting to garner sympathy for Israel and project them as the ‘great ally’ of the United States who are now ‘partners’ with them in this global fight against ‘terrorism’.
Incidentally, Frum was the man responsible for the coining of the ‘Axis of Evil’ epithet.
He also co-authored a book with the Zionist warmonger Richard Perle, entitled ‘An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror’, which defended the illegal and fraudulent invasion of Iraq as well as calling for regime change in Iran, Syria and other Middle East states.

Less than one week before 9/11, several of the hijacker ‘patsies’, including Mohammed Atta, boarded a casino boat in Florida. No-one knows why and it has never been investigated.
The boat was in fact owned by none other than Jack Abramoff yet another Zionist-Jewish criminal asset and he was the one who entertained the Arab patsies aboard his yacht.
Abramoff is a Bush Administration insider having been part of the Transition Advisory team assigned to the Department of the Interior in 2001.
Abramoff is also a convicted criminal lobbyist who is a central figure in a plethora of political scandals, fraud, and other scams.
He is currently (2011) serving a five year prison term for fraud, conspiracy, and tax evasion.
Abramoff also, according to Wikipedia, had foreknowledge of the Zionist-engineered War on Iraq.

Apparently the Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu is so confident in Zionist control and domination and his own ‘un-touchability’ that he recently stated publicly that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were ‘good’ for US-Israeli relations and would generate ‘immediate sympathy’ for the Israeli ‘cause’ of ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.
The Israeli newspaper ‘Ma’ariv’ reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told this to an audience at Bar Ilan.

Of course Netanyahu’s nonchalance about publicly making such controversial statements is not that surprising considering how much control Zionist Jews have over the American media.
The aftermath of 9/11 saw the Zionist-media unveil a relentless demonisation campaign against Arabs, stereotyping them all as a bunch of fanatical plotting terrorists, no doubt a cause for huge celebration for Netanyahu and his criminal compadres who routinely look for any excuse to slaughter innocent Palestinians at a whim whilst confiscating their land in the process and vehemently protesting and issuing cries of ‘anti-Semitism’ at the merest sign of any criticism of their deranged actions.

“Anti-Semitism is a trick – we always use it when we are being criticised.” Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli government minister

Indeed, Netanyahu is considered by many to be the likely architect of 9/11, directing the Mossad/Shin Bet.
He was Israeli PM at the time as he is again now (June 2011) and has a long history of involvement in Israeli terrorism and politics (is there a difference?).
He has been a prominent member of the Likud government since 1993.
The Likud Party is the literal successor of the Jewish terrorist organisation known as the Irgun.
Netanyahu wrote a book in the early 1980s called ‘Terrorism: How the West can Win’ and he founded the ‘Jonathan Institute’ in the late 1970s to study (and plan) terrorism.
Egyptian Intellectual, Hassan Al Bana, has stated publicly that he thinks Netanyahu planned 9/11 with the Jews at the Jonathan Institute.
Al Bana cites a book written by Netanyahu called ‘Uprooting Terrorism’ which speaks of plans to attack the United Nations and the World Trade Centre with small nuclear bombs.

“I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is absolutely 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.
The Zionists are playing this as an all or nothing exercise.
If they lose this one, they’re done.”
Alan Sabrosky, US Army War College, retired

On the 16th October 2001, a group of Israeli citizens were arrested in rural Pennsylvania for suspicious behaviour near a Pizza takeaway.
The manager of the takeaway informed authorities that two ‘middle-eastern-looking men’ were dumping furniture from a truck with a ‘Moving Systems Inc.’ sign on the side, behind his establishment.
Police quickly investigated the incident and confronted its occupant who identified himself as Ron Katar, an Israeli.
Katar pointed across the street to his compatriot named Mosche Almakias who was approaching the detained suspect with a female named Ayelet Reisler.
Reisler suspiciously began to quickly walk in a different direction once she spotted the police officer and when arrested, was found to have a German passport in one name and medication in another.

Almakias admitted being behind the Pizzeria and said his destination was New York, but he had to make a pick-up in Plymouth.
However, the pathetic cover story began to fall apart when he could not provide a name or number for his supposed client.

The police searched the truck and discovered a Sony video camera containing a video film taken of Chicago with several suspicious zoom-in shots of the Sears (now Willis) Tower.
Clearly these Mossad assets were planning some sort of false-flag attack but the Israelis were eventually taken in by the INS and neither they nor the incident itself was ever mentioned again.

A possibly significant fact is that the Sears (Willis) Tower was purchased by three men, two of whom are Jews, Lloyd Goldman, Joseph Cayre and Jeffrey Feil in 2004.
These men belonged to the same group that backed Larry Silverstein’s lease of the WTC complex providing $125 million to Silverstein for the purpose.
It would seem that these criminal Jewish assets are all part of the same false-flag terror / real-estate insurance scams together.

In Mexico City as reported by the newspaper ‘La Vox de Atzlan’, two men posing as press photographers, but in reality Israeli Mossad agents, were arrested inside the Mexican congress on the 10th October 2001, armed with 9mm pistols, hand-grenades, explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets, but were immediately released from custody because of pressure from Israel.

The newspaper reported that.. “We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were going to blow up the Mexican Congress.
The second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden.
Most likely then Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism.”

The Jewish terrorists names were Salvador Guersson Smecke (retired Israeli IDF colonel), age 34 and Saur Ben Zvi, age 27.
These Zionist terrorists were released as a consequence of a very high-level emergency meeting which took place between the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations, Jorge Gutman, General Macedo de la Concha and a top Ariel Sharon envoy who flew to Mexico City especially for that purpose.
You may not be surprised to learn that Jorge Gutman is of Jewish descent.

On Monday 13th May 2002, Fox News reported that two Israeli nationals in a white van were pulled-over in Oak Harbour, Washington, near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station with explosives in their truck.
Federal Authorities brought in explosives-sniffing dogs which ‘reacted’ firstly to one of the Israelis and later to the van itself.
High-tech equipment was later used and confirmed the presence of TNT and RDX plastic explosives.
The Israelis claimed to be delivering furniture to California, but investigators unsurprisingly doubted the story.
Authorities later stated that records for the Budget truck did not indicate any recent rental for the purposes of transporting explosives, which would require special permits; thus proving these explosives were illegal and obviously intended to be used for malicious purposes.

The Fox News article makes no mention to what became of these two Israeli terrorists but the lack of further media coverage probably points to the fact that it was taken no further and no charges were brought.
They were probably quietly deported.

The former Italian President, Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio in the 1980s, told Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were run by the Mossad and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies.
In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper, ‘Corriere della Sera’:

“All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”

And in an interview shortly after 9/11, Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistani intelligence (ISI) from 1987-1989, told United Press International his view as to who he believes was behind the attacks.

UPI: So who did Black Sept. 11?

Gul: Mossad and its accomplices.
The U.S. spends $40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies.
That’s $400 billion in ten years, yet the Bush Administration says it was taken by surprise.
I don’t believe it.
Within ten minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center, CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it.
That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators.
It created an instant mind-set and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.

So, why is the focus of this chapter on the Israeli angle and the Zionist-Jewish conspiracy? I acknowledge that the CIA and MI6 were also likely involved in the attacks, but it is my considered opinion that Israel and its agents in the US Government played the primary role in the attacks and had the most to gain from them; therefore under the principle of Occam’s Razor, it is correct, I believe, to focus more on the Israeli/Jewish/Zionist connection, whilst other explanations may focus more on the CIA or MI6 connection.
There are hundreds of websites, documentaries, films and articles that concentrate on the Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney angle etc. but not too many acknowledge the rock-solid evidence proving that 9/11 was most likely done by the Israeli Mossad in conjunction with the plethora of Zionist-American Jews whose duplicitous role in the attacks has been thoroughly documented.
Could this be because of fear?
Anyone who crosses these entities is very likely to be at best verbally attacked and have their writings suppressed, and at worst?
Well, I will leave that to your imagination.

It is up to you, the reader, to decide whether this information has validity or not and whether you wish to believe it.
Research is research and the truth is the truth, I have no preconceived ideas or prejudices of any kind.
All I can do is present the facts as I see them.
Nothing here is fabricated and it is all substantiated by myself.
Indeed the evidence that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’, a ‘false-flag’ attack if you will, is absolutely overwhelming and beyond question.
Indeed it is the ‘official’ story that is the fantastic ‘conspiracy theory’.

Given all else we know about the Zionist / Israeli influence on anything of importance in the world, is it such a leap of faith to believe in their deep involvement in this issue.
‘Cui bono?’
Latin for ’who stands to benefit’ is a test we should always apply to any situation which needs an in-depth analysis to determine a reason for it.
I suggest that Israel and Zionism itself benefitted hugely in the furtherance of its deadly agenda, from the 9/11 attacks, far more in fact than any other entity.

However, let the last word on the subject be from Public Enemy number 1 himself, Osama bin Laden.
This is the one and only statement that the real Osama made regarding 9/11, as officially verified by the CIA in a certified transcript.
Osama bin Laden was dying when he made this statement on 24th September 2001 and provably passed away two months later in November 2001, despite all the lies and hype about his death occurring in an American raid on his HQ in 2011.

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