The End (10 page)

Read The End Online

Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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Maggie crawls to the window and see something
she couldn’t believe, even though there is still many left, they
are moving and spreading out quickly and maybe soon they will be
able to sneak past and leave the area with her sister. They will
have to move a few blocks and dad won’t be able to find us unless I
can find a way to leave markers, though the chance he would see it
will be 1 out of 10 unless its big and if its big then so will this
Roy guy see where we are going, if he ever had to return.

For now I am going to call it a night and
sleep while I can, Ashley agreed she to is tired, I can’t imagine
all the trouble she had to go through, hopefully all this change
now for her, sure it’s still not looking good and nothing will be
easy, still no one needs trash like him around.

Maggie crawls in next to Jacky, while Ashley
sleeps in front of the window, facing the door, gun ready next to
her, both ready to sleep, surely the extra energy will be needed at
any time.

Its late night, its dark, Jason stare through
the window of a car, where he will be hiding until daytime, in a
distance he can see a car approaching slowly, with all the noise
you can clearly hear that car will die at any moment, the car slows
down even more. Jason slipped out of the car he was hiding in; he
doesn’t want to be pinned down in a small space like that if that
car had to stop.

The gears slip over and over again making a
loud sound, the car stops only a few meters passed Jason, Roy got
out of the car, cursing and kicking the car, he grabs a bucket and
starts fueling up another car, Jason still in hiding, staring and
observing what this guy is doing.

Jason hear the Walkie-Talkie go of, it’s just
interference from something, no one is on the other end of the
line, Jason can see that this guy has a lot of supplies on the back
seat, knowing he needs to make sure it’s not his, since he came
from that direction, lucky for both of them those things are
distant so no need to worry about them just yet.

Jason can see that this man is incredibly
injured, there is an entire laceration in his right cheek, it looks
horrible, and he could also tell that he must have a wound
somewhere on his chest, since he has been holding that the entire
time; the man falls hard on his knees coughing. Jason waits a
little longer, waiting for this guy to get up or either to die on
the spot, soon after he gets up laughing, he unlocks the boot and
starts to carry the raided goods over to the new car he filled up,
he struggles, still Jason can’t recognize the supplies, it’s too

With all the struggling Roy gives up,
figuring he loaded enough, he will just send his brother to come
fetch the rest of it, Roy hotwires the car and accelerate straight.
Jason kept his eyes on the vehicle until it’s far down the road, he
rushes over to the abandoned car and is furious, when he saw the
remaining food, its marked with two crosses and the number One as a
marker in case something like this ever had to happen, as much as
Jason wants to go back to check on his girls, it will be simply
impossible, somehow that car attracted hordes of them, they seem to
follow the sounds more clearly now.

Its defiantly a problem, there is way too
many to try and slip by, in fact there is so many a car won’t even
be able to go through them.

Here is still some supplies left in the car,
he loads everything into a truck and uses the keys that was hidden
under the seat in a small key holder, he starts the truck and see
that the tank is nearly full, it should be easy to lure them to
where ever that man is going. Jason figures he will go back where
he saw the much older man on the Walkie-Talkie possibly one that
knows the one that stole the supplies.

Jason drives down the road slowly before he
stops and wait for those things, it seems to be working fine,
knowing this will be boring as hell he continues this method almost
half way before he drives of slightly further simply to take a
break, it must be early morning by now, it’s still dark though,
waiting for a few minutes, they can almost touch the back of the
truck. Jason starts up again and continues his method, getting
close to his destination; it’s been one hell of a long trip and a
very boring one.

Being able to see almost clearly with the sun
about to rise, Jason can see that his plan is surely failing, many
of them fell behind and then of course there is a few fast
aggressive ones on his tail, betting he might as well give the few
remaining ones the slip and go fourth making a new plan, knowing
the one thing he accomplished with his failed plan was making the
way back much more challenging as the truck is loud they will be
everywhere with more on the way.

Leaving the truck while in motion Jason slips
between parked cars and trash unseen, the truck crashes nearby but
its far enough for Jason to make his escape to the nearest and
safest building.

This office looks extremely old, like it was
empty for years, way before all this even started, it might not be
the safest place to hide as the front has one big window with no
blinds or even curtains, still this is a good look out point and
those thing won’t really be capable of breaking this glass it looks
thick and shatter proof.

Jason starts marking down the area they were
in, he marks down all the important information, recalling that he
only saw two guys one younger than the other of course the injured
guy might be part of them yet again, he can’t do anything since he
seems in a pretty bad condition, bad enough that he won’t be able
to put up a good fight at all, leaving me to mostly just deal with
two, with only one problem they both carried semi-automatic rifles
that can make things much harder.

Jason draws a map from what he can remember
and seeing that his best bet would be to sneak in and take at least
one down, silently of course, and then try the other one, if he
could only get a better weapon, then confrontation shouldn’t be a

Sneaking in the apartment building could give
me the opportunity to put one down on the spot, the fact still
crosses Jason’s mind that he should maybe make sure they really is
stealing there is no point in rushing into things, yet again Maggie
wouldn’t have allow them to take supplies and on another note she
won’t give anything either, beside water and some food but not this
much. Jason is convinced that they stole it and maybe have harm his
daughters to do so, it’s best to just deal with people like this
and get it over with, it has always worked this way.

“Luke! How is Roy doing?” The man asks in a
rough thick voice.

“Pretty bad, seems like someone got him good
with a knife or another sharp object,” Luke said all confused.

“Will he make it?” As the man spits to the
floor where Roy is sleeping on a sheet covered with blood.

“Not sure, like I said, he is in a very bad
condition,” Luke stares the man in his eyes.

“Dead weight, he is useless to me!” As the
man takes aim ready to fire his gun, one shot to the head and it
will be over fast and painless.

“Dad wait, don’t shoot,” Luke responds fast
pulling the gun down to the floor.

“I tried stitching him up, it’s rough but it
really helped with the bleeding, give him some time and he might
get better, please just three days, that’s all I ask you,” Luke
said stressing.

“He can’t do anything right, he didn’t bring
those two girls, that should have been a fairly easy task!” The man
says angrily.

“Now we will never get those supplies!” The
man said with spit as he shouts it out.

“It’s ok, I will go get them, I will even get
the supplies if there is no one else, we don’t know that, maybe
that’s what Roy tried and then there were more than just the two
girls at home,” Luke responds calmly, hoping to convince his dad
not to shoot Roy.

“No, get Roy back up his feet! He will do the
task given to him! Not You!” His eyes are red, with veins sticking
through under his skin on his forehead, a clear sign that he is
extremely angry.

“Sure no problem, I will have him up and
ready in no time,” Luke said, with relieve that his dad is at least
giving him the opportunity to recover.

Luke grabs some thin fishing line and a thick
needle, adding more stitches one by one trying to cover up more of
the wounds and trying to redo the ones he did bad, its seems to be
working nicely though it will leave some bad scars as the stitching
is still embarrassingly bad.

Jason slips in by the front door and trips
slightly over a piece of string alerting both Luke and his dad with
tiny bells, both of them hide in two different spots, Luke’s dad
ready to fire and Luke ready to attack from behind the door where
his brother is resting. Jason finds its strange that there isn’t
even a peep, only some coughing, he can tell that must be the one
that is injured the other two might be outside in the back, Jason
approach the room and enter, gun ready and aiming, he walks up all
the way to the man resting there in his own bloody sheets.

Jason takes the pillow from beneath his head
and applies it gently over the man’s head applying pressure; Luke
finds his opportunity and rushes in to hit Jason over the head with
a piece of pipe Luke carries around. Jason turns around quickly and
feels solid pains rushing to his brain and before he could respond
another blow to the skull, turning everything black.

“What happened?” the older man asked.

“He showed up, this must be Jason,” Luke
said, feeling guilty that two blows that hard might kill him,
though Jason seems fine.

“That’s good that means we are back in
business to get those supplies,” The old man said happily.

“Just make sure you get Roy back up and
completing his task as soon as possible,” With a big smile on the
old man’s face clearly happy.

“No worries, the bleeding nearly stopped
entirely he just need to recover now,” Luke said, also showing some
happiness not because Jason showed up but his brother has some
extra time now.

Luke drags Jason to the basement before he
opens the door he ties Jason’s hands and feet with a piece of rope,
unlocking the basement door, dragging him down the stairs, busy
unlocking a gate, he drags Jason’s move less body into the cage.
Luke locks everything the cage and the basement door, he moves an
old clock in front of the door just in case and set more strings to
alert them if they ever had to try and escape, he also sets a
string to the door, as soon as it opens the bells will go of, Luke
goes to the front to reset the string Jason tripped, best to have
everything ready, before they get ambushed.

“Time to get up,” As Maggie yawns loud and

“We are waiting for you,” As Jacky replies

Maggie jumps up with excitement wanting to
know how she feels, if she is feeling any better, can she walk, is
there anything that she could do for her, Maggie waits for her to
answer but instead it was told not to worry everything will be

“I feel better, really I do and yes I can
walk I walked earlier to the bathroom all by myself and I met your
new friend, I was skeptical at first but she seems like a nice
person,” Jacky said calmly with a smile.

“Oh it’s good to hear you are feeling better,
where is Ashley now anyways?” Maggie asked with a big smile on her
face full of energy.

“She went down stairs to check how it is
outside, she told me that we were surrounded but the entire horde
moved down the road or well most of them,” Jacky said with her eyes
slightly closed, it’s clear, she hasn’t regained all her strength
yet, not in the way she wanted Maggie to believe.

“I better go check on her to, I will be right
back,” As Maggie gets up walking to the door, worried about Jacky
she doesn’t look very well, go figure who would feel well after an
injury like that, especially after all the commotion, it must have
been really stressful on her.

Maggie walks down the stairs, and opens the
front door looking past the wall slightly, right and left, she can
see a few crawling around, the stench in the air of human flesh
burning due to explosion and fire makes Maggie nauseous, sad to see
that some of them is still alive, even worse to think that they
might still feel pain.

Maggie doesn’t see Ashley anywhere and isn’t
in the mood to go look for her, Maggie sighs and as she turns
around gets a big freight from Ashley, that was actually in the
lower apartments trying to scavenge some food.

“Morning, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you
like that, it’s impossible to find food, I looked across the street
by a few houses also checked here in the apartments and got
absolutely nothing,” While Ashley sighs multiple times as she is
really hungry, you could actually hear her stomach growling like
some type of beast that lives in there.

“Morning, you know, you won’t find anything
as my dad got pretty much everything and he took everything we
could use, medical, food, fuel and anything that can be used as a
weapon, sorry but we will have to go and look somewhere else, we
can go look at my house if it’s safe, maybe, there is still food
left,” Maggie said just staring at Ashley.

“Sure ok, let’s do that maybe there is some
that he didn’t take, I realized when he told us to go outside that
the car he had was loaded with stuff,” Ashley said silently,
staring back at Maggie.

“We better get going then, it’s the only way
we will find out, don’t worry its really close by,” Maggie said,
looking slightly concerned, her dad will be really angry when he
gets back especially if they got robbed, the last person that
robbed him, well, he nearly beaten that guy and his friends to

Sneaking and passing these things, finally
arriving at the house, it took a lot longer than expected, simple
reasons, there was just a lot more of those things than expected, a
few close calls and a few times we had to wait for them to pass by,
but here we are Maggie bragged with pride, it might not look like
much now but it used to be one of the best looking homes in the
block, sadly it got somewhat destroyed due to all the attacks.

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