The End (4 page)

Read The End Online

Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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I am surprised how easy that was surely the
easiest thus far, 95thSt is, at least clear, I am sure I can sit
down for a while just for a few seconds to catch my breath, sitting
down playing with a can of soda. Emma catch a glance of the person
sitting in the street right on the corner of their garden short
blonde haired, skinny as hell guy, before Emma describe this person
to William she asks him a few questions just to be sure and maybe
with luck this will be the person he was looking for this Danny
person. She starts asking William her questions, how old is Danny,
what color is his hair, what shape is he in? Blonde, 23 and skinny
yet fit, why what do you care?

Emma ignores the question making sure it’s
safe, she moves the objects away from the door, she whispers over
to Danny, getting a freight, Danny freezes and just keeps staring
at her, she is pretty good looking but not his taste, he is gay
after all, she asks him to stand up and remove the jersey just to
make sure there is no weapon on him. She knows the importance to
check for weapons more clearly but she isn’t scared and takes the
risk of inviting him.

Entering the house the very first person he
sees is William tied up over excitement he starts pulling the tape
off. Emma knows her mother will be angry but fact is William did
not lie and nothing is keeping him from leaving. With hugs and
kisses it’s weird for Emma to see this, she feels a little queasy,
who would have known this man is gay he surely doesn’t look like a
guy that will like another guy, oh well life sure is strange and

9 Am it’s been an extremely long night
William is dead tired he needs some quality rest, maybe the
headache will go away, on another note William wants to continue he
believes he has a very good plan and if Emma and her family are
willing enough to come with then it’s even better. The location is
perfect and safety insured, so I am sure they might agree if they
do then that’s a major bonus we will still need the help of other
to make it the ideal location for settling down. Anyone else tired
of survival will also be welcome to join us there for either a good
break or simply staying there its free for them to decide the more
we can gather the better everything will be.

If I sleep now we can travel at night but I
am almost 100% certain that Emma will not agree at all then, it's
either now or tomorrow it’s hard to say, the problem might be with
her mother as well she looks extremely over protective a very
scared person. William sit down and starts eating the sandwiches
Emma made for all of them, it’s really good but I don’t feel that
hungry so I will only eat half, Danny must be hating this, he hates
the taste and smell of Marmite, still he will eat it not to be

William finishes his sandwich before he gets
up and introduces his plan to Emma; the big plan is to go to Fort
Taylor, I can see what you mean by this but Key west still holds a
lot of citizens with just five of us we will surely be overwhelmed
by big groups, it’s too risky I can’t go there neither can my
family if we were more then maybe, Emma replies with a skew look on
her face.

We can’t stay here and neither can you, I
have seen them, they are only getting more and more and spreading
out in the streets by the masses sooner or later they will reach
this street in particular and before you know it this street will
be overrun by them. I can truly say I was lucky to get here, I went
from house to house it was the only way I can be safe and keep my
distance from them, Danny looks stressed all over again but at
least his with William this makes things a lot better.

Wait you didn’t let me finish, yes Fort
Taylor is the goal for now and that will be the destination but
that’s not the real goal, Fort Jefferson is it’s surrounded with
ocean. We just need to set up preparation at Key West Fort Taylor
then we can be off, I still want to cover and barricade the place
up as much as possible. Just for in case any other survivors come
by, then, at least, they too can have safety even if it’s not much,
of course every now and then we can go check on Taylor just to make
sure, if someone is there then we can maybe bring them to Jefferson
of course we will consider the safety first before allowing any
strangers to stay with us.

We can barricade all entrances at Fort Taylor
when we get there to make sure we are safe this can’t take too long
once we are done there we can then start gathering much-needed
supplies food water and other items that will support us to stay at

There are still plenty of resources we can
take with us, it will be perfect, think about it for a minute we
can easily handle them if it’s just one or two after all we are
four grown adults. We can have the perfect set up, if we do it like
this we can get more people and fact and you know it is, we are
stronger if we have the numbers, this will be safe for your
daughter for all of us and possible for others too we just need to
find them. Another point to consider, Fort Taylor is a large
tourist attraction there might just be more survivors, sure there
could also be more infected but we won’t know until we have seen
with our very own eyes.

Ok just stop talking you do have a solid
point let us decide about this, you will have to leave the room so
I can talk to my mother about this in private and please do
understand when we don’t want to go, if we can agree we will go, if
we don’t then don’t even try anything else, William agrees and goes
to the kitchen with Danny.

We need to be sure this is going to work, yes
we don’t know him but everything he told us have been the truth he
didn’t lie about the person he was looking for and with any luck
and this does work out, it can be safe for my daughter and your
granddaughter, we can make it safe, we can have food and sleep in
peace every night without too many worries, those are solid
buildings and not even storms will bother much, I don’t agree that
it will be easy but like said if we put in the effort it shouldn’t
be a problem, Susan trying hard to explain to Emma.

Well I didn’t say no to begin with Emma
replies loudly; I think it’s a wonderful idea it might just work
maybe not Taylor, but I like the idea of going to Jefferson, the
trip will be hard, the road has too many abandoned cars that will
surely slow us down.

Of course, thus, we only need to get to the
beach and find a boat that will save us a lot of time and that will
keep the danger to a limit. I don’t like the idea of going to Fort
Taylor then spend time there to barricade the entrance then also
sleep there for the night. Emma thinks hard before she walks over
to the kitchen to give William her answer, we can go with you but
only if you agree we go to Fort Jefferson first, we should secure
this first, between the two forts, Fort Jefferson will be the
safest bet, not Taylor we can take the supplies we have now it’s
not much, but it will be enough to last us today including
tomorrow. If we go tonight we can possibly have everything ready,
then I will assist you to set up Fort Taylor tomorrow but Sally
will remain with my mother at Fort Jefferson she is too young for
this and my mother is too old to be of any real help.

William understands and the sleep will be
good he agrees, he feels very tired anyways, we will go there first
with boat, I overheard your conversation with your mother it will
be the fastest way to travel. You should get everything ready, take
what you need we will help you guys pack, we need the following,
blankets, mattresses, food and then a fast stop to get more water,
clean water from well any café I highly doubt they would steal
water that’s the last thing a thief will think about.

11 Am everything is packed and everyone is
ready to go but there is one problem they won’t be able to carry
all of these things and this was the exact reason why Fort Taylor
was first so they can gather what is needed there. We will just
have to make it much faster a faster trip to the beach, we will
have to take the car, and there is still space for driving not much
but enough. On arrival we just need to find a boat fast and hope
there is a key or we leave most of these things behind and just
take the food and warm clothing. Susan disagrees immediately you
might as well leave me right here, I will not go and sleep on the
floor my back will never handle that, you can make your pick it’s
me or everything we have now.

Well that give us no option does it now, we
will go with your car it’s a lot more risky but it’s really our
only hope to get all of this stuff there. They start sneaking the
goods out of the house and from a distance some of the infected
notices them and starts walking over slowly, William notice them
and remains calm only telling the others to hurry up. It doesn’t
seem they know we are here its not very clear, they might be coming
our way or simply coming this way because they are simply facing
this direction, it’s too far to judge from this distance.

Sally gets in the car, she is a very calm and
a quiet girl she doesn’t speak much, from time to time you hear her
playing with her dolls even that being very quiet for her age. I am
so used that they make constant noise, William settles in the car
and starts it, everyone is calm and watching their surroundings
carefully its nerve breaking when you don’t know what will happen,
ok let’s go, Emma replies softly no point for waiting. As soon as
the car starts reversing the infected start running they are
normally slow but at running speed pretty fast, this is new they
didn’t move this fast at first, Danny thought to himself, they
wasn’t this fast when they were chasing us, it’s strange, the
infected is left behind in the distant as they gain speed, until
they weren’t seen at all.

Arriving at Miami Shores everyone takes a
moment to realize all the dead bodies on the beach as well as in
the water, a few boats that drifted away it's too distant to reach
and there is no time for a swim either, everyone is well convinced
that whatever they are or might be they will be right behind them
in large groups it’s hard to tell the only ones here is the few
standing around on the beach and nearby streets, we can be happy as
they seem pretty far, good thing they weren’t attracted with all
the noise this car made.

William hits the steering wheel in
frustration, there is nothing here, we have to do something we will
have to swim to the nearest one before they catch up, looking
confused Danny replies calmly “that’s crazy we can’t do that, you
even gave me the guide that says Florida has a high shark attacks,
with all this food in the water it might be worse, besides from
that who wants to go in water that has dead bodies drifting around,
dead bodies that possibly had the virus”

He is right you know, we can’t take the
chance here we need to somewhere else there is many stretches of
beaches here and many owners that have boats, we can’t risk it, if
this is the case you might as well take us home Emma says
furiously, ok fine we should drive alongside the beach and see what
we can find.

A few minutes later, they surely did find a
boat and from the looks of it, It’s not very reliable with such a
far distance to cover William highly doubt this little boat will
have the potential to take them even a quarter way of their
journey. Still he can’t stress enough of how many there could be,
especially if there is more on the way, this boat was their only
hope, after struggling a few minutes just to get it started they
are finally of, they stick close to the shores, no one will want to
get in these waters if the boat had to die on them.

Damn it this thing is just getting slower and
slower, at least, we made it to the Plantation Key its already
starting to get dark, however, we will find a new boat later I am
sure we can find something good better and hopefully faster.

After tying the boat down the group agreed to
stay on the boat it's more heat and most likely is safer on the
water than out there on the land. We were over our heads to think
we will reach our destination in little as one day, I can hear them
scream, you hardly hear them during the day, at night it can really
sound horrible, making it hard to sleep during all the noise. Just
thinking of all the people that died is just heartbreaking, to make
the feeling worse none of us will see our families ever again I am
sure everyone in this group already knows that or, at least,
believe that.

The night is haunting with all the screaming
it gets louder from time to time, but they will never reach us, the
rocking of the boats have me feeling sick the water splashing
against this rubbish of a rift raft boat make it only worse, I am
certain that at any moment I will vomit, Danny thought to

Danny moves over to the edge of the boat with
some blanket covering his legs, it’s just a precaution will be rude
to vomit in the boat where everyone is sleeping, feeling hot Danny
knows this is not normal it’s supposed to be freezing by this time,
don’t even know the time my wrist watch is broken or the battery
died. Leaning on the edge of the boat thinking of random fun things
he used to do with William a few minutes later Danny finally falls

The pain is unbearable; I can’t believe she
bit me like that just out of the blue; I can’t let my father see,
it will cause too many problems he might just even kill her just
like he killed my little brother, it’s hard to believe that he was
capable of killing his own son so easily. This cold only makes the
pain worse I better get a piece of cloth and wrap it up or maybe I
should write a note explaining my actions, fetch his gun and just
shoot myself.

Why did she do that, she is fine and still
she said sorry afterward, I can’t believe my family came to all
this, my family was high classed and known to many sure my father
have beaten my mother before, still he will have never gone this
far, yet he did.

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