The Dating List (22 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

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"Right mom. And I'm not choosing yellow. Not fond of
yellow. It's a hard color to wear. And I wouldn't do anything to
keep Delia out of the wedding party."

Janice made a face but kept eating. "The carrots are

Carrie sighed.

"What color did you have in mind for the
bridesmaids?" Leah asked, cutting a piece of potato with her

"Raspberry or turquoise. Those are universal colors.
They look good on everybody, right, kid?" Delia piped up.

Carrie nodded, chewing her meat slowly.

"You should let her decide, Delia. After all, it is
wedding. You've had one and from what I've heard…have a
number of men lined up for number two."

Delia dropped her fork and knife with a clatter. Grey
winced at the loud noise.

"I don't know what people have been telling you, but
I'm not about to get married. No man can equal Jackson Tucker –
present company excluded, of course."

"My brother was an amazing man," Harv put in.

"Not that I couldn't have my choice of a second
husband. Believe me, there are plenty of men interested…"

"I'm sure they've been busy sampling the goods
first," Janice said.

"Can I help it if I'm a desirable woman? You make
that sound like a bad thing, Janice. How's your sex life, anyway?
Probably a bit dried up, I'd imagine."

Several people at the table gasped. Colin put his
head down, focusing on his food. Leah blushed while Carrie

"Mom, Delia, please."

"Tell us all about it, Delia. Any pointers? I'm sure
the younger people at the table would benefit from

"Are you asking, Janice? Because if you are, I'd be
happy to give you some advice, privately. I know how to please a
man. Do you?"

"Delia!" Carrie gasped.

"And so do you, Carrie. Obviously or you wouldn't be
about to marry this fabulous sexy man sitting here," Delia

Grey could feel the color start up his neck.
Delia, are you drunk?

"How about those Knicks?" Colin asked.

"My husband is perfectly satisfied, aren't you,
Harv?" Janice stuck her chin out.

Harvey turned bright red but kept eating.

"I prefer the Nets actually, Colin," Harvey said,
training his gaze on his food.

"Maybe Harv would rather not talk…maybe he's getting
his satisfaction…elsewhere," Delia commented.

"Delia!" Carrie stood up.

"Down girl, I'm just teasing my brother-in-law. No
harm, no foul, right, Harv?"

Delia waved her hand at Carrie.

Can't tell if she's gonna faint or slug Delia.

Janice turned pale, she blinked back tears. Everyone
at the table silently finished their food. Carrie put her arm
around her mother's shoulders.


"I think I've had enough. I'm full," Janice said,

"But Janice, gingerbread cake…"

"I'm sure Carrie will wrap a piece to go, won't you,

Carrie nodded. Harvey took his plate to the kitchen
where Carrie was wrapping his cake.

"And one for mom, too. I'm so sorry, Dad."

He patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, Bunny. Your mom
started it. She should know by now that Delia always wins. Sorry we
ruined your party."

Grey took their coats out of the coat closet and met
them at the door. They left quietly. No one at the table spoke.
Grey offered more wine and everyone had a refill. After a generous
sip, Delia spoke up.

"I'm sorry Carrie…everyone. I went too far. I didn't
mean to disrupt the party, but Janice gets under my skin. I hope I
didn't embarrass anyone too badly. Oh, Grey! I'm so very sorry. You
turned a brilliant shade of raspberry."

That made everyone laugh.

"Grey's reputation precedes him," Colin said.

Grey shot his brother a look.
Shut up or you'll be
eating baby food for a month.

"It's over. I hope you'll all enjoy the gingerbread
cake. It's Delia's recipe," Carrie said.

Delia took a hard look at Colin, then at Leah.

"Haven't seen her so happy in ages. Hmm, I think
maybe Colin has some of the same…uh…
his brother

Colin blushed while everyone cracked up.

"More wine?" Grey asked, brandishing a large bottle
of Cabernet.

Chapter Fourteen


Saturday night, last night of Spring Break,
New York City

Colin toweled his hair, standing naked in the
bathroom of the luxury apartment owned by Leah's friend. The
bathroom was toasty, the mirrors well fogged by the long shower
shared by the lovers. Leah sat on the edge of the tub, wringing her
hair out.

He rubbed a bit of the mirror and examined his face
in the small spot. "Do I need a shave?"

"This cocktail party is important. Perhaps you
should. I like you scruffy but maybe the folks at Kensington State

She ambled over and ran her hand along his cheek.

"You liked it a few minutes ago…when it was rubbing
up against you."

Leah blushed.

She's even prettier when she blushes.

"Yeah. But this is your life, your career, your

"Some dream. Turned down flat."

"What exactly did the dean say?"

"He said they offered the job to someone else."

"Maybe that person won't be any good and they'll hire
you next semester when they throw this guy out for…for," she
stopped to think, tapping her chin, "for sleeping with

He laughed. "I'd never do that!"

"Especially not the wrestling team!" Leah wound a
towel around her chest.

"Hey, you're spoiling the view." He tugged on the

"We have to get ready." Leah scooted out of his

"Why are we going to this thing anyway?" He called

Leah returned wearing matching white lace panties and
bra. "Because it's important for your career. Don't burn any
bridges, Colin. You never know."

"Oh yeah? I know one thing. I didn't get the

"And that means you can come with me to Paris! Not a
bad trade-off."

He grabbed her middle, pulling her in for a hug.

"Not bad at all. I suppose you're right. I need to
keep up my contacts. Besides, free booze and food. How bad could
that be?"

Leah left the bathroom and returned momentarily with
a box in her hand.

"What's this?"

"A little present I bought you."

He raised an eyebrow.

"It's a new tie to wear tonight."

"I have to wear a tie?"

"You don't want to appear to be a hick, do you?
You've got a sport coat, right? You need this tie."

He bent down and kissed her. "You think of
everything. Thanks."

He opened the box to reveal a stunning narrow-striped
tie in teal and dark purple. "Wow! Subtle. I like it."

"Perfect with your eyes, coloring."

"You're the fashion expert. Are you going like that?
Because if you are, no one will want to talk to me."

She laughed. "Put something on, sexy man, or we'll
never get there."

"Okay, okay."

When he was dressed, he turned to see Leah enter from
the bathroom where she was applying her makeup. She wore a pink
cashmere dress that clung to her luscious body. The scooped neck
revealed some cleavage. Gold earrings and bracelet finished off the
outfit. Colin gave a low whistle.

"You're gorgeous. Really. No one is going to notice
me at all."

She hugged his middle, raising her chin for his


"I'm telling the truth. You look amazing."

She will be the prettiest woman there. And she's
mine…at least for a while.

They hopped in a cab and got out at 68
Street halfway between Park Avenue and Madison Avenue. Colin
offered his hand to Leah to help her from the cab. Gold letters
spelling out
University Club
on a brick townhouse drew their

They stopped for a second. Colin took a big breath.
His hands had been dry but now his palms grew damp.
Damn! I'm
going to be shaking a million hands.
He plucked his
handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his hands. Leah stood in front
of him to straighten his tie.

"You look very handsome…and so…so…professorial."

A smile curled his lips. "Nice try. I hate these
things. They always make me nervous."

"You'll be great. And you're not alone. I can handle
any party. Let's go."

They joined hands and pressed the buzzer. A
butler-type opened the door and Colin showed him the invitation.
They stepped inside, into another world.

The townhouse was old. The ceiling in the foyer was
low, Colin ducked his head instinctively. Through an archway to
their right was a beautiful room, painted sin red with white trim.
Even the ceiling was red. A fire graced the stone fireplace, the
glow reflected off the walls. Several comfortable chairs and two
loveseats were scattered around the room. Silver platters of fancy
canapés sat on the dark wood coffee table and sideboard. Men and a
few women stood around with mixed drinks or glasses of white wine
in their hands.

"The bar is right through that doorway," the butler
pointed toward another archway to the left in the red room.

Colin grasped Leah's hand and started toward the arch
when he heard his name called.

"Colin Andrews!"

He turned to see tall, slim Mac Caldwell heading his
way. Grateful for a friendly face, Colin smiled back at the dean.
Mac extended his hand and Colin took it.

"Who is this lovely lady?"

Mac's bright blue eyes took in all of Leah in a
friendly, polite way. Colin made the introductions and Mac shook
her hand, too.

"Come let's get you a drink."

They followed Mac to the bar. The room wasn't crowded
but it wasn't empty, either. People milled around; some engrossed
in lively conversation while others moved from small group to small
group. Leah took a glass of white wine, Colin took red. They
followed Mac to a group of four important-looking men.

"I want you to meet our president, John

Mac made introductions. Colin was suddenly shy in
front of the silver-haired man who exuded confidence.

"Mac tells me that in addition to being an
Environmental scholar, you're a crackerjack wrestling coach."

"I've been fortunate to lead winning teams for the
last three years."

"That's impressive. What's your secret?"

"Hard work."

John Lawrence laughed.

"Yours or theirs?"


They laughed together.

"I'd love to have wrestling at Kensington State.
Seems this fall it's not going to happen but hang in there. Don't
lose faith. There's always next year."

Colin worked to keep a look of disappointment off his
face while the president turned to resume his conversation with the
others in his group.
Idiot! What did you think? He's going to
fire the guy they just hired and give you the job? He wanted to
meet you or Caldwell wanted him to meet you. But it means nothing.
Relax. You're going to Paris with the woman of your dreams. Forget
the rest.

"You handled that well," Dean Caldwell said, patting
Colin on the back.


"There's some great hot food in the room over there
if you're hungry. I've got a couple of new arrivals I've got to
greet. Be back soon."

Behind them was another archway leading to another
room painted robin's egg blue, also with white trim. A table laden
with food got Colin's attention.
Might as well drown my sorrow
In the center of the table was a huge bowl with the
biggest cold shrimp he'd ever seen. On either side were chafing
dishes. He snuck a peek when someone opened the one nearest to him
and he spied tiny meatballs. His mouth began to water and his
stomach to growl. He took Leah's hand.

"Let's eat. I'm starved. Meatballs!"

Leah handed him a plate and took one for herself. He
piled up shrimp, meatballs, egg rolls and tiny quiche on this

"Take human portions, Colin. You don't want to look
like a pig."

Looking down, he noticed his plate was overflowing.
Quickly he popped a quiche in his mouth and chewed. Then he
skewered two meatballs on a plastic toothpick and ate them.

"Better?" He mumbled.


Colin guided her to a corner where they stood,
eating, drinking and watching the crowd.
I hate parties where I
don't know anyone. We should leave.

"Finish up and let's go. I don't belong here."

"Wait! The Dean said he was coming back." Leah put
her hand on his arm.

"I'm not hired, not part of the university. I
shouldn't be here."

"Don't assume everyone else is hired here either,
Colin. You were invited and have every right to be here."

She patted his arm. A man about forty with red hair
wandered in their direction.

"Scott Plainfield, new in Environmental Science," he
said, sticking out his hand.

Colin shook it but couldn't find his voice.
guy who got my job?
Leah nudged him in the ribs.

"Oh, uh…Colin Andrews, and this is Leah Golden."

"What's your field or is the beautiful babe the one
with the university?"

"She's not a
!" Colin's brow furrowed. The
creep of anger stained his cheeks.

"Sorry, sorry. Right. Who's got the connection?"

"Neither one. We are guests of Dean Caldwell," Leah

"Oh. I see."

"I see you've met Colin Andrews and his lovely lady,
Scott," Dean Caldwell said.

Colin looked at his watch.
I gotta get outta

"Hate to rush off, but we've got a dinner

"Don't leave on my account," Scott said.

"Colin is an Environmental Science scholar, too,
Scott. Thought you might have something in common."

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