The Dating List (20 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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"Wouldn't that be wonderful! If you stayed…"

Leah clasped her hands together, her eyes danced with

"If I stayed, we could get married…or something," he

She stopped and looked at him. Suddenly silence hung
heavily in the air.

"Married?" She asked, cocking her head at him.

"Just…only if I stayed…I mean, otherwise we'd be
living together forever…and married is better…isn't it? I
mean…wouldn't you?"

Leah put her fingers on his lips. He stopped

"We've only been seeing each other for three

"To some people, three months is a lifetime. I
already know how I feel, Leah. You don't have to say anything," he
said, placing his fingers on her lips. "In fact, please don't. I'm
not saying we should get married or have to get married. But I'd be
a liar if I didn't confess that I know my mind about this."

"Do you? So young?"

"I'm not so young. Plenty of people…men, get married
younger than I am. I've been waiting for a woman like you…forever.
Now you're here."

"You don't want to wait anymore?"

"Why should I? I'm an adult. I know my own mind."

"Wish I could be as sure as you are that you won't
someday find a younger woman and…"

"That will never happen. No one could equal you,
Leah." He took her in his arms.

She sighed, resting her head against his

"We don't have to talk about that now. Let's watch
that movie you wanted to see."

Change the subject. Subtle. Not! Can't lose her.

"Let's call your parents and tell them."

"My parents? Why?"

"Why not? Won't they be happy for you to go to

"Don't know." Sweat formed in his palm.

Shit! No, they won't, not with you.

Leah picked up his phone and pressed the button that
dialed the Andrews family. Colin snatched the phone away but not
before his mother picked up.

"Colin? Everything okay?"

"Yeah." His stomach tightened.

Leah made motions with her hands.

"Is there something you want to say to me?"

"I guess. I didn't get the job at Kensington

"I'm so sorry, dear."

"But…instead…I'm…uh…going to Paris."


"Yup, Paris. With Leah."

His mother's gasp was loud.

"You're following her to Paris? For good?"

"We're going together. Just for the summer. July.
August. Then back for school." He spoke quickly.

"Oh. I see." There was a long pause. "Staying with
her, I suppose?"

"Of course." He wiped his palm on his pants.

"Well…have a good time."

"I'm not going until after Grey's wedding."

"Then there's time…" She stopped.

"Time for what?" Colin cut in.

"To change your mind?"

"What! You don't get it, do you? Goodbye, Mom." Colin
snapped his phone shut while anger filled his heart. Leah sat back
against the sofa and stared at him.

"She wasn't happy?"

He shook his head.
Last thing I want to do is
"How about that movie?" Colin picked up the remote

"Is something wrong?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." Colin began switching
channels. "What was the name of that movie again?"

. Doesn't your mother like

"Sure she likes you. There it is. Starting in five
minutes." He avoided her gaze.

"Then what?" She stared at him.

"Can't we watch the movie and forget about my

your parents? They don't approve of
you…sleeping with me?" Leah placed her hand on his forearm.

Shit, she's on the scent.
"Not exactly a
mother and son topic."

"I don't understand." She raised her shoulders.

Colin turned off the television.

"Look…it doesn't matter to me what my parents think.
I love you, Leah. I want to be with you. Nothing will ever change
that. If they're a little old fashioned, well, they'll get over

"Old fashioned? About…oh! I see. The age thing?
Right, right." She nodded.

He pulled her into his embrace and switched on the
television again.

"Watching the movie and forgetting about my

She peered up at him. "Sure?"

"Not a doubt in my mind."

When she snuggled closer to him, resting her head on
his chest, Colin pulled up the fleece blanket, covering them. She
sighed as he stroked her hair.

"Can I tell Carrie?"

"Why not?" A small smile curled his lips.
wants to tell everyone. A good sign.

He focused on the movie while Leah dialed.




Grey and Carrie were sitting in front of a roaring
fire, looking at hotel brochures for their honeymoon when Carrie's
phone rang.

"Hi," She rejoined Grey on the sofa.

He slipped his arm around her, hugging her to him.
She rested her shoeless feet on the coffee table and leaned back
against him.

"What?" Carrie bolted upright, snagging Grey's
attention from the brochure in his hand.

"Really? That's wonderful!" A huge smile spread
across her face.

She nodded twice. "Tell Colin I don't care, I'm
telling Grey. Right, right. Uh huh. Perfect!"

A frown furrowed Grey's brow.

"We'll celebrate when he comes down for spring break.
Love you, too, hon."

Carrie clicked her phone closed. Her eyes danced

"What? Give!" He closed his fingers around a
sensitive spot on her waist and squeezed.

Carrie jumped and squealed. "I should never have let
you find that spot." She twisted around trying to pry his fingers
off but Grey was too strong for her.

"And I'll never forget it…" He grinned. "What are you
keeping secret? Tell me and I'll let go."

"It's not a secret. Bad news…Colin didn't get the job
at Kensington. Good news, Leah asked him to go to Paris with her
for the summer."

Grey slid his hand up from her waist to the back of
her head. He drew her toward him for a kiss.

"Colin's going to Paris with Leah?" He asked when
their lips parted.

She nodded.

"Wow!" He gave an air pump. "Way to go, little
brother! She's his, she's his. He's got her. Gotta hand it to him.
That old Andrews charm. Women don't stand a chance."

"You're so sure of yourself." She said, laughing.

"Not over-confident…maybe you could say…hopeful?
Persistent? I got you, didn't I?"


"Now it's Colin's turn to get the lady of his dreams.
We'll be in Paris at the same time."

"We will?"

"Paris is the most romantic place in late June. And
this hotel, here, has me salivating. Come and look at what it's
got, honey. Just you and me…and all the romance one guy can handle.

He pretended to fan himself.

"You are so into this…"

"Hey, you've got more than enough help with the
wedding. The honeymoon is more my style," he snickered, his gaze
traveling the length of her body. "Gonna bring any of Leah's
outfits with you?"

"My honeymoon trousseau is a secret." She shot him a
wicked grin.

He stuck out his lower lip.

"I need to have some surprises left for the wedding
night, don't I?"

"Every night with you is like a wedding night,
honey." He pulled her close for a kiss which became passionate
quickly, until Carrie's cell phone rang again.

"Okay, but just for an hour, mom. I have…uh…edits to
do." Carrie stared at Grey and licked her lips.

"Your mother's coming over?"

"She has a brochure of flower arrangements and fabric
samples for bridesmaids' dresses."

"What does Delia think of all this?"

"She threw up her hands. So I said mom could have the
final say on food because that was her field and Delia on clothes
because that's her field."

"So why is your mother coming her with fabric
samples? And who handles the flowers?"

"Because mom can't take direction from Delia or me.
And the flowers. Hell, I forgot to assign those. The groom's family
is supposed to supply those. Since I haven't heard from your
parents, I guess I'll assign them to mom. I'm getting pretty fed up
with her…"

"Oh, no! If my family is supposed to handle flowers,
then I'm calling my mom right now. Do
let your mother do
that. I don't want her messing with my mom. This could turn into
World War Three…"

The doorbell rang before Grey could finish. Grey
whispered in her ear as she was pushing to her feet.

"Las Vegas."

She chuckled as she folded her cashmere cardigan
sweater around her body before she opened the door to the cold air
outside. Janice didn't wait for a greeting but barged right in,

"I know you want everyone to look good but the only
one who has to look good is the bride…and the mother of the bride,
of course. So if you put all the others in yellow, no one will
outshine you…"

"Hi, mom, I'm fine, how are you?" Carrie rolled her
eyes, closed the door behind her mother and followed her into the
kitchen. Janice plunked right down and pulled out a large envelope
from the bag she was carrying.

"Got any coffee?"

"Coming right up." Carrie picked up the empty pot
under the coffeemaker.

Janice turned to address Grey. "By the way, Harvey
wants to get theater tickets for next Thursday night. Our treat.
Grey are you two available?"

Grey pulled out his phone to check his calendar. "I'm
going to be in Boston then but you go ahead, Carrie."

His fiancée shot him a "thanks a lot" look behind her
mother's back.

"Boston, again?" Janice raised her eyebrows.

"The deal I'm…uh…closing has hit a few snags. Sorry,
babe. I won't be more than a day or two."

"Every day without you is like an eternity," Carrie
said, stopping to plant a kiss on his cheek.

Grey smiled. "You say the sweetest things."

"For a man so in love, you seem to be trekking up to
Boston quite a bit."

His palms started to sweat, heat crept up his neck
into his cheeks.
Damn, she's nosy! Thank God Carrie's not paying
any attention.

"Gotta keep the money rolling in for my future

Lame, totally lame. Get outta here before you blow it
completely. Janice isn't buying this at all.

"Not that I'm not interested, but I hope you'll
excuse me. I have some paperwork to take care of before tomorrow. I
leave you in good hands."

The smell of freshly brewing coffee almost lured him
back. Grey frowned at his future mother-in-law.
Damn your hide.
If you weren't so impossible, I'd stay, join in this a little bit.
If I didn't know better, I'd say Carrie was adopted.

Grey got up and moved towards the stairs. Carrie
stopped him to whisper in his ear.

"Call me upstairs in about twenty minutes."

He nodded and gave her a pat on the rear end. Carrie
returned to the kitchen. As he ascended the stairs, Janice's voice
rang out loud and clear.

"Aren't you worried he flits off to Boston all the
time? What's he up to? Is it really business?"

Shut the hell up, Janice. You'll ruin
He shook his head as he closed the bedroom

Chapter Thirteen


A Friday night in April, New York City

Bon jour
, Mademoiselle," Colin said, bowing
as Leah joined him in the lobby of Nina's building. Leah was
apartment sitting again and this week, Colin was joining her.
Spring break, Easter parade, Central Park overflowing with
daffodils all made this a romantic week. Leah was looking forward
to Colin's arrival.

She giggled at his French greeting. Lance, the
doorman, gave Colin a quizzical stare.

"Practicing, my man, practicing," Colin said.

"We're going to Paris together, Lance…at the end of

"How exciting!" Lance picked up Colin's small
suitcase and carried it over to the elevator.

"Don't do that. I can manage."

"Happy to help, Colin."

Leah couldn't stop grinning. She had been brushing up
her French and a visit to the French embassy provided her with
brochures on everything wonderful to do in Paris. Colin researched
sights to see. When he entered the apartment, he pulled out a big
envelope stuffed with his pages on Paris.

"Lady Jeanne has arranged for a small apartment for
me for six months, to see how I like it and how we work

"An apartment in Paris…you and me. How romantic!"
Colin picked her up and twirled her around the living room.

"Do you think we'll get out of bed long enough to see
any of these," she said, fingering the papers he dumped on the
coffee table?

"Maybe, maybe not." His mouth descended for a hungry

Leah returned his ardor, holding him tightly against

"I've missed you so much," she breathed.

Thought about you every day. Amazing man…

Colin took her hand and led her into the bedroom. He
shoved the door shut with his foot then gently picked her up and
dropped her on the bed. He toed off his shoes before climbing up on
his knees next to her. He buried his face in her neck while his
hand slipped under her sweater and covered her breast. Desire grew
in her belly as he massaged her soft flesh. She unbuttoned his
flannel shirt, gliding her hands underneath only to be impeded by a


He pulled back, shrugged the long-sleeved shirt off
his shoulders and ripped the t-shirt over his head.


"Much." Her eyes widened as she gazed at his hard
His shoulders are as wide as the Atlantic Ocean…

Running her long fingernails over his then through
the soft light brown hair there sent a shiver shooting up her
spine. A smile spread across her face when she heard him emit a low
growl and close his eyes.
Today is about pleasure for you.
Her lips sought his neck, placing tiny kisses there, moving down to
his pecs. She took a long lick of his chest, tasting him, feeling
him shiver. When she scooted over, he stretched out next to her.
She slid on top of him, straddling his hips and moved her assault
back to his neck with her mouth while the fingernails of one hand
scraped lightly down his chest.

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