Finding Her Fantasy

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Finding Her Fantasy
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 Finding Her Fantasy

Trista Ann Michaels

Published 2014

ISBN: 978-1-62210-125-2

Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass
Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © Published 2014, Trista Ann Michaels.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


Manufactured in the United States of America

Liquid Silver Books

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are
of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to
actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


After finding out the man she thought was “the one” had only wanted her money, Melinda
Hawthorn began to wither away. She turned cold and bitchy, drank more than she should,
and worked way too much. Being mega-rich wasn’t all it was cracked up to be if she
could never trust anyone. And pissing off her twin brother, the CEO of the corporation
they’d inherited from their grandfather, probably wasn’t the smartest move on her
part. Especially since she’d revealed her secret kidnapping fantasy to him in a drunken

Erik and Jon were thrilled when they got the call from Melinda’s brother to come kidnap
his sister. Melinda needed a break, and if she wouldn’t take one herself, then they
would make sure she did, and return her to her sexy, confident self at the same time.

Melinda had always had a kidnapping fantasy, but she never dreamed she’d find sharing,
spanking, bondage, and being bossed around just as sexy. Hidden away with Erik and
Jon on a beautiful seaside estate in Belize, Melinda finds out just how kinky her
fantasies can get, and Erik and Jon find out just how strong their friendship is when
they both fall for Melinda. But when a real kidnapping threatens Melinda’s life, can
they get to her in time to keep her and their growing dream of a life together alive?

Chapter 1

Melinda Hawthorn was so angry she could spit. Not that she would of course. She was
too civilized for that, but she could certainly give her twin brother, Marcus, a good
smack upside the head.

Storming past his receptionist, who to give her credit, tried her best to stop her,
Melinda threw open the double doors to her brother’s opulent office and stopped dead
in her tracks.

“Crap! Damn it, Marcus,” she snapped as she quickly turned her back.

She’d only caught a glimpse, and that had certainly been enough as her brother opened
his mouth to engulf the tip of a young woman’s pink nipple. The woman was undressed
from the waist up, her blond hair cascading down her back. Marcus, thank God, had
been fully clothed. His best friend Andrew, though, had been just off to the side,
removing his shirt.

Melinda knew exactly what had been about to happen. Marcus and Andrew had often taken
a girl here, and she should be used to it by now. It was the end of the day and most
everyone had gone home—in Marcus’ and Andrew’s minds no better time to share a willing
blonde. No wonder Marcus’ receptionist had been so insistent she wait. She really
needed to learn to listen to Sandy.

“I tried to stop her,” Sandy said in apology to Marcus.

“It’s all right, Sandy. I know how my sister can be.”

Melinda rolled her eyes and snorted softly. She liked to believe her brother didn’t
know her; unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. They’d shared a womb and a room until
they were too old to stay together. They were as close as two siblings could be. In
Melinda’s mind, sometimes too close.

Sandy sent her an apologetic look as she stepped back into the reception area. Melinda
and cringed.

“You can turn around now,” Marcus said in his usual amused tone.

Sometimes Melinda just wanted to throttle him, and now was one of those times. As
she turned, the young blonde scooted past her. Melinda didn’t give her a second glance
as she stomped forward to confront her brother.

“Did you seriously tell the CEO of Shreeport Oil that we would keep all his employees?”
she asked, pushing thoughts of the woman from her mind.

Marcus raised an eyebrow as he slowly sat down in the leather chair behind his desk.
“We’re buying them out, Melinda. That doesn’t mean we have to fire them. The employees
can be retrained.”

She shook her head. “That’s not the point. We’re merging the companies. We don’t need
that many employees.”

“We’ll run them as two separate companies.”

“Marcus,” Melinda snapped. Using her right hand, she squeezed her temples between
her thumb and forefinger.

“With the economy the way it is, I will not add to the unemployment figures by laying
those people off,” Marcus said, his words firm and allowing no argument.

Melinda knew when her brother took that tone he wouldn’t listen to anything else she
had to say on the subject.

“You’re too softhearted,” she said with a sigh.

“And you’re too much of a bitch.”

“Marcus,” Andrew cautioned from the other side of the room.

Marcus acknowledged him with a wave of his hand. “She knows I don’t mean it that way.”

“I know exactly what you mean,” she said sarcastically. “I’m a coldhearted, narrow-minded
business woman who thinks of nothing but the bottom line.”

Marcus nodded, his lips twitching slightly.

“But somebody around here has to,” she argued.

“Melinda, this company is fine.” Marcus stood and walked around the desk. Grasping
her shoulders, he gave her a gentle shake. “Relax.”

“I can’t relax. You’re killing me with your…”

She stared into her brother’s amused gray eyes and sighed. She would get nowhere with
him. She glanced over at Andrew, who thankfully had put his shirt back on but left
it partially unbuttoned. She could ignore his good looks for the most part. Andrew
was as much a brother to her as her own brother was. Unfortunately, he was no help.
He just shrugged as though to
Say don’t look at me

Marcus let go of her shoulders. “Have I or have I not done this with two other companies?
Have I or have I not turned those other two companies into a success?”

“You have, but—”

“No buts,” he replied. “Yes or no.”

She frowned and crossed her arms over her breasts. “Fine. Yes.”

Marcus nodded and moved back around to his chair. “Then trust me to do it again.”

Melinda sighed, knowing she’d lost this round.

“Melinda, you need a break. How long has it been since you’ve taken a day off?” Andrew

She turned to scowl at him for even suggesting such a thing. Andrew had been her brother’s
best friend since school. When their grandfather died and Marcus took over the company
as CEO, he’d brought Andrew along as the company lawyer. They worked well together
and had turned their grandfather’s company into a very successful corporation. They
were good at it. Melinda should really learn to trust them. But sometimes it was hard.

Andrew gave her a soft smile that lessened the lines across his forehead. He kept
his dark brown hair extremely short, which gave him a more masculine appearance. Hazel
eyes watched her with a hint of concern that she brushed off.

“I wonder that myself,” Marcus said.

“I do not need a break,” she argued, then turned to her brother’s office bar to grab
a drink.

“What the hell are you doing?” Marcus demanded as she poured a small glass of whiskey.

“I’m getting a drink,” she replied in annoyance.

Marcus walked over and took the glass from her hand.

“Hey,” she snapped, trying to grab it back.

“It’s eleven in the morning, Melinda. If that’s not a sign you need a break, I don’t
know what is. What’s gotten into you lately?”

She sighed, sagging against the counter. “I don’t know. I’m just stressed. Then add
to that walking in on your little fuck fest.” She sent her brother a scathing look
he ignored.

“We hadn’t gotten that far yet and if I recall, Sandy did try to stop you.”

Melinda snorted.

need a fuck fest,” Andrew offered.

Marcus chuckled at her look of horror.

“I most certainly do not,” she snapped as her face heated.

“When was the last time you had sex, Melinda?” Marcus asked.

Giving him her best angry look, she snapped, “That’s none of your business.”

He ignored her look and set the glass on the bar behind her. Leaning on his palm,
he studied her in his usual calculating way. “Did you ever do anything about that
kidnapping fantasy you have?”

Melinda’s mouth dropped open as the heat of a blush moved over her face. He was seriously
going to bring that up? She’d been drunk when she told him, seriously drunk, and truthfully
only half remembered doing it. She’d been mortified that she had, but until now he’d
been nice enough to not mention it. “I should’ve never told you about that.”

Marcus stood straight and held up the glass he’d just set down. “Another reason why
maybe you shouldn’t drink so much and why I should probably start.”

“I don’t drink that much,” she murmured, although to herself she could acknowledge
she had been drinking more than usual lately. “And I apologized for telling you that.”

Between all these mergers her brother was doing and the last man who’d broken her
heart, she couldn’t seem to help herself. Alcohol made her forget and that was what
she desperately needed to do, to forget.

Marcus made a snort-like noise as he set the glass back down again. “I think I would’ve
preferred to not know you remembered just like I’m sure you wished you’d listened
to Sandy and not walked in here earlier.”

Melinda’s blush deepened even more and she rolled her eyes, silently acknowledging
how much he was right. She knew her brother and Andrew did that sort of thing in here.
Didn’t mean she wanted to see it firsthand.

“Melinda,” Marcus said, his voice understanding. “I know it’s been a rough year for
you. I just think you need a break. Go somewhere tropical, exotic…hedonistic,” he
added with a grin.

Melinda rolled her eyes. “Is that all you think about?”

Marcus snickered as he strolled back to his desk. “Obviously not. Otherwise, we wouldn’t
be where we are. Rich and getting richer.” He sat on the edge of his desk and picked
up his phone.

“Stacy,” he said into the receiver and Melinda frowned. What was he doing calling
her assistant? “It’s Marcus. I’m insisting my sister take a vacation. Clear her schedule
for the next two weeks. And if she talks you into not doing it, you’re fired. It’s
that important. Are we clear?” There was a moment of silence, then, “Good. Thank you,

Marcus hung up the phone and stared at her expectantly. She glanced over at Andrew,
who looked just as surprised as she did.

“You son of a bitch,” she snarled at her brother.

Marcus raised an eyebrow. “I’m not firing you, Melinda. I’m giving you what you won’t
give yourself. A break. Now pick somewhere to go and pack a bag before I do it for

Her brother’s dominating side could seriously piss her off. “Fine,” she growled and
turned to leave.

“I’m serious, Mel,” he called from behind her. “I’m going to check and make sure you

“Jeez, Marcus,” she snapped as she turned to face him. “You want me to tell you what
I’m packing, too?”

“No. Just where you plan to go and where I can reach you so I can check in on you.”

She curled her lip. “Fuck you.”

With that, she turned and marched out of his office, choosing to ignore Andrew’s chuckle.


“She’s a spitfire, isn’t she?” Andrew said, still chuckling.

“She’s a workaholic,” Marcus replied as he watched his sister slam the door behind
her. “I’m worried about her.”

He knew that last boyfriend had really messed her up. He’d broken her heart and then
stomped on it. She didn’t trust people anymore. She was skittish, insecure at times.
He never remembered his sister being insecure. Not before the big heartbreak anyway.

The guy that had done that to her should’ve been shot, not just suffered the broken
nose he’d given him. He would’ve done a hell of a lot more if Andrew hadn’t pulled
him off the son of a bitch. He’d only been after her money, and when he’d found out
he wouldn’t get any due to the stipulations of her trust, he’d dumped her.

Their grandfather didn’t trust people either, which was why he’d included the stipulations
in both their trusts.

“You probably shouldn’t have mentioned the kidnapping thing,” Andrew chastised. “I
think you embarrassed her.”

Marcus sighed and brushed his hair from his forehead. “She needed to be embarrassed.
She scared the hell out of me that night.”

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