The Dating List (23 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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"Oh, really?"

"Yes and I coach wrestling."

"Wrestling? With a babe like that, I'd guess you
practice wrestling every night."

Leah turned pale.

Colin's hand fisted.
Control yourself, control
yourself. He's an asshole. Don't hit him.

"How dare you speak like that about Leah? If we were
somewhere else, I'd make you eat those words," Colin said in a low
voice loaded with menace.

"Apologize to the lady," Dean Caldwell said.

"I'm so sorry. My libido got the best of me."

Leah gave him a curt nod before moving closer to
Colin. He slung his arm over her shoulders then started to move
towards the door.

"I'm so sorry. That guy is an ass. You can see why I
didn't want him for the job. Hang in there, Colin. Maybe he'll
self-destruct before the spring semester."

Colin managed a small smile, shook the dean's hand,
then pulled Leah out of the University Club. He took a big breath
of crisp air.

"I needed to get out of that place before I decked
that guy. How dare he talk to you like that. Asswipe."

He hugged Leah to his side as they proceeded toward
Madison Avenue.

"Let's order in Chinese food and make love. It's our
last night of spring break. You go back to Pine Grove tomorrow."
Her lusty gaze locked with his.

"I'm there…but?"

"Men fighting over me always makes me horny," she
whispered in his ear.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Colin raised his hand
to hail a cab.




Thursday night Mid May, Pine Grove at the
Andrews home

"Set the table, dear," Colin's mother said, handing
him flatware.

"Leah's coming tomorrow?" John Andrews asked, putting
down his newspaper.

"We have to finalize plans for Paris."


"I told you, Mom. I'm going to Paris with Leah."

"Just because you didn't get that job at the
university?" John asked.

"Not exactly. Since I don't have that job, I have the
summer off. Leah invited me to come with her. I might look for a
job there, maybe teaching English, coaching wrestling…"

"Go to Paris and maybe never come back!" His mother

"Now it's only for the summer. Get a grip, Mom."

"Sounds pretty exciting, if you ask me."

"You'll be living with her there?"

"Of course. We're practically living together

"I don't need to hear that," Mary said, carrying the
salad bowl to the table.

"Then don't ask. Geez, I'm almost thirty, not three.
Get over it."

"The boy's right, Mary. Gotta let him grow up. He's a
man and a man needs a woman…"

"John! Enough! Do you both have to rub…sex…in my
face? Dinner's ready. Sit down."

The three sat down at their places at the table.
Mary's Dijon chicken was the main course, a favorite of Colin's.
Maybe Mom will give Leah the recipe before we go to Paris…maybe
when we get married. Married? No one said anything about getting

After praise for Mary's chicken, there were a few
moments of silent eating.

"What can I do to help you prepare for the trip,
dear?" His mother asked.

Colin let out a breath. "That's great, Mom, but I
think I have everything under control. Leah and I have been
brushing up our French and researching all the things to see and do
in Paris. I'm pretty excited."

"You've got all the luck. Imagine a pretty female
taking you to Paris. What I wouldn't have given for an opportunity
like that. Whew!"

"Jealous, dad?"

The men chuckled while Mary made a face.

"She's a damn fine female, too, son. You got good
taste, just like me and your brother."

"Speaking of Grey…I saw him coming out of Giselle's
house a couple of weeks ago. What's that about?"

"None of your business," Mary snapped.

"If he's cheating…"

"As your mother said. Stay out of this. Let Grey
alone," his father said, cutting a piece of chicken.

"I'm going to New York next weekend for a change. Got
a fitting for the wedding tux. I hate those things."

"Me, too. Gotta wear 'em 'cause some woman somewhere
said so and now look at us. Look like a bunch of penguins…" John
grumbled into his peas.

"Maybe we'll go with you. Dad has to have his fitted,
too. And I need to buy a dress. Maybe Leah would take me

"I'm sure she would. Okay, then we're all going."

After dinner, Colin helped his mother by drying the

"You know I don't mean to reject Leah. She is lovely,
as your father says, and she seems devoted to you. It has taken me
some time to get used to the idea, that's all."

"Are you used to it?"

"I thought I was. Kind of looking forward to maybe
another wedding. Then you tell me she's going to Paris and you're
going but only for two months. Is this a fling, Colin? I thought
you were serious."

"I don't know. I am serious but designing in Paris is
her dream. How can I ask her to give that up? I'm trying to wait
and see how Paris goes. Leah's kind of skittish. She's a widow and
afraid to make another commitment. I understand that."

"A widow? You never said."

"I haven't told you much about her because she
doesn't want people to know. She's a private person."

"But we're family."

"Not yet."

"But you'd like to be?" She looked at him as she
handed him a wet dinner plate.

"Yeah. I can't imagine finding another woman like
her. She's smart, sweet…everything I want."

Mary smiled. "Sounds like love to me."

"Not a topic to discuss with my mother."

"It's okay. I know all about boys and stuff. I went
through this with your brother, too. But each child is different. I
hope you and Leah can find a middle ground somewhere."

"I hope so, too, Mom."

"I only want you to be happy."

At ten o'clock, Colin closed his parents' front door
and headed for his car.
Light is on next door. Hmm.
stopped to peek in the window where the curtains didn't quite meet.
Shit! There's Grey again!
Colin crept closer, trying not to
make any noise. He clearly saw his brother sitting on the sofa with
Giselle. They were drinking wine. Grey made some kind of toast and
Giselle wiped her eyes.

None of my business? Grey's wrecking his life and
it's none of my business? Crap.

Colin pulled the door of his car open then banged it
shut. Giselle came to the window and closed the gap in the curtain.
Colin sped away, driving faster than he intended.

Chapter Fifteen


Mid-June, New York City, Grey Andrews'

Carrie paced in the kitchen.

"Stop worrying. This is your party. Go sit down
somewhere. You're not supposed to be in here helping. It's
wedding shower, Carrie. Come on." Leah took her by the
shoulder, then marched her over to the sofa.


"But I…"

"That's not a request but an order!"

Carrie sat down. Leah returned to the kitchen. She
laid out a platter of deviled eggs.

"Your mother and Delia will finally throw in the
towel. The wedding is only two weeks away. They've got to give

"Hah!" Carrie snorted, cocking an eyebrow at her

"Where is Grey going to hide out?"

"He's going to be here. Says he doesn't trust those
two. I'm glad, too."

Carrie sat back on the sofa.

"Marcel did a beautiful job with these tea
sandwiches. They look delicious."

"He's French but he makes fabulous food from all
countries. Speaking of French…how excited are you about going to
France with Colin?"

"I'm…I'm…I'm beyond thrilled, overwhelmed, excited,
scared, delirious…" Leah put her hand over her heart while she
rolled her gaze to the ceiling.

"He's a great guy…but I thought you weren't going to
do the
thing again?"

Her friend's cheeks fill with color.

"I was stupid. You can't simply decide never to fall
in love again. I had no idea someone like Colin was out there.
He's…amazing." She wiped off a new platter and began laying out tea

"Worth breaking your rule over?" Carrie cast a
questioning glance at Leah.

"Absolutely. I don't remember when I've been this

"Hank would be pleased."

"I think he would. He loved me and wouldn't want me
to pine away for him forever."

"You deserve a guy like Colin…and happiness, Leah."
Carrie squeezed her friend's shoulder.

They were interrupted by Grey bounding down the
stairs into the living room. He lunged at Carrie, pushing her down,
landing on top. He buried his face in her neck. She giggled wildly
until she couldn't catch her breath. His hand slid under her shirt,
up her chest and closed over her breast. Carrie struggled to push
him away, aware they weren't alone.

"Ah, the fair maiden struggles…alas, in vain. The
rogue has her trapped…he
have his way with her!"

"Grey…Grey…babe…" Carrie choked out.

He lifted his head long enough to see Carrie point
toward the kitchen.

"Oh, my God!" He sat up immediately, pulling her
shirt back in place.

"Don't mind me. I'm just the help." Leah kept her
gaze on her platter.

"She's practically a sister-in-law, Grey," Carrie
chuckled, straightening his hair with her fingers.

A loud clatter of silverware hitting the floor
followed Carrie's statement. Grey looked at Carrie, his eyes

"That's right. Little Colin's gonna be next down the

"Now wait a minute…" Leah began.

"Don't deny it. You're crazy about that little
bugger," Grey teased.

"Little?" Leah put her hand on her hip and cocked her

"Oh, yeah. You're tiny so he must be a giant to

"He's a giant in many ways…"

"Whoa! Gotta tell him his girl's bragging about his
size!" Grey got up from the sofa.

Leah turned bright red. "I didn't mean…
! I
meant…his personality…his intelligence…" Leah gestured with her
hand in the air but the color in her cheeks only intensified.

"I bet," Grey snickered.

Carrie smacked his shoulder.

"Don't disturb my helper. She's handling the

"Seriously, Leah, can I help?" Grey got up and
strolled into the kitchen.

"Yes. Here, stack these sandwiches up on this," she
handed him a platter and a box of tiny sandwiches.

"You're in good hands, so I'll go shower and get
dressed," Carrie said, moving toward the stairs.

"Maybe you need help with that?" Grey asked, mischief
shining in his eyes.

Carrie made a face at him before laughing.

"Oh, no, lover boy. I need you. You ain't goin'
nowhere." Leah grabbed his arm.

"So tell me, Leah, when is your wedding?" Grey

Carrie heard a box hit the floor and the deep laugh
of her fiancé as she mounted the stairs.




The doorbell rang as Carrie was coming down the
stairs. A quick glance in the kitchen told her everything was done.
She answered the door, admitting her mother and her editor,
Chelsea. Before she could close the door, other guests arrived,
including Delia. Leah took Delia by the arm and sat her on the
other side of the room from Janice.

Carrie blew out a breath when she saw her mother and
Delia were mingling, talking with other guests and not bothering
with each other. Grey hovered on the sidelines, opening champagne,
mixing mimosas and staying out of the way. Carrie noticed he kept
an eagle eye on the party.
Thank God he's here.

Everyone praised the food and Grey's talent for
getting just the right combination of champagne to orange juice.
The ten women chattered and laughed, making sly references to the
wedding night. Carrie spied Grey blushing once or twice when the
women's voices got loud. Peals of laughter piqued her interest as

"Come on, Carrie, open your presents," Sophie

"Please, please…can't wait until you see what I
bought!" Marnie giggled.

"Maybe I'd better leave for this part," Grey said,
sneaking into the den and closing the door.

The women sat in a circle munching on mini canoli,
from Little Italy. Leah sat near the pile of gifts and began
handing them to Carrie. Champagne had raised spirits, shyness
melted away and a few raunchy comments got the women laughing. The
alcohol had relaxed Carrie as well. She opened box after box of
sexy lingerie and nightwear. With each box, the women cheered.
Comments about each garment and bets on how long it would stay on
brought gales of laughter. Carrie spied Grey peeking out of the den
with combination of surprise and fear on his face. Carrie giggled
when she caught his eye.

"Your friends have some…unusual ideas about you,"
Janice said.

"Not unusual, Janice…spot on!" Sophie said before
dissolving into laughter.

Janice fidgeted in her seat.

"Your age is showing, Janice. Can't get a little
raunchy with the girls? It's just sex…" Delia said.

"Not according to Carrie," Chelsea snickered.

"Carrie? What do you tell these women? What are you
doing?" Janice sat upright.

"Nothing, Mom. They're just being…silly," Carrie
said, unable to stifle a giggle of her own.

"You're so…so, uptight," Delia said.

"Now who's showing her age," Janice sniffed.

"Come, come, ladies," Leah said, taking Delia's hand.
"Help me with the coffee, Delia."

Once Carrie had opened all the presents, her friends
began to leave. She breathed a sigh of relief that Delia and her
mom had not started a big fight. Grey cracked open the den

"Safe to come out?"

"All the sex talk is over, Grey." Delia motioned him
to join them.

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