The Dating List (18 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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Conversation at dinner was mostly about the wedding.
Carrie and her mother disagreed about flowers, desserts and
bridesmaid's dresses.

"I'm only having two bridesmaids, Mom."

"Only two?" Janice's eyebrows shot up.

"This is a small wedding. Delia will be my matron of
honor and Leah my bridesmaid. Period. End of discussion."

"Nice to know you're so open-minded," Janice

"Great meatloaf, honey," Grey said,

His cell phone went off. He looked at the display and
excused himself. "Sorry, I have to take this." He got up from the
table and disappeared into the den, closing the door.

"Does he always get calls during dinner and take
them…privately?" Janice cocked an eyebrow at Carrie.

"Mom, don't be silly."

"But, really, Carrie…"

"Jan! Let it be. Carrie knows her man. Great
meatloaf, Bunny."

"Thanks, dad."

The silence at the table made the muffled sound of
Grey's conversation from the den barely audible.

"Don't cry…I know how you feel…but…"

That was all they could hear. Carrie caught the look
her mother shot at her father and decided to ignore it.
making trouble again. I'm not worried. Grey is mine. No doubt about
Grey returned to the table. His face was a little
flushed. He stopped to kiss Carrie quickly before he sat down. The
touch of his lips reassured her.

"Sorry about that. A few details before my trip

"Where are you going?" Janice asked.


"It's a fair question." Janice shrugged.

"Boston. In fact, I'll probably have a couple of
trips up there just for a day or two in the next two months,
Carrie." Grey turned to face his fiancée.

"No problem. I can get caught up on my writing. In
fact, I have edits to tackle tonight, so we need to make this a
quick dinner. I hope you understand." She began clearing the dirty
dishes from the table.

"Of course, Bunny. An author has to dance to her
publisher's tune. I respect that. Read your first book and loved

Carrie beamed at her father.

"What's for dessert?" Janice asked.

"Brownies, with vanilla ice cream, Grey's favorite,"
she replied, stopping to kiss him on her way to the sink.

Grey helped clear the table while Carrie prepared
four dishes with brownies and added ice cream. She gave her father
a larger portion, knowing his sweet tooth.
He deserves a reward
for reading my book!

As soon as the last drop of coffee was drunk, Harv
took Janice by the arm and headed for the front door.

"We've imposed long enough, Jan."

"But we haven't finished about the bridesmaid's

"We have for tonight."

His tone was firm and before Carrie knew what
happened, her parents were bidding them farewell and going out the
door. She looked at the clock, only eight thirty.
Still time to
tackle those edits.

"I'll finish up down here if you want to start your
edits," Grey said, rolling up his sleeves.

"How did I find you? Just lucky, I guess." She
planted a kiss on his lips.

"Actually I found you. I'm the lucky one.

Carrie climbed the stairs, undressing along the way.
She took a quick shower and threw on a raspberry velour robe before
padding down the stairs with her laptop under her arm. She set up
on the sofa, resting her computer against her bent knees. Grey
brought some papers over and plopped down next to her. He put on
his wire-rimmed reading glasses, clicked his pen, and began
reading. The house was quiet as the two lovers turned their
attention to their work.

After half an hour, Carrie sighed and stretched her
arms over her head. She spied Grey, deep in thought.
God, he's
handsome. So sexy with those glasses, like some nerd you'd want to
seduce. He is so seducible. Is that a word? Have to check with my

Trying to turn her attention back to her manuscript,
she couldn't resist sneaking her bare foot up against his thigh.
Her eyes looked up at the same time his gaze sought hers. They
smiled at each other and went back to work. Within five minutes,
Carrie's foot had moved up slowly to the top of this thigh. She
spied Grey peeking over at her as his hand closed over her foot.
Her robe was hiked up to her knees. She wore nothing underneath.
Peering up over her computer screen, Carrie saw Grey's gaze turn
toward her legs then travel up to her face.

While his eyes were connected with hers, he took his
pen and raised the hem of her robe slightly. She watched him bend a
bit trying to see underneath.

"Wearing anything?"

She shook her head, smiling. A huge grin spread
across his face and a lustful gleam shone from his eyes. Grey's
fingers closed around her ankle then moved up slowly. He squeezed
her calf, his fingers caressed her skin.

"So soft, even your legs. Incredible."

His hand slid up and down her calf, inching higher
and higher every time. Pretending to look at her computer, the
tingle he created traveled up from her legs to her core. Desire
grew as she willed him to bring his touch higher and higher. As if
by telepathy, his hands slid up to her thighs. Her breathing became
uneven. She saw a few beads of sweat break out on his forehead.
Still his hands rose higher, pushing the robe up, out of the way.
When it reached mid-thigh, the light shone on her. Grey's gaze left
her and zeroed in on her bared body. He whistled low and sexy.

"Just the way I like you…"

He moved his hand down the inside of her thighs,
making her squirm when he pulled it away, teasing her, refusing to
touch her where she wanted. Carrie inched her bottom down, closer
to him, enticing him.

"Want something?" He feigned innocence.

"Yeah…you…" she breathed.

He couldn't resist. Dumping the papers he was
perusing on the coffee table, he lunged upward, one hand closing
over her core while his lips locked on hers. At the touch of his
fingers teasing, coaxing her sensitive flesh, she groaned, opening
wider to make room for him. He kissed his way down her belly,
settling between her legs. She gasped when his tongue touched

He settled his weight on his knees, nestled
comfortably between her legs as his mouth devoured her. She moaned,
losing her hands in his hair, moving him to the exact spot to send
her desire skyward. He pushed up, his lips kissing a trail to her
chest. He nibbled on one breast before settling his mouth over
hers. A demanding kiss melted Carrie further. Her arms wound around
his neck, her body soft, hot and willing beneath his. When he came
up for air, she stared into eyes that burned with fire, radiating
heat, warming her blood.

"You make me…crazy. I must have you."

"Grey…take me. I'm yours."

"I love you…love you forever." He lowered his mouth,
his tongue plunging in to capture hers. Her hands fumbled with the
button on his pants but he came to the rescue, unbuttoning and
releasing himself quickly. She reached for him.

"God…you're hard as a rock."

"Been waiting for you…thinking about…taking you."

"I want you…inside of me. Hurry, Grey…please."

A wry smile curved his lips.

"My pleasure, honey."

She raised one leg while he eased up the other one,
quickly thrusting into her to the hilt. A gasp escaped her mouth as
he filled her.

"You okay?"

Concern furrowed his brow as he hovered only inches
above her face.

"Oh, God…never better, darling." Carrie cupped his

Grey started slowly, eliciting moans of desire from
Carrie. She kissed him and caressed him, her fingers massaging the
muscles of his shoulders and back.
I love touching him.
her excitement grew, so grew the pressure from her fingers on his
flesh. Arching her back, she pleaded with him for more, faster
lovemaking but he only chuckled and kept up the maddeningly slow
pace. A cry from her lips got the response she sought as his hips
increased the pace of his movements. He plunged into her harder and
harder, causing her hips to move as she panted. His speed stoked
her fires to blazing, white hot, spiraling out of control. She
cried out his name as everything froze. Pleasure rocketed through
her body, her climax took over her mind and body. She lost her
fingers in his hair as she came down from the sexual high he gave
her. Her hips moved rhythmically, pulling at him, her muscles
caressing him, coaxing him to completion.

"Let go, Grey. Come for me."

"I'm playing with you," he whispered.

"Oh, God!"

Another climax took over her body, causing his
control to snap when she came. Carrie hugged his chest to hers
feeling him shudder then slow to a stop. Heavy breathing was loud
in the silent room. Grey rested lightly on her. The hair on his
chest tickled her breasts. Carrie's fingers caressed his back
through a light sheen of sweat. Grey moved up on his elbows again
to kiss her lightly. The look of love in his eyes was unmistakable.
His afterglow and sweetness was the perfect finish to their
mind-blowing lovemaking.

Grey rolled off, almost hitting the floor as the
narrow sofa didn't leave much room. He grabbed her, switching their
positions, tucking her into his side. She rested against his chest.
They lay quietly for a time, basking in the glow of their love.
Finally he spoke up.

"Let's turn in."

The lovers climbed the stairs slowly and got into
bed. She cuddled into his shoulder, snaking her arm around his
waist. Grey pulled up the down quilt to cover their nakedness in
the chilly room.

"You're a regular heat machine."

"Saves on heating bills."

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, too…Bunny…"

Carrie sat up in bed, prepared to be indignant until
Grey burst out laughing. His laugh was so infectious, she had to
join in. Picking up a pillow she struck him playfully. He grabbed
her wrists, pulling her down on the bed. After climbing on top of
her, he kissed her hard.

"Don't ever call me…"

He planted a sweet kiss on her lips before releasing
her hands.

"Don't ever call me Bunny again," she said, striking
his back with a pillow before falling back on the bed, laughing.
His laughter followed hers. She snuggled up to him again, he
replaced the covers and switched out the light.




Colin had been counting the days until Friday when
Leah would return for her sixth visit to Pine Grove and his small
apartment. It was Thursday night. He'd left wrestling practice
early to clean the apartment. After being too honest about his
reason for leaving early, his team ragged on him about going home
to clean up for a girl.

Several weeks earlier, he bought
soap, as
he called it, something that smelled good instead of his standard,
whatever was on sale. He'd also purchased extra towels, in pink, so
he would know which were hers, a pink robe – because it's too bulky
to pack for a weekend– and various other female products. He was
getting used to having Leah around.

As soon as he was finished with his housework, Colin
jumped in his car and headed over to the old Victorian for dinner
with his parents. He thought nothing of the invitation as they
often invited him for dinner. He enjoyed their company and spent
many a Sunday watching football games with his dad and eating his
mom's famous chili.

When his father answered the door, he handed Colin an
open bottle of his favorite brand of beer then motioned him to come
inside. The dining room table was set for four, which surprised
him. When he walked into the living room, he was surprised to see
an attractive brunette he didn't recognize seated on the sofa.

"Colin, this is Mindy Winslow, April's college
roommate. She's visiting for a few days, so we thought we'd invite
her tonight."

Mindy stood up and shook Colin's hand. He knew
immediately that this was a fix-up by his parents. He could feel
his blood pressure rise, color come into his cheeks.
Damn them! They knew if they had warned me I wouldn't have come.

Colin stared daggers at his mother who tried,
unsuccessfully to avoid his glare. John carried on a civilized
conversation with Mindy but Colin had a hard time concentrating.
Mindy was attractive enough but he was taken. Why didn't his
parents recognize that?
They want to play this game, fine with
me. Let's play.

"What do you do, Mindy?" Colin asked.

"I'm an assistant to an editor at a publishing
company. I write plays in my spare time. Your mom was just telling
me you coach wrestling."

"I do. My girlfriend is a clothing designer."

"Oh, really? That must be so exciting! What does she

Obviously Mindy didn't know this was a fix-up either.
Poor girl.

"She designs lingerie…she's working on a special line
now for Lady Jeanne…"

"I've heard of her! She's very chic and expensive!
What's the line about?"

"She's taken designs from historical romances and
reproduced them as nighties, I think."

"Wow, bet they're gorgeous! What a great idea."

I like her better than my parents right now. Way to
go, Mindy.

"She's moving to Paris this summer to work directly
with Lady Jeanne."

"You are very lucky to have such an exciting

"I am indeed. Are you attached?"

"Not at the moment. But with work and playwriting, I
have little time for dating right now."

He enjoyed watching his mother's face fall as it
became obvious Colin and Mindy were not going to be dating. His
father looked a bit uncomfortable with it, giving away the fact
that dad had known about this plan, too. Colin was disappointed his
father would take part in such a scheme.
Grey would never do
this to me. Et tύ, dad?

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