The Billionaires Mistress (7 page)

Read The Billionaires Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #love, #romantic, #love story, #sex, #romance, #adult, #sexual

BOOK: The Billionaires Mistress
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Giving a small half laugh, he had looked into her eyes, his glowing.


“I think my plan worked” he had finally managed, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards their car. Jenna had given a small return laugh, glad to be moving, so that he would not see how flushed she looked.


As they had taken their seats in the car both had taken up positions on either side of the seat, as though both felt the need to have as much space as possible between them, each silent as they had meandered their way through the New York traffic for the short journey to his apartment building.


As the two had moved up into the elevator, Jenna had finally broken the silence.


“I had a really good time tonight Ryan” she had managed softly, seeing as he had looked at her, a small smile lighting his handsome face.


“I did too Jenna, a really good time”.


The two had looked deeply into the other‘s eyes, Jenna aware of the way both seemed to be moving closer to the other, almost as though magnetically attracted, her head angling up to his. As the lift doors had once more opened, the two had jumped away from the other hearing the loud voice.


“Well hello”.


From within the apartment, Tom appearing, his smiling face taking in the two.


“How was the party.......did the Paparazzi go for it?”


Jenna had felt herself blush once more as she had moved into the main living area.


“I...I think so” she had stuttered, as Tom had grabbed her hand, swinging her around.




He had declared as Jenna had given a nervous laugh watching as Ryan had stood so silently behind her.


“Thank you” she had chuckled, finally managing to break free from him, deliberately not making eye contact with Ryan.


“Well if you don’t mind gentlemen” she had smiled.


“I think I may have had a few drinks too many......and I need my beauty sleep”.


With that fleeing to her room, her whole mind in turmoil over the way she had so badly wanted to feel Ryan’s mouth on hers once more, groaning at the rush of desire that had flooded her at just the thought of it.


She had quickly changed for bed, slipping into the soft sheets willing her body to sleep but finding the events of the evening rushing round and round her head. After an hour tossing and turning, she had risen once more, walking backwards and forwards, the feelings for the man filling her. The way they had kissed had been electric, Jenna not believing that he could not have felt the same as her, before chastising herself. Ryan Trudeau was a playboy street-smart man used to having any woman he wanted, his views on relationships very well known. With a small groan she had sat back down on the bed. To him she was just some unwanted guest forced upon him by circumstances, some unsophisticated Brit. Her mind had wandered back to the party. She had seen the number of women who had thrown themselves at him, Jenna at the time laughing with him at his ‘pulling power’ as she had called it.


Many of the woman had been stunning, one in particular, who had fallen against him as she had talked to another group of his friends, her eyes taking in the woman so obviously throwing herself on him. She had noticed him pulling out his phone, as he had typed something into the small device Jenna at the time feeling the cold sensation of jealousy as she had looked away, not wanting to stare as he had taken the woman’s details.


Once more she had let her fingers run along her lips, the memory of his kiss again filling her mind. In a few days she would be leaving, not just his brother’s home but the country and for the first time in her life, Jenna had felt swamped with the need to do something she had never done before. Standing she had brushed out her hair, choosing not to listen to the voice of reason trying to stop her determined course of action.


She wanted Ryan, could feel the need for him burning so deep within her veins, and while he might not feel the same, she had to see if the attraction she felt so strongly was reciprocated. If not then she could carry on with her life, not living with the ghost of “what if?”.


Slowly Jenna had moved from her room, the apartment silent and dark as she had made her way to his room, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Reaching his door, she had gently tapped the wooden surface hearing nothing as she had stood, her teeth savaging her bottom lip, the nerves knotting her stomach. After a few undecided moments, she had taken hold of the knob and opened it hearing the small creak as she had moved into his room.




She had whispered softly, hearing no return sound. Mustering up her courage, she had moved further into the room, finally able to see his bed, expecting to see his sleeping form between the sheets. However, the bed was empty, still made, Jenna feeling the cold realisation swamping her. Ryan had done his duty ensuring that she would be safe from the paparazzi, the sick realisation filling her that no doubt he was in the arms of the beautiful woman whose details he had taken earlier. Turning slowly she had made her way back to her own room, feeling the stinging tears rise in her eyes.


“Stupid, stupid, stupid” she had cried between clenched teeth as the tears had found their way down her face, her mind mocking her. What the hell had she expected? Someone like Ryan Trudeau would not be interested in somebody like her.


That night she had slept very little, her dreams full of images of his smiling face, the feel of his arms around her, Jenna sighing. As she had woken groggily from yet another disturbed doze, she had finally given up, throwing the sheets from her and moving to the shower.


Once ready she had moved out to the kitchen making herself a hot drink of tea her mind reliving the events of the previous evening for the thousandth time. In the cold light of morning she had felt relief that he had not been in his room, hardly believing her own behaviour. However she had groaned softly at the memory of his kiss, even knowing that it had been staged only to save her from the paparazzi, still amazed at the way it had affected her.


The sound of sudden movement had caused her to lift her head, pushing the memories aside as Ryan, fully dressed had moved into the kitchen. Feeling the blush rising in her she had quickly turned to hide her discomfort. He however had looked tired, moving in the manner of a man still half asleep.


“Morning” he had mumbled sleepily, flopping down on the stool beside where she had sat.


“Morning” she had returned, her voice as upbeat as she could make it.




Seeing as he had flashed her a thankful smile.


“Yes please.......and hold the water”.


She had chuckled despite the many emotions running through her.


“Could you not sleep”?


She had asked innocently, kicking herself for delving. He however had shaken his head.


“I wish......I never got to bed till four”.


Jenna had not even asked, not wanting to know more, as she had moved to the other side of the counter from him handing him the coffee which he had taken thankfully.


With what she had hoped was a good humoured grin, she had given a small laugh, her stomach so cold.


“Well that is what you get for burning the candle at both ends”


Seeing as he had made a small noise, grimacing.


“Yeah...right...” looking at her with curious eyes.


“Why is it that it is always first thing in the morning that all hell breaks loose at work.........can’t wait till a reasonable hour” he had said “nooooooooo”.


“ had to go into work last night?”


She had blurted out, feeling the warmth swelling deep within her as he had nodded.


“Yeah, just after you went to bed” he had looked at his watch.


“And now I need to go and make sure that all the parties involved have finalised the agreements”.


Jenna had made a sympathetic clucking sound, her hand moving to gently pat his arm, feeling instantly the jolt of electricity at this simple touch, seeing as he had stiffened also, his eyes looking quickly back at her. For a second she had seen something moving deep within the blackness, before with a blink he had smiled back, Jenna pulling her hand back as he had stood draining the coffee.


“Well, don’t all wait up for me” he had said huskily, as Jenna had given him another sympathetic look.


“We have an early start tomorrow on the video shoot” she had smiled back.


“So at least you won’t get disturbed tomorrow morning.


Ryan had paused for a moment, looking down on her.


“I forgot it was so soon” he had said slowly, a strange look crossing his handsome features before once more moving over to the lift and waving her goodbye.


For the rest of the day Jenna had gone shopping, so relieved to find that the press seemed to have given up on chasing her, smiling thankfully at Ryan’s subterfuge, once more thinking about the feel of his mouth on hers.


She had bought Ryan a thank-you card, not knowing what to get him for taking such good care of her. For Tom she had bought a small cuddly dog with big sad eyes which held a cushion in its mouth with the words “love me I’m a star” on it, knowing that Tom would love it. She had sat for a long time over coffee looking at the card wondering what words to use, knowing that she could never tell him the way she really felt, finally leaning over she had written how grateful she was for his kindness and envied his poker face.


She had then met up with friends, who had persuaded her to come for a drink when they had found out that she intended to leave in a few days, enjoying herself greatly. It had been after ten by the time Jenna had returned to the apartment, surprised to find that Ryan was home. Flashing him a grin she had winked at him.


“Guess they agreed then huh” seeing as he had given a shaky smile.


“Yeah........went faster than I have a good day?”


Jenna had smiled back, part of her wishing that she had known he would be home, realising that she wanted to spend more time with him, feeling disappointment filling her at the missed opportunity.


“Yes very”.


She had returned wavering as to what to do, knowing that she should have an early night. As though sensing her thoughts he had moved slowly towards the smallest of the living rooms.


“Come have a drink with me before you go to bed”.


He had said, his tone soft as Jenna had silently followed him. In the sitting area, she was surprised to find the room dimly lit, laughing at herself as the first thought had been “mood lighting”.


On the table sat a bottle of wine, his glass half empty, another glass close by. Flicking a quick look at him, she had wondered if he had deliberately set the scene, again putting it down to wishful thinking. In the background soft music had played, and Jenna had reminded herself that he was entitled to relax in his own home without her thinking more of the situation.


Sitting down on the small settee, he had poured her a glass of the rich red wine, sitting down beside her as he had passed it to her, making Jenna’s body jump to instant attention.


“Have you given my offer any more thought” he had asked softly, as Jenna had frowned, looking at him with surprise.


“Sorry.......what offer?” she had asked, her heart beating so fast in her chest.


She had seen as he had grinned.


“The job”.


Seeing as the memory had returned to her.


“The way I see it Jenna is that something seems to have decided that you should stay in this perhaps you should just give way to fate, and come work for me”.


Jenna had chuckled softly, her blue eyes shining in the half light.


“Oh I don’t believe in that” she had scoffed good humouredly.


“But.......maybe one day, if the offer is still there” she had said gently, taking a small sip of the heady wine, her eyes looking at him over the rim of the glass.


With a small sigh he had nodded.


“The offer is there for as long as you want it” he had replied, his dark eyes holding hers, Jenna wondering if they had somehow changed conversation, seeing as he had started to move closer to her. Placing her glass on the table, she had remained motionless waiting, yearning for his touch, for his kiss, his body now lent close to her, as the sound of footsteps had made him pull back, his features holding a tinge of frustration.

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