The Billionaires Mistress (2 page)

Read The Billionaires Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #love, #romantic, #love story, #sex, #romance, #adult, #sexual

BOOK: The Billionaires Mistress
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As her foot had taken her weight the room had spun and a nauseating blackness had threatened to engulf her as she had pitched forward, caught by the same man who had once more scooped her up like a small child, carrying her over to the couch that she had been invited to sit at earlier.


As her vision had once more cleared, she had seen as Tom Trudeau had leant over her, an expression of concern all over his handsome face.


“You’re hurt”.


Had been the only thing he could say, as Jenna had tried to wave his words away, looking at her ankle which was already starting to blow up as it throbbed painfully.


“I’m sure it’s nothing”.


She had managed, “Just a sprain”.


He however, was not to be fobbed off, as he had turned barking orders at his entourage. Before she could argue, she once more had felt herself being lifted into the arms of the same body guard, sighing with annoyance at the way she was being hauled around like a rag doll.


As they had moved out of the club, a large limousine had been waiting at the front door to meet them and despite her many protestations she found herself being gently laid in the large interior, where Tom Trudeau had quickly joined her, as she had looked warily at him.


“Please ......... just take me back to my hotel”.


She had said, as he had shaken his head determinedly.


“I don’t think so.........You got hurt saving my life........and I have a doctor coming to meet us at my brother’s home”.


Feeling the throbbing starting to really take effect Jenna had let herself slump back against the soft leather, as he had watched her with real concern in his eyes. It had not taken long before the car was once more stopping, and the door was again opened with Jenna being pulled into the arms of the body guard Bruno. He was no longer rough with her as he had been in the club when he had forced her over to Tom’s table, but now gently, treating her like a piece of fine china, as though she might well break.


With a gasp Jenna had recognised the building they were moving into, knowing it to be one of the most exclusive in the city. The entourage had moved quickly through the foyer, with other residents looking at the strange group carrying the small woman so quickly to the luxurious lift.


When the lift doors had opened she had been surprised to see it open into a large apartment. Wide eyed she had taken in the opulence of the large room, catching a glimpse of the million dollar view as she was gently placed on the softest leather couch she had ever sat on, a small whimper leaving her as her foot had bounced against the chair. Instantly Tom was by her side asking if there was anything she needed, as she had tried to hide the wince of pain that crossed her lovely face.


“No...please...really I’m fine”, she had managed her face flushed as so many had offered her drinks or painkillers. Looking at Tom, her eyes had been pleading.


“Look really this is completely unnecessary.........if you would just perhaps give me a lift to my hotel.......honestly I will be fine”.


The ding of the elevator door had left her words hanging in the air as Tom had leapt to his feet, pulling the doctor over to the uncomfortable looking Jenna laid over the chair.


The older man had taken in her discomfort, the obvious embarrassment showing in her soft features, and with a reassuring smile had given her a fatherly nod, before turning to the assembled crowd.


“ if you do not mind I would like to see my patient alone, so please everybody leave”.


Jenna had thrown him a thankful smile seeing how he had looked sternly at Tom, raising his eyebrow brooking no exceptions as the singer had objected more than most, but who had eventually moved from the room into one of the other sitting rooms that seemed to make up the huge apartment.


When the room was finally clear the doctor had knelt down before her, taking her ankle in his hands saying nothing, making only small ‘uuhuu’ noises as she had assured him that she was fine. As he had moved the ankle around her yelp of pain and the way her complexion had become so white had seen him finally placing her foot back on the soft leather.


Silently she had had to admit to herself that perhaps all was not well, as the elderly man had moved to sit on the chair closest to her.


“Well Miss Long”.


He had said slowly, a reassuring smile crossing his face.


“You will be relieved to know that you have not broken the ankle”.


Jenna had breathed a long sigh of relief, before he had held up his hand once more.


“ have sprained it very badly........and I have to recommend that you do not walk on it for at least a week”.


Jenna had looked at him in horror.


“But...but.....” she had stammered as the doctor had continued.


“I will strap it up for you today........but you will need somebody to come in and redo the strap for you in about two days.........also I will have some crutches sent over for you tomorrow morning”.


Jenna had shaken her head.


“I don’t live here”.


She had said, her voice low the cost of the treatment suddenly causing her to savage her lip with concern, knowing how little she had in her savings.


As if reading her thoughts the Doctor had smiled at her.


“Mr Trudeau has already cleared all expenses”.


He had stated reassuringly, seeing the relief flooding her beautiful face, before nervously she had thanked him.


With a small comforting pat on her arm he had risen.


“Better go and give the news to Mr Trudeau, and then I will strap that foot for you”, smiling, before moving out of the room to some unseen area, Jenna realising that he had obviously been there before.


As she had sat there, not sure what to do next, the ding of the lift had once more filled the area, the doors sliding open as a man had walked out into the living area where she sat. Jenna had only been able to stare at him, stare at the most handsome man she had ever seen.


Ryan Trudeau had moved into his home glad to finally be back after a heavy week of negotiations and a long flight. He was tired and had sighed wearily as he had thrown his briefcase onto the chair closest to the lift, shucking off the suit jacket he wore and draping it over the expensive leather case. Turning he had pulled at his tie, opening the top button of his designer shirt before stopping in his tracks at seeing the woman draped on the couch staring back at him. His handsome face had shown his surprise before the irritated frown had touched his forehead, wondering what Tom had been up to now.


Despite the tiredness invading every part of him, he had admired the woman, his eyes scanning her quickly, taking in her lovely body and long legs so visible in the pose she had adopted, the short skirt she wore allowing her perfect figure to be seen at its best. It was however, her face that had really captured him, luscious lips and wide sensual yet innocent eyes, which were staring at him with surprise, her face framed with long dark hair which highlighted her porcelain skin. She really was beautiful he had thought, before frowning once more, his expression hardening at the realisation that she was some groupie of Tom’s, groaning at the thought. The last thing Ryan Trudeau needed at that moment was to have to deal with some love sick sex toy of Toms, angry that once more his brother had not listened to his rule about bringing groupies home.


“Who the hell are you?”


Had been his only words, his irritation obvious as Jenna had for once been speechless, her eyes looking around for anybody to explain her presence there. Instinctively she knew that he owned the apartment and was the brother Tom had referred to, her eyes wide. He looked like an older version of Tom, but even more handsome, his features less boyish and more masculine. His hair was cut shorter than his brothers and his eyes darker, more dangerous. She had tried not to stare at the broad shoulders and slim hips of the stranger as he had moved even closer her mouth dry.




His voice once more cut over her.


“I...I ...Tom”.


She had stuttered, seeing his eyes taking on a more contemptuous look.


“Tom should not have brought you here”. Not even trying to hide his irritation. Just at that moment Tom had rushed into the room, stopping suddenly seeing the other man standing before Jenna.




He had cried moving over to Jenna, his tone one of surprise to see his brother, whom he had not expected until the following day.


“I see you met my guardian angel”, he had cried out, before his attention had once more landed on her.


She however could not take her eyes from the tall handsome stranger, who was now looking at the scene before him with surprise, his handsome brow furrowed.


“What do you angel?”


He had finally managed as Tom had rushed into telling him the story of how Jenna had saved his life, Ryan’s expression instantly changing as he had looked at her with more admiration.


“Please forgive me”.


He had said with real meaning in his voice, as shyly she had nodded waving away his previous comments, before her eyes had taken on a more beseeching light.


“I’m sorry........really the doctor has said he will strap the foot and then I will be fine........honestly.........I would just really appreciate a lift to my hotel.............I’m sorry they brought me here, I could have just gone down to the emergency room”.


Tom Trudeau had looked over at the new man a signal passing between the two, before the man named Ryan had spoken.


“I think that you would be best staying here...Miss?”


Jenna had looked at the two with horror, groaning softly.


“Long........Jenna Long”.


She had replied, her voice suddenly so weary.


“Please .......... I just want to go back to my hotel”.


The stranger had moved forward, his air one of assurance, a man she knew not used to taking no for an answer.


“It is a pleasure to meet you Jenna”.


He had grinned disarmingly, the smile lighting up his handsome face, with the darkest eyes she had ever seen, framed by the longest lashes on a man.


“My name is Ryan Trudeau, and you WILL be staying here” he had stated.


Moving to argue with him not prepared to be pushed around by some rich man; she had moved her foot, the pain instantly shooting through her. Jenna had groaned softly and fallen against the back of the chair, the fight leaving her instantly. She was not aware how pale she had become as the other two had given each other knowing looks before Tom had gone in search of the Doctor, quickly returning with the older man. Giving her some pills for the pain he had then strapped the foot tightly, the pain causing her to bite her lip to stop the tears which shone in her large eyes, from tipping over her eyelids, as those around had prepared a room for her.


Finally things had calmed down as Tom had walked the Doctor to the lift, along with his entourage who seemed to be staying elsewhere. Having given into the idea that she would be staying at the apartment for that night at least, she had given a small smile to the only person left, Ryan. Slowly moving herself to the edge of the seat she had gingerly risen on one foot, as he had moved quickly towards her.


“If you would just point me in the direction of my room...”


She had begun as with no warning he had scooped her into his arms, ignoring her protestations, as she had demanded him to put her back down.


“Did you not hear the doctor? Stay off the leg”.


He had said his voice firm as he had began moving quickly down the corridor as though she weighed nothing.


Jenna had felt her whole insides shrivel up with embarrassment, finding her arm around his neck, his sudden closeness sending strange signals throughout her entire body, as she had tried not to inhale the wonderful scent of his aftershave. Stiffening, she had again demanded to be put down, just wanting to be away from this stranger who was causing her to feel so strange. He however, had chuckled.


“You have got to be one of the most obstinate women I have ever met”.


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