The Billionaires Mistress (9 page)

Read The Billionaires Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #love, #romantic, #love story, #sex, #romance, #adult, #sexual

BOOK: The Billionaires Mistress
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Jenna had looked back with shock before smiling brightly.


“Wow..........I didn’t realise....” she had managed, before launching herself into his arms.


“Oh my God.........I’m rich”.


She had chuckled, releasing him and flopping down onto the couch.


Moving to the media player he had pushed in a silver disc, smiling back at her.


“Oh you haven’t seen anything yet girl” winking at Ryan.


The sound of music had then filled the air as his new song had blasted out; the ballad haunting as the video had began to play.


Jenna had looked in stunned surprise, gulping at just how sexy she looked as they had moved around each other, their bodies meeting as they had caressed and held each other in a variety of suggestive poses. As it had finished she had looked over at Ryan, who was staring at the video, his expression one of stunned shock, his mouth open slightly, before he had almost shaken himself frowning and looking down at the ground.


“Well....what do you think?”


Tom had asked in excitement, as her eyes had once more flown to him.


“I...I have no is quite the editing job”.


He had laughed loudly.


“Oh I think that you are just fighting it ............. clear to see your true feelings............but I am going to have to break your poor little heart”.


Jenna had giggled back and rolled her eyes, throwing a pillow at him.


“You wish Trudeau” making him play it once again still stunned by the suggestive content.


Finally she had sat back, the enormity of what she had done finally sinking in, as she had looked at the two men before her, her eyes misting over as she had clung to the envelop with the cheque.


“Well...we met under very unusual circumstances” she had said so softly.


“But I feel so lucky to have met you both”.


Her eyes had been shining as she had felt a small tear wind down her cheek.


“I will miss you both.....and I want to thank you for being so good to me”.


The two men had looked quickly at each other as she had stood, Tom pulling her in for a hug.


“You have my number Jenna Long...........use it” he had said softly, his voice suddenly serious full of earnest honesty. Nodding she had moved from him looking at Ryan who had stepped towards her, his hand moving to take hers.


“You don’t have to know that” his smooth voice enveloping her as she had swallowed hard, finally managing to firmly nod her head.


“Thank you Ryan.......but it is time for me to continue on my trek around the world”.


She had managed, her eyes looking deeply into his, seeing something moving deeply within the blackness, something that had caused her mouth to dry up, before he had released her hand.


“If you need anything, you have my number anytime Jenna, and after your journey....please consider my offer”.


She had looked at the two once more smiling shakily, before moving to the bedroom.


“I...I should get some sleep......up early”.


Taking a last look at the two men she had come to care for so much both in such different ways.


That night she had slept fitfully, her rest disturbed as images of Ryan kept invading her mind, mocking her feelings for him. She had eventually given up at about one in the morning, stealthily moving out of her room to the kitchen. As she had poured herself a small glass of milk she had heard the sound of somebody else moving into the kitchen behind her. Turning she had come face to face with Ryan wearing only silk pyjama bottoms, his hard muscular shoulders visible along with the hair splattered chest leading down to his slim waist. His hair was tousled from sleep, as he had moved into the room she now sat, jumping slightly on seeing her sat before him.


Putting her drink down she had wished she had taken the time to pull on a wrap, feeling half naked in her small night shirt. Looking nervously at him she had given a shaky smile.


“Could you not sleep either?” she had finally managed, seeing as he had shaken his head, sleepily moving once more towards her.




He had given a small sound grabbing a glass and pouring himself a drink of milk also.


With that he had moved over to sit beside her, his eyes taking in how scantily dressed she was as she had given an embarrassed half laugh.


“Sorry I wasn’t expecting company”.


Looking back at him, she had held down the soft moan averting her eyes as desire had flooded every part of her, quickly drinking the rest of her milk, needing to escape from him, from the way her whole being wanted to throw itself into his arms and beg him to kiss her.


Standing she had looked at him again, so unaware how wonderful she looked with her long hair falling around her body, her long smooth legs crossed elongating her shape.


“I want to thank you again have been so kind”.


She had seen as his fingers had seemed to tighten around the glass he held, before he too had stood towering over her, his musky scent filling her nostrils.


“Are you so sure you want to go?”


He had finally managed, something moving within the depths of his dark eyes now staring so intently down on her.


Lowering her head she had given a small nod.


“I think it is for the best Ryan, it’s time I left”.


Giving a small half laugh she had tried to lighten the mood as she had spoken gently.


“You will be glad to see the back of me, have your home back to yourself”.


Her heart breaking with the words she felt to be so true.


As she had made to step past him his hands had moved to grip her shoulders, pulling her back towards him.


“Is that what you think Jenna?”


He had said softly, his voice low as her eyes had swept to his in surprise.


“Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to keep it together right now?”


Jenna had looked back, her face showing the surprise within her.


“I...I don’t know what ....” she had begun stopping seeing his face, that handsome face full of such passion.


“I thought I could just let you go, just let you leave........but I can’t”.


Jenna could feel her heart beating so fast within her breast as she had felt the hope rise strongly within her.


“Ryan ....”


She had began, not managing any more words before he had pulled her hard against him, his mouth lowering and capturing hers as she had remained still within his embrace before her own need for him had flooded her and she had thrown her arms around his neck kissing him back with as equal a need.


He was kissing along her cheek, down her neck, her head falling back to let his mouth explore every part of her skin, her breasts rising in invitation to him as he had groaned wanting more but pulling back slightly.


“If you don’t go now Jenna, I am going to take you into my room and make love to you”.


His eyes haunted as she had moved from his reach, his need washing over her in waves. With small slow steps she had moved forward, her whole body swaying as she had looked back at him, not moving towards her room but to his. As she had reached his door, he had moved too, quickly catching up with her, neither of them breaking the eye contact that held them both entranced.


Entering his room, he had cupped her cheek with one hand, the other snaking around her waist pulling her hard into him, his tongue flicking inside her mouth caressing hers as she had groaned his body moving slowly backwards with her all the time.


“I can’t make any promises to you Jenna”.


He had whispered in between kisses, as she had nodded softly.


“I know” she had managed feeling his bed now against the back of her legs. She had felt as he had pushed her down onto the softness, his body half covering hers as her fingers had caressed his naked back, her mouth kissing along his shoulder as he had raised his head to look at the buttons of her bed shirt, his fingers frantically undoing them to free her finally revealing her luscious body.


With a small tortured groan he had admired her perfection, the swelling of her breasts, the nipples raised and pert with the need for him, her small nipped waist leading down to wider hips her whole body quivering under his scrutiny. He had admired her smooth creamy skin, his head dipping to suck in one heightened nipple, his tongue teasing it as he rolled it in his mouth, feeling as she had exploded beneath him. Her hand moving to caress the bulging hardness of him through the thin material as he had made an almost incoherent sound, his body moving to give her better access needing to feel himself within her small soft hand.


Feeling this she had grasped him over the material, sliding her hand down the length of him as he had involuntarily moved his hips against her until sucking in a loud breath he had pulled away, pushing down the trousers as she had moved further up the bed, throwing off the night shirt which gaped widely open.


Now she could fully appreciate him in his full naked splendour, and she had felt the gush of wetness between her thighs at how magnificent he was. He had slide onto the bed beside her, his hands moving to caress her body as his tongue had slid down her neck, whispering how beautiful she was the whole time, igniting an even hotter fire within her. Feeling his hand move her legs apart his finger exploring her she had gasped, needing him so badly not aware that she was begging him to make love to her, completely out of her mind with passion.


Moving between her legs she had felt the head of him against the slick opening of her, her whole body trying to move to take him deeper within her, before with one sure motion he had thrust so deeply into her trembling body, feeling as he had shivered with the way she had held him so securely within her body, the muscles squeezing him as he had thrust slowly to start.


Jenna was on fire, her hands caressing his body, down his back and along his buttocks as he thrust harder and faster within her welcoming body. Her legs had hooked around him, feeling as he had moved his hand under her hips to angle her to allow him to penetrate even deeper as his mouth had sought hers, kissing the very air from her lungs as she had felt the waves rise, felt them crashing over her, her cries lost in his mouth as she had climaxed around him. Her fingers had grasped him as she bucked harder against him, feeling her head grow light with the intensity of the experience keeping her floating high, whimpering softly. She was hardly aware as he had pulled his mouth from hers, his cries and groans loud as with one final thrust he had spilled himself so deep within her, his body continuing to twitch as the experienced had blown his mind, falling over her , a dead weight.


After several seconds, he had managed to move, to push himself from her onto his back, looking at the woman beside him, surprise still on both their faces.


“Oh my God Jenna” he had whispered...


“That .... That was amazing” he had breathed softly, his body still spasming periodically.


With a small giggle she had looked adoringly back at him.


“Oh I think that exceeded amazing” she had chuckled, as he had pulled her back into his arms, her head resting on his chest, as she had listened to his heart slowly calming down, her own keeping time, feeling as his mouth had kissed her hair, his hand slowly caressing her arms.


As he had sighed, she had looked up seeing the expression on his face, hers looking questioningly at him as he had dropped a small kiss on her lips.


“I have wanted this from nearly the first moment I saw you Jenna”.


He had said slowly, seeing the surprise and happiness fill her lovely face.


“Really?” she had asked, seeing as he had nodded softly.


“ were different...You know my feelings on relationships”.


Deep inside her she had felt the strange coldness rising, nodding softly. He had always been so honest about his views on exactly where women fitted into his life, or more accurately into his bed.


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