The Billionaires Mistress (5 page)

Read The Billionaires Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #love, #romantic, #love story, #sex, #romance, #adult, #sexual

BOOK: The Billionaires Mistress
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“Did I wake you?” he had asked softly, his voice once more causing strange tremors to pass through her.




She had smiled, her eyes taking in the formal way he was dressed. His suit a perfect fit and most likely expensively tailored she had thought trying not to stare at his broad shoulders.


“I like to get up point missing most of the day” she had grinned, seeing as he had smiled warmly back at her.


“Wish Tom felt that won’t see him till about 9 or 10” he had laughed.


“However, some of us have to work”.


Making her way into the kitchen, she had accepted the tea he had quickly made for her with a thankful smile.


“What is it you do Ryan?”


She had asked softly, not wanting to seem nosey, but interested in him.


“Well.....I own a few companies” he had said hesitantly, as she had nodded back.


“Anything I might have heard of” she had chuckled back, as he had looked thoughtfully at her,




As he had named one of the companies, she had gasped, her eyes wide with surprise.


“That is one of the largest media distributors in the world”.


She had declared, seeing as his eyes had looked at her with respect.


“Most women I know would have said ‘what?’”


He had grinned, as she had looked sheepishly back at him.


“Well my degree was in marketing and media”.


She had finally managed.


“It came up in a few textbooks”.


Ryan Trudeau had looked at her with interest.


“You have a degree in marketing?”


He had asked, seeing as she had taken another sip of her tea.


“Yes”, giving him a mischievous look.


“Not as dumb as I look”.


He had regarded her more seriously.


“I would never mistake you for dumb”, Jenna feeling a warm sensation filling her as she had dropped her eyes.


“What are you planning on doing Jenna?”


He had broken the silence between them making her look back at him.


“Well I thought I would decide when I finished my trip” she had said softly, seeing a strange look in his eyes.


“I like to think that I am a great judge of character” he had said slowly, his eyes watching her.


“Would you consider coming to work for me?”


Jenna had looked at him in stunned silence before bumbling out:


“Work for you?”


“Doing what?”


He had grinned gently.


“Well I have a program for promising managers, and I think you would be perfect”.


He had then laid out the offer with salary and benefits, making Jenna’s eyes pop open with the magnitude of what was on offer. However, with a small frown she had given a sigh of resignation.


“I really, really appreciate it Ryan........but I promised myself that I would see the world while I was still young...........and well I really think that I want to do that”.


She had seen the surprise in his eyes before he had nodded.


“I see, well, I can’t blame you for that Jenna ..........but this offer is still good for the end of your can contact me any time, I think you would be a good addition to my team”.


Jenna had smiled softly.


“You hardly know me” she had finally muttered, finding his closeness disconcerting. With a final slug of his coffee he had grinned back.


“Like I said ........ I am a good judge of character” and with that he had risen and moved to the elevator waving farewell to her as he had stepped into it.


Sitting back down, she had still felt stunned at his offer, wondering why she had not jumped at the offer. This really was the opportunity of a lifetime she had to admit, frowning with the realisation of why she had really refused. Working for Ryan would have meant that he was off limits from that point on. With another frown she had chastised herself. Ryan Trudeau was a player, he had made it very clear where he stood with regard to women, and she had no wish to be just another notch on his headboard. With a sigh she had given herself a shake.


“As though someone like him would be interested in someone like her anyway”.


She had smiled self-deprecatingly, moving back to her room for a shower.


For the next four days, Jenna had remained at the home of Ryan and Tom Trudeau, leaving only to meet up with her friends and do some sightseeing. She had initially laughed as Tom had insisted his body guard Bruno accompany her, before becoming thankful as the press had followed her wherever she hobbled trying to find out the story of the stars near-death and why she now stayed at his home. Initially shocked by the many rumours and innuendos they printed; her good humour had seen her through, laughing at the absurdity of the stories.


“Oh my God”, she had cried one morning seeing the headlines in the gossip pages.


“Now they have me pregnant with your love child!”


Tom had laughed.


“Wow, chance would be a fine thing” he had chuckled, as she had thrown him a mock severe look.




She had found Bruno to be a gentle and sweet man, very different from her initial impressions of him. He did however, have a tendency to be over protective towards her, often lifting her bodily if they found themselves needing to get quickly away from the paparazzi. Jenna had often found herself sighing as she had tiredly tried to get him to put her down, requests which the large man had usually ignored.


She had in turn taken it upon herself to take him to see some of the many museums in the city, treating him as a friend. She had chatted to him as they explored, finding as the days had gone by that he had soon opened up to her, his aloofness soon melting away as she had introduced him to her friends and included him in all her activities. Jenna had found herself liking Bruno very much, realising that he was very much a gentle giant.


At nights she had found that when not at some pre-arranged party, Tom was very much a home boy, who seemed to enjoy kicking off his shoes and spending time with Jenna and Ryan. Jenna was surprised to find Ryan at home as often as he was, as she had expected him to have many social events during the evenings. She had briefly wondered if he was deliberately coming home because she was there, laughing at the absurdity of this thought.


As each day went by her foot had improved, and it was only the brothers’ constant nagging to stay off it that had stopped her from throwing the crutches away and hobbling around. She had started looking at her next trip destination, deciding that after she had been given the all-clear she would be best moving from New York given the press’ continued interest her. However, she was also so aware of how her feelings and attraction to Ryan seemed to grow with each day, scoffing at the thought that this could be her real motivation for leaving.


On the sixth day of her confinement, she had been surprised when Tom had returned with his manager. He had seemed in a foul mood, and diplomatically Jenna had offered to leave them to talk in peace. He however, had waved her comments away indicating that she should stay, so she had sat as far from them as possible, trying not to get in the way of the conversation taking place between the two.


“You KNEW that I was in town to shoot the video, Bill”.


Tom had started, seeing as the other man had nodded raising his hands.


“What can I do Tom...She was offered a film role.......we didn’t have her under that tight a contract”.


She had seen as the youngest Trudeau had thrown himself onto the settee, his face angry.


“Look, we can interview some more girls tomorrow and the shoot can go ahead as planned next week”.


Tom had given a dismissive snort.


“Yeah.......why don’t we do that you remember Boston?”


The other man had sighed running his hands over his face nodding.


Curiosity had gotten the better of Jenna, as she had with a soft cough asked.


“What happened in Boston?”


Tom had given another snort, pointing to Jenna.


“Yeah.......why don’t you tell Jenna what happened in Boston Bill”.


He had raved, as the other man had begun to explain.


“On Tom’s last video shoot, we hired a woman called Rebecca.......she seemed nice............and stable”.


He had finished, as Tom had sarcastically repeated.


“Oh yes.......very stable”.


With another sigh Bill had continued.


“Turns out that Rebecca was a bit of a fan”.


“A bit!!!!!!”


Tom had ranted before continuing.


“She made my life hell, following me around declaring never ending love. My very own stalker...the woman was a nut”.


Standing up Tom had moved towards where Jenna sat, as she had looked at him with a sympathetic expression.


“I spent a week getting to know a selection of the girls, and Tara King was the only one who didn’t try to seduce me...the last thing I need is another stalker”.


Turning from her, he had looked at Bill with determination.


“The video is off till I can find another suitable girl Bill...........and I have no intention of changing my mind”.


Bill had stared at Tom, his expression shocked.


“But Tom.........everything is set up.......people are booked, studio time is set can’t cancel now”.


With another snort he had looked disbelievingly back at Bill.


“Did you hear a word I said?”


He had cried.


“I am NOT going to risk another Rebecca”.


For a few more seconds, there had been silence, as both men had looked at each other, Bill’s eyes pleading and Tom’s determined.


Jenna had stayed silent watching the two, before Bill had given a gasp, looking over at her.


“What about Jenna Tom...........couldn’t Jenna take Tara’s place”.


She had stared back at him, her mouth opening to state that she would not do it, as Tom had looked over at her, a large smile filling his handsome face.


“Of course.........Jenna you could play Tara’s part”.


Jenna had shaken her head with determination.


“No” she had stated flatly.


“No way am I going to be in some........some video”.


She had declared with determination, seeing as both men had looked at each other smiling, before turning their attention on her.


For half an hour the two had bombarded Jenna with why she should do the video, Bill playing on the fact that many people would lose money if she didn’t. Finally raising her hands in defeat she had sighed.


“Fine...fine I will do it”.


The two thanking her, Tom grabbing her by the waist and spinning her around the room, as Jenna had laughed before demanding that he put her down.


Grabbing her crutches she had moved from the room, groaning.


“God what have I let myself in for”


She had cried, her expression pained, as she had moved towards her room, hearing the other two starting to talk excitedly about the plans for the shoot, now back on. As she had moved she had wondered where Ryan was, the first night that he had not come home, Jenna contemplating where or who he was with, her mind imagining him in the arms of some gorgeous blonde, feeling jealousy filling her at the thought, frowning at her reaction. Ryan Trudeau was a grown man who could do what he liked she had determined, her mind once more seeing his handsome face and his intelligent eyes as they often laughed at her. Groaning again, she had finally admitted to herself that she was totally besotted with the man, chiding herself on her first ever crush.

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