She's All Mine (Mine #1) (8 page)

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Authors: Elena Moreno

BOOK: She's All Mine (Mine #1)
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“Son, you were still linked with me. Nice to know I might have to send you to the loony bin. You are truly delusional.” His father said making him blush in embarrassment.


“Sorry Sir.” Then he made sure to close the link

Damn, he didn’t know what the hell was wrong with him. This woman had him tied up like a pretzel.  He couldn’t think straight


“Did you just spray me with perfume?” He smiled sheepishly at her. “Is that your way of telling me I smell?”


“No, it’s my way of protecting what’s mine. Now come on, we’re going home now.” She followed still angry.  When they got to the house he made sure to lock the doors.  Then Logan grabbed her and ran up the stairs to his room. There, he proceeded to close and lock the door. Finally, He grabbed the dresser and put it in front of the door.


Let someone try to get in now! He looked at her and stalked her around the room. “Logan, what are you doing?” She looked kind of worried.


“I’m going to show you that I am not a cuddly bear, but the big bad wolf.”  He said in a low husky voice.  She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips as she tried to dash to the bathroom.  Luckily he was faster than her and caught the door before she could close it.


His foot was preventing the door from closing. He knocked on it and said. “Come out little wolf or I’ll huff and puff and blow your house down.”


Logan could hear her laughing. He figured his best bet to get her to relax is by making her laugh.  The door opened ever so slowly. The smell of her arousal almost knocked him on his ass. The wolf howled.
“Yes go to mate. We need her now.”


“Calm down my friend, tonight we mark her as ours, but we have to do it her way. She seems calm and ready for us now.”  Logan walked over to her as she looked up, He was almost blown over by the love reflected in her eyes. Can it be possible that she loved him as much as he loved her?


“Never in my wildest dreams did I think it was possible to love someone as much as I love you.” He wrapped her in his arms and just held her.


“Logan, make love to me, please” He grabbed her hand and led her to the bed.


Once there Logan pulled off her shirt and remembered she never put her bra back on. After looking his fill, the jeans came off next.  The breath caught in his throat as he gazed on such breathtaking beauty.  “I can’t believe that
She’s all Mine!”


Logan laid her on the bed and gave her a very hot kiss.  Or maybe it was hot for him because damn, it felt like the heat just got turned up in there.  He kissed down her neck and continued kissing every part of her.  Then, when he got to her cute little belly button, he notice that her body started to glow.


“Wow, I’m not going to need a night light anymore.”


“Logan, shut up and keep kissing me.” She sighed and he continued to kiss down her body. After removing her panties and nestling himself between her thighs.  Logan looked up at her and his heart swelled again. “Logan, I love you.”


He paid homage to her womanhood, eliciting the most erotic sounds. She panted and moaned his name. That turned his wolf on. By now Logan stopped noticing how her body glowed. She yanked his hair because she could take no more of his skilled tongue. He kissed her inner thigh then kissed his way up to her breasts.  He latched on to one and sucked with a gentle rhythm. 


He wanted their first time to be nice and slow.  She had to feel his love, but was aware it would take more than words to show her how he felt.  One thing was certain, after tonight she would know for sure.  She moaned his name softly. “Logan, oh Logan.” That was just so fucking hot; He moved on to her other breast and gently sucked once again.


Once he positioned himself at her entrance. Knowing this was her first time he went slowly. If he were honest, this was his first time too. Their pack was not your average pack.  The males like the females wait until they find their mates to make love.


That made this the most special experience, for us as well as for them.  He felt her tense when he broke through her barrier.  Logan cooed softly to her. “I love you now and I will always love you. For me there will be no other.”


Her body relaxed and then she started to move in rhythm with him. He needed to go faster before his wolf took over.  The moment her climax was ready to hit, He sunk his teeth into her and she in turn sunk her teeth into him. Holy shit, their orgasms hit and they both glowed so bright he was blinded for a couple of seconds.


“What the hell was that?” Serenity asked panting yet still freaked out.


“That my dear, was me rocking your world.”  Logan said with a smirk, and then she smacked his chest.


“Logan, be serious, what was that light?”


“I don’t know Serenity. When I was kissing your body you started to glow. As we climaxed, you made me glow too.” He shrugged. “I think I may need glasses. Your glow burnt my corneas.”


“Logan, are you ever serious?” She said as she giggled.


He sobered up fast. “I am Serenity. I just don’t want you to regret what we did. I figured if I made you laugh, you would feel more at ease.”


She tried to hold back a sob. “Oh Logan, I love you so much. Thank you for being patient with me and waiting until I was ready.”


“Serenity, I love you and would die for you.” He cradled her head on his arm and snuggled into her.


“See, you are my cuddle bear!” He roared and started to bite her neck as she giggled.


Then his happiness was destroyed. He received a mind link from Rene and Ricky at the same time.  They were crying and he couldn’t understand what they said.  He jumped out of bed and looked to see that Serenity was crying.  Oh God, Kevin was dead. 

Chapter 7



Serenity looked at Logan as they changed into clothes quickly and headed out to find the guys.  After fighting with Logan since he wanted her to stay. Hell no, she wasn’t staying. Someone they love just lost his life because of her.


They were on the east perimeter. Not too far from the house so he didn’t let her shift so they wouldn’t know it was her.  Plus, now that they mated her scent was different. A mixture of hers and his.


They ran to where the guys were and they arrived first. She sat down beside Kevin’s body and put his head on her lap.  He was covered in blood she couldn’t tell the extent of his injuries.  She started crying and could hear everyone around them cry too.


She put her hand on his heart since there was still the faintest of heart beats.  Then she closed her eyes and pictured all the fun she had with him teasing Logan.  Who’s going to be here now to ruffle Logan’s feathers with her?


He never got to find his mate and feel this all-consuming love that comes from finally mating. “I wish he could live. I wish he could live.” She looked up as Logan arrived.




Logan saw his poor Serenity sitting there with his best friend.  He couldn’t believe that just a short time ago he had been the happiest man on the planet.  He to cried silently and went to join Serenity by Kevin’s side.  He placed his hand over hers and closed his eyes.


He could see everything she was remembering and couldn’t help but smile.  That boy did have a knack for pissing him off.  Logan started to hear the little chant she was repeating in her head.


He started repeating it along with her. “I wish he could live.” He repeated along with her over and over.  Who knows how long they did it. They stopped when the sound of gasps made him opened his eyes. Their bodies were once again glowing.  To their amazement, little by little Kevin’s body started to glow too.


He heard his first gasp for air and squeezed Serenity’s hand that was still under his. That made her open her eyes and break the spell she was under. “Kevin.” She screamed as she noticed him stir.


His eyes opened “It’s about time you guys came to help me.  Here I am dying for you little sister and you were busy.” He sniffed the air. “Damn, you finally figured out how to use the lock to your door!!” Serenity smacked his head causing him to groan in pain.


They all laughed. “Kevin, even on the verge of dying you’re still making jokes.”


“Hey I’m too tough to die.” He said and Serenity started to cry again. “Oh come on honey. Don’t cry, Logan’s going to figure out you wanted me not him.” Serenity hugged him and surprisingly his wolf didn’t growl.  Guess he was just happy the ass was alive.


His father showed up a couple of minutes later. Someone must have told him what happened.  Kevin still had his head on Serenity’s lap while his wounds were healing. Logan was starting to get a little upset now.  He didn’t look as weak and looked too comfortable with his woman.  She was running her fingers through his hair in a comforting gesture.


“How are you feeling now Kevin?” Logan asked trying not to sound irritated.


“I feel mighty fine, thank you for asking.” He said as he smirked up at him.


“Well, unless you want to die again. I suggest you get your fucking self-up and off my woman.”


Kevin turned to him and smiled. “You never were one to share, not even as kids.” He was fine now, so Logan could kill him again. His mind link was open so Kevin could hear his thoughts.  He walked towards him and he jumped up and off the ground.


“You’re no fun Logan, not even when I’m practically dead.” Logan wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight.


“Don’t you ever dye on me again, you hear? If we hadn’t mated before this, you might not be here at this moment.  You know I love you man, but if you keep touching my mate. I‘m going to have to kill you.”


Everyone laughed at that. “Ok, since this crisis was averted, let’s go home.” the Alpha said.


As they walked back they heard snarling and turned to see four wolves running towards them. Logan mind linked Serenity so she would get Kevin home. They would take care of these pests.




As Serenity walked Kevin who was still healing home. Her head turned to see all the fighting and bloodshed. This was all because of her. Maybe she should just hand herself over and spare all these people.


Kevin’s fingers bit into her side. “Don’t you even think of doing something like that, Serenity? It would kill Logan. Not to mention what it would do to our pack.” She looked at him confused.


“Fuck Serenity, I was basically dead and you fucking brought me back to life. Can’t you see that? You got mad at me and with one glare caused me pain, without freaking touching me. Who knows what you can do now that you mated?”


Oh, she hadn’t thought about that? “Come on, let’s get you a shower and then we can see how bad your body is.” She told him. He smirked at her and she prepared herself for what he was going to say. She had set herself up for that one.


“You just want to get your hands on my sexy body.  Now, what would your mate say?” Kevin said with a smirk.


“That he’s going to kick your ass, if you keep talking to her that way. You forgot to close your mind link, dip shit!” Logan said through their mind.  Kevin just smiled sheepishly “My bad.”


Serenity shook her head; life would have really sucked without him around. “Thanks!” He said as she glared at him and he moaned from the pain. “Hey, did you cure me just to hurt me again? You know what they say, you always hurt the one you love.” He just didn’t quit.


‘Kevin!!’ Logan screamed in their head again.


“Sorry, Logan,” Kevin answered but she was sure Logan knew he wasn’t a bit sorry.  An hour later everyone but the people on patrol duty showed up to the pack house.  Kevin was almost completely healed, so he helped her make sandwiches and Iced Tea for everyone that came back.


They were all famished from all the fighting. “So what the hell happened?” Asked Logan’s dad


“All I heard was that Kevin was dead; then Serenity and Logan touched him, and there was a glow and he woke up again.”

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