She's All Mine (Mine #1) (4 page)

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Authors: Elena Moreno

BOOK: She's All Mine (Mine #1)
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“Oh I don’t like you. I love you.”
His wolf responded with fake glee.


“Great, out of all the wolves in the world; I get the smart ass one.” Logan rolled his eyes.
“Stop talking and run faster.”
At that point his wolf took over and sprinted off.  Logan wasn’t even paying attention and just let his wolf take full control. He loved to feel the power of his wolf coursing through their body. It made him feel invincible. 


He was snapped back to reality when his wolf caught a smell in the air. Logan took over again and inhaled deeply. “The smell is familiar.”


“It should be, you use it all the time.” His wolf said as they inhaled again. His brain made the connection that time. “What the hell, is that Dolce and Gabana I smell?” Logan followed the scent until he reached the clearing. Before him, was the most beautiful wolf he had ever laid eyes on?


One more inhale brought the familiar scent of Dolce and Gabana. Yet there was something else that was very intoxicating mingled with the already familiar scent. Roses, is that what he was smelling? One more breath confirmed it. There it was, the sweet smell of roses.


“MATE!” His wolf screamed so loud he almost lost his balance.
“Our mate, go, go to mate now!” Logan made the mistake of inhaling again. This time the scent caused his wolf to go wild. He was ready to break free.
Oh shit! He’s never acted like this; it took all his strength to hold him back. “Want mate now!”



Serenity was none the wiser of the approaching wolf.  That is, until she heard a branch snap. She turned her head just as a big black wolf approached her. She was unsure what to do. Her parents had mentioned the rest of the pack. So it came as no surprise that there were others around. Her head raised as she took in the air around her. It came as a total shock to smell the male version of her Dolce and Gabana. Well, at least this wolf had good taste.


Without thinking she once again took a lung full of the scent. By this time, the wolf was closer. Close enough for her wolf to go crazy.
“Mate! We found our mate. Go to mate.”
She was getting frantic.


“Be quiet, what’s wrong with you?” Serenity reprimanded, but her body was filling with strange feelings. What the hell was going on?


“Our mate Serenity, please go to him. I told you about the one person in the world for us.”
Her wolf started letting off an intense feeling again that made Serenity want to run to this wolf. There was no way she was doing it. It was scaring the hell out of her and her first thought was to run. Yes, run home and away from this animal. It was then a voice penetrated her thoughts.

“No, don’t run. Please don’t run! I won’t be able to hold him back if you do and I don’t want to mate you in wolf form. It will be very bad, trust me; very, very bad.” That only served to cement the idea.


Serenity looked around for the best route and bolted. The last thing she heard was
screamed in her head, as her heart pounded out of control.



To Logan’s horror, his mate took off running.“Holy shit
Not good, not good at all. This is going to be disastrous!” Those were his last words before his wolf took over.


“Yes, must catch mate and mark her as mine. Must catch mate and mount her.” 
He could feel the crazed need the wolf had. It was primal as he relished the excitement of the chase. He needed to claim and tame their mate.


Holy shit! Logan was so turned on and so scared at the same time.  He was going to hurt their mate.  He would take her in an animalistic way.  No foreplay, no sweet words, just some down and dirty sex.  “No, we can’t do this to her. “Wolf, please control yourself; we could lose her before we even get her.” Logan tried to plead.


“No she is mine, my mate.”
His wolf let out a gut wrenching howl. Logan was sure that if the poor female hadn’t been scared before, she sure as hell would be scared now. Truth be told, he was pretty damned scared too. His wolf had to see reason and soon

“No wolf, she is my mate too. Please don’t do this to us.”  His heart was pounding so loudly it was echoing in his ears. Unable to rein him in he reached the female and grabbed her by the scruff.  Logan tried his best to fight his beast but it was no use. He felt her frail form as their paws pinned her to the ground.


This was insane. His wolf placed their teeth in that special place between the neck and her shoulder. The place where she will wear his mark. Just before the teeth sank in, she shifted back into a human and passed out. His wolf lost the grip he had and was stunned enough for Logan to take over. He too shifted to human form.


Through the whole ordeal, poor Serenity was struggling to figure out what the fuck just happened. Logan had no idea she had mind linked her father for help. He had been far too busy controlling his wolf at the time.


A trembling Logan sat on the ground looking down at the beautiful creature that is to be his mate. It worried him to see her so frail and lifeless in his arms. Had they hurt her badly? It took all his will power to train his eyes on her face and not her body. All his animal urges screamed for him to take her. Instead, he mind linked his mother. She would know what to do and most importantly, she would know who this creature was.


After asking for clothes and asking her to hurry, Logan could do nothing else but bask in the smell of his mate. She was so petite and he just wanted to eat her up. He wasn’t sure how long he had been there but the sound of someone approaching made him look up.


“What the fuck are you guys doing here? Stay back, you can’t see her naked.” His mother had not come alone and that had Logan seeing red. The boys stopped before getting close and headed to the woods to shift back to human form. His mother dropped the bundle of clothes and went to shift too.


While everyone was shifting and dressing. Logan took the opportunity to put on the pants his mother brought him. Then with all the care in the world. He dressed his mate in his shirt. Logan was filled with pride seeing her dressed in his things. He was still kneeling down holding her when everyone came back.


“Logan, who is she? What happened?” His mother asked as she reached out to touch his mate. A growl escaped his lips and she flinched back. Had he really growled at his mother? What the hell was happening to him?


“I’m sorry mom, but please stay away. Stay away from my mate, something’s wrong.” Logan said in a desperate tone.


He heard a simultaneous “Holy shit!” from the boys.


“Logan you found your mate?” His mother asked him confused.  Before he could answer; they heard a howl and saw two silver wolves heading towards them.  They ran to the woods to shift and in the blink of an eye they were running towards them again.


“My baby girl.” Michelle cried.


“What the hell did you do to my daughter?” Tom demanded as he ran towards them.


The man was very angry and upset, but Logan only cared about his mate at the moment. “Tom, I’m not sure what happened, we just got here.” His mother tried to sooth him.  The moment the man tried to approach them Logan growled menacingly.


“She’s my mate, I must protect my mate.” He said through gritted teeth. Why couldn’t they just understand that she needed him? Something was wrong with her. He and his wolf sensed it.


Tom looked at Logan then at his wife. “What the hell is this crazy kid talking about? Serenity, is not his mate.”


“Tom, I think she might be. That would explain why he even growled at me.” His mother said and by the look on her face, he knew things would never be the same again. Her little boy was gone. In his place now stood a man who would do anything to protect the one thing that was more important than his life. Her eyes filled with tears before she smiled in acceptance.

“Mate or not, we have to get her home.  She needs her medication Tom.  This makes two times now that she has passed out.  Not to mention, the strain that shifting for the first time has put on her heart. I was starting to hope everything was going to be ok.” Michelle said, sounding panicked.


Her words made Tom approached Logan once more. “Listen boy, I need to know what the hell happened.  My little girl needs her medication, so give her to me.” The man seemed to have run out of patience.


Logan growled at him menacingly once more. There was no way theywere taking his mate away. Everyone could see his wolf was threatening to come out so his mother mind linked her husband the Alpha for help. Meanwhile Michelle stepped forward and addressed Logan.


“Listen Logan, we understand now. She’s your mate and you want to protect her.  Yet you’re only hurting her at the moment.  Serenity has a weak heart and needs her medication or she can die.  You can bring her to our house so she gets the medication.  Then you can explain to us what happened and we can figure things out.”



No one knew the turmoil going on inside Logan…



We must protect mate, don’t let them take her from us.” His wolf growled as Logan fought to keep him in check.


“Shut up, this is all your fault. You hurt her!” Logan yelled at his wolf. The anger he felt at the moment allowed him the strength needed to push his wolf back. “All right Sir, let’s go.” Just as Logan was about to get up she started to wake up. Unfortunately, that was also when the Alpha approached.


She looked up at Logan in confusion then her head turned and spotted his dad.  Her father called out to her at that moment and she ran into his arms.  On instinct Logan launched himself trying to get her back but the guys ran over and took a hold of his body. He stopped struggling when he saw her go down again.


“What the hell is going on?” The Alpha asked as he took in each and every person around.


“I’m not sure Alpha, my daughter mind linked me that there was a wolf trying to kill her.  I have to get her back home for her heart medication before she gets worse.” Tom responded and Logan took the opportunity to go to him. Tom was faster and backed away.


“She’s my mate,” He growled once more. Funny how that wisp of a girl had turned him into a raving lunatic. Tom reluctantly handed her over. He caught the way his father turned to look at his mother. She must have been explaining things through mind link because his fathers’ eyes widened before a smile stretched his features.


Lucky for them His father had driven over so they arrived at Toms’ house in no time. He carefully laid her on the bed while her mom went to get her medications and a glass of water. Her mother shook her and she awoke long enough to take the medication. Serenity turned to look at him and his knees nearly buckled as those beautiful brown eyes met his.


Logan could have sworn she was looking right into his soul. Without even thinking he reached out and touched her smooth cheek.  Slowly her eyes closed again, not before his wolf growled “
Don’t touch my mate


“Let’s go down stairs so you can explain what happened, young man.” Tom demanded and Logan stopped trying to figure out what his wolf meant.  He turned and looked at the beautiful girl lying on the bed and didn’t want to leave her.


“Our Mate is sick, don’t leave our mate.”  The wolf said it so sadly it broke his heart. Yet he knew all hell would break loose if he didn’t explain what happened soon. 


Just then his dad mind linked. “Logan, I know it hurts to leave her, but we need to know what happened. So get your ass down here, now.” Oh man, that had been said in Alpha tone!


When Logan arrived downstairs Tom was pacing back and forth. “What happened? She said there was a black wolf trying to kill her.”


Logan scratched his head trying to figure out how to tell them what happened. “I was out for a run this morning when I came across a familiar scent.” He shrugged his shoulders. “So I followed it.  I was in wolf form and so was she.   When I got closer, the smell of roses hit me. It drove my wolf crazy and he started to scream, Mate.” Now he was pacing. “I saw she had every intention to run so I mind linked her and told her not to.”


Serenity’s mother and his mom both gasped at the same time, but his mother spoke first. “Oh my God Logan. You didn’t attack her and mount her in wolf form did you?”


He could see Toms jaw tighten as her mother burst into tears. “I tried to hold him back, but he saw the chase as a challenge.  I reached her and held her down.” Now both their mothers were in tears.


“I was about to bite her to mark her as mine.  She shifted saying she didn’t want to die in wolf form.  My wolf was stunned and I took advantage and shifted back.”


“Holy crap.” the guys said from the Livingroom.


Logan turned to her parents. “Why did she run? Didn’t you explain to her never to run when a wolf approaches?” He asked angrily. He could have hurt her and all because of them.


“She just found out that wolves existed yesterday.  We still haven’t gone over everything yet.  So if her wolf said you where her mate, she wouldn’t have understood what that meant.” Her mom said in their defense.


Logan shook my head trying to ride his body of the anger. They were right. It wasn’t their fault. “I’m so sorry this happened, but you must know. I had no control over my wolf. You should know what it’s like, when you find your mate.”


Tom looked at the Alpha, still very unhappy with what happened. “I don’t understand why she has to be his mate. We have no Alpha blood in our family line.”


The Alpha shook his head. “I don’t know, Alpha mates are always Alpha blood line. That keeps the leadership pure.  The only other way someone with no Alpha blood can be mated with an Alpha, is when there is magic in the wolf.  There hasn’t been a wolf like that in eons.” The Alpha started to pace now. “You would know that special wolf right away because of their coloring.  They’re a rare breed and pure in nature.  A gift you can say, because they self-heal once mated and can also do magical things.”


“I don’t understand?” Tom questioned.


“They are special, all breeds of wolf are different colors but this special wolf is one of a kind.  Like I said a pure breed, all white in color.  Completely white, no patches or any other spots just white.  Like I said, there hasn’t been one in eons.” He was dismissing the thought.


Logan gulped and looked at his father. “Until now.” He wasn’t crazy, his mate had been completely white.


“What?” His father asked in disbelief as his eyes sought out Tom.


“My Serenity shifted at midnight on the dot Alpha. Her wolf is all white.” Tom whispered, still in shock.


Logan smiled feeling very cocky at the moment. “Hot damn, my mate’s a one of a kind breed, just like me.” The moment his words left his lips. The guys sent the pillows from the couch flying his way.


“You’re such a dork.” Kevin said rolling his eyes.


“Guys, quit playing around; we have some serious business to discuss.  What will Serenity say when she wakes up?” His father asked.


Crap, Logan hadn’t really thought about it.  He just figured she would be so happy that he was her mate.  How was he expected to know that she didn’t know about mates and everything else? “While you guys figure it out, can I go back to her? My wolf has been driving me crazy howling that he wants to go be with his mate.” Tom once again shot him a glare.


“I’m sorry Tom, I understand she’s your daughter.  I understand how she just shifted yesterday and now you have this punk ass kid wanting to take her away.” The Alpha said trying to reason with Tom. Yet all Logan wanted was to get to Serenity, but he also didn’t want to get talked about.


“I resent that. I’m not a kid, I’m a man.” Logan complain.


“Figures that would be the only thing you would complain about.” Rene said not helping matters any.


“The walls of her heart are getting weaker.” Tom admitted in almost a whisper.


The Alpha walked over to him and squeezed his shoulder. “Well, you don’t have to worry about it now. If the stories are true. Once she’s fully mated, she’ll have the power to self-heal. Her heart will repair itself.”


“Oh Tom, this is the miracle we’ve been waiting for.” Michelle cried but this time in happiness.


Tom glared at Logan once more. “Why does my miracle have to include Logan?” He said pointing a finger at him.


Logan took no offence and just shot Tom his most dazzling smile. “You should be happy you have me as a son-in-law. Sir, you just got a miracle and won the lottery by getting me.”


“Logan, don’t make me kick your ass.”  His father said while the guys snickered behind him. “There’s one other problem.  Since she is the rare magic wolf, other packs are going to want to get their hands on her.”


That made Logan go mad and almost shift. “No one is getting their hands on my mate.”  His wolf was fighting so hard to come out and protect their mate.  The guys sensing the anger approached and flanked his sides. The wolf was almost out.


When the Alpha noticed he got on his feet. “No one is here to hurt her, rein him in Logan.”  Logan breathed in and out deeply while reassuring the wolf that there was no present danger. Little by little the wolf backed down.


“What the hell’s that?” Rene asked pointing to a spot right inside his arm. Logan looked to the spot his friend had pointed out and was surprised to see some sort of tattoo on his skin.


“Let me see,” his father said coming forward to examine the strange image. “Well I’ll be damned!!”


“What?” Everyone asked at the same time.


“I was worried about other tribes coming to get her because; unlike regular wolves that only have that one mate. A magic wolf can pick her mate, so any one can take her and force her to claim them.” He looked at him and smiled. “I guess her wolf already decided son. You might not have physically claimed her yet, but her wolf sure as hell claimed you.”


Logan traced the tattoo with his finger. “She marked you with her magic son. This is her mark.” His father said as he examined the tattoo. “When you bite her, she will wear your mark.  Yet you will also wear hers. Some magic wolves don’t share their mark with their mates because they give their mate a little of their power.  Yet she shared hers.”


“Holy shit, I’m going to have magic powers?” This was all so fucking crazy. Yet he couldn’t help but feel proud of his mate and wanted to get back to her soon.


“We won’t know what her power or your power is until you mate.” Shit, he wanted to mate her this very moment.


“Stop making that face. That’s my little girl!” Tom yelled and Logan felt himself turn red.


“I’m Sorry Sir. I don’t mean to be rude, but can I go to my mate now? You guys can keep talking. I need to be with her now.”


“This boy is going to be the death of me.” Tom muttered as he turned to his wife. She came closer and mind linked him. “Tom, do you remember how we couldn’t stay away from each other when we found out we were mates.  My dad told you the same thing.  He even said he couldn’t wait to see you when our daughter found her mate.”


Logan was fascinated by the amount of emotions passing through Tom’s face. He held his breath and waited for the response. “Fine, you can go. There’s only one condition. If you mate her in my house. I get to kill you.” Logan could practically see smoke coming out of Tom’s ears as he spit the words out.


He took the steps two at a time and stopped in front of her door. The wolf was finally calm and whispered in anticipation. “Please, just go to our mate.” Once inside Logan looked down at the sleeping form. “We must hold her and smell her.” His wolf pleaded. “Oh what the hell! Tom said I couldn’t mate her here.  He didn’t say I couldn’t get into bed with her.” Logan said to his wolf as he toed off his shoes but opted to leave the sweat pants on.


There was no way he would get himself killed. Worst case, he didn’t want his mate to hate him if Tom had a heart attack over him being naked. Logan smiled as he pulled down the crisp white sheets and slipped in next to her.

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