She's All Mine (Mine #1)

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Authors: Elena Moreno

BOOK: She's All Mine (Mine #1)
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Elena Moreno

Published by Double Fantasy, LLC 2016*

Copyright © 2016 Double Fantasy, LLC

Cover design / Photo by Miky Merisi


Model: Luigi De Pisapia







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This book is a work of fiction. All names, places and dialogue are all a product of the Authors imagination. Any type of resemblance to people or events living or dead, is purely coincidental.













By: Elena Moreno






















Eighteen years ago to the day. A child was born to Thomas and Michelle James. The proud parents were so happy. At least they were, until they found out their child had a weak heart. How could this be? She was born to two werewolves. In the history of the pack, no wolf had ever been born sick. For you see, all wolves have the power to selfheal.


Extensive research was done by the pack. What they managed to find, was devastating to all. For it seems that any undue stress would surely cause this child’s death. It was at that moment Michelle gasped with the realization that her precious daughter would not live past the age of eighteen.


Every female shifted on the first full moon of her eighteenth birthday. The shift its self was the most painful ordeal anyone has ever gone through. The breaking and shifting of bones alone would be enough to end her precious daughters’ life. The thought alone had Michelle on the verge of passing out. Yet once again, it was Thomas who held her together.


Thomas and Michelle decided to name their daughter Serenity. Since they would have to do everything in their power to have their daughter live a tranquil and serene life. This included them leaving the pack and joining the human world. They intended for little Serenity to live a stress free human life. That is, until her 18
birthday. Then and only then, they would return to the pack so Serenity could die among her kind.


Eighteen years later the raven haired blue eyed beauty would grow up to be so much more than anyone could ever dream. For her wolf, will turn out to be the first key to the survival of mankind? All she needs is to stay alive and find the chosen others.


Chapter One



Somewhere in the Werewolf Realm….


   “The time has come my children, for it seems the amount of evil is spreading on Earth.  I have tried my best to create a balance, yet my efforts have resulted with no success. The rate of the spread can only mean one thing. The time of The Dark One may soon be upon us. We may still be able to catch the threat in time. A plan has been put in place and the help of four females will be needed.” The great alpha announced while pacing back and forth.


   “They are to enter the bodies of the chosen human females. With the threat looming closer as the centuries passed, they were handpicked without their knowledge and groomed for the job.” The great Alpha explained.


   Divinity was shocked, “do our female wolves know of this mission?” This was all news to Divinity.


   “They do not know of each other as of yet. The first piece of the puzzle is to turn 18 today. The girl will shift tomorrow and start the spiral of events that will lead to the discovery of each and every key player. I trust that all will be done as it should be and we will be victorious. Alas, humans have free will and there are no guarantees.”

  The Alpha mind linked Divinity all that would happen and just who those chosen were. Yes, it does seem like those poor humans are in for a spiral of events Divinity thought. He felt honored to be among the chosen few needed for this mission. “Is that where Samuel was sent?” Divinity inquired of his friend as a smile spread his features. The smile wavered with the next load of images the Alpha sent him regarding his friend.




Back On Earth…


The sound of the cabinet door closing echoed throughout the kitchen. That was what broke Thomas from his trance. He turned as his wife entered and gave him a sad smile. The candle was inserted into the muffin in silence. At that moment, Thomas blocked his mind from her. The sadness eating away inside would be the catalyst that would cause her to fall apart.


As they headed towards their daughter’s room, Thomas allowed himself a moment to think of the happy times. A smile stretched his features as memories of what a stubborn child Serenity had been flashed in his head. No matter how much they tried to keep her safe. The girl always found ways to get into trouble. Had it not been for their ability to read each other’s mind, she might not have made it to this age.



His smile grew as an image of his spirited six year old daughter climbing the large willow in their back yard came to mind. Serenity was instructed not to climb without her parents there. Yet Serenity being Serenity, set her mind to reach the top alone and nothing was going to get in her way.  


Luckily they heard everything she was thinking and raced outside in time for him to catch her as she fell. Michelle as well as he, had tried their best to reduce the stress of everyday life for their daughter. Yet nothing would stop her eighteenth birthday from arriving. Unfortunately, the full moon is tomorrow and she will shift for the first time.


Thomas turned to his wife as they reached Serenity’s bedroom. He saw the same fear and sadness mirrored back in her eyes. Taking a deep breath helped to calm him as his lips curled into a smile.


~*~ ~*~ ~*~*~*~


Meanwhile Serenity had no idea the fear her parents felt that morning as she happily planned her day. “Happy Birthday, to me” She sang out loud in hopes her parents were nearby. The door swung open and in walked her mom and dad with a banana nut muffin. A wide grin appeared on her face upon spotting the candle that was inserted into it. “Happy birthday sugar,” her dad said as he handed her a glass of water and her pills.


“My baby girl is all grown up” her mom said looking at her with tears in her eyes. Unsure if it was because of her birthday or the pills, Serenity looked away. This had been the daily routine all her life. Yet for some reason her mother seemed to get weepy every time, it was getting old. Instead of dwelling she decided to just jump out of bed and hug them.


     Her dad lit the candle. “Now close your eyes and make a wish.”  After closing her eyes, Serenity concentrated. Should her wish be for world peace? Serenity was nothing if not practical. She would not lose out on a wish asking for something that may never happen. Upon a lot of consideration the right wish seemed to have almost magically appeared in her brain.


“I wished to find a guy who will sweep me off my feet and love me madly
.” She thought that sounded like a good wish. Decision made, Serenity then opened her eyes and blew out the candle. Not before noticing the look her parents sent to one another, but she brushed it off. It was her birthday and that was all that mattered. “So where’s my surprise?”


“Get dressed and come down for breakfast, you’ll get it then.” Her dad answered as he directed her mother out of the room.



Downstairs her father and mother were getting ready to shatter her façade of a perfect life.


“Oh Tom, I don’t know how she’s going to react to us taking her away from her life and everything she knows.” Michelle said in concern.


“Listen Michelle, we said that we would give her a normal human life. At least until it was time for her to shift.  Serenity’s heart is getting worse every day and she grows tired faster. The shift will add more strain to her body as well as her heart. We knew this day would come.” The look on his face betrayed his real feelings.


“The full moon will be out tomorrow night and she will shift for the first time Tom.  It’s too soon, I want more time.”  Tom looked apprehensive as his wife continued to speak. “Do you think we should have told her sooner?  You know, about how serious her heart problem really is, or about what will happen to her? ”


“No, it would have given her too much time to think about how her life was going to change.” Tom told his wife while shaking his head. No matter what they did or when they told her, the outcome would have been the same. At least she had 18 years of normalcy. That was all they could give her. Yet he still found himself praying she would forgive them.

“Did you hear what she wished for Tom?” His wife asked with a shocked look on her face.


“Yes I did. We have to tell her. Now that she’s 18 she needs to know she will never find her mate if she dies in the shift.” He clutched his heart. “Sometimes being able to hear her thoughts is not a good thing.” If she made it through the shift, it was quite possible she would find her soul mate. He couldn’t help the grimace that etched his features. Just the thought made him want to kill the faceless man that would take his baby girl from him.


“I know, but at least it helped us to keep her on the straight and narrow.” They both hushed when they heard her descending the stairs. Their precious daughter was still, still singing to herself.


“Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me” She continued to sing and looked so happy. The pit of Thomas stomach started to twist in pain.


“I made your favorite honey, Eggs Benedict.” Michelle told her happy to at least be able to do that for her daughter. Yet she couldn’t help but wonder why life was so cruel. Why did she have to lose her child?


“Thanks mom” Serenity said before blurting out. “So come on, let’s hear what the surprise is.”

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