Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (21 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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He holds both of my hands and turns to face me, walking backwards towards the bed. When he gets there, he pauses, gazing at me with those beautiful eyes full of desire. "I've got you in my bedroom, baby."

"Uh huh, and what are you going to do about it?"

His mouth curls and he cocks an eyebrow, his fingers slowly unbuttoning his jeans while his eyes remain, burning into mine. He slides his jeans and underwear down his toned thighs, letting them fall to the floor before stepping out of them and slipping his hands around my back to expertly unclip and remove my bra.

Our lips meet again, and with one hand on my back, he caresses a breast with the other. I moan loudly, his touch sending an electric current directly to my clitoris. He slides the other hand down my back and underneath the lace of my knickers, gliding them down until we are standing against each other, perfectly naked.

I gently place my hands on his chest and drag my fingertips down past his taut abs, slowly bending to my knees until I'm face to face with his impressive erection. It turns me on, seeing just how much he wants me. I hold one of my hands around him and squeeze him, indulgently. I look up at his face, his eyes fixed on me, his lips are pursed and I can see his heart beating hard through his chest.
I twist my hand slightly and glide up and down, squeezing just enough that I can feel him harden even more under my touch. 
This is so hot.

I pick up the pace a little and Daniel groans as he tips his head backwards. I place my other hand on his backside and squeeze it as I lean forward and place his tip in my mouth.

Daniel gasps and immediately looks down at me again, his mouth open.

"Fuck," he moans as I take as much of him into my mouth as I can, sucking hard and swirling my tongue around him.
My mouth continuously rises and falls around him, gradually increasing speed. I'm enjoying the feel of him against my tongue, seeing his sexy stomach move as his breathing quickens, hearing his groans. I want to make him come, I've never had someone come in my mouth before, I've always thought it was a bit gross, but I want it with Daniel. I want to feel him coming undone, I want to do this for him, pleasure him, give him something that I haven't given to anyone before.

I keep sucking, hard, following my mouth with my hand, squeezing harder. I can hear him getting closer, his panting and quiet moaning giving it away.

"Oh, baby, stop."

"Uh uh," I murmur around him, moaning as I speed up again, increasing the pressure, I'm enjoying it so much, I want to do this for him, I want to give him this."

"Baby, please, I'm going to..."

"Mmm..." I pull away briefly, still working my hand. "Go ahead, I'm not stopping."
 I continue my rhythm, sucking, swirling, pumping... I'm so turned on.

"Oh god, oh baby... oh!" he shouts loudly. I feel a warm spurt in the back of my throat and I swallow immediately, hoping I don't taste anything. I slow and loosen my grip on him, but keep him in my mouth. I swirl my tongue gently, and slowly slide him out of my mouth, swallowing again to make sure it's all gone. I'm pleasantly surprised, not gross at all.

I look up at Daniel's face and he's biting his lip, gazing down at me. I stand and wrap my arms around him, tilting my head to bury my face in his neck, kissing him. Daniel's hands slide around my naked back, pulling me closer.

"Bea, that was
. You are... incredible, at everything. Oh god, baby, I..."

"Mmm, Daniel," I mumble into his neck, laying tiny kisses all over him, "I really enjoyed it, I like the way you feel in my mouth, I like how you taste. I've never let anyone do that before but it's different with you, I want you to have something no one else has."

"Oh, Bea, don't say that, I can't bear that I can't have you. How am I going to carry on as normal when you leave? I could barely handle the last couple days," he says, squeezing me tightly.

"I don't know how I will."

"We're together now. Come to bed with me."

"Mmm, and you can make... um, love to me. Will you? Please?"

"Baby, I'll make love to you non-stop until you leave for the
airport; if that's what you want."

"So we're not heading to the club?"

"Club? What club?" he says with a smile, before taking me into his arms again and kissing me.







I lay on the bed, hot and panting after a wickedly intense orgasm. Daniel's head still clamped between my thighs, my fists clutching his hair. My ankles are crossed above his body, the glittery Manolo's gloriously catching the light. I slowly open my eyes and relax my thighs and fingers, enabling him to come up for air.

"Oh, wow..." I whisper, huskily, "That was amazing."

"For me, too, baby," he says as he crawls up my body, resting on top of me and kissing me gently.

"Can you taste yourself on my lips?"

I can, and it's not as weird as I thought it might be. It's actually quite arousing. "Yes, I like it, strangely."

"I love the way you taste."

I smile at him, he's just so gorgeous. "Tonight is amazing, Daniel, and we haven't even had... made... you know, yet."

"You mean we haven't made love yet?"

"Yes." I blush and look down.

"You've said it a few times, Bea, why do you feel uncomfortable now?"

"You know what I think about that, I never say it until I'm, you know... in a relationship where the other person and I are in love with each other. It's very unusual for me to have been saying it, like I have, recently."

Daniel looks at me in that way again, the silent way. It's so awkward, like he doesn't know what to say because he thinks I'm asking him to tell me he loves me, or something. I'm not. 

"But anyway," I break the weird silence, "I'm looking forward to... making... it. I love tonight, thank you for coming."

"Don't thank me, I'm just so glad to be spending another night with you, I didn't think I'd see you again."

"Me neither," I say as he kisses my nose.

"So, baby, I know how you feel, and I know that you wanted to distance yourself, but do you think we could spend your last day together, tomorrow? I want to be with you every second until you get on that plane, Sunday."

How can I say no to that?
 I should, but I don't even want that anymore. I want as much as I can get. "I'd love to Daniel."

"Really?" he asks, and his face lights up. He's adorable!

"Really. I kind of broke the whole 'no contact' thing when I started sex texting you earlier."

"I'm so happy to hear that,
Bea; I'll make your last day, one to remember. I promise."

"I've no doubt that you will, Sexy."

His eyes sparkle. "So, instead of
'making love'
right now, why don't we get some clothes on, get a bite to eat and some drinks up here, and ask the others if they want to join us?"

As disappointed as I am that we have to get out of bed and stop this wonderful 'skin-on-skin' contact, I think that's sounds really fun.
"Sounds great, where will we get food from?"

"That's not a
n issue when you live here, sweetheart, I can have 'Whatever, Whenever'. Literally, it's like a 'thing' they do here. We can call down and get some food sent up."

"Wow, sounds fabulous! I love where I live and everything, but you don't get that there, this sounds very indulgent!"

"It's great, although I'm not totally spoiled, I like to keep my feet on the ground, I don't ask for the tub to be filled with candy or anything."

"Shame, I love sweeties!" I giggle. "Do you have something I can put on? I adore my new dress, but it's not for chilling about indoors in, I don't want to ruin it."

"I don't know what I've got that will fit you, but you're welcome to wear whatever you like. Come," he says as he climbs off me and walks towards one of the two side doors. I follow him through one of them, and find myself in the most enormous walk-in wardrobe, full of Daniel's clothes and shoes and accessories. It smells divine! "Oh Daniel, it smells like you in here, I love it. Mmm."

He raises an eyebrow and smirks slightly. "So you '
' how I smell, huh? What else to you '
' about me?"

"You '
' that word, don't you? Are you just saying it to make me feel uncomfortable? Do you '
' doing that to me?"

"I know what I do '
' doing to you," he says with a grin, looking me up and down. "Holy crap! You're still wearing the stilettos! Oh my god, baby, you're standing in my closet, completely naked except for those sexy heels. I '
' that and I want to do what I '
' doing to you right now, in here," he says and wraps his arms around me, walking me towards the doorframe.

"We're supposed to be getting me some clothes, young man. I don't think we should be fucking in the walk-in wardrobe."

"I don't plan on 'fucking' you, baby, and you know that. Turn around."

I do as I'm told, and Daniel scoops my hair up and pushes it over one shoulder, leaving my neck clear for him to kiss. He puts both of his hands on my waist and pulls me back against
him; my heels make me the perfect height, his erection pushing through the gap at the top of my thighs. I grab hold of the door frame with one hand, and reach down, in between my legs, with the other, to press him against me. He's so warm and hard, I need to push him inside me and let him fuck... make love to me.

I can feel how wet you are."

I moan, loudly, and he cups one of my breasts, smoothing his fingers over my hard nipple.

"Your body is beautiful, Bea, every tiny bit is perfect, your skin is so soft, I crave every inch of you."

"Daniel, please... do it..."

"Do what, baby?" he asks, kissing my jaw.

"Just fuck me, Daniel."

"That's not happening, Bea."

"Please!" I shout, urgently, I need this so badly.

"No, baby. Say it."

"Please, Daniel."

"I want you to say it and I want you to mean it."

I pull my head away from his shoulder and look down. I close my eyes, psyching myself up. I really, really do want to say it, I want him to do it and I want to do it with him, but it is actually starting to mean something to me, and it's just a 'term of phrase' for Daniel. I believe he prefers to say 'make love', because he thinks 'fucking me' is derogatory, but he doesn't realise how much 'making love' means to me. He says he wants me to mean it but I don't think he realises that by meaning it, for me, it would mean I'm in love with him.

Somehow, after only a week or so... I think I might be.

"Please, please, Daniel."

He pulls back and presses the end of his erection into me.

"Oh god!" I yell, "Yes."

He slowly eases into me and I bend forward slightly to push m
yself onto him. I moan, loudly. "Yes, baby, make noise for me, I love your pleasure, I love your body, I love..."

"Oh, yes, it's so good, you're so good."

He slides out slowly and pushes into me again, deep. "Bea, you're amazing," he whispers, moving a little faster, harder, deeper.

"You too, Daniel, so amazing, keep going, keep doing it, keep..."

"Yes baby?" he asks breathlessly.

"I want to, I want to say it."

"Then say it, Bea, please? It means something."

His pounding hits the spot, head on (so to speak), over and over and it's agonisingly pleasurable. The huge waves are building inside as heat rushes to my groin.
"I can't see you, I can't say it to the wall, but don't stop, oh god don't stop! Later..."

His fingers grab my chin and he turns my face to the side, leaning forward so his face is immediately in front of mine and he kisses me.
"Look at me, don't stop."

I look into his eyes and I know I can say it, say it and mean it, I want to.
"Make love to me, please make love to me, oh... yes, oh god... make love to me, make love...yes... yes...ah!" I explode around him, hard and passionately. "Oh, Daniel!" I shout, louder than loud.

"Oh god, baby, yes!" Daniel groans as he thrusts into me, hard, before stilling and resting his hand on the door frame in front of us. He splays his other hand on my stomach and drops his face to my shoulder.

I raise my hand and stroke the back of his neck, resting the other with his, on my belly. We stand in silence for a moment, calming our breathing, Daniel gently kissing my shoulder.

"Stay?" he whispers and I smile.

"If I could, believe me, I would."

"Can't you?"

"Sadly, no. Come with me?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"This is when I wish I had a boring, normal job that I could just quit. Then I'd come and be with you."

"What if you hated living in England?"

"I wouldn't care if I could be with you."

"You're sweet, Daniel,"

"More like smitten."

I grin and turn to face him, wrapping my hands around his neck. "I don't think you're real; there is nothing wrong with you, literally, nothing! Apart from living thousands of miles away, of course. You will make a California girl very happy, one day, as much as it pains me to say it."

"Don't say it." He kisses my nose again. "I don't want to make anyone else happy."

"One day you will."

"I won't. I don't want you making anyone happy either." He pouts like a child.

"You're so cute Daniel," I say, turning his pout into a shy smile.

"I need to use your bathroom, please. Where is it?"

He tightens his arms around me and nuzzles his head into my hair. "Don't go..."

"I have to, but I'll be back in a minute and you can get me something to wear and then show me around."

"Ok, baby. It's the next door on your right."

"Thank you."


I check my face before I leave the bathroom, it's still fine, the lipstick has gone and there are no ugly red smears, so all is good. I wash my hands and collect my underwear from the bedroom floor before making my way back to the walk-in wardrobe. Daniel has put another of his super-sexy polo shirts on, this one is a pale blue Ralph Lauren one, and it skims his muscles perfectly. He has teamed it with a pair of navy cargo shorts and he looks
. I kick off my shoes and wander over to him, still completely naked. How do I not feel uncomfortable? Must be the booze.

He offers me a beautiful, huge smile. God, I do love him.
"Hello, baby."

"Hello, again, you look gorgeous."

"So do you, as always." 

I smile. "So, what have you got for me to wear, Sexy?"

"I really don't know, my pants will be way too big, you're tiny."

"Ok, I'll have a look."

"Help yourself to anything, I'll go and put some music on and fix us a drink." He puts his arm around me and kisses me before leaving.

I put my underwear on, looking around at all of his clothes, wondering what on earth to wear. After a good rummage around in this 'Daniel-scented haven', I find a v-neck,
lamb’s wool, navy jumper which looks very comfy, and a pair of pale blue and white striped cotton boxers. I dress and roll the waist band of the boxers over so they fit me better. I am the most comfortable I think I've ever been. I head back out to the bedroom and make the bed before joining Daniel in the kitchen.

"Fuck," he says, looking me up and down, "how do you make a pair of boxers and a sweater look so hot?"

I giggle and roll my eyes. "I'm sure I don't, you'd probably say I make granny pants and flip flops look hot."

"I think you probably would!"

"No one can make granny pants look hot, Daniel."

"Well, you've already told me you don't 'do' granny panties so it doesn't matter does it? I love your panties."

"And I love your pants Daniel, these are super comfy!"

"Keep them, something to remember me by."

"Ok, I will, thank you. Shall I text Tilly and see if they want to come here?"

"Yes, great."
I walk back out to the hall to retrieve my clutch bag and dress from the floor, pulling my mobile out. There is a text from Tilly which I open as I walk back to the kitchen.


Tilly 22 Sep 00:20

Hey! Are you two still
snogging in the hallway?! Are you coming here? It's gorge! Let me know what you are doing. Luke is THE BEST DANCER on the planet. He is going to get some tonight! Xxxxxxxxxxx


I laugh as I lean against the kitchen work top and hit reply.


22 Sep 00:50

Sorry, doll! We got a bit
sidetracked ;-) We're at Daniel's apartment and about to get something to eat. We wondered if you all wanted to come and join us for food and drinkies? I need to talk to you, too. Please come? It'll be fun, promise. Xx


"Here, baby." Daniel hands me yet another glass of champagne.

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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