Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (20 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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Tears pool in my eyes. This beautiful man, who I have been pining after and crying over for the past two days, has just said
. Oh shit, I'm... falling.

I take a couple of deep breaths to compose myself. I look him in the eye and kiss him tenderly, meaningfully. I want to say how I feel, like this. No matter how drunk I get, I'll never admit this feeling. That would make everything so much harder and he'd probably freak out and run a mile.

"Hey, Daniel, it's a week."

"Since we met? I know, who'd have thought I could feel the way I do, in just a week. With anyone else, I'd have had one date, possibly two by now. But You? Y
ou're something else."

"Daniel, I'm so, so happy to see you, but I'm still going home, please don't make it harder."

"I know, baby. So anyway, in your texts, you said you wanted my arms around you." He wraps his arms around me. "And you said you wanted to kiss me." He pulls me close and kisses me. A soft, slow, gorgeous kiss. I close my eyes and the hairs prick up on my arms.

He nuzzles my hair and whispers in my ear, "And you also said that if I was here, you'd rip my clothes off and straddle me on the sofa... how are my chances, baby?"

I open my eyes and grin at him. God he's breathtaking. "Well, I'm sure the women and gay men in here would love me to strip you naked, however, I think I'd cross a line by straddling and fucking you senseless. Maybe we can do that later?"

"Mmm, I want it now."

"Oh, me too, but we have people waiting for champagne, so we better deliver."

"Quite right, baby."

He flags down the barman who comes running.

Mr. Berkeley, yes sir?"

"Two bottles of Dom Pé
rignon and six glasses, to that table, please," he says, pointing at our table and the barman nods and gets straight to it.
Hmm, sexy

Daniel continues to hold me around my waist as we re-join Tilly and Luke by the sofa. One of my favourite songs is playing in the background, 'Underwater Love' by Smoke City. It's sexy and smooth, another piece of music to 'make love to', as Daniel likes to put it.

"Daniel, can you speak Portuguese?"

He f
rowns and grins at me, "No, just French, why?"

"I just wondered, I love this song and I think some of the lyrics are Portuguese, I don't know what they mean."

"Oh, sorry, I have no idea. It's very sexy though, I like it."

"And do you like my dress, Daniel?" I do a turn to show him the whole thing.

"Bea, You are the most beautiful woman in here, that dress is stunning, you look incredible in it, but you could wear a sack and look like a princess. I love the feathers at the bottom, I want to run my fingers beneath them." As he says it, he runs his hand up my thigh and under the back of my dress, skimming the bottom of my buttock.

"Daniel! Stop that!"

He grins, salaciously, "Ok, baby, later. And you can keep those shoes on later too. I can't wait to get you to myself. I was planning a night in with Luke and now look at me, down here with my hot, British beauty. You'd better prepare yourself."

I lean in and whisper in his ear, "Why, what are you going to do to me? Because I know you don't like 'fucking' me anymore..."

He closes his eyes and presses my body against his, his cheek pressed against mine. I sway my hips against him in rhythm to the music. “ I'm going to make such sweet love to you, all night, good, hard, deep love. I am going to touch you and make you come, I'm going to kiss you and make you come, I'm going to fill you and make you come. Baby, you're so hot, and tonight, you're all mine. I'm going to make sure you know it."

Oh, fuck me now you beast!
Could I be any hornier? A lascivious smile spreads across my face; I grind into his body and stroke his neck with my hand.

"Daniel," I murmur in his ear, "I know it
already; I'm wet and aching for you. I want you now, I want to touch you, I want to feel how hard you are inside me. Please, let's go, I need you to... make ... love to me."

"Oh god, baby, you've got me horny as fuck. We can't go, we're with people, and I can't move, I have a huge erection!"

"Mmm, can I feel?"

"Bea, please, I promise, it'll be worth the wait. It certainly will be for me."

"Good. Until then, hold me?"

"Of course
." He tightens his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face into my neck. I slip my hands around his back and enjoy every second of this closeness, how I have longed for this. I don't want to let go, he's all I want. With a few drinks in me, I can quite happily stick two fingers up to the UK and the business, if it meant I could stay in this man’s arms forever. God, I am in so much deeper than I ever thought I would be, I knew I had strong feelings for him, but I never thought I'd be feeling
. I want him to want me, forever. I want him to love me.

We manage to stop canoodling and converse with the others. Tilly and Luke are all over one another, we look like three, happy, long-term couples. No one would know that Daniel and I have known each other for just a week, and will never see each other again after Sunday, or that Tilly and Luke are merely, temporary fuck buddies.

"We're going to head up to the party in Drai's, do you guys fancy coming?" Jay asks.

I smirk at my dirty thoughts and whisper in Daniel's ear, "I know I fancy coming. All over you."
Good lord, is it the drink that's doing this to me? I need to shut my filthy mouth.

"And you will, baby. All night." He winks at me.

"Drai's sounds good to me, Tilly?" Luke responds.

"Yep, I'm up for a party."

"Let's go on up, then," Daniel adds and we all make our way towards the club. He holds my hand and raises it to his lips as we walk. "So where did you go to get that outfit? You look beautiful."

"Thank you. I love it. We went to Beverly Hills, I found loads of stuff I liked on Rodeo Drive, but it was all too expensive, even this cost a fortune but it wasn't as much as the other things that I liked. And I've never spent so much on shoes before, but aren't they gorge?"

, baby. I wish I'd have been there; I'd have bought you everything. Tell me if you want to go again before you leave?"

"Daniel, you're too sweet, but it's fine, thank you. I'm happy with what I got."

"I want to spoil you; I want to buy you gifts."

"Spoil me with you. That's all I need."

"I can't wait. In fact, can we join the others in a moment, I need to kiss you."

"Even with this bright red lipstick on?"

"Even with the lipstick," he says, his eyes glued to my lips. "We'll catch you up in a minute," he calls to Luke as he walks us over to the wall, turning my back to it and pressing me against it. He runs his fingers down my cheek and leans in so that his face is brushing against mine. He whispers in my ear and my eyes close in anticipation. "Kiss me, baby, please? You look so beautiful, you're mine tonight and I need you." His hand slides behind my neck and pulls my face towards him. My lips parted, ready for him. His bottom lip skims mine and I can feel his warm breath against my mouth, I sigh as tingles flow under my skin.

I reach my arms up and around his neck, tilting my head and pressing my lips against his. He reciprocates, pressing his body firmly against me, opening his mouth to introduce his skilful tongue. He moves slowly and sensually, it's romantic and so arousing.
I moan as we pick up the pace a little, I can't get enough. His hand slides around to my backside and he grabs my buttock through my dress and squeezes it hard, pressing my groin against his thigh.

"Ah..." God, that feels good.

"Oh, baby," he mumbles against my lips and pulls away, gently.

"Please, Daniel, don't make me wait, let's go to yours. I want you to feel what you're doing to me," I whisper, breathlessly.

"Are you getting hot for me?"

"That's putting it mildly. I'm hot, wet and need you there, now."

"Need me where, baby?" he asks as he kisses my neck.

"Oh god, Daniel, I need to moan, I need to make noise, please let's go."

"Need me where, baby?" he repeats, sternly.

"I need you inside me. Please, I want to go, I want you to take my clothes off, I want to put my hands on your naked body, I want you to touch me," I whisper, breathlessly, lifting my head to give his soft lips easier access to my throat. His hand still against my buttock and his leg in between mine, pressing his thigh against me, there. I want to grind against it, although if I do, I'll come in a matter of seconds.

"Let's go." He looks me in the eye and smiles.

"To yours?"

"No, to the club." No, no, no! I need to get some Daniel sex!

"Daniel, no!"

"Come on, baby, we can continue this later."

"Can we at least go to yours so I can check my make-up? I must have lipstick all around my mouth, because you do..." I say as I run my thumb along his lips.

"You won't try to get me naked?"

"Cross my heart. I'll sort my lipstick and we'll go. I hope we don't see many people on the way, I must look awful!"

"You could never look awful, Bea, and you don't have lipstick everywhere."

"I'll just touch up."

As we wait for the lift, my drunken honesty makes a come-back. "Daniel?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I love it when you call me that. My mum calls us sweetheart."

"So, you like it when I talk to you like your mom?" He frowns and I giggle.

"Well, no, but she loves me more than anything in the world, so when anyone calls me sweetheart, it makes me feel loved."

He looks at me for a moment, without saying anything.
Oh shit, what have I said...? Oh god.

"Oh... um, I didn't mean... um..."
Oh, crap
. "Anyway, what I was going to say was, I'm looking forward to seeing where you live. I, um, I didn't want to see it before."

"Really? Why not?"

"It sounds silly, but I thought if I saw where you lived, saw your belongings and everything, that I'd feel closer to you and it'd make it even harder - you know - to say bye."

The lift arrives and we step in. Daniel leans his back against the wall and I rest against him.

"I don't want to make anything hard for you - well maybe one thing - “he winks, "if you don't want to see it, we won't. I can come back to the pool-house with you; that's if you want me to stay with you tonight, of course."

"Daniel, there is no way on gods earth that we're not spending the night together. I can't wait to get that hot, sexy, masculine body of yours out of those clothes."

He smiles at me, his eyes glistening. I must remember to take some pictures before I go; I need to be able to see this beautiful face again, even if it is just a picture. The lift opens on the eleventh floor and I step out, following Daniel's lead.

"And I want to see where you live now, I've already gone past the point of no return, I'm going to be broken hearted when I leave, whether I have seen where you live or not. So show me, baby!"

"I'm 'baby' now, huh? I like it. But I can't bear to hear you say you'll be broken hearted, I'll be the broken one, baby. Here, we need to cross the sky bridge here." He uses a key fob to open a door and leads me across a small bridge, up in the air, joining the two buildings.

After a short walk, we arrive at Daniel's door. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turns to face me.
"Before we go in, Daniel, I just want to say..." I stroke his neck with my hand trying think of the words. I can't think of anything to express it, so I lean forward to kiss him, tenderly. He welcomes it, releasing a slight, deep groan as he grabs my face and deepens the kiss. Our tongues meet, and immediately we are taken to a wild place of passion, in the hallway.

"Oh god, Bea. You have no idea," he says against my lips as he somehow opens the door behind him, our eyes still fixed on each other. We stumble inside, resuming where we left off, slamming the door behind us. As we fall against the wall, Daniel slides his hand under my dress and grabs my bare buttock. I lift my leg at his side, trying to f
eel more of him against my skin, and I moan, loudly.

With his other hand, he slowly lowers the zip at the back of my dress.

I release my bag and take the dress off my shoulders so it drops to the floor, it's heavy, and the beads thud as they land on the wood. He gazes at my body, making me feel sexy in my Manolo's and nude, lace underwear. I slowly take a step forwards and tug on the bottom of his shirt before letting my fingers crawl up his chest and start unbuttoning his crisp, blue shirt.

As I see more and more flesh, liquids pools, and I need him to touch me. I peel the shirt down his shoulders and it falls to the floor with my dress. His arms are so muscular and beefy, his torso is phenomenal.
He kicks off his shoes and pulls his socks off. "Come," he says as he grabs my hand and yanks me down a hallway, before taking a swift right turn through an open-plan kitchen and then bursts through the door of his bedroom. The lighting is dim, sexy... perfect, and the decor is minimal but extremely stylish. Dark brown furniture, cream and beige soft furnishings, clean lines, it's very masculine, yet warm and welcoming at the same time.

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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