Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (22 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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"Thank you, darling, I will not feel good in the morning!"

"I'll take care of you. Cheers." We clink glasses and I take a sip, it's freezing cold and delicious.

"Mmm, Daniel, it's lovely. Is it Veuve?"

"Veuve Clicquot? Yes, how did you know that?"

"It's my favourite."

Daniel smiles and takes another sip. "You called me darling; you haven't called me that before."

"Did I? When?"

"Just now."

"Oh, do you like it?"

"Yes, I love it; it makes me feel like your boyfriend."

"Well, you are, kind of, for a bit anyway. My holiday boyfriend," I say with a grin.

"I like that. I'd rather be your real boyfriend, but holiday boyfriend will do."

"So, can I have a look about?"

"Sure! This is the kitchen as you can see..." It's a lovely modern kitchen with dark wood cupboards and cream, marble work tops. It is open plan so behind the long kitchen island is a dining area with a large dark wood table. Beyond that is the living area, it's all very co-ordinated. A huge, cream, deep, shag-pile rug sits in the living area under one large, taupe fabric sofa and two black, leather Barcelona chairs opposite. At both ends, are large, square, cream furry poufs. In the centre of the seating area is a huge, square, striped fabric coffee table in taupe and black with a glass top. It's so stylish, I want to live here.

The balcony is beyond the living area and it's large but I can't see too much in the dark. To the left of the living area is the spare bedroom and it's decorated in bright red and white. That has an en-suite too. There is a utility room and toilet further up the main room, opposite the kitchen entrance and then around the corner is the corridor to the front door.

"It's not big, but I like it. I initially bought it as an investment to lease out, I was going to get something else for myself, a little larger, but decided I liked it here so I moved in. Do you like it?"

"I love it Daniel, I think it's huge. I thought my apartment was quite big but it's not at all, not compared to this."

"I'm glad you like it," he says as he approaches me from behind, snaking one arm around my waist and kissing my cheek.

My iPhone chimes on the kitchen work top and
he walks over to get it for me. "Sit, make yourself comfortable," he says, handing me my phone. I stroll over to the taupe sofa and curl myself up in the corner, putting my champagne down on the coffee table in front of me.


Tilly 22 Sep 00:59 

You don't need to ask
twice, sounds great. I would like a bit more quiet time with Luke too ;-) Gemma and Jay aren't coming; they're going home to do it. Lol. Be there in a bit. I'm STARVING! Xx


"They're coming," I call to Daniel who is fiddling with his iPod. "Just Til and Luke, though, Gemma and Jay got horny and are going home apparently," I say with a smile.

"We're not the only ones then." He wanders over to join me on the sofa as the music starts to play in the background. He sits next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.
"You look so damned hot baby, you have incredible legs," he says, gliding a hand along my thigh. "I'd never have thought my clothes could look as sexy, as they do on you right now." His eyes lingering around the v-neck of the jumper.

I smile and snuggle further into him, tucked under his arm, listening to the music like we've been together, forever.

"How's your hand, baby?" he asks, holding his hand out for mine.

"Oh, it's fine, I can't feel it anymore," I say as I show him and he raises it to his lips. They're so soft.

"Thank you, it's fine. Really." I caress his cheek. "I smell of you, in these clothes. Mmm."

"You make me smile all the time, you're so sweet."

"Well, I won't complain about that because I love your smile," I say with a huge grin.

"Another thing you 'love', Bea,"
 Oh, I love you, Daniel...

"Yet another, Sexy Berkeley. This is really relaxing; you, me and Veuve, a bit of music, your fabulous apartment. I wish I could stay forever."

"Why don't you stay on a couple extra days?" he asks, hopefully.

"Don't say that, I can't. I need to get back for work, and staying on a little longer won't make it any easier to leave. I'll still have to."

"I know, I just thought we could get a little more time."

"I know and it would be wonderful, Daniel. But I have a flight booked and don't fancy flying back alone, and before you offer to do the journey with me, I really don't think delaying things will help."

"Ok, baby, I'll stop now."

"Thank you. I really don't want to go, if it makes you feel any better."

"It does... and it doesn't. I want you to want me, but I don't want you to be sad when you go."

"I do want you, so much, and I will be
sad. So I'm afraid you'll just have to know it and get used to it."

"Yes ma'am!" He laughs.

"Til and Luke will be here soon, can we have a pash before they get here?"

"A pash?" he repeats, amused.

"Yeah, you know, 'make out'."

He chuckles, "Sure, baby. There's nothing I'd like more than a 'pash' with you right now." He clutches my chin with his fingers and draws my face up to his and our lips touch, caressing gently, unhurriedly. I could kiss this mouth for eternity, I love everything about it. I glide my hand slowly across his lap to rest on his cock, slowly stroking it through his shorts. Holy fuck, he's hard as rock.

He pulls away, gently. "Bea, you're making me want you again, but Tilly and Luke will be here soon... God, you're incredible, I want you, all the time."

"I want you, too," I say in a deep, wanton tone, keeping my hand firmly pressed against him. "I always do," I add as I lay a soft, slow kiss on his lips. "If Tilly and Luke weren't coming back, I'd ask you to take me to your office."


"Uh huh." I kiss him again. "I want you to fuck me in your office."

"Oh, baby. I want that so bad! Can we ditch those two?" 

I laugh. "No. We'll just have to imagine what it would be like."

"We'll see." At that moment, we hear Tilly and Luke laughing as they open the front door, Tilly's dirty cackle making me giggle. "We'll continue the pashing, later, baby," he says as he kisses my nose and stands to get some more champagne flutes from the kitchen.

"Hey love monkeys, what've you been up to, huh? You pair of dirty bastards," Luke asks with an amused grin  as he rests against the kitchen cupboards next to Daniel. I bite my lip and look down with a shy smile.
Funny, but embarrassing!

"You two 'got it awn' again," Tilly sings in her best American accent. She saunters over to the sofa to join me. "Whoa, look at you in your boy clothes," she teases.

"I happen to think Bea looks hot in my clothes, Tilly, don't you?" Daniel calls from the kitchen.

"Well, I can't say it 'tickles my pickle', I'm not that way inclined, but I will agree that Bea looks hot in just about anything, Daniel."

"I'd like you to tickle my pickle, sugar lips," Luke says with a wink and I gasp, amused by his outrageous innuendo.

"Ok, if you two want to do any 'pickle tickling', you can take it into the guest room, thanks." Daniel says, laughing.

Luke sits on one of the Barcelona chairs and pats his lap, gesturing for Tilly to sit, which she does. Daniel joins me, as we were, on the sofa. "So, are you guys hungry? What shall I get to eat?" he asks, absently stroking my neck.

"I'm starving," Tilly responds, "and I have a real craving for pizza, anyone else fancy pizza?"

"Mmm, sounds good!" I enthuse.

Daniel calls to get some pizzas sent up and we all chat about the 'W' and what's it's like to live here. I'm having a great evening, but all that's important, is being curled up next to my man, knowing I'm staying the night, in his bed, with him.


We eat a load of pizza, and talk for hours about everything and anything. We've gotten through two bottles of ice cold champagne and I've definitely had enough now. I am not totally drunk anymore, but I am squiffy and really tired, I could do with a nice cuppa. I'm still sitting, tucked under Daniel's arm with my hand resting on his toned stomach, trying to get used to the fact that I think I love him. No, I know I love him. Fuck, I'm in love with someone I met last week.

I look up at his lovely face while he's deep in conversation with Tilly and Luke about skiing in Aspen, and I want to run my fingers down his cheek and kiss that beautiful mouth. The fine stubble covering his jaw is sexy as hell, god, I could look at him for hours on end.

He looks down and sees me gazing at him with a silly, contented smile on my face and he grins. "Hello, baby," he murmurs, quietly.

"Hello, baby," I repeat. Tilly and Luke still talking Aspen in the background.

"Are you looking at something?"

"Only my holiday boyfriend. You are so handsome."

Daniel grins, shyly and I want to gobble him up. "You are so much more beautiful, than I am handsome, Bea. And I don't think I'll ever get enough of you calling me your boyfriend, give or take the 'holiday' bit."

"I wish I didn't have to say the 'holiday' bit."

"Me too, baby. Would you like another drink?"

"Actually, I was going to ask if I could make a cuppa?"

"Cuppa? Tea?"

"Yes, sorry. Tea."

"Of course, I'll make it," he says as he takes his arm from around me and stands up.

"I can do it, Daniel, just show me where everything is."

"Ok, baby, I want you to feel at home. I'll show you," he says, holding out his hand and I take it, following him to the kitchen.

"Tilly, Luke, do you want tea?"

, I'd love a cuppa," Tilly says with a thumbs up.

"Not for me, thanks. Dan, can I have a beer, dude?"

"Sure, help yourself, and grab me one too."

Luke stands, effortlessly lifting Tilly and placing her back down on the chair with an affectionate kiss to her forehead. He heads to a fridge specifically for beer...
well; I assume it must be considering there's nothing inside but shelves full of perfectly aligned beer bottles.

"Baby, the tea bags are here..." Daniel opens a cupboard door, "sugar is in this cupboard next to it and the milk and lemon are in the refrigerator. The kettle is right here," he points to the stainless steel, state of the art kettle. "Are you sure I can't make it for you?"

"No thank you, darling, I'll do it."

I'll watch," he says as he perches himself on the kitchen island and crosses his arms in front of him. I'm not sure what it is, but he looks incredibly sexy like this, sitting on the counter top, watching me with that gorgeous smile. 

Throwing the second tea bag into the bin, I place the spoon in the sink and turn to Daniel, pressing up against him. "You're so sexy," I say, running my hands up and down his huge biceps. That Enigma song is on, and all I can think about, is making love to Daniel to it.

"Mmm, so are you. You know, your nose is such a delicate little thing, it compliments your beautifully curved mouth perfectly, that's one of the first things I noticed about you, on the airplane," he says as he slides his hands around to the bottom of my back and pulls me closer, in between his legs.

I smile an awkward, shy smile. "Um, thank you."

"Don't be shy. You're beautiful. I can't wait to get you to myself again," he whispers into my ear.

"Me neither, let's go to bed after my tea. I think Til and Luke are half way there too." I nod over in their direction, Tilly straddling Luke on the Barcelona
chair; they are whispering and gazing at each other, admiringly.

"I think Til likes him more than she lets on you know."

"That's funny because I was thinking that about Luke earlier. In all the years we've known each other, I've never seen him with the same girl more than twice and I've never known any girl to make him laugh so much. She's good for him."

"Really? Hasn't he had a girlfriend?"

"Not really, he's been happy, single. He's never had to try with girls before; they have always fallen at his feet. He does with Tilly, though."

"Um, Daniel?"

"Uh huh?"

"Can we take your iPod to bed?"

"This is the 'sex song' isn't it?"

"Uh, actually, Daniel, 'music to make love to'."

He grins and raises his eyebrows. "Why, yes, sweetheart, that's what I meant. And yes, let's do that."

I hand Tilly her tea and head back to the large sofa to sit down.

"Wait, baby," Daniel says as he strolls past me and sits first, patting his lap like Luke did, earlier. I hand him my tea and curl up on his lap, enjoying the feel of his body under mine. He hands me back my tea and I take a sip.

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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