Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (9 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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Oh my god, yes please, how I'd love a little 'afternoon delight'. I reply,


17 Sep 11:39

I'm sorry for getting you hot and bothered, I'll try to hold off until later... There's nothing I'd like more than for you to join me on a sun bed for a nap. Or no nap...
;-) When can you be  here? xx



17 Sept 11:40

That's not what I call 'holding off'. You're doing things to me and I'm at work! If I could, I'd be there in 5 and there would be no napping whatsoever. But I have a meeting and I'm afraid I'm going to have to explain to my dad, sister and the entire proposal team, why I have a pole in my pants. :-( xxxx



17 Sep 11.42

Mmm, don't talk to me about the pole in your 'pants', you might find me wandering around your  office after your meeting, wearing nothing but that gift  you bought me... Xxxx



17 Sep  11:43

*feeling faint* I don't think I can take anymore. I would love that. My day will be excruciatingly boring now, no hot girl in a hot silk slip to have hot office sex with. Sad. :-( Wear it to dinner? Xxxx



17 Sep 11:45

I think the other diners might object to my wearing lingerie at the table. Boo. I'm going to have a  margarita, float in the pool and dream of 'Daniel's office sex'. Mmm :-) xxxx



17 Sep 11:46

I'm going to my meeting. Enjoy your margarita, I'll kiss the salt from your lips later. Down boy! Xxxx


Oh, oh, oh. I so
flirting with him. And text flirting with him is super-dooper exciting! He's so... wonderful. I can't wait until tonight. I'm letting my guard down and I mustn't, I'm going home in less than a week, I need to enjoy tonight and then not see him again.
Stop getting carried away, Beatrice.

"Bea," Tilly's voice calls from outside. I've been on another planet, I stand and walk to the french doors.

"Sorry! Everything ok?"

"Margarita's ready!"







I spend the rest of the afternoon exactly how I told Daniel I would, floating in the pool, day dreaming of surprising him at work for wild, office, desk sex.

Before I know it, it's six thirty and I need to start getting ready. I decide to wear a silk, fitted, button down, leopard print dress with 3/4 sleeves. It's very elegant, and short enough to show a little leg, but long enough not to be tarty. I'll team it with a black, patent leather belt and matching heels.

After I shower, I dry my hair and slightly curl the ends so that it's voluminous and flicky. I do some super sexy, smoky eyes and slightly rouged cheeks. I thought about adding a touch of colour to my lips, but decided that I'd like to kiss Daniel this evening, without having bright smudges all over my face. So pearly gloss will have to do.

I take my dress from the hanger, and just before I slip into it, I have a brainwave. I rummage around my shopping bags and pull out the sexy nightie that Daniel bought me. It's silk, and fitted with bra cups, so I could wear it under my dress. Just because no one can see it, doesn't mean I'm not wearing it to dinner, as he requested. I smile, excited with the idea.

I leave the pool-house with about ten minutes to spare. Tilly and Gemma are enjoying a glass of wine by the pool before they head out.

"You look lovely ladies," I say, walking towards them. I take Tilly's glass from her hand and have a sip, trying to calm the butterflies, fluttering in my stomach.

"Thank you, doll, so do you. Do you want one?" She asks, pointing to the glass.

"Oh no thank you, Daniel will be here in a minute. I'll just have another sip of yours." I smile, gratefully, before giving it back.

"Bea," Gemma says, "obviously we don't want random men hanging about the house at all hours, but you know, if you want Daniel to stay in the pool-house with you at any point, that's fine by me. I trust your judgement."

"Thank you, Gemma. I'm not sure if that'll happen or not, but it's nice to know that you don't mind."

A car horn sounds from
the front of the house. "That'll probably be him." I grab my clutch bag and give the girls a kiss on the cheek. "Have a wonderful evening, see you in the morning. Don't wait up!" I add with a cheeky wink.

"You too!" they say in unison as I walk towards the gate.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Tilly shouts.

"Oh god, I wouldn't!" I shout back, laughing as I open the gate, and bump straight into Daniel.

"Oh, hello!" I shout, surprised.

He steps back and looks me up and down slowly, silently.

"...Hello?" I repeat, expectantly.

"Bea, you look... breathtaking, wow."

"Thank you." I lean forward, put my hand on his shoulder and reach up to kiss his cheek. Oh, that smell. He puts a hand on the small of my back, and holds me against him briefly. He kisses my neck and gently releases me. When he steps back, I manage to take a good look at him, and good god, he looks fine. 

"Bea, please excuse what I'm wearing, I had to work late so I came straight from the office. I didn't want to go home to change and be late."

"I think you look lovely! Don't apologise." He's wearing a three-piece grey suit, similar to the one he wore on the plane. His shirt is a crisp white and his navy tie finishes it off perfectly. Gosh, he looks so important and powerful. So masculine.

"Shall we?" he asks, holding out his arm.

"How very gentlemanly of you, Mr. Berkeley." I hook my arm in his and walk with him to the car.

He opens my door and waits for me to climb in, before closing it and walking around to his side. The top is down and the car looks gorgeous, very elegant.

He starts the engine and turns to look at me. "You really are beautiful."

I smile and look down at my hands. "Thank you. I think you are too." I look up at him, and by golly, he really is sex on legs. I can't believe he's taking me out on a date.
! Shame nothing can come of it, but still. He leans towards me, staring into my eyes, and places a gentle, soft, lingering kiss on my lips.
, if I die now, I would die a happy, happy woman. I close my eyes and savour every second. Goose bumps spread over my skin, and I raise my hand to run my fingers down his cheek. Again, no tongues, no mad pashing, just soft, luscious kissing.

He slowly pulls away with a smile. "I have wanted to kiss you all day. I've wanted to do more to you all day, but there's a time and place for everything. There's something about you that's so different to anyone I've ever met."

"In a good way?" I ask. I doubt he's going to come out and say 'no, a bad one', but I had to ask.

"Oh, Beatrice, way, way more than good."

"Glad to hear it, Daniel, but I think I know what the 'something' is, and it's not that great."

"Ok, what's your theory?"

"It's because I'm from the UK. I'm going home soon and you'll probably never see me again. It's exciting and fun because there's no great threat of me getting clingy or annoying later down the line, I'll be gone. You see?"

He nods and then shakes his head. "I understand what you're saying, but no. That's not it, I can assure you. It's just you."

"Hmm. Ok, well I'm sure you'll figure it out."

He grins and starts to drive us to wherever we're going. I hope I've dressed appropriately.

It takes a short while to get to Santa Monica Boulevard, the roads here are so complicated and busy, I don't think I could ever get the hang of driving over here.

Daniel opens my door for me and I get out, hooking my arm through his. I feel like I've known him forever.

We enter a restaurant called 'The Palm', which apparently is one if his favourite places. He explained on the way here, that his dad used to take the family here when the kids were younger, and they still come here regularly now. It's been here since the seventies apparently.

We're quickly guided to our table and as we make our way there, I notice that the walls are covered with cartoons, caricatures and signatures. I could spend all night walking around, just looking at the walls.
We sit at a cozy table for two, opposite from one another. 

"What would you like to drink, Bea? Wine?"

"Yes, please. I like red, do you?"

"I love red, I like the Argentina Malbec in here, how does that sound to you?" he asks.


Daniel orders the wine and rests back in his chair, watching me as I peruse the menu. I feel his eyes burning into me so I look up at him. "Hello?" I ask, questioningly.

"Hey. Just looking."

I smile, nervously, feeling quite the centre of attention. "Ok, I'll leave you to it then. Do you know what you're going to order?"

"Yes, I think I'll start with the jumbo shrimp, and then the filet mignon with peppercorn sauce and fries." Considering he hasn't even glanced at the menu, I think it's safe to say he knows his stuff here.

"Oh wow, that sounds amazing!"

"You like steak?" Daniel asks, sounding very surprised. Am I not supposed to like steak?
I love steak...

"I love it, why?" I ask, apprehensively.

"No, it's great! Most girls I know are all 'salad and rabbit food'. I love that you love steak!" He does seem genuinely happy about this, and it's just as well really because I'm not eating rabbit food for anyone.

"I do like a caesar or niçoise, but I like steak more."

He looks surprised again, so I look away before I become too self-conscious, and have another look through the menu. I decide on the Crispy calamari to start and the steak for my main course, except I go for asparagus fritti instead of chips. It all sounds mouthwatering.

We order and sit quietly, smiling at each other.

"I've really been looking forward to tonight, Bea. I think I've mentioned it once or twice." Daniel smiles and flashes those gloriously perfect teeth again. 

"Me too. How was work?"

"It was good, thank you. I managed to get all of the London work wrapped up from my trip last week, and my meetings were, although a little boring, all very fruitful. How was your margarita in the sun?"

"Delicious, I had a wonderful float in the pool too."

"Sounds very relaxing."

"It was, I have been working non-stop recently and although I love what I do, I needed a break. So chilling out by the pool with a cocktail was blissful. Not to mention my day dreams..." I smirk and wink at Daniel who's ears seem to have pricked up.

"Day dreams, you say? What exactly did these 'day dreams' entail, Beatrice?"

"Now that would be telling, but I'm sure you can imagine, Daniel

I've had a few sips of the smooth Malbec and I'm feeling flirty. I lift my foot and slide my ankle slowly up the side of Daniel's leg in front of me.

He smiles cheekily and leans forward. "That feels good, Beatrice. Feel free to keep it up."

"I could say the same to you, Daniel, but I think that talk should be kept in the bedroom."

His eyes shoot open and his tongue practically rolls out of his mouth. "Beatrice, I thought you were a nice girl," he teases.

"Oh, but I am
Mr. Berkeley..." I reply in a soft voice and I pout. "Only a nice girl would wear exactly what her 'gentleman friend' asks her to wear on a date." I smile, sexily as Daniel frowns, looking confused. I pull the neckline of my dress down a little, just enough to show a little of the sexy fabric underneath.

Daniel audibly gasps and raises his eyebrows with - what I assume is - pleasant surprise.

"Oh, Miss Hart! We need our food and we need it now! I've got to get you home!"

I giggle.
 "Patience Mr. B., I like to take my time when I eat," I tease. Daniel laughs with me and almost immediately, our starters arrive. It looks scrumptious.


The food really is delicious, the wine is divine and the company is superlative. We talk freely throughout the meal and I feel so comfortable with Daniel. He seems so genuinely interested in my life, asking questions about the cakery, about Clare, my parents and Oliver. I, in-turn, ask all about his business and his family. He really is such an interesting, genuine guy. God damn sexy as hell, but also really interesting.

"Would you like dessert or coffee?" Daniel asks.

"The desserts sound incredible, but I don't think I could fit another thing in my full belly right now. And no to coffee, thank you."

"We could pick a dessert and take it away with us?"

"Brains and beauty, Daniel, I like it," I grin, "why don't you take me back to Gemma’s for dessert?"

"That sounds perfect. I'd like to see what's under that dress at some point too."

"I'm sure that can be arranged, Daniel."

"Right, it's too much, we're going..." Daniel announces, making me laugh.

I order a bag of warm doughnuts with cinnamon sugar and chocolate sauce, and Daniel gets key lime pie with whipped cream. The restaurant staff kindly package it up for us to take home. Daniel pays the bill, or the 'check' as he calls it, and we make our way out to the car.

"Daniel, thank you so much for dinner, it was delicious."

He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side as we walk to the car. "Anytime, Bea. And I mean that. I only wish we could do it more. Maybe you'll let me take you out again this week?"
Oh, don't say that!

"Daniel, I'm nervous about spending more time with you. I'm leaving in six days and I'll admit that I really do like you. A lot. If I see you more..." I trail off.

Daniel is quiet for a moment, and as we get to the car, he places the dessert on the soft roof and turns to me, gently resting his hands on my waist. "I completely understand what you're saying, but I also think, as you do live in England, that we should enjoy as much time as we can together. Really make the most of it?"

"Oh, Daniel, I don't know. But look, we know we're spending tonight together, I would hope that you picked up on that." I grin, salaciously. "So why don't we just enjoy it and decide what's best, tomorrow. Forget about it for now."

He steps closer to me and dips to kiss my neck. "Ok."

I lift my head and close my eyes, enjoying each tender kiss. I place my hands on his broad, hard shoulders and glide them up to his neck, feeling his lovely warm skin and hair line.
"Oh, that's lovely," I mumble.

"Mmm," Daniel groans into my neck, his tone deep and sexy, "you smell... exquisite," he adds, between kisses.

"Mmm," I respond again, I'm too far away with the fairies to think of something else to say.

Daniel sighs and rests his forehead on my shoulder.
 "Shall we head back now? I think we'll be able to enjoy this more once we're back at your place."

"Yes, let's go." I'm itching to get him into my bed.

He gently kisses my mouth before collecting the dessert from the roof and opening my door.

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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