Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (16 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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"Well, one day, when you come to London on business, you'll have to pop in to the shop and I'll give you an extra special cake, on the house."

"I wish I needed to be in London every week! Unfortunately, I don't need to go too frequently, especially after what was achieved on my last visit."

"To be honest, Daniel, it's better that way. We need to make a clean break and not keep in contact. If we can't have a relationship, we shouldn't dangle carrots."

"You're right. I'm going to make the most of you tonight. I hope it doesn't go too fast."

I sigh and decide to change the subject. "Right, you asked about my work, my turn to ask you something."

"Fire away."

"Ok, let's see, what do I want to know? Um... ooh! Have you ever had 'relations' with any of your colleagues or employees?"

"Never. Next?"

"Really?" I bet they all want him.

"Of course not, that would be grossly unprofessional. There's no one of any interest there anyway."

"So, what if I applied for a job at your company? Would you give me it?"

"I'd give you something..."

"Seriously, what would you do? Employ me and keep your hands to yourself, or not employ me so you could shag me senseless?"

"I'd employ you and break all the rules so I could have you on my desk, every day."

"Mmm, sounds good, but you'd never get any work done."

"Hmm," he says, rubbing his chin, "that's true. Well, if you were applying for a job at my office, you'd be living in the States, so I think I'd have to employ you, keep my hands off at work, and then I'd get to take you home every night and have you all to myself. Which is still breaking the rules, but at least I'd get some work done."

"That's a well thought out plan, Daniel."
Oh, how I wish we could do that.

"It's a little depressing, I want that to happen now. Will you come and work for me?" he asks and I pout.

"Oh, Daniel, I'd love to. But Bear's and the UK need me." I kiss his cheek and take a sip of wine. "Will you speak to me in French?" I ask, tactfully changing the subject again.

"Will you understand what I'm saying?"

"No, but I want to hear it anyway, I think it's hot."

"Sure, what do you want me to say?"

"Anything you like, whatever you're thinking."

"Ok, um... De tous les avions dans le monde entier, il fallait marcher dans la mienne. Vous ne saurez jamais combien j'ai besoin de toi. Je veux que tu restes ici, avec moi, pour toujours. Je pense que je suis tombé en amour avec toi, bébé."

"Oh wow, that sounded so romantic, what did you say? Tell me it wasn't something terribly boring. I know you said 'baby' though."

"I just told you that I've had a wonderful time with you... yada yada, and yes, I said 'baby' at the end."

"You're so sexy, French. You're so sexy all the time, but especially sexy when you're being French!"

"I'll french you in a minute if you don't stop telling me how sexy I am."

"Be my guest, Monsieur!"

Daniel takes a sip of his wine and gently wraps his hand around the back of my neck, bringing me close for a deep, righteous kiss. It's slow and rich and thoroughly indulgent. I can taste the wine on his tongue and it's even more delicious this way. As my muscles loosen, the goose-bumps run over my skin and I let out a quiet sigh. I remain pressed against his lips as I turn onto my knees in-between his legs.

"Have some more wine, please, and then kiss me again." I ask in a whisper.

Daniel does exactly as I ask and as his tongue searches mine, I taste the delicious wine on his lips and moan loudly. It's sensual... erotic, even.


"You like that, baby?"

"A lot. The taste of you with the wine is... mmm. Oh, and before I forget..." I lean forward and kiss him, again, gently. "Thank you for a lovely lunch, as you wouldn't let me pay, you said you'd accept a kiss, later, so, there you go."

"You're welcome, Beatrice. Always."

We sit, quietly chatting for a short while before Tilly and Luke stumble back into the pool-house, wrapped in towels and giggling.
"Hello, you two. Good swim?" I ask, amused by their boisterousness.

"Very, thank you. We're um... just going to shower and hit the hay..." Tilly says with a giggle, Luke holding on to her around her waist, threatening to remove her towel.
These two can't keep their hands off each other!
It's a good job that they're both happy with a quick fling or there would be some serious heartache in the next few days. Makes me feel very alone, I know I will be really sad and no one will be able to fully understand to comfort me. 
Snap out of it, Beatrice! Here and now!

"Sleep well," Daniel says with a grin as they both head off towards the bedroom and close the door.

"I'll just lock up and then I'll make the bed up," I say as I rise off the sofa, "are you ready to go to bed, Daniel?"

"Of course
, I can't wait to have you under the covers, all to myself. But I don't want to go to sleep yet."

"Me neither, I want tonight to last forever." Sounds a little dramatic, but it's so true.

I lock the french doors and close the curtains before strolling back to the sofa where Daniel is sitting. He stands up and comes close, looking down at my face. "What would it take for me to convince you to come and live here?" he asks in all seriousness as he holds my hands in front of me.

"Oh, Daniel. I wouldn't leave Bear's, or my family, and even if I did, we could go on another four dates and then decide we're not compatible!"

"I sincerely doubt that, I wouldn't let you go without a fight, baby. But in this instance, sadly, I have to. You can't leave everything you have, just as I can't leave everything I have, here."

"Especially not as we've known each other for no time at all. It's a great shame, if things were different, we could have had a wild time together."

"You certainly drive me wild, Bea," he says, sliding his hands around to my buttocks and leaning in for a kiss. When our bodies touch, as with always, an electric current runs beneath my skin and desire drives through my veins. I bend my knee, brushing my inner thigh against his side. He grabs it and pulls me against him, groaning as I press up against his erection. I'm ready to climb his body and ravage him.

"Oh," I moan loudly, my insides waiting, impatiently. I'm hot and wet, and I need him inside me, filling me. The buzz behind my pubic bone spreads to my knees, toes, fingers... everywhere!

"Oh, baby," he mumbles into my mouth, picking up the pace of the kiss and grinding against me. He quickly turns to sit on the sofa, taking me with him, straddling him. An expertly executed manoeuvre, because somehow, we're still kissing.

I rise to my knees, either side of him and edge further forwards, lowering right against his cock. He feels so good, I grind forwards and backwards making him groan loudly, we're so in need of each other.
 My hands make their way down, in between my legs, to his waistband, where I unbutton and un-zip his chinos.

Daniel gently pulls back from the kiss. "Stand up."

I do as he says and he quickly follows, pulling down his chinos and swimming trunks. He removes his polo shirt so he is standing, completely naked, in front of me. His burning eyes gaze at me with such intensity, I'm surprised my clothes don't drop off of their own accord. He slowly sinks back into the sofa without taking his eyes off me. "Take your clothes off, slowly," he growls.

He seems to have lost his manners, but it's very arousing and I want so much to turn him on as much as I am right now. I slowly lift my crop top over my head and drop it to the floor. Tugging on the hair band holding the top knot in place, I let my hair tumble down my back and over my shoulders, swaying my head sexily. I hook my thumbs into the top of my pyjama bottoms and very slowly glide them down so they float to the floor, leaving me nearly naked in my purple Hanky Pankys.

"Stop," he murmurs as he sits forward, taking my hips in his hands. He runs his fingers along the wide lace 'v' on my belly and leans in to kiss my stomach. He opens his mouth and gently licks with each kiss making his way to my belly button, which he swirls his tongue around. A wave of heat works
its way around my body and I close my eyes, savouring every moment of his exquisite touch. Gosh, how I want to let myself fall in love with this man, he's everything that I could ever wish for.

I run my hands through his soft hair as he gently tugs on my knickers and pulls them down.

"You're so beautiful, Bea," he whispers, kissing from one hip bone, across to the other. He holds one hand on my hip and the other brushes up the inside of my leg, from my ankle to my thigh, and further. He strokes me, gently, still kissing my belly. 

I moan, needing something more but not wanting him to stop.

He takes his hand away and raises it up to my face. "Suck my fingers, baby." I take them in my mouth and run my tongue around them, sucking gently. He withdraws them, slowly, before slipping them back in-between my legs. He lightly circles my clitoris, very gently and very slowly.

My legs begin to quiver. "Oh, Daniel!" I cry, the feeling is incredible but I need him, need to feel him. "I need you, inside me," I whisper.

Daniel groans and looks up at my face. "I want to be inside you, so much." As he says it, he inserts two fingers inside me, painfully slowly and pushes them deep.

"Oh, god..." I moan, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Look at me, baby." I look down to see him watching me, observing the pleasure on my face. "You're so beautiful, I need to see you."

He twists his fingers and circles them inside me, pushing deeply, brushing that all-important spot.

"Oh, god Daniel. Please, I want to..."

"What do you want?"

"I... I want to..."

"You want to sit on me
? You want to fuck me?" he whispers, seductively.

"Uh huh... Oh..."

He pushes into me again, deliciously slowly. Indulgently. "No."
What? No? What do you mean, no?!

"I don't want you to fuck me, baby. You know what I want."

"Uh huh." I need him so much, I need to feel him, now. "Yes, I want to."

"Say it, I need to hear it, I need you so much."

"We can...I
want to..."

He kisses my belly again and I close my eyes, his fingers caressing me exquisitely.

"I want to make love to you, Daniel," I whisper and I feel his smile on my skin. He slowly withdraws his fingers and pulls my hips forward so I fall astride him on my knees. He grasps my face with both of his hands and pulls me towards him. His kiss is meaningful, romantic, he is kissing me like it's the last time. I'm pretty sure we'll be kissing before he leaves for work tomorrow, but it feels like the last time for me, too.

Full of emotion, every stroke of his tongue conveys a message, excitement, sorrow, fear, anticipation, lust... it's all there, and I feel and share each one. His hands smoothly glide from my buttocks to my neck, feeling every inch of me. My hands around Daniel's gorgeous neck, I wriggle forwards until I can feel him, twitching below me, he's so hot and hard. So ready.

"Mmm," he moans, "you feel so good, you're so soft," he says reaching down to touch me, "and so wet, baby. You want me." He kisses my neck.

"Of course I want you, I want you so much, Daniel."

"You can have me, baby, always."

A wave of sadness suddenly flows through me. No one has ever made me feel the way that he does. But tonight is the last time I will ever see him like this, touch his wonderful body, kiss his soft lips, look into his beautiful eyes.

His sweet lips kissing my neck sends shivers down my spine, the lump in my throat rises and tears begin to pool in my eyes. I close them - in the hope that I can hide the emotional outburst that's beginning to take over - causing the tears to spill onto my cheeks. I
 rest my head on his shoulder as I wrap my arms around him. I want to feel him, I want him to be closer, nearer.

I lift so that Daniel can position himself below me, and slowly lower myself onto him. It only adds to my emotion, it feels so good, so deep and intimate, I am closer to him, in this moment, than I'll ever be again.

"Bea," Daniel whispers, "you're so special."

I lift slightly and lower myself again, grinding forwards. "Oh..." I moan, he feels so good, so deep inside me, every inch of him. I wrap my hand around his neck and pull his face to meet mine, my eyes still firmly shut.

His tongue, gentle and sweet, he moves so slowly, one hand on my waist, the other wrapped around the back of my neck. I can only hope that his eyes are closed too, because the tears are still freely falling down my cheeks. I continue to move against him as he thrusts deeper, stretching me, it's deliciously painful. I feel the build up inside and know that it won't be long until I climax around this beautiful man. 

I moan into the kiss, the emotion in my voice evident. I continue to drink in every intimate sensation, coming closer and closer. The energy swirls deep inside, preparing to explode. This is so slow, so moving, so beautiful. We're really making love.

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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