Sexual Shift (19 page)

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Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

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“Unless he has enough sense to run like hell before the wedding.” Tom ducked, dodging Allie’s slap. “Hey, watch it. Tanner gets the joke.”

“Yeah, I get it.” Tanner grinned at him, then pointed toward the floor. “Although I’d just as soon you didn’t mention hell ever again.”

Meg grabbed another handful of sugar at the same moment Allie rubbed her stomach again. “Okay, now that that’s settled, how about you two tell me what’s going on? Why has Meg turned into a sugar fiend, and why does Allie keep rubbing her stomach?”

Meg shot Allie a pointed look, then kept her eyes averted from Hilly. “Oh, nothing much.”

“Meg, if we don’t tell her I’m going to bust.” Allie hugged Tom, then bounced excitedly on her feet.

“Okay, little sis, you tell her.” Meg edged closer to Chance, and they shared yet another telling look.

“I wish someone would tell me. I keep trying to remember who used to eat sugar like that? Was it our cousin Shelly?” Hilly racked her brain, but she couldn’t remember why Shelly had gobbled up sugar by the handfuls.

“Well, since Chance, Tom and Tanner already know—”

“Wait. How does Tanner already know and I don’t?” Hilly scowled at her man. “What’s up with that?”

Tanner held up his hands in defense. “I sensed it the first time I met Meg. Then Allie later on. But I didn’t think it was my place to say anything.”

“Anyway…I guess it’s time to tell you, Hilly.” Meg smiled bigger than Hilly had ever seen her smile. “Shelly did eat the sugar right out of the sugar bowl…when she was pregnant.”

Hilly gasped, the memory of catching a very expectant Shelly, sugar covering her face, finally breaking to the surface. “Are you pregnant?” Before Meg could answer, Hilly turned to Allie. “And you. You used to rub your stomach all the time when you were pregnant with Emma Grace.”

Meg pulled Allie to her side. “You guessed it, big sis. We’re both knocked up.”

Hilly squealed with joy and raced to embrace her sisters in a group hug. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision.

“I guess we’ll need you to help both of us get ready for the little ones.” Meg snatched yet another handful of sugar.

Hilly clapped her hands, then pressed her palms together and her fingers to her lips. “You bet I will.” She turned to Tanner and got the green light to tell their own good news. “Especially since I’m expecting, too.”

Meg’s and Allie’s mouths dropped wide a second before all three sisters squealed. Their giggles and excited exclamations filled the room as the three men they loved congratulated each other.

Wiping tears from her cheeks, Hilly reached out to Tanner. “I guess my body’s going to change again. From a shape-shifter to a mother this time. Oh, my word.”

Tanner lifted her into his arms, then let her slide down his body. The silver-blue of his eyes was gone, replaced by the telltale sign of black. “You can say that again.”

Hilly pulled him to her, pressing her mouth to his in a kiss she hoped would never end.

About the Author


To learn more about Beverly Rae, please visit
. Send an email to Beverly at
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Beverly Rae


Now Available:


Touch Me

Wailing for Love

To Fat and Back

Magical Mayhem

Wild Things


Cannon Pack

Howling for My Baby

Dance on the Wilde Side

Running with the Pack

Betting the Moon


Magical Sisters

Magical Sex

Sex with a Hex



I Married a Demon

I Married a Dragon


Wild Things


Wild Cat



Coming Soon:


The Forgetful Demon Slayer

It’s all in good, dirty fun…until the heart raises the stakes.


Sex with a Hex

© 2012 Beverly Rae


Magical Sisters, Book 2

Meg Tristan is spontaneous, spirited, outspoken and beautiful—and she enjoys every second of it. She can have any man she wants, with or without casting a spell. Too bad she hasn’t found one who can keep up with her non-magical sex drive, much less handle her

When he’s not caring for his patients, Dr. Chance Dannigan spends his off hours getting acquainted with as many women as he can in his new town. None hold his attention—until he catches Meg’s flirtatious glance across the bar. One drink later, he’s sure he’s found the one woman who can stimulate both his heads.

Sensing a kindred spirit, he challenges Meg to a daring competition. Each must choose a random partner for the other, and the one who fails to seduce the target, loses. And to keep it honest? The opponent must witness the act.

Winning each round proves almost too easy. The ultimate challenge is figuring out how to handle their unexpected attraction to each other…and how to end the game without both of them coming out losers.

Warning: Hocus pocus is unleashed along with free lovin’—with no holds barred. One on one leads to two on two in a magical sexual romp that takes playing doctor to a whole new level.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Sex with a Hex:

Chance obviously wasn’t as enamored with Meg as she’d thought he was. But even so, she hadn’t expected him say such rude—not to mention incorrect—things about her. “Not choosy? Me? Listen, you jerk—” she stabbed a finger into the middle of his chest and enjoyed his responding move backward, “—I can have any man I want. Anytime, anywhere, any way. And I’m damned selective in who I take to my bed.”

“I’m sure you are.” Chance took a sip and looked away.

Oh, my stars and moon. Is he placating me?

“I am,” she protested, then cringed at the whine in her tone. She was off balance, disturbed and…damn it all, curious as hell.

He turned toward her again, the challenge written on his face. “Right. So, have you taken any of these guys to bed?” He tipped his head toward the crowd.

Meg tore her gaze away from his to scan the people dancing, drinking and having a whole lot more fun than she was having. Yes, she’d had sex with a couple of them. Okay, more than a couple. And, she had to admit, not all of them were winners. But a girl with needs had to do what she had to do, right?

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I know a couple of them and they’re all very nice men.” Ugh, did that sound as lame as she thought it did?


“Will you stop saying that? What point are you trying to make, anyway?” She thought about pushing him off the seat and storming away, but knew it wouldn’t prove anything. Like a spectator drawn to a car crash, she had to see where the conversation led.

“Right. Oops, sorry. There’s that word again. My point is that you can have any man you want.” He cleared his throat, then continued, “As long as that man isn’t too much man for you.”

“Too much man?” Meg scowled, her mind reeling with confusion and disbelief. Did he mean in the bedroom? Was such a thing even possible? Especially if she used magic?

“You know. As in…out of your league.”

“Out of my league?”

“Do you always repeat what people say? Or is what I’m saying upsetting you?” His concerned expression seemed as fake as a three-dollar bill. “I’m sorry if it is, but sometimes the truth is hard to hear.”

A trickle of perspiration crawled down her spine. Had Tom turned off the air conditioning in the club? Or was Chance’s assessment of her—his so off-the-mark assessment—making her sweat? “Are you frickin’ kidding me? Hell, yeah, you’re upsetting me. But not in the way you think.”

The twinkle in his eyes beckoned to her, teasing her, thrilling her against her wishes. “Oh? Then I’m upsetting you in some other way?” His smile grew bright. “Perhaps in a more
way?” His gaze dropped to her lips.

She sucked in a breath and fought against the sudden desire to pull his mouth to hers. In no way would she let him get the better of her. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

His smile faded, replaced by a brief moment of indecision flickering across his features. “I wouldn’t dare. But I stand by what I said. Still, I apologize. I tend to be blunt even when I shouldn’t.”

Anger, more intense than ever, flared, taking her past the edge of reason. She lost control, no longer caring about anything other than proving him wrong.

Almost as quickly as the argument had started, Chance leaned back, his voice taking on a more conciliatory tone. “Hey, I’m sorry I’ve upset you. I certainly didn’t mean to.”

Meg unclenched her hands, noticed how they shook, then fisted them again. Maybe she should cut him a little slack since he was new in town. Just this once. “Yeah, well—”

“Listen, there’s no shame in going home alone. I mean if you strike out, you strike out.”

Then again, maybe she shouldn’t. “Let’s get this straight, Doc. I never strike out. And no one is out of my league.” She threw back her shoulders and tossed her hair, ready to take the discussion to whatever length she had to. Anything to get him to admit he was wrong.

For a few blessed moments, they sat in silence. How had she ever found this guy appealing? He was one of those men who looked great on the outside but was awful on the inside. Like the mud-filled pies she used to trick her sisters with when they were kids. So why was she letting him get to her?

“You know what? Never mind. Just move over and let me out. I don’t know why I agreed to sit with you in the first place.” Meg shoved him, giving him no choice but to do as she demanded. She scooted out of the booth as fast as she could.

“Oh, I see. So you’re afraid.”

She’d already started to fast track away from him but had no alternative but to turn and face him again. “Me? Afraid? Of what?”

“Of the truth, of course. Of finding out that you can’t get any man you want.”

She stomped back to him and wagged a finger in front of his face. “Is that so? Well, what about you? Can you say the same, Mr. Sweet-Talker? Can you get a smokin’ hot woman every night? I don’t think so. Not with your mouth.”

“Well, I don’t want to brag, but I’ve never been turned down.” Chance flashed his pearly whites at her again.

“Really? Never?” She scoffed, narrowed her eyes and aimed for the jugular. “Prove it.”

“I will if you will.”

Chance leaned away from her with a confident expression that sent a shiver down her spine. Suddenly, she really was afraid. Of him? Definitely not. Afraid of having bitten off more than she could chew? Maybe.

And yet she couldn’t deny what was happening inside her. She hated it, but there it was. She was more turned on than she’d been in years. Hell, in forever.

She shook off the feeling and concentrated on studying him. He’d dared her, but was that really what he wanted? Or was he baiting her for a different reason? Still, she’d never backed down from a challenge and she wasn’t about to start now.

“You’re on, Doc.”

When the past flies in your face, clip its wings.


Slayer’s Kiss

© 2012 Cassi Carver


The Shadow Slayers, Book 1

Kara Reed is a supernatural failure. But where her magic falls short, her fists get the job done. The criminal element doesn’t stand a chance once she hits San Diego’s dark streets.

When two smoking-hot tenants move in next door, she thinks her love life might finally be heating up. Just being near Gavin and Julian is enough to make her want to offer her body on a platter.

Gavin and Julian know it’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out. They’re fallen angels sent to watch over the king’s daughter, one of the last females of her kind. Trouble is, she doesn’t seem to think she needs watching—unless they’re watching her shimmy out of her clothes.

No matter how tempting her guardians, Kara’s not about to let anything stop her from tracking down a sadistic killer who carves into his victims and leaves them for dead. Even when she realizes her target may be the very scourge of heaven from which her angels swore to protect her…

Warning: Contains a kick-ass heroine with a foul mouth, a kind heart and a raging libido, and two fallen angel warriors who wouldn’t have her any other way. Watch out for sex in the clouds, a magical island of hedonism and a love triangle that gives new meaning to the term “hot-wings”.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Slayer’s Kiss:

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