Sexual Shift (18 page)

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Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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Setias took her hand. “That depends on you. You’ll both have to learn to adjust.” He squeezed her hand. “Promise me you’ll take care of him.”

Hilly’s eyes filled with tears again. “I promise. But will we ever see you again? He’s going to want to thank you.”

Setias flapped his wings and shrugged. “God willing.” Standing, he spread his wings wide, gave her a smile that touched her heart, then vanished.


She gazed down at Tanner. “Oh, thank God. Or actually, thank your father.”

“Setias was here?” A pink hue filled his face and his eyes lost their foggy look.

“He sure was.” But how could she tell him what he’d lost? Would he hate her for making the choice for him? Yet what else could she have done? “Tanner…”

With her help, he managed to sit up. “I feel…strange. Different somehow. What happened? Where are we? The last thing I remember is my mother throwing a lightning bolt at you.”

“Please try to understand. I couldn’t lose you, and Setias said it was the only way.”

“You’re not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you all right?”

Hilly took a deep breath. “Your father said the only way he could save you was to break the rules. Tanner, he’s risked expulsion from heaven to save you.”

“No. I can’t let him do that. Not again. Not after working so hard to regain his place.” Tanner tried to get up, but his strength hadn’t returned.

Hilly snuggled against him, hoping this wouldn’t be the last time she’d be able to do so. “There’s more. In order to save you, he had to take away everything you have. The house, everything is gone. Including your powers.”

She couldn’t read the expressions flying across his features and gave him the time to let the news sink in. “Are you angry with me? I couldn’t let you die. Even if it meant losing it all.”

He closed his eyes and when he reopened them, he reached up and touched her face. She almost cried at the tenderness in his caress.

“I could never be angry with you. Not for saving my life. Giving up my powers is nothing as long as you’re with me.”

She pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, holding back tears.

“What is it? What aren’t you telling me?”

“Setias took my ability away, too. But I don’t care. I gave it up willingly and I’d do it again.”

Tanner’s mouth dropped open. Taking her face in both his hands, he studied her, his brow knitting in confusion. “You did that for me?”

“I did it for us.”

He kissed her, lingering over her lips as he skimmed his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and pressed against him, wanting the moment to last forever. Cupping her neck, he kept her close to him, his kiss growing stronger, needier. She wrapped her arms around him, pushing back to lie on the ground with her.

When at last the kiss ended, he stroked her cheek and chuckled. “We’re something, aren’t we?”

She grinned back at him. “Yeah, we sure are.”

Hilly’s pulse jumped as Tanner skimmed his teeth along her neck and teased her with the tip of his tongue. She loosened the tie holding back his hair, then tunneled her fingers through the glossy blue-black locks. She closed her eyes, reveling in the sensations he gave her.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” she murmured. “Are you sure you don’t need to rest? After what you’ve been through…” She sucked in a breath, fighting against the memory of his blood oozing between her fingers.

“I’m fine. Better.” He paused to look at her. His intense expression spoke of his sincerity more than his words ever could. “I’ve never been happier.”

He tore her top off her, then tugged the rest of her clothes from her. Naked, she gasped as his kisses trailed down to the hollow of her neck. She pushed at his shirt, urging him to disrobe.

He sat up, tearing off his shirt. His body sent a rush of lust through her, and she ran her fingertips along the ridges of his chest and abdomen. Helping him to rid himself of his slacks, she bent over him and slid her tongue along his stomach and down to the patch of curly hair.

Tanner moaned and took her hair in his hands. She dragged him inside her mouth as his hand found the wetness between her legs. Together they pleasured each other, matching their rhythms. She tortured his shaft with her tongue. He tortured her clit with his fingers.

“Hilly, I want to give you everything you deserve. But now I have nothing. No money. No powers.”

She moaned, letting her warm breath flow from the tip then down the long, wide cock. He trembled under her touch. “You give me all that I need and more.”

He reached to take her face in his hands and brought her mouth to his. She hoped he’d taste his juices on her tongue and in his mouth. She played with his tongue, then let him do the same with hers. She bit his lower lip as he bit her upper lip. Enveloping her in his arms, he molded his hand to her breast.

The urgency inside her gave the whirlwind of desire more speed. A need, stronger than she’d ever known, burned in her, and she sensed his need equaled her own.

He broke free and studied her with his intense dark gaze. She clung to him, holding him to her, and sighed softly.

At last, he growled, bent his head and sucked her breast. She arched, wanting him to take more of her, all of her. Running her fingernails along the tight muscles of his upper arms, she dug in, marking him as hers.

“Oh, Tanner.”

He shoved his hand between her legs and rubbed her clit until she spilled her pleasure. She shuddered through the climax and he spread her legs more, placing them on either side of him. She obeyed his silent request by wrapping them around his waist and bringing her pelvis to his. His manhood pressed up against her throbbing pussy, rubbing her wetness onto his shaft.

His tongue slid over her other breast, and she cried out in joy. Another orgasm burst from her. “Now, Tanner. Please.”

Grasping her under her arms, he lifted her and she clung to him. He brought her up, sitting her on top of him. His dark eyes glinted with love and passion. Kissing her once, he thrust into her. She threw her head back and shouted as he drove inside her again, going deeper than before. She clutched his neck and held on, beads of sweat breaking out along the back of her neck. Shuddering as her body tensed for yet another release, she rocked against him, undulating her hips. He yanked her hair, capturing her as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, pulling harder.

A moment later, he stiffened, paused, then digging his fingers into her buttocks, gave in to his release. She collapsed on him, and they sat, hugging each other, as their breaths slowed and the lust cleared from their minds.

Together, they slid to the grass as one. Tanner brushed back her hair and kissed her gently on the cheek. “I love you, Hilly Tristan.”

Tears sprang to her eyes again. “Oh, hell. I wish I could stop crying.”

“It’s okay. I guess I just have that effect on women.” He shot her the grin she loved so much.

She laughed. “I love you, too, Tanner Cage.”

A comfortable silence fell between them. Hilly snuggled into his arms, never wanting to leave his side.

“I want to ask you a question.”

She held her breath. Could he be asking her to marry him? She fought back a giggle, feeling silly at her quick assumption of marriage. They’d only just begun their life together. How could she expect him to pop the question so soon? “Okay. Ask away.”

“Don’t you think we should start walking?”

Disappointment swept through her, but she kept her voice light. After all, what did it matter if they married as long as they stayed together? A tickle of fear chilled her. Would he want to stay now that he’d lost everything? “I could call Meg to come pick us up?”

He cringed and she laughed at his wary expression. “I think I’d rather walk.” She started to rise, but he pulled her to him. “Just one more little question.”

”What is it?”

He arched an eyebrow, the color of his eyes fading back to silver-blue. “Would you marry me?” He put a finger to her mouth. “Remember. You’ll be gaining a demon for a mother-in-law, so please take that under consideration before answering.”

She laughed, feeling happier than she had in years. “I guess having a father-in-law who’s an angel makes up for the other in-law. At least I hope he’ll still be an angel.”

“We’ll put in a good word for him. So? Do you have an answer or do you need more time to think about it?”


“No?” Tanner gaped at her. “You won’t marry me?”

She kissed him quick and hard. “No, I don’t need time to think about it. Of course I’ll marry you. After all, who else is going to take care of an ex-supernatural player?”



“Tanner, do you smell something burning?” Hilly added a face to her whisper and hoped her sisters didn’t smell the stench.

Tanner froze, looked toward the floor, then shrugged. “Yeah, but I don’t think it’s her.”

She tilted her head toward the oven. “Um, I’m not talking about your mother.”
My future mother-in-law. God, help me.
“How are the cupcakes coming along?”

“Oh, crap. Not again.” He rushed to the oven and yanked the door open. Smoke billowed out and he flapped his towel to disperse it and pulled out the tray. After turning off the oven, he dumped the burned cupcakes into the trash.

Meg came around the corner with Allie hot on her heels. “Don’t tell me he burned another batch. How many does that make this week? Five? Six?”

“Okay, I won’t tell you.” Hilly glared at her sister. “But he did. And before you jump down his throat like you did when he burned the cinnamon rolls, try to remember he’s never worked in a bakery. Or baked. Or ever been human.”

“Yeah, but come on. You’d think after working here the past two weeks, he’d get the hang of it.”

Hilly started to go to his defense again, but he waved her off, then gave her a quick kiss. “Look, ladies, I know I’m not the best employee you’ve ever had—”

“Try the worst we’ve ever had.” Meg coughed, making a poor attempt to cover her remark.

“But I’m trying. I just don’t have a knack for this kind of work.” He waved more smoke away.

“We know you’re trying, but I agree. You’re just not suited to be a baker.” Allie ran a hand over her stomach.

Hilly squinted at her sister, noting how familiar the gesture was. When had she seen Allie rub her belly before?

“Maybe Tom could use you down at the club.” Meg grabbed a mixing bowl and began adding the cupcake ingredients. She paused to pop a handful of sugar into her mouth. “Can you mix drinks better than you can bake? Or maybe you could be a bouncer?”

Hilly frowned. Why was Meg eating sugar by itself? And who else used to do the same thing?

“Well, I could ask Tom about the bartending position, but lately business is slow. You know, what with the economy and all. And I know he doesn’t want a bouncer. He doesn’t have many problems ejecting people from the club. Not with his trusty baseball bat in hand.”

Hilly slipped her arms around the dejected-looking Tanner. The transition to mortal wasn’t easy for him. Although he had enjoyed moving in with her after his mansion disappeared. But he needed to have something to do, and baking wasn’t working. “How about bookkeeping? Are you good with numbers?”

Tanner brightened. “You know what? I am. I liked keeping track of my enterprises and my money. I’m very good with money.” He grinned, then looked to her sisters. “What do you say? How about you let me take over the business end of things? I could probably even help Tom with the club’s accounting. If he wanted me to.”

“If I wanted you to do what?” Tom stepped into the kitchen along with Meg’s husband, Chance. The men greeted each other warmly.

“We were just wondering if you could use a good bookkeeper at the club.” Allie slipped her arm into Tom’s.

Chance picked up one of the cupcakes from the trash and cringed. “What happened here?”

“Nothing.” Meg took it away from him and dropped it back where it belonged. “What do you say, ladies? Shall we turn over the drudgery job of accounting to Tanner? As far as I’m concerned, he can take over the ordering, too.”

Hilly sighed, thankful she had such wonderful and supportive sisters. At first they’d had a difficult time accepting Tanner, but after they’d found out what he’d given up for her, they’d accepted him as one of their own. “I say yes.”

“Me, too,” Allie added.

“Tanner, would you like to take a look at the club’s books? I’d be more than happy not to have that job any longer.” Tom and Allie shared a look, one that held more meaning than usual.

“I can’t tell you guys how much I appreciate your taking me under your wings.” Tanner paused, then added, his voice gruff and filled with emotion. “I never expected to have friends—” he glanced at Hilly, making her knees weak, “—much less everything else. Thank you. Maybe soon I’ll be able to afford to put a ring on my fiancée’s finger and help pay for the double wedding.”

Her heart swelled with pride and love for the man who was part demon but treated her like an angel. Who needed a ring, anyway? “Yes, thank you, everyone.”

“What else would we do, especially since you two are getting hitched? The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a double wedding. A wedding for us to renew the vows we took on our Vegas elopement and a wedding to welcome Tanner into the family. Don’t worry about the cost, man. We’ll take it out in sweat and labor.” Chance laughed and wrapped his arm around Meg.

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