Read Sexual Shift Online

Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Sexual Shift (12 page)

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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God, how she wanted him to kiss her.

She puckered her lips, ready to taste him, when at the very last moment, he released her. She let out a small “uh” of disappointment and watched as he poured them another shot.

Taking the drink, she downed another one. At least the burn was getting easier to handle. In fact, she was beginning to enjoy the taste. Maybe she wasn’t such a lightweight, after all.

“What if we made her
I was only a fling?”

He regarded her, considering her idea. “I had the same idea, and I think I know how we could convince her. But I’m not sure you’d be up for it.”

Trepidation made her bite her lower lip. “You do? How?”

“I don’t like asking you this.” He waved his hand in dismissal. “No. Never mind. It’s too much to ask of you.”

She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “Tell me.”

He paused, obviously giving the idea more consideration. “She’d believe it if she heard that you’d hung out with me and another man.”

She almost let go of his hand. “What do you mean by ‘hung out’?”

“Just hear me out. If she thought I’d let you have sex with another man, she’d believe I didn’t care about you. That you were just another woman I wanted to take to bed and would drop afterwards like all the others.”

She set the glass down and tugged at the hem of her dress. “But the whole time we’d just be acting? Like we’re putting on a play to fool her?”

“Right. I could ask someone I know who would let her think that it went farther than just a little harmless flirting. Trust me. He embellishes everything, not to mention that he thinks he’s the ultimate ladies’ man. So I have no doubt he’ll tell my mother he had sex with you.”

She nodded, her heart slowing back to a normal rhythm. “I think it could work. Okay, let’s do it.”

“Are you sure? We can try to think of some other way.”

“I’m sure, Tanner.”

“Hilly Tristan, you are remarkable.”

He caught her off-guard, pressing his lips to hers. She gasped, drawing in his breath and parting her lips to welcome his tongue into her mouth. She lashed hers around his, drinking in his piquant flavors, then groaned as she leaned toward him.

Tugging her next to him, he cupped a hand over her breast. His kiss deepened, his tongue exploring, then he sucked her tongue into his mouth. He toyed with her tongue with his, then released it. Biting her upper lip, he gripped her bottom and twisted his body to place himself on top of her. She eased backward and slid her hands along his wide shoulders, then down to feel the rippling muscles in his back.

She pulled at him, wanting him to come with her as she lowered herself. He moaned, bringing his hand to her nipple and rubbing it through the thin material of her dress.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.”

Had anyone else said the same thing, she might’ve laughed. But the way he looked at her, along with the rich tone in his voice, made her believe him. She tingled with anticipation.

“Kiss me again, Hilly.”

She did, taking his shirt in her hands and pulling him to her. He dragged in her lower lip, and she played the tip of her tongue along his mouth. He moaned, then slipped a hand under her dress. She spread her legs just enough for him to place his hand between them.

“Thank you for not wearing khakis.”

She giggled, craning her neck to the right as he feathered kisses along her shoulder. He pulled the strap of her dress away and nibbled on her shoulder.



“Are you ready for me to call my friend?”

She blinked, then gathered her resolve. “Are you telling me you’re not having a good time with me?” She pushed him back, stood, then tugged her dress up to straddle him. Swaying her hips, she rubbed her crotch against his.

“Of course I am.” He fondled a breast and unbuttoned the top two buttons of her dress. “Damn, but your breasts are incredible.” He nuzzled between her breasts, then ran his tongue over the swell of one.

His eyes twinkled, and she wished she could capture the twinkle, put it in a jar and take it home with her. She arched her back, welcoming his touch.

He bared one breast, then latched on to her nipple. Taking him by the neck, she tracked her fingers through his long hair. He nibbled along the curve of her breast, then lashed her taut bud with his tongue as he grabbed her bottom and squeezed.

All at once, he groaned and pulled away. “We better stop while I still can. Besides, the sooner we get started—”

“The sooner we’ll have fooled your mother.” She tried to sound more confident than she felt.

“Exactly. Let’s get this over with. Give me a few minutes and I’ll call my friend.”

Her throat closed up as he lifted her off him and placed her on the couch.

“Don’t go anywhere, Hilly. I’ll be back in a second.”

She pulled her clothes together and plastered on a smile until he’d left the room.

Chapter Nine


“You didn’t mention how smokin’ hot she is.”

Tanner glared at Ronan, the son of a low-level demon and a human. Could he stand having Ronan near Hilly? His stomach churned just thinking of Ronan getting close to her.

Standing, Hilly smoothed down her dress and faced them as they crossed the room. Tanner watched her as she took his friend in, scanning him from the tip of his chestnut hair curling around his earlobes, over the expensive casual clothes covering the muscled physique to the expensive loafers on his feet. No woman had ever been able to resist Ronan’s black eyes and skillful charm.

“Hilly, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. This is Ronan Calabro.”

Ronan took her hand and bent to place a light kiss in the center of her palm. Hilly inhaled, glanced at Tanner, then smiled.

Shit, did she have to seem so happy to meet him? Or was she just acting? Tanner studied Ronan and saw the gleam of lust ignite in his eyes. He scowled, then wiped it away before Hilly saw it.

“Could I get you a drink, Mr. Calabro?” She laughed. “Sorry, Tanner, I didn’t mean to play hostess.”

“Please, call me Ronan.”

“Okay, Ronan, and I’m Hilly. Tanner?”

“I like having you as my hostess.” Tanner handed a glass to Ronan, holding on to it a little longer than was necessary. Ronan tugged on it, then gave Tanner an inquiring look before Tanner finally let go. Ronan’s wicked grin widened as he tossed the glass in the air, then caught it and let Hilly pour him a shot.

Ronan waited until Hilly had poured herself and Tanner drinks. Together, they slammed back the shots.

“Here, Hilly. Sit beside me and tell me everything about yourself.” Ronan waved her to the sofa.

She took her seat a second before Ronan took his. He edged his body close to hers. When she looked to Tanner for approval, he had to force a smile.

“There’s not much to tell. I own a bakery with my two sisters.”

“Two sisters?” Ronan gave the room a quick glance. “Will they be joining us?”

Tanner caught the emphasis given to the phrase “joining us” but squashed his urge to tell Ronan to shove it. If Hilly was willing to carry on with their plan, then how could he do anything less? “No. It’s just us.”

“That’s too bad, man. But I don’t believe you, Hilly.”

She stiffened a little, a frown marring her forehead. “I’m sorry?”

Ronan chuckled. “I don’t believe that there’s not much to tell. You look like a woman who has lots of secrets. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that you have very interesting secrets.”

Ronan brushed a strand of her hair back over her ear. “I would love to know your secrets. Especially your fantasies. Beautiful women always have such arousing fantasies. What’s your deepest fantasy, Hilly?”

The sultry expression on her face left Tanner wanting to know the answer to that question, too. She’d never mentioned any fantasy to him, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have one.

“I can’t tell you that.” Hilly squirmed and looked away.

“Now you have to tell us. Right, Tanner? Wouldn’t you like to hear her fantasy?”

Tanner nodded as she lifted her head in question. “Absolutely. Tell us, Hilly.”

She ran her tongue over her lips. “Well, I think every woman has the dream of more than one man loving her and wanting to please her. Some of us just don’t like admitting it.”

“Anytime you’d like to make your fantasy a reality, you can count on me. What man wouldn’t want to pleasure you?” Ronan placed a hand on her leg.

Tanner didn’t like the way Hilly smiled under Ronan’s flattery. Did she have to let Ronan touch her? The answer was yes, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

“So have you and Tanner known each other a long time?” Hilly almost whispered the question.

Ronan edge closer and Tanner almost growled. If the demon got any closer, he’d be sitting in her lap.

“Ah, changing the subject, huh? Never mind. I’ve known Tanner for most of his life. Would you like me to tell you about our childhood?”

“Definitely.” Hilly brightened and leaned closer to Ronan, pressing her palm against his chest.

Ronan put his hand on top of hers and widened his smile. He gave Tanner a nod toward the chair next to the sofa as if to tell him to sit and wait. Then he poured himself and Hilly another shot, and downed it. “Let’s see? Where to start? Oh, I know. How about the time Tanner and I put a spell on a cat to make it think it was a dog?”

Ronan shot her a questioning look. “Uh oh. Did I screw up? Tanner told you about us, didn’t he?”

“She knows.” Although Tanner wished he’d given her more of a warning about his sex-crazed friend.

“Good. I have to say you’re handling the news better than most humans.”

“I’m not just any human.”

“You sure aren’t.” Ronan winked at Hilly. “Then on with the story.”

Within a few minutes, Ronan had Hilly laughing so hard tears ran down her cheeks. Ronan took the opportunity to wipe away a tear and lean in for a kiss. Hilly responded by running her hand along his arm and kissing him back. The kiss lingered too long for Tanner’s taste, and he wanted nothing more than to grab Ronan by the hair and yank him away from her. Instead, he poured himself another drink and let the warm liquid give him strength to tolerate Ronan.

Tanner fisted his hands, then gathered himself. If Hilly could play her part, then he could do the same. “Ronan, tell her about your weird obsession with wind chimes.”

“Wind chimes?” Hilly pushed Ronan away, then glanced at Tanner, warming his heart with her smile.

Ronan scowled at Tanner. “He’ll never let me live it down. Yes, for a month or so, I was fascinated with wind chimes. I must’ve collected hundreds of them. But that was before I became fascinated with beautiful women like you. Let me tell you about…”

Tanner no longer listened to Ronan, intent on watching the body language between the two. The man knew how to lay it on thick, but damned if it didn’t usually work. When Hilly scooted toward the end of the sofa and put her back against the arm, she didn’t appear as though she were trying to get away from Ronan. In fact, if he had to guess, he’d swear she was encouraging him. Ronan picked up on her gesture and put his palms against the arm. Slowly, like a predator about to pounce on its prey, he moved his body over hers.

Hilly swallowed and looked at Tanner. He gave her a smile that belied the churning inside him and nodded as if to tell her everything was all right. She gave him an almost imperceptible nod in return, then drew Ronan’s face to hers for a kiss.

The kiss lasted a long time. Too long for Tanner to handle. He moved closer, ready to stop Ronan if Hilly gave him a sign. Instead, she slid her hands along his shoulders to cup his neck.

The way she moved her body against Ronan’s left no doubt in Tanner’s mind. Hilly wasn’t acting. Jealousy hit him square in the chest and, for a moment, he found himself trying to drag in air. He couldn’t stand it any longer. If she wanted to act out her fantasy, he’d damn well be a part of it. Tanner walked over and grabbed Ronan’s hair, pulling him back.

“Ow. Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Make room for me.” Tanner went to his knees beside the sofa and turned Hilly’s face to his. Sliding his hand over her cheek, then along to cup the back of her neck, he pressed his lips against hers.

For a moment, he thought he could taste Ronan’s sour juice in her mouth and stiffened. But the first taste was swept away by Hilly’s sweetness, and he deepened the kiss. She moaned, bringing her warm breath into his mouth. He plunged his tongue inside to tangle with hers.

He’d never wanted a kiss as badly and had never tasted a kiss as exquisite. She took hold of his hair, clutching him to her. He moaned and sucked her tongue into his mouth. Playing his tongue against hers, he slid over the soft sides of her inner cheeks and ached to hold her closer. He broke away to take in a needed breath.

Ronan pushed his body back into a sitting position, then placed her legs on top of his. Hilly stiffened and Tanner watched as Ronan slid his hand between her legs. When Tanner turned back to Hilly, her face was lit up with desire, her eyes clouded with lust.

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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