Sexual Shift (11 page)

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Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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“Yeah, little sister. Do what your big sis tells you to do. She’s mine.” He took Hilly’s face in his hands and kissed her.

His unique flavor that was all man with a hint of spice burst into her mouth, and she groaned. Closing her eyes, she let the warmth of his body seep through his clothes and into her. Had any man ever felt as hard, as hot before?

He wrapped his arms around her, then lifted her, pushing her back against the wall and knocking her head. She gasped as he slipped his hand between her legs, then between her folds to push the material of her slacks against her clit.

“Damn it, Hilly. If you won’t take care of yourself, then I’ll have to do it for you.”

Hilly’s eyes flew open just in time to see a blue mist floating around them. Tanner tensed, his eyes changing from black to red. Growling, he released her and turned to face Meg.

Meg chanted a spell and snapped her fingers. The blue mist fell again, but nothing happened. She jerked back and dropped her jaw. “What the hell?” Snapping her fingers again, she attempted the spell for a third time.

“Don’t bother. I’ve already counteracted your spell. But since you insist on playing with the big boys, then get ready for a little payback.”

Hilly tried to get between him and her sister, but he held her back. “No. Tanner, don’t hurt her.”

Tanner waved a hand in front of Meg. She clutched her neck as though she couldn’t breathe, then all at once released a puff of air. Hilly reared back from the putrid smell of her breath. What had he done to her sister?

Meg’s eyes grew wide and she reached out. Her body shuddered, grew hazy and, in mere seconds, transformed.

Hilly sucked in a hard breath, unable to believe what she was seeing. “What did you do to her?”

Chapter Eight


Tanner stifled a chuckle. “She was acting like an old crone so I simply thought her outward appearance should match her actions.”

Hilly reached for her sister, who was doubled over as though she would never straighten up again. “You changed her into an old woman.”

Gone was Meg’s fiery red hair. Gone was her supple body. Gone was her smooth skin. Yet Tanner knew the real Meg, the protective and spunky sister, was locked inside the senior citizen.

“An old hag is more like it. Look on the bright side. The local theater company’s casting for
Snow White
and she’d be a shoe-in for the witch with the poisoned apple.”

So much for humor. Hilly’s dagger-eyes left nothing to the imagination. He had no doubt she would’ve taken him out back and kicked him in the balls if she hadn’t needed to help Meg.

“Tanner Cage, you change my sister back this instant.”

“Really? But why? Some men actually like their women fat and balding. With warts. I think this new look suits her. Or at least it suits her disposition.”

Hilly’s blue eyes blazed, and he couldn’t help but think how beautiful she was. Granted, he preferred her eyes clouded with lust, but anger was a close second.

“Tanner, I’m warning you. If you don’t change her back, I’m going to—”

“You’re going to do what? Never see me again? We both know that would be a lie.” He reached out to smooth a stray strand of her hair back into place. An unfamiliar sensation churned in his stomach, making him regret what he’d done to Meg.

She slapped his hand away. “What do I need to do to get you to change her back? Would an apology from Meg help?”

Meg gagged, her choking making it clear that she didn’t like the idea of apologizing. “No way. I’d rather rot first,” she croaked.

“Don’t be bullheaded, sis.” Hilly renewed her grip on the old woman. “Tell me what we need to do to have you reverse the spell.”

He hadn’t planned on coercing her into having dinner with him. Had, in fact, wanted to ask her later. Still, he wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity. “Have dinner with me at my home.”

Meg choked again and clutched Hilly’s arm. She shook her head emphatically and almost fell over from the intensity of her refusal.

“That’s it? All I have to do is have dinner with you?” Hilly’s expression was neutral, but he dared hope the excitement he sensed was real.

“Dinner at my place this Friday. I’ll send a car for you.” He wanted her to see his home.

“Deal.” Hilly tipped her head at Meg. “Now change her back.”

“Sure.” He raised his hand, then paused. “But only if she promises not to try to put a hex on me.”

Hilly shushed a grumbling Meg. “She promises. Now do it.”

He waved his hand and within seconds Meg was back to normal.

“Why you lousy—” Meg lurched forward.

Hilly snagged her sister’s arm and dragged her toward the office at the back of the bakery. “Go away, Tanner.”

“Okay, I’ll go. Oh, Hilly?”

She turned around, her long black hair flowing around her shoulders as she still clung to her sister. “What?”

She was perfect. She had a perfect body. A perfect face. And, more important to him than he’d ever realized, a perfect heart. “I can’t wait for Friday.”

He could see how his words pleased her as her features brightened and her eyes gleamed. She bit her lower lip, then hurried Meg down the hall.



Hilly stood, her hand suspended in air, before the massive two-door entrance to Tanner’s huge home. The head of a lion served as a knocker while ornate embellishment decorated the door. The estate, one she hadn’t known existed although she was well acquainted with the areas outside Cottageville, covered several acres of land. The mansion boasted a five-car garage, three stories and a front courtyard that any Italian villa would envy.

She ran a hand over her tight black dress, wobbled a little in the high heels, and knocked. Granted, she’d expected Tanner to have a nice home, but she hadn’t imagined he’d live in a home fit for a king. Or at the very least, a pop star.

The door swung wide revealing Tanner in his usual all-black attire. He grinned at her, then took her arm to bring her inside.

“I’m so glad you made it. I was afraid you might have changed your mind.”

“I wanted to see…your home.” She took a look around and gawked at the wonderful things around her. Flower arrangements brought bright areas of color to the entry while a huge oriental vase dominated the center of the room. “Wow. This place is incredible. Did a movie star live here? Or are you the star?”

Tanner’s laugh put her at ease. “Nope. Just me, and I’m no movie star. Please, come with me.”

Hilly let him take her hand and lead her down the hallway. Was that a Picasso? Then a Van Gogh? She gaped at the artwork adorning the hallway as he led her toward a large room with floor-to-ceiling windows. Lavish furnishings filled the area, but somehow everything still exuded a cozy warmth. An enormous fireplace dominated one wall, and she imagined herself seated on the couch reading a novel with Tanner by her side.

Slow down, girl. He’s just a fling, remember?

She shoved away the denial starting to form on her lips.

“Would you like a drink? I have my favorite wine, if you like red. Or if you prefer, we can have something a bit stronger. I know. How about tequila shots?”

She should take the wine. Yet, when she opened her mouth, different words came out. “Let’s do the shots.” What had she done? She’d never been much of a drinker, much less someone who did shots.

“Great. Have a seat and I’ll be right there.”

Feeling like a woman who’d just discovered she was a queen, she pulled her short dress down as she sat on the sofa and let her body sink into the luxurious fabric.

She could get used to living the good life. She glanced at Tanner who was placing drinks, salt, limes and a gold-embossed tequila bottle on a silver platter. Especially if the place came with Tanner Cage.

The familiar rush of desire she always got whenever Tanner was around rolled through her, but with an added something extra. A longing, a yearning to simply be near him made her heart clench. What would it be like to have him as her lover? Not just as a temporary friend with benefits but as a permanent fixture in her life? Her knight in shining armor in the real world? After all, he’d saved her from his mother’s nightmare.

Tanner slipped onto the couch beside her, then offered her a shot glass. She studied it, trying to remember how she’d seen Meg do a shot. “Okay, confession time. I’ve never done shots before.”

His mouth curved up at the ends but not enough to make her feel as though he were making fun of her. “No problem. Watch and learn.”

“First, you prepare your hand.” He licked the curve between his index finger and thumb, then poured salt on his wet skin. “The salt helps take away some of the sting of the tequila.” Then he lifted the shot glass of tequila. “After you lick the salt, you drink the tequila. Now granted, some connoisseurs will say you should savor the flavor of the drink, but I’m showing you how it’s usually done.” His blue-black hair sparkled under the huge chandelier hanging above them as he slowly slid his tongue along his salty skin.

Hilly swallowed, the sight of his tongue exploding moisture between her legs. Forget the drink, if he’d put his tongue to work on her, she’d lie back and thank her lucky stars.

“So far, so good, huh? Next comes the best part.” Throwing back his head, he downed the drink. Then, choosing a lime wedge from the platter, he bit into the lime.

“Ah, that’s good. Of course, it’s always better if you use the finest liquor.”

She didn’t bother glancing at the tequila bottle. How could she take her eyes off him? “I guess this stuff is pretty good then?”

He slid the back of his fingers along her cheek. “Yes, top quality. Because you, Hilly Tristan, deserve only the best.”

She had to force herself not to push him down and straddle him. Then again, what was stopping her from doing just that?

“Okay. Your turn.” He gestured for her to lick her hand.

Hilly ran her tongue over her the back of her hand, then salted the wet area. “Right?”

“Perfect.” He studied her, his gaze dropping to her hand only to return to her face.

Saluting him, she licked the salt from her hand, threw back her head and drank. Liquid fire coursed down her throat, making her cough.

“Quick, Hilly. Suck on the lime.”

She took the wedge he offered her and sucked, relief coming not a moment too soon.

“Good, huh? Or is it too much for you? Would you rather switch to soft drinks?”

Was he laughing at her? She scowled, then coughed again. Did he think her a naive little girl? Just because she hadn’t done shots before didn’t mean she couldn’t hold her own. She motioned for him to fill her glass.

“Hilly, you don’t have to do another one if you don’t want to.” He leaned closer. “I don’t ever want you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

She touched his hand to show her appreciation, then threw back her shoulders. “Fill it.” The burn in her stomach was nothing compared to the burn between her legs.

He did as she asked, then filled his glass. Together, they took another shot. At least this time, she didn’t cough. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she turned her head away so he wouldn’t notice.

“Are you okay?”

She coughed then and saw him adopt a serious expression to cover his mirth. Time to change the subject. “Tell me more about what happened with your mother. Something tells me she was more than just annoyed.”

He took another drink. “My mother is always more than just annoyed.” He narrowed his eyes, the muscles in his jaw flexing as he gritted his teeth. “I don’t want you to worry.”

Suddenly, she found it difficult to breathe. “Which means I should worry. What did she say?”

“It’s more what she didn’t say. I told her to go back to hell and leave me alone. To leave you alone.”


“And she just laughed. She’s not going to back off. Not that easily.”

They sat in silence, each contemplating the meaning behind his words.

“Isn’t there some way we can get her to leave us alone? Maybe if she doesn’t know we’re seeing each other she’ll back off.”

He shook his head. “She’ll know. She always knows. The only way she’s going to let this go is if she thinks you’re just another woman. A plaything that I’ll discard once I’m bored with you.”

Her heart skipped a beat. Was she just a fling? She wanted to be more. Much more. But did he? She couldn’t meet his eyes, didn’t want to see whatever lay there.

He cupped her chin and made her look at him. “I can’t make any promises right now, but you’ve got to know you’re no plaything. In fact, you’re the most intriguing woman I’ve ever met.”

She bit her bottom lip. “I am? Why? Because I didn’t know how to do shots?”

His chuckle warmed her, and she shifted closer to him. “You’re intriguing in more ways than I can count.”

How should she respond to that?

“Are you blushing?”

Damn. She hated it when she blushed. “I’m getting warm, is all.”

He slipped his hand behind her neck and brought her mouth an inch from his. He tilted his head and scrutinized her. “Are you, Hilly? Are you getting warm?” He skimmed his gaze to her mouth then back. “I hope you are, because I’m very hot.”

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