Read Sexual Shift Online

Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Sexual Shift (14 page)

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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“Yeah, man, take it easy.” Ronan grabbed Tanner’s arms but couldn’t break free. “All I want is for her to finish me off. I won’t even fuck her. She can just suck me off and I’ll leave. How’s that?”

“Not going to happen. Now take off. Go visit one of the other women you have waiting for you.”

“But I want this one.”

Hilly hurried over to them. “Tanner, please.” She bit her lip before jutting out her chin. “Please, don’t fight.”

Ronan grinned, relaxing his body as much as he could while in Tanner’s grip. “Hey, let’s not get all fucked up about this. After all, she’s just another bitch.”

“Don’t ever call her a bitch again, you fucking asshole.”

An explosion erupted around them, and Hilly clapped her hands over her ears and stumbled away. The air shimmered with power as Tanner thrust Ronan to the floor. Ronan gripped his throat, struggling to breathe, but managed to jerk his hand toward Tanner. Another loud sound rent the air, and Tanner stumbled back a few feet before regaining his balance.

Like the Titans of mythology, the two men faced each other and began to fight. Tanner thrust out his arm again. Thousands of black bugs swarmed toward Ronan. Although he threw up his arms, he couldn’t keep them from latching on to his body, crawling into his ears and eyes. Ronan screamed, swiping at the pests covering his body.


“Tanner, stop!”

Tanner, his crimson eyes blazing, stared at her. She gasped, stunned by the fierceness. Black wings unfurled as claws sprang from his fingertips. She cried out again, asking him to stop before it was too late.

The darkness of his eyes lightened for a second, and his face softened. A sadness covered his features as he called out to her. “I won’t share you. I can’t. Not for any reason.”

Ronan roared, then spun in a circle. The beetles flew off him and disappeared. Coming to a stop, he faced Tanner. “I’m going to have what I was promised.” Whirling, he started toward Hilly.

She gasped, stunned by the evil in Ronan’s face. “No. Please, stop.”

Ronan reached out for her, his hand no longer a hand but a claw. She screamed, terror freezing her to the spot. Ronan cackled, then jumped into the air, heading straight for her.

Suddenly, his body jerked sideways, flying though the air to land in the middle of the bed. Tanner strode to the edge of the bed, his hair swirling around him, his body sizzling with power. Sparks flew from his outstretched hands. “Keep your hands off her,” he roared.

Ronan rolled off the bed, and horns sprouted along his spine. Fangs erupted from his mouth as his face changed, his forehead adding ridges of gray flesh. His eyes flamed with a red as dark as Tanner’s. “Make me, you son of a demon whore.”

Tanner looked at Hilly and she saw the man she’d come to love. Even with the change in his features, she saw the plea in his eyes. But for what? For her to run? Or to understand?

“Get out, Hilly. Now.” His whisper was more intense than any shout. “Hurry.”

She rushed to get behind Tanner. Pausing, she reached out her hand, but the electric field of power surrounding him made her yank it away. “Be careful, Tanner.”

At his nod, she swept up her dress and dashed toward the door. Once again, she turned toward the two men. Tanner glanced at her, his face transformed, his hair shooting sparks of lightning around his face. Hilly ran from the room.



“Not again.”

Tanner gripped the computer mouse and resisted the urge to curse. Instead, he plastered on an insincere smile and swiveled to face his mother. “Yes, Mother, again.”

Bryna flicked her wrist and the monitor turned off. “I won’t stand here and watch you make goo-goo eyes over some shape-shifter female.”

Tanner rose, placing his body close to his mother’s. “You’re free to leave at any time. In fact, I’d appreciate having a little heads-up before you pop in next time. Or feel free to stop popping in at all.” He strode past her to the bar and poured himself a drink.

“Very funny, son, but don’t hold your breath. After all, everything you have, including this place, is my doing.” She snapped her fingers and a wine goblet appeared in her hand. “Now spit it out. What the hell did you do to Ronan?”

He downed the first drink and poured himself another. “What? Did poor little Ronan come running, crying his eyes out like a baby?” He snorted. “Figures. He never did have any balls.”

She snarled at him. “He came to me with his face half torn off. I had to reassemble his nose, for hell’s sake. Why would you do that to him?”

“Because he’s a shithead, that’s why.”

“Now who’s acting childish?”

Tanner rolled his eyes and immediately regretted it. More fuel for the fire of his mother’s wrath. “Including him in my date with Hilly was a major mistake. One I won’t make again.”

Bryna downed her drink. “Your
? Since when do you date? Especially nothings like her?”

Tanner planted his feet, getting ready for the fight he knew was coming. “I’m going to date Hilly and keep on dating her for as long as I like. And for as long as she wants to date me.”

His mother zeroed in on him. “Like hell you will—”

“Shut the fuck up.” His tone was controlled and left no doubt he meant business.

Bryna was an inch from his nose and staring him down. “You want her, don’t you? In fact, you more than simply like her. You have feelings for her just like you did that Mira bitch.” Wearing a revolted expression, she backed away, throwing curses at him. “Are you insane? Why would you do this again?” Her icy tone dripped with disgust.

Tanner took a seat in the oversized chair, feigning a nonchalance he couldn’t quite master. “If you must know,
—” he liked the way she shuddered at the moniker, “—I do care for her. I think about her every day and I even dream about her. She’s special, and I want to spend more time with her. Even a lifetime with her.”

If he’d spit on her he couldn’t have made her any more miserable than he had with his declaration. But he didn’t care. He’d enjoyed the luxuries like cars, women and homes she’d given him. But now things had changed. Hilly was worth more than all the riches in the world.

“You’re just like your father,” she spat.

He laughed, genuinely amused by her comparison. “Interesting, since he’d say I’m more like you. I’m going to continue seeing Hilly whether you like it or not. Deal with it.”

“Deal with it?” His mother grew taller as anger boiled from within her. Within seconds, she towered over him. “I don’t think so. You’ll stop seeing her and forget you ever met that changeling.”

“Or what? You’ll spank me?” Tanner craned his head back and arched an eyebrow, daring her.

She shrank to her normal size, her anger not gone but transitioned into something worse. Tanner could see the determination and couldn’t stop the tingle of nervousness zipping down his spine.

“If you don’t stop cavorting with this changeling, I’ll take away everything you have. Including your homes, your cars and all your money. You’ll be broke and homeless. Will she want you then?” Bryna’s smile morphed into an evil grin.

“Go ahead. Hit me with your best shot, Mom.”

She inhaled, her eyes widening. “Don’t push me. You know I’ll make good on my threat.”

He glanced around the room filled with valuable artwork, furnishings and trimmed with gold leaf. When he looked back to her, he was just as determined as she. “Like I said, Mom. Do it.”

His mother stared at him for a long, slow minute, then crossed her arms. “No, I don’t think I will. Obviously, the things I’ve given you, the lifestyle I’ve afforded you are no longer appreciated and wouldn’t be missed.”

“Good. I’m glad you see it my way.” She was up to something. His mother never gave in this easily. He braced and waited for her next move, but he still wasn’t prepared for it.

“Tanner, if you see this shape-shifter again—”

“Her name is Hilly. Get used to saying it.”

She arched an eyebrow just as he had. “If you see
again, I’ll make her pay for your mistake. Maybe not with nightmares, but I have other ways. You know what I’m capable of.”

“So you finally admit to sending Mira the nightmares.” Alarms flared in his head, and his neck stiffened with tension. “Don’t threaten me, Mother. And don’t threaten her.” He stood, his demonic side rising inside him.

“If you want your Hilly to remain in one piece, you’ll leave her alone.”

He marched over to confront his mother, his clenched fists at his sides. The rage inside him took over, transforming him. Ridges formed on his head and he could feel the fire in his eyes as they changed from silver-blue to red in a second. His large black wings unfurled and flapped, a sign of his temper. He flexed his muscles as they grew larger, stronger.

“Don’t you touch one hair on her head.”

Bryna sneered at him, her gaze hard and cold, then snarled. “I will not have my son falling for a changeling. And love?” She spit on the floor an inch from his feet. “Love is a weak human emotion. Demons don’t fall in love.”

“Remember, Mom, I’m only half demon. And this half demon loves Hilly.” The realization hit him as he spoke the words out loud, surprising and thrilling himself in the same moment.

“You don’t mean that.”

“I never meant anything more.” He grinned, feeling wonderful and wicked at the same time. “I l

She drew in a ragged breath, her nostrils flaring. All at once, she adopted a gentler expression and slid a palm along his arm. “See her again and she’ll regret it. Get rid of her and life returns to normal. Go back to what you do best, Tanner. Be the playboy you are.”

Tanner spread his wings, barely managing to stop from hitting his mother. He wasn’t as strong as his mother, and he had no doubt she’d keep her promise to hurt Hilly. Somehow he’d have to stop her.

Without warning, Bryna struck him, sending him flying across the room. He landed against the wall, causing a rare painting to fall to the floor. Roaring, he pushed to a standing position, gathered all the strength he could muster, and flung his body at her.

She cackled, and with one flick of her wrist, knocked him on his back. “Really, Tanner, you know you’re no match for me. Very few full demons are.”

He didn’t care. He had to fight for Hilly. But before he could get to his feet again, she waved her hand in the air. A three-dimensional image of Hilly rose between them.

“If you don’t stop seeing her, then be prepared to watch her die.” Bryna snapped her fingers and the image of Hilly sucked in a breath. Her eyes widened with terror and she clutched her stomach, then doubled over. She screamed, the awful gut-wrenching sound tearing his heart in half.

“Stop it. Now.” Pain mixed with anger, but it was useless to fight her.

“Don’t worry, son. It’s only an illusion. Consider it a glimpse into the future.”

He changed, his body returning to human, his wings disappearing. “Do you promise you won’t hurt her if I stop seeing her?” He doubted he could trust her, but what else could he do?

She held up three fingers in a Boy Scout salute. “I promise.”

“Then I’ll do what you want. I’ll stop seeing her.” He’d do anything for Hilly. Even if it meant giving her up.

“That’s my bad boy.” Laughing, Bryna spun around, then disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

Chapter Ten


“I’d rather be home sitting in front of the television watching
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
and eating a pint of chocolate ice cream.” Letting Meg usher her into The Sundowner, Hilly was sure she’d be miserable the entire night. How had she let Meg talk her into going out, anyway? All she wanted was to stay by the phone and hope Tanner called.

“You don’t fool me. Watching reality shows is just an excuse for you to sit by the phone and wait for that big demon lug to call.”

Damn, how she hated it when Meg knew what she was thinking. “He’s not a demon. At least, not entirely a demon. He’s half angel, you know.”

Meg pulled her up to the bar and waved at Tom, Allie’s husband and owner of the club. He nodded and started preparing their favorite drinks. “Just a soft drink for me, Tom.”

“Since when do you not drink?” Meg not drinking was like a bird not flying.

“Since I need to convince my sister that she’s mooning over a loser. That’s when. I’d say, from the way he’s treated you, that he’s more demon than angel. What I don’t get is why you’re letting him dump on you like this.”

Hilly caught her reflection in the mirror behind the bar and straightened to her full, albeit short height. No way would she let Meg see just how hurt she was by Tanner’s continued lack of attention. Since the night when he’d battled Ronan and she’d run out of his home, she’d only heard from him a couple of times. He’d promised to get together during the weekend, and she’d waited patiently for him to call. But the call had never come.

Had he had second thoughts? Did her agreeing to a threesome make him think less of her? Granted, it was a double standard, but men were famous for double standards, right?

She thanked Tom for the wine he placed in front of her and took a sip. Should she try calling him again? No. She’d already tried enough.

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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