Read Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) Online
Authors: Elizabeth Princeton
Chapter Sixteen
can’t believe that kiss; it was so beyond perfect! When he first told me about his late wife and how she died, I just knew he wasn’t over her. I could see it all over his face as he talked about that awful day. I couldn’t open myself up to being hurt in the long run. I didn’t want to be compared to the ghost of a woman that still held his heart. It wasn’t until that kiss that I finally believed him. He was ready to move on, and he chose me.
I watched him walk into the Chinese place, and couldn’t help but check out his ass as he walked away. Damn, that man has such a nice ass. He’s so tall that he has to nearly bend in half to just kiss me. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, but right now I really needed some kind of release. Maybe when I took my shower later. I felt so zoned out, I didn’t even notice someone knocking on my window until I felt the cold breeze from the door opening. I thought it was probably Shawn, so I didn’t think anything of it until I heard a very familiar voice.
“Hey pumpkin, miss me?” Josh stood there, looking like complete shit. His eyes were hollowed out like he hadn’t slept in days, his clothes were so wrinkled that it looked like he’d been wearing them for several days. His hair was a mess, and his breath smelled like something died in his mouth.
The panic started to set in. Damn it, I was so distracted I forgot to lock the doors! The apprehension I felt was like someone just sat on my chest, constricting my airflow. I knew I needed to try and keep my wits about me, because I was in some serious trouble. “What, the hell, are you doing here? I thought you were still in Indiana.”
“Oh no, pumpkin, I followed you all the way down here to Hicksville. I missed you, but I figured out where you went. It really wasn’t that hard. You really think that I don’t know about everything you’ve been up to while you’ve been here? I know all about Amy, your best friend down here; even though you keep her at arm’s length. I know you moved in with pretty boy and his dog. Yeah, that’s right sweet cheeks, I know everything. Who do you think sent you those texts, and spray painted your wall?”
“You really shouldn’t be here.” I tried to think of all the ways I could get away if I had to. I wouldn’t let him taint me anymore than he already had. I’m beginning to really panic, because I know I would never win in a fight with him. He grabbed my arm so hard that I know I’ll have bruises tomorrow. I get yanked out of the truck, and twisted my ankle from the way I landed on the way down. I know now, that I won’t be able to get away, so I do the only thing I know how to do—I scream.
This apparently, pissed him off, because I’m being back handed in the face. I should be used to how that felt by now, but it hurts as much as every time before this. I can’t believe Josh is doing this to me, but at the same time—I can. It’s so weird how my past has finally caught up with me. Did Brandon really send him? I tried digging my heels into the gravel, but it’s no use with my ankle being messed up. I know I should fight him off, but my submissive ways kicked in anyway. The more I don’t fight it, the less he’ll hurt me.
After what seemed like forever of me being dragged, I stumbled and fell to the ground.
Then Josh ran away from something or someone.
I looked behind me and saw Shawn coming toward me.
He dropped our food right next to his truck, rushed over, then stopped when he got to me. “Hailee, baby, are you okay? Please talk to me, and tell me you’re okay?”
“I’m okay, Shawn, I promise. It was Brandon’s best friend, Josh. The one he would sometimes ‘share’ me with. Oh, my God, Shawn, what am I going to do? He knows where I’m staying and about you and Amy. I’m so screwed—he was going to kidnap me and I forgot to lock the truck!” I was crying uncontrollably. I couldn’t seem to stop myself.
“Listen to me Hailee. I am going to protect you with everything that I am. Now, let’s get you up and into the truck, so I can take you home.”
Home, I liked the sound of that.
Chapter Seventeen
re you sure you’re okay? Your face is starting to bruise.” We both sat on the couch after we got home. Our food was salvageable, so we were just sitting, eating in silence. I don’t know if she was just scared, or if she was thinking about leaving me. I wouldn’t let her go, but it still scared me to think that she would want to leave after everything.
“Yeah, I’m okay. You might want to call Lance though, since I know who is behind everything.”
“You’re right I should call him. This will only add fuel to the fire of finding the jackass. But, Lance can wait. I want tonight to go a little bit according to plan. I really want to kiss you again, but if it’s not okay, I understand why. You’re in control, so you let me know what you’re comfortable with.”
Hailee just looked at me for a minute, and then she gave me this brilliant smile.
I noticed again, just how stunning her smile is, and how it lights up her whole face.
She leaned forward.
I knew right then and there, what her intentions were. I leaned forward to meet her the rest of the way.
Once our lips touched, it was like a spark igniting, and I can’t get enough of her lips. She opened her mouth to touch her tongue to mine. She has a hint of spiciness from the General Tso’s chicken. She grabbed onto my shirt like she was afraid I would disappear.
I cupped her face in my hands, and pulled my lips away from hers. “Damn, that was the best kiss I’ve ever had. It has me about to explode right here and now. We have to stop before we go any further, and I don’t want our first time to be after a traumatic experience.”
She blushed while nodding her head. Then she turned back to her food, but reached for the fortune cookie instead.
I watched expression on her face while she read her fortune. It’s a combination of awe and excitement. She almost looked like a kid on Christmas.
I wanted to always make her happy like this.
When she glanced back up at me, she blushed even more.
I loved that look on her already, and wanted to keep that color in her cheeks…always.
“Did you know I’m obsessed with fortune cookies? Ever since I was a kid, I would always eat the fortune cookie first just to see what my fortune would tell me. I know that probably sounds stupid, but I always thought my fortune would come true. My dad hated Chinese, so I didn’t eat it a lot, but on occasion he would buy it for me, then just get himself something different. I loved him so much more for that. He was my whole world, and I still miss him every day he’s gone.”
“I don’t mean to pry, and if it’s none of my business just tell me. What happened to your dad? You’ve said he died, but I don’t think I know the whole story yet.”
“No it’s fine. My dad had a heart attack, and I couldn’t do CPR enough to save his life. So since he went without oxygen for so long, there was no way he would’ve made it. He was on life support for about a week before I finally, let him go.” She reached for a napkin to wipe her eyes.
I gently pulled her to my chest.
She cried for a few minutes into my shirt before she finally pulled away. Then she gave me a slight smile while reaching for another fortune cookie.
I decided to lighten things up a bit, so I made up jokes to keep her smiling. “Did you know that if you add ‘in bed’ at the end of your fortune, that it becomes a sex fortune. Take this one of mine for example, ‘You will always have good luck in your personal affairs’. Now add in bed to the end and it becomes, ‘You will always have good luck in your personal affairs in bed’. It looks like we’ll have good luck in bed at least.” I shot her a wink, so she’ll know I’m just kidding around with her. Well, kind of anyways. I don’t want her to think that’s all I wanted from her either. To be honest, I would wait forever for her to be ready.
Her eyelids seemed to be getting heavy, so I could tell she felt tired. I suggested that we head onto bed. I really don’t think she should be sleeping alone, but I don’t want her to think I’m trying to get into her pants either. “Good night Shortcake, I’ll be in my room if you need me.” I bent down to give her the sweetest of kisses before I turned and headed into my bedroom where I leave my door cracked in case she needs me.
Chapter Eighteen
hile I get ready for bed, I think back to the words Shawn spoke to me tonight in the rain. How he wanted to move on with his life, and he wanted to do that with me. I can’t help the giddy smile that makes its way to my mouth. I’m so excited that I found Shawn, and even with everything going on; I know he will keep me safe.
The more I think about him, the wetter my panties become, and the ache is so prominent that I felt my sex throbbing. I eased my hand down into the front of my pajama shorts, so I could hopefully, dull the ache just a little bit.
I imagine that it’s Shawn’s hand down there, and I instantly get wetter. I rub my finger over my clit in tiny circles. The faster I rubbed, the louder my moans got. I imagined it was his hands and mouth. I was getting close to climaxing when a knock on my door startled me out of my fantasy.
“Shortcake, you doing okay in there? I heard something, and wanted to make sure you weren’t having another nightmare.”
The concern in his voice was evident, and I instantly felt bad for waking him up.
The door opened, and I felt my cheeks heat when I heard him come in the room. It’s dark, but I heard him come closer to the bed. I felt the bed dip down “Yes, Shawn, I’m okay. I wasn’t having a dream. I was just doing something for me.” I kept in vague on purpose, because I didn’t want him to know the truth.
“Were you pleasuring yourself just now? If you were, all you had to do was ask, and I would’ve more than happy to help you.”
I could tell he was smirking at me, I could hear it in his voice. Oh, my God, I was so embarrassed. “Well—not that it’s any of your business, but yes I was. Are you happy now? You caught my on the brink of a wonderful orgasm and now, I have to start over as soon as you leave.”
The words had no sooner left my mouth, and Shawn’s mouth was on mine. This kiss was different from all the others. This kiss screamed passion and sex. He licked my lips with his tongue, and I was more than happy to let him in. His tongue swept through my mouth like he was trying to taste every part.
My breasts felt heavy in my tank top, and my nipples were begging for attention. It was as if he knew what I needed because next thing I know, he is pulling my tank off. “Please tell me to stop whenever you want and I’ll stop, no questions asked.” He looked so sincere, and scared at the same time.
I knew he was scared—hell, I was too. “I know that I want you Shawn; I have since you almost ran me over that day on the street. I’m not sure how far I am willing to go yet, but I do know that I want this.”
That was all that was needed as he started kissing down my throat, and down to where my body ached for his mouth.
He gazed up at me, and it was almost like he was asking permission. He must’ve seen it in my eyes, because he lowered his mouth onto one nipple while he played with the other.
I throw my head back and moaned. This was unlike any sensation I have ever felt before. I swear I could just come from his mouth on my nipples.
He then moves to the other side to give it the same amount of attention.
“Oh, my God, Shawn—please don’t stop.” I couldn’t help the sounds coming out of my mouth as I felt his hand travel down my body. He was still sucking my nipples, but the moment that his hands came in contact with my sex; I thought my whole body was on fire.
His fingers dipped into my slick folds. “Damn Hailee, you are soaking wet. How much do you want me to get you off? I want to hear you say how much you want to come, and how you want me to do it.”
“Shawn…” I moaned. “Please, put me out of my misery here. I need to come Shawn please?” I wasn’t past begging at this point; I needed a damn release.
“All you have to do is tell me what you want Shortcake. Know that whatever you ask of me I will always deliver to you. I just need you to tell me what you want.”
“Damn it, Shawn I want your fingers in me, and your mouth on me. I want you to fuck me until I come all over your fingers and tongue.” I felt him smile against my skin.
He slipped a finger deep into my wet pussy. “There… was that so hard?” He slid his finger in and out of my pussy while his thumb rubbed circles over my clit. Then his mouth leaves my breasts and he’s situating himself down between my legs—my shorts and underwear are gone. His head dipped down and his tongue swiped over my clit.
My hips bucked off the bed, and I felt him smile against my pussy as he used his other arm to hold my hips in place. His tongue entered me again, and I tried to raise my hips but I’m stuck in place. I felt him add another finger, and I can’t help the loud moan that escaped my mouth. “Oh, Shawn, I’m so close. Please go harder and faster.” Much to my surprise, he actually does what I ask. His tempo picked up, and as soon as he hooked his fingers upwards—I am pushed over the edge.
My whole body continued to tremble as I rode out the rest of what is possibly the best and most intense orgasm of my life. “Wow.” That was literally the only thing I could say. I was breathless, and covered in a light layer of sweat. I looked up at Shawn.
He gazed at me like I was a steak and he hadn’t eaten in days.
“Um, thank you?” I didn’t know what else to say. I thought maybe he thought that I owed him, since that’s what I was used to. I reached for his sweats, so I could return the favor.
“Whoa there Shortcake. What are you doing?” He moved away from me and off the bed.
I sat there so confused. I guess he didn’t want me the way I wanted him. I immediately jumped off the bed, and ran into the bathroom while slamming the door behind me.