Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1)
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Chapter Four




Hailee…her name is as gorgeous as she is. I can’t believe after thinking about her for the past couple of weeks, she’s finally standing in from of me. I know she doesn’t think I saw her at the store that day, but I did. She was wearing those tight sweat pants that women wear. Shit, she’s gazing at me like she’s expecting me to answer a question or something. Did she ask me a question? I guess she did, since she’s just staring at me expectantly. “I’m sorry darling, what was the question? I guess I zoned out for a minute there.”

She giggled at me.

Oh, and I’m already in love with the sound. She reminded me so much of my Scarlett and yet, she’s so different too. I’ll never forget the day that Scar died—it still haunts my dreams. I shake my head of the images that still give me nightmares to focus on the beauty in front of me.

“I asked what your name was. Are you going to tell me or should I just to call you whatever I feel like calling you the rest of the night?” Her eyes widened as she finished her last question almost like she couldn’t believe she’d said it to begin with.

I couldn’t help but to chuckle some more, I mean she’s just so damn adorable, and I could tell she didn’t even know it. “The name is Shawn, but all my friends call me Thompson. So, you can pretty much call me whatever you want and I’ll answer.” I winked at her thinking she would find me funny, but instead she just rolled her eyes at me. I felt shocked she didn’t find me even the tiniest bit funny.

The more I looked at her, the more captivating she became. You could tell she didn’t know just how beautiful she really was. A haunted look glimmered in her eyes. The same look I see every day when I gazed into the mirror. It made me want to find out what was haunting her and save her from her demons—and damn, if I didn’t want her to save me from mine. “What’s your poison Shortcake? Beer? Shots? Name your poison and it’s yours.” I was trying to get her to smile. She had a beautiful smile, and she needed to know it. When I turned back around to get her answer, I caught her peering down at my ass. I really wanted to see that blush again, so I called her out on it, “Enjoying the view there, Shortcake?”

The blush started on her neck and went up to her cheeks, then she smiled at me.

Suddenly, I knew I would do anything for her to always smile like that.

“Eh, I’ve seen better, but I guess it’ll do.”

I’ll be damned if she didn’t wink at me. I couldn’t help the smirk on my face as she realized what she said.

“Oh, my goodness, I’m sorry I don’t know why I said that. Please forgive me.” Her eyes started to water.

I felt awful. I just wanted to get down on my knees and beg her to stop, because I couldn’t stand the thought of making her cry. “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re a smartass, and I’m glad that you set me straight. And your blush, damn Hailee, your blush is so damn cute, so I’m going to make you do it as often as I can. Please don’t feel the need to apologize for something I really like. Now, what can I get the pretty lady to drink?”

She grinned at me as she responded, “Angry Orchard on tap please.”

We sat and talked for what seemed like forever. I learned that her father died about two and half years ago, her favorite color is blue, she hates tomatoes but loves ketchup, she’s an only child. I could just listen to her talk for hours. One of the saddest things I learned was that her mom had run out on her and her dad when she was only nine years old. A young girl needs her mom in her life. I guess I’m just lucky that I had both of my parents until I at least got married. They just died about six months before my Scar.

I noticed she kept scanning the bar as if she was looking for someone, and it made me wonder if she had a boyfriend or something. Then I thought she surely would’ve mentioned it, since we just sat here and talked for an hour and a half. “You lookin’ for someone? You’ve barely said a word for the past ten minutes, and you keep looking at the door like you’re waiting for someone to walk in. I’m beginning to think you don’t like my company.” I smirked at her to let her know I was joking.

She laughed lightly as she shook her head. “I’m trying to find Amy, she was supposed to drive me home, but I can’t find her anywhere.” Her phone vibrated on the table, and as she glanced down, she frowned slightly. “I guess Amy found a guy to take home, and wants to know if I’ll be okay getting home on my own. She knows I don’t own a car, I guess I’d better go. Thanks for the drink Shawn. I’ll see you around.” She started to get up.

I stopped her. “Wait, please let me take you home. It’s dark out now, and I’d feel better knowing you got home safe. Plus, it’s my duty as a police officer to protect the citizens of this fine town.”

Hailee looked around like she was trying to figure out another option. “I really shouldn’t. I mean I don’t know you that well, and you’ve been drinking tonight; so I’ll just call a cab; it’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She still wouldn’t look at me.

I got the feeling she was afraid of me. “I didn’t even finish my beer. I promise I’m okay to drive you home.” I gave her my famous puppy dog begging eyes.

She looked at me and just shook her head. “All right, down boy, quit begging. I’ll let you take me home.”

I could see her trying to hold back a smile. Maybe she was attracted to me after all? One can only hope, since I was insanely attracted to her. While I got up from my seat, she did the same but she kept glancing over her shoulder. I wondered what that was about, but didn’t push. Walking out to my truck, I remembered how high up my truck was from the ground, so she was going to have a hard time getting in. I put a lift on my truck and it was now another good four feet off the ground.

Halting, she just stared at it, as if she too, wondered how she was going to climb in it.

Before she could protest, I lifted her up and placed her in the truck.

She jumped slightly at first, but then relaxed in my arms.

Yes, this means one day, she might trust me. I’ve gotten her to start relaxing. I just hope she can stay relaxed.

On the way to her house, she was quiet, just pointing in the direction I needed to go.

When I got to the right streets, she kept gazing around at the truck, and picked up a small chew toy belonging to my K-9 partner, Jax.

“Sorry, I was playing with Jax in the park earlier, and must have forgotten one of his toys.”

Hailee looked confused at first, but then you could tell when she got who Jax was to me. Like a light bulb went off above her cute little head when she figured out he was my dog. “Oh, so you have a dog? I’ve always wanted a dog, but growing up we could never really afford it. Then life happened, and I was never able to get one.” She frowned slightly like an unpleasant thought was going through her head.

In this moment, I wished I’d been able to read her mind to see what had made her so unhappy. “Yeah, Jax is my buddy. He’s also my partner in crime at work. I’m a K-9 police officer, and Jax is my police dog. I’ve had him since he graduated from the K-9 police academy about 4 years ago. Lord knows, that dog has saved my life more than once. He’d do anything for me, and I him.” I loved talking about Jax and our time together on the force. Most of the guys at work give me shit, and they would say that I would take a bullet for Jax before any of them. The truth is…I probably would. I love him as if he were my actual partner.

I could tell she wasn’t hanging on my every word, because she got this far away look in her eyes. At first, I thought she might be zoning me out, but then I would say Jax’s name and a ghost of a smile would grace her lips.

Jax would love Hailee, and she would probably love him right back. No, that’s a lie, she would love him right back, because he was the easiest creature to love.

I pulled up in front of a dingy looking apartment complex, and I already knew I was going to have a hard time letting her out of my sight, knowing this is where she lived. I knew it was all kinds of shady, since I’ve been called out to this very place several times for various things from drug busts to domestic disputes. The only problem was, I didn’t have a right to demand she go somewhere else or with me. “Hey Shortcake, before you go, let me see your phone. I want to make sure you have my number, in case you ever need anything. This is a less than safe complex. I know because I’ve been called out here for all kinds of things.

She stared at me like I was nuts. “You don’t have to worry about me Shawn. I’ve been here long enough that I can take care of myself. I learned a long time ago that I can’t rely on anyone but myself. So, I’ll just be on my way.”

There’s no way I would allow her to get away from me and me not get her information, even if I had to look it up at work…I would. “Please, Hailee, just for my peace of mind can I see your phone?”

After about a minute of glaring, she gave me her phone.

I sent myself a text, so I could save her number later. “All right, good night Shortcake.” I was still having problems letting her go, but I knew she wouldn’t accept anything less.

“Good night Shawn, it was nice getting to know you a little bit tonight. I’ll see ya around.” She got out of my truck and walked up the path to her apartment building.

I watched her walk the whole way until I saw her lights come on, and I knew she was safely in the apartment. I sat for a minute and just stared her window. I didn’t see anyone suspicious, so I put my truck in gear and drove off. I knew I would be seeing more of my Shortcake. I felt I would somehow be damned if I didn’t.


Chapter Five




alking in, I could tell something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of wine. After spending several hours with Shawn, and then the truck ride home I felt a little on edge. I moved around my living room with my glass in hand, inspecting everything. After feeling satisfied that everything looked okay, I walked into my bedroom to receive the surprise of my life.


The message was painted on my wall, right above my bed. I was so shocked I dropped my glass of wine, but I felt so scared I didn’t even notice the wetness soaking into my socks. I immediately ran out of my room, and grabbed my phone. I know Shawn texted his phone so I would have his number. Never in my life had I been so relieved to have someone be that demanding when it came to my safety.

Shawn can you come back something has happened, and I’m really scared!!

Not more than two minutes go by when my phone goes off.

On my way, never made it very far. R u ok?

Physically yes, I’m ok. Emotionally no, I’m not. Please just hurry.

I’d just hit send when there was a knock on my door.

I rushed over and looked into the peephole, and I’d never been more thankful to see a man at my door. I swung the door open, and before I could say anything—I’m in his arms and he’s hugging the crap out of me.

“Oh, my God, Shortcake! I was scared to death when I read that text from you. I probably broke every traffic law getting back here. Are you okay? You don’t look hurt. What happened?”

You could tell he was a cop by all the questions he kept firing at me, all at once.

I took a deep breath, and pulled out of his hug. I felt the tears running down my cheeks.

He started wiping them away, but the more he wiped the faster they fell.

“Yeah, I’m okay physically, but emotionally I’m a wreck. I came into the apartment, and felt like something wasn’t right. I poured a glass of wine, and walked around, inspecting everything in my living room. Everything looked okay, so I went into the bedroom. BIG mistake. Well, just go look for yourself. I’m not sure I can go back in there right now.”

Next thing I know, I hear him yelling several curse words.

He comes back into the living room, looking pissed—like
pissed. As soon as he focused on me, his face softened, like he knew being in that mood would scare me somehow.

“I need to text Amy, and see if she will come get me.” I went to grab my phone.

He reached out and took it. How he could move that fast, I’ll never know. I guess he learned it in the academy or his time on the force because damn…that boy could move fast.

“Oh, no ya don’t. You’re staying with me until I can catch the dirt bag, and don’t even try to tell me no. This is something I’m not backing down on.” He gazed at me with such fierceness that it reminded me of a certain someone else, but Brandon was locked up for what he did to me.

“I don’t think so mister. I’m staying at Amy’s, and there’s nothing you can say that will change my mind.” I was so not going to stay at this guy’s house. He made me feel so nervous that I’m surprised I’ve been able to stand up to him so far. I knew I needed to apologize or I might be in a world of hurt. “I’m sorry I’m not sure what’s come over me lately. I have no right to get an attitude with you, and it won’t happen again.” I stared down at the carpet. I felt his fingers slide my chin up to where I was looking into his amber colored eyes.

“Oh no, Shortcake. Please don’t say you’re sorry for speaking your mind. It’s refreshing to know if you don’t like something, you’ll just be honest me.”

I felt my breath hitch just a tad bit while he spoke to me.

“Please don’t ever be sorry for that at all.” He gazed into my eyes for a minute, then finally spoke again, “Who hurt you so badly?”

I didn’t answer him. I just stood there staring at him. Finally, I gave up and agreed. The only thing I refused to do was go back into that bedroom.

“Okay, I will go and pack a bag for you.” He shrugged. “I will try to get what you’ll need.”

When he came back into the room, he had a bag packed for me that looked like a lot more clothes than just for a few days.

“How long am I staying with you?” I’m not sure I was going to like his answer.

“Until I can find the douche bag who’s doing this to you, and then find you a safer place to live.”

I was right, I didn’t like his answer at all. I just gaped at him, but I didn’t want to argue anymore tonight, since I suddenly felt extremely tired. I just agreed, locked my door, and followed him out to his truck.


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