Read Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) Online
Authors: Elizabeth Princeton
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Five Months Later…
hese past months have been amazing. Shawn is the most attentive boyfriend and father. Always going out at two a.m. for me when I get my late night cravings, and he never complains. He has also gone with me to every doctor’s appointment.
Today is the day that we find out the sex of the baby. I think it’s a boy, but Shawn is adamant that it’s a girl. I think he just wanted a little girl to spoil, but I was a tomboy, so I don’t know what to do with a girl. Either way, we will both be happy, but I know he wants daddy’s little princess, and I secretly hope he gets what he wants.
“Shawn, honey, are you ready to go yet? We’re going to be late, can we please go?”
He came out of our bedroom, and just looked at me.
I could tell he wanted to say something, but I also know that he won’t. He knew better than to argue with my pregnancy hormones.
“Yes, dear, we can go now. I was just checking the nursery to make sure everything was covered, so we could start painting this weekend. Are we still staying at Amy’s this weekend?”
Amy is a traveling nurse, and she’s in another part of the state right now, taking care of an elderly woman who fell and broke her hip. She said we could use her place to stay in while we were painting the nursery. “Yep, we are good to go for the weekend. She won’t be home until next Wednesday at the earliest. We just have to finish packing when we get home from the doctor. Is our bet still on? If it’s a girl I name her, and if it’s a boy you name him?”
“You bet your sweet ass our bet is still on. Since you want a boy so bad, if it ends up being a boy I get to name him. However, you get all say in a girl’s name if it’s a girl. We kissed on it, which means it’s set in stone.” He kissed my forehead as he walked past me and out to the car. He finally broke down and got an actual car. Every time he has to drive it, he complained but he bought it because he said we needed a family car. So now, we are the owners of a 2014 Dodge Dart. He let me pick it out, and I just fell in love with the midnight blue color of the car. It gets great safety ratings, so I knew it was perfect for us.
We got in the car, and made our way to the appointment. Shawn is quiet the whole way there, and I know he’s thinking about Scarlett. I reached over and squeezed his hand.
He glanced over at me and smiled.
While we sit in the waiting room, I looked around. There were pregnant women at all different stages. I felt bad for the ones who are alone. I also couldn’t help but think how close I was to doing all of this alone. I’m so lucky to have a wonderful man by my side. I gazed over at Shawn, and when he looked back at me, I leaned up to give him a kiss.
“What was that for? Not that you need a reason, but the look you gave me before kissing me leads me to believe that you did that for a reason.”
“You know me so well, but you’re right. I did it because you are an amazing man, and I love you. You didn’t have to do this, but you chose to stand by me no matter what. For that, I will love you forever.”
“Don’t you know by now, there was no choice to make. That is my child in there, and you will one day be my wife. I will always be here for the both of you.” He put his hand on my very swollen stomach and rubbed it lovingly.
The nurse called us back, and Shawn placed his hand on the small of my back.
Every time he does that, I still got goose bumps. We walked back to the exam room, and I started to undress since I am used to all of this already. Then, I’m wearing the ugly paper gown, and sat patiently on the table while Shawn sat in the chair next to me.
When the doctor came in, I suddenly get nervous. What if something was wrong? What if, what if. All these bad thoughts rushed through my head. Shawn must’ve sensed my apprehension because he stood up, grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. He always knows when I needed him and his strength.
“Okay, who’s ready to find out what you are having?”
I loved my doctor. She was this tiny little thing, but she isn’t someone I wanted to piss off.
She spread the cold gel on my stomach, and started to move the wand tool around—then we heard the most beautiful sound in the world. The whooshing sound of our child’s heart beat.
“Are we ready, Mom and Dad, to see if we are having a princess or prince?”
“Oh, we are more than ready. Please put me—I mean us, out of our misery.”
I laughed at Shawn because he seemed more excited about this than I am. Don’t get me wrong I am excited, but Shawn is practically out of his seat, because he just can’t sit still.
“Well, here we go. The baby is measuring perfectly fine for 27 weeks. We are still keeping the March 23 due date. Now, let’s see if the baby is going to be shy today. And that would be a no, she’s definitely not shy. Congratulations guys, you’re going to have a girl.”
I looked over at Shawn. I already knew what name I was going to pick. I could tell he knew too, by the tears running down his face. I was going to name her after Scarlett, if he felt okay with that.
“Let me guess, Scarlett Elizabeth is what you want to name her?”
“How did you know?” I asked.
“I heard you talking to Lance about it. You didn’t know if I would approve. Honestly, I think it’s a wonderful name for our little girl.”
He gazed at me with so much love shining through him, that it made me wonder how I ever doubted him to begin with.
“Thank you so much for all of this. Not just the name, but for allowing me to be here with you,” he stated through his tears.
I said the one word that summed up everything I felt in that moment. “Always.”
Chapter Forty
etting everything done in time for the weekend was hard, but between Lance and I; we did it. The nursery is now pink with castle and tiara decals on the walls. Her crib is up, her name is painted on the wall, and everything is put away. Next thing to do is to make her mommy mine. I brought her home from our visit with Lance, and put a blindfold over her eyes.
“Why are you a blindfolding me? I know what was done to the nursery. We designed it together. You really can’t surprise me with the design work.”
She is so adorable when she’s confused.
I put my lips to her ear and whispered, “Maybe the surprise is for you, and not the baby.”
Her skin gets goose bumps all up and down her neck. I love that she still reacts to me like this. I took her hand and slowly directed her into the house.
We decided to keep the house instead of buying a new one; which I would’ve done in a heartbeat if she wanted me to. She loved this house, and wanted to see our daughter grow up here as much as I do.
I walked her into the nursery and stopped her exactly in the middle. My hands are starting to sweat, so I hope she doesn’t notice it. I turned around, put my phone on the docking station and hit play. Ed Sheeran’s ‘Kiss Me’ started playing and I knew this was it, the moment my world would change for good or bad.
I took her blindfold off, and she stood there for a minute just looking around.
I went over to the changing table and grabbed her fortune cookie. I had it specially made just for her. The message inside would tell what kind of future I would have.
Looking amused by my behavior, she slowly opened the fortune cookie, took out the message, and reads it.
While she’s occupied, I took the ring out of my pocket, and got down on one knee.
Hailee stared at the little slip of paper while a confused expression passes across her face. She then peered down at me, and her eyes fill up with tears.
“Shortcake—Hailee, you are the light of the end of a very dark tunnel for me. You came into my life, and blew me outta the water. Things have been hard for us. We’ve survived harassment, kidnapping, insecurities, and most of this pregnancy. I need to know that you will be mine forever. The message on that fortune cookie is right, you will get your happily ever after, if you promise to be mine. Please, make me the happiest man in the world and say that you’ll marry me. I know we haven’t been together long, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that you are the right girl for me. Please continue to love me, and to let me love you and little Scarlett in there.”
“Shawn, I never thought I’d see this day. I would love nothing more than to be your wife.”
I stood up and placed the two carat princess cut diamond ring on her finger. I don’t dare tell her that I’ve had this ring since before she got pregnant. I’ve always known that she was the one for me, and I couldn’t wait to give her my last name. “Let’s not wait, Hailee. Let’s go get married at the courthouse tomorrow. We have both done the big weddings before, and I don’t want another one do you?”
“No, I don’t want another big wedding, but I don’t have anything to wear. Give me two weeks. That’s all I ask, plus I want Eddie and Steven here.”
I just stared at her because I am about to give her another surprise. “Okay then, turn around.”
She spins around, and freezes.
I’m not sure if I did the right thing or not. I’m beginning to think she doesn’t like her surprise when she lets out a shriek, but then she rushed over to where Eddie and Steven stood “How did you even know how to reach them? I can’t believe they’re here. Oh, my God, I’ve missed you guys so much!” She’s talking a million miles a minute as she hugged each of them. All three of them are crying too.
Man, I loved seeing her so happy.
She hurried back over to me and threw herself into my arms. “Thank you Shawn so much for this! You don’t know what it means to me to have them here.”
I wiped the tears from her face. I loved her exhilaration, but still hated the tears. When she cried though, her green eyes get even brighter. I loved the color of her eyes, and how they would brighten, depending on her mood.
“When will you realize, I’m a cop, and I have my ways of finding anyone I want to find. Now that they’re here, can we move the wedding day up by a week? I have it on good authority that these two can plan a mean party within a few days. You get a week, do you hear me? A week because I’m not waiting any longer to make you mine.”
Hailee looked like she was ready to argue, but we both know she won’t. She wanted this as much as I do. She just nodded her head, gave me a quick kiss, and hurried back over to the boys.
I’m so happy I could do this for her, but I had other motives for bringing them here. I wanted a small wedding, but I don’t want to wait months to get it. I wanted Hailee to have my name before the baby gets here. I gazed over at Hailee laughing with the boys, and I can’t help but think how it was me who put that smile on her face. I couldn’t wait to make her smile every day for the rest of my life. They have one week to get this wedding planned. If not, I will be taking her to the courthouse. I wanted this woman to be mine, forever.
Chapter Forty-One
oday is the day, when I get to walk down the aisle toward my best friend. I can’t believe I made it to this day. I felt like a blimp in my dress, but everyone swears I just glow in it. I went into downtown Franklin, shopping for a dress. I didn’t want the traditional wedding dress, so I went with a simple empire waist, beaded bodice, and a rich green belt. I was sold when I saw everyone cry as they waited in the sitting area at the shop, even Amy.
I’m getting ready, when I heard a knock behind me
Lance stuck his head in the door. He looked so good in his dark pin stripe suit and his royal blue shirt with black tie.
“Hey, Hailee, how ya holding up? If it’s anything like Shawn, then you’re probably ready to pass out or something. I’ve never seen him so nervous.”
I shrugged my shoulders, I wasn’t nervous at all, and I’m truly shocked that Shawn is. “He hasn’t changed his mind, right? He’s always so sure of everything around him, and I just can’t imagine him nervous at all. He doesn’t want to call this whole thing off right? Oh, no I’m starting to have a panic attack. Can’t breathe.” I fanned myself while feeling a little dizzy.
“Shortcake, you gotta breathe baby,” Shawn spoke from the doorway. “You know it’s not good for you or Scarlett, so just take a deep breath for me. Come on, you can do it.”
I am finally able to get enough air and I realized that Shawn could see me—everyone knows it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding! “No, Shawn. Get out. You know you can’t see me before the ceremony; it’s bad luck. So go, get out now!
“Do you really think anything could tear us apart now? We’ve been to hell and back, and yet we’re still here getting married. We are having a baby, Hailee, and I know that nothing could ever separate us.”
I know he’s right, but it still scared me to think that I could easily lose him. I am more than ready to get married to him. “Okay, but you still have to go. I know you want to walk me down the aisle, but I feel like we should have some sort of tradition with this thing.”
“That’s fine, Shortcake. I really wanted to give you your wedding gift. Just know that I worked really hard on finding the perfect gift for you. I’ll leave you to open it now” He turned and left the room.
I slowly opened the envelope with my heart thumping away. I pulled out a picture. How could a picture be a wedding gift? I flipped it over, and what I saw had me crying like a baby.
It was a picture of his newest tattoo. On the other side of his chest, across from the angel over his heart, was my name, along with our little girl’s name with tiaras hanging off the first letter of each name. Underneath that was the words, “My Princesses.” It’s beautiful—I really couldn’t believe this man is going to be mine.
I checked my dress in the mirror, then applied my makeup, and made my way to the door…it’s time to go get my prince. Just as I reached the door, I heard another knock. It better not be Shawn again, or I’m likely to kill him on our wedding day.
I opened the door and much to my surprise, the person on the other side is someone who had become like a brother to me.
Lance stood there grinning.
“What are you doing back here again? Did you forget something?” He’s supposed to be at the end of the aisle with Shawn right now.
“Um, well here’s the thing Hailee, Shawn didn’t want you to walk alone down the aisle; so he sent me to give you away. I know I could never replace your dad, but if you’ll let me I’d love to give you away to my best friend. You’re like a sister to me, and it would be the greatest honor. So what do ya say, shall we go get you hitched?” He held his arm out for me to take.
I get teary eyed, yet again. I’m not sure what I did to deserve all of these wonderful people in my life. I’m doing so well, but I couldn’t seem to make it five minutes without crying. Man, I’m glad for the water proof makeup. “You are one of the reasons I’m still alive today, Lance. Nothing would make me happier than to have you walk me down to aisle to give me away.”
“Well, then, I do believe it is time to make you Mrs. Thompson. Let’s go Hailee or I’m sure Shawn will think we ran away together or something and come looking for you,” he joked.
Now the sentimental moment is ruined. That’s just how Lance is though; can’t be serious for any real length of time, but I love him for it. “Let’s go.”
We walked out of the bedroom and do the wedding march to my man. The man who took a damaged soul and made it whole again—I can’t wait until I could call him mine forever.