Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1)
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Chapter Seven




couldn’t believe she was actually going home with me. I haven’t had a woman in the house since Scar died. I’m not sure I know what I’m doing by bringing her home.

Maybe it’s not too late to take her to Amy’s. No…I told her she was coming home with me, and damn it, I can keep her safe, so it’s only logical she come home with me. I mean I am a police officer for Christ’s sake. Get it together man.

Looking over at Hailee’s face, with the moon shining through the window of the truck, I couldn’t help but notice just how naturally gorgeous she truly is. Her skin looked like flawless porcelain, her hair was blonde with red highlights, her nose was dusted with a few freckles, and those eyes were the loveliest shade of green I’d ever seen. “You doing okay over there? You’ve been really quiet since we got in the truck. You know you’re safe with me right? I’d never let anything happen to you….ever. Whoever did that to your wall will be caught if I have anything to do with it,” I stated with conviction in my voice, so she’ll know I’m serious.

“Yeah, I’m doing okay Shawn, thank you for asking. I’m hoping what happened in my bedroom is just a harmless prank. I know I live in a bad neighborhood, so it could’ve been anyone who got the wrong apartment building. Or at least I hope so, but I can’t and won’t live my life in fear.” Then she mumbled something more.

I didn’t catch it. I thought it sounded along the lines of, ‘I’ve done it once, and I won’t do it again.’

If that is the case, she’ll never have to worry about that with me. She would be the safest and most cared for woman in the world if she would just give me a chance to show that I can be good for her.

We get to my place, which is a plantation style house with everything from the pillars, to the wraparound porch. Scar used to say that it reminded her of something out of a Jane Austen novel. Personally, I wouldn’t know. I was never a reader like my wife was.

After turning the engine off, I noticed she was still sitting the in passenger seat, holding her breath like she was stuck in a nightmare.

All the color from her face had disappeared. She looked like she’d seen a ghost.

I reached across the seat and the moment my hand touched her upper arm, she twisted away from me. Frantically, she opened the door and all but fell out of the truck. “Please…Don’t hurt me I’m so sorry for whatever I’ve done this time. Whatever it is just please, I’m begging you, please don’t hit me again!”

I didn’t know what to think as I watched her beg me not to hit her. I was at a loss for words, but at the same time, I was seeing red.

Who would hurt an amazing woman like Hailee? I need to find this fucker and teach him a lesson or two on how to treat a lady.

I walked over to the passenger side, picked her up, and carried her into the house. Walking in, I heard Jax whining from the sunroom where I kept him during the day, even though he had free range outside as well. I quietly took Hailee into the guest room and laid her down on the bed.

She’d cried herself to sleep, and she looked so peaceful that I didn’t have the heart to wake her.

I quietly shut the door as I made my way back downstairs to let Jax in the house. I knew he wanted in. I fed Jax, and then we went to play in the backyard for a little bit. This was the best time of the day for me. I was always able to relax playing with my service dog at night. He was like my own form of therapy after losing Scarlett. He kept me alive. I yelled for Jax that it was time for bed. We both went back into the house, I checked on Hailee before going into the master bedroom. After what seemed like forever, I finally fell into a restless sleep.



Chapter Eight




woke up in a cold sweat, the dream still lingering on my mind. I gazed around at the room not knowing where I was. I vaguely remembered the events that took place last night. I remembered finding those awful words on my bedroom wall, then riding to Shawn’s house with him. Then looking at the house, and getting a very vivid flashback.

Seeing Shawn’s house for the first time, I remembered the house that Brandon and I had planned to buy. It’d always been my dream to own a house like the one Shawn lived in. It was the most elegant house I’ve ever seen. While trapped in my flashback, I felt someone touch me. I begged Brandon not to hurt me, but thinking about it now…I was with Shawn.

God, I can’t believe I reacted like that. I hope he doesn’t ask about it, because I’m not ready to explain any of it. Hell, I haven’t even told Amy about it yet, and she’s my best friend here.

All of a sudden, I heard a strange sound. It’s one of those guttural shouts that makes your hair stand on end. I felt someone or something as they jumped off the bed. I looked to the door and realized it’s a dog.
Must be Jax.
I heard the shout again, so I got out of bed and headed to the source of the noise. I moved down the hallway to a door that is cracked open—the noise happened again, and it sounded so pitiful, I can’t help the whimper that escaped my mouth.

I pushed the door open a little bit more, and once my eyes adjusted to the dark again; I realized that Shawn is tossing and turning in his bed. I could tell he was shirtless by the way the moon shone through the window right onto his sweat covered chest. I wondered what he dreamt about.

I made my way over to the bed and he’s still crying out for someone. I placed my hand on his shoulder and tried to wake him up. I shook his shoulder and yelled his name.

Finally, his eyes popped open, and he bolted upright in bed.

With his panicked actions, I received an elbow to the face.

He immediately stared at me with so much regret in his eyes, then started to apologize profusely.

As we continued to stare in each other’s eyes, I didn’t even realize he’d brought his hand up to my face, and ever so lightly brushed the backs of his fingers down along where his elbow met my face. He kept apologizing, and it sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

My vision blurred as I studied his face. I closed my eyes as the tears fell. Now, that they’ve started I’m not sure if I will be able to get them to stop. Before I could understand what was going on—I’m airborne, and sitting in his lap with my head tucked under his chin while I just let the flood gates open, and the tears flow.

Once I calmed down, I raised my hand, and rubbed it down his jaw line. There’s a slight stubble on his face like he hadn’t shaved in a few days.

Shawn isn’t flinching away from me like I thought he would. He actually leaned into my hand. Ever so slightly, he moved forward.

I knew what came next. I know I should stop him, and pull away, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

He closed the distance, and just when I thought he was going to kiss me—he turned his head at the last second and kissed my swollen eye. Then he kissed his way along my face…my cheek, my nose, my other cheek and my forehead. Finally, he pulled away and gazed into my eyes. “Hailee, I’m going to kiss your lips now. If you don’t want me to, I suggest that you tell me no now.”

I nodded my head ever so slightly.

Shawn must have taken that nod as a green light, because instantly, his lips are brushing against mine. He pulled back slightly, probably to gauge my reaction. When I started to smile, he lowered his lips to mine.

This is by far the best kiss I have ever been a part of. His lips felt soft yet firm. He kissed me with such intensity, that I’m afraid I might burst into flames.

Breaking the kiss, he gazed at me and smiled. “That, Shortcake, was an amazing first kiss, but now that that’s out of the way; you have to let me take you to dinner tomorrow night. Or I guess tonight, since it’s already 3am. Please, Hailee, let me take you on a date?”

I didn’t think I could tell him no after a kiss like that and I’m still skeptical about his reasons for wanting to take me out, which is why it surprises me when I told him, “Yes.”


Chapter Nine




couldn’t believe she said she would go out with me. I really thought she would say no, but damn, am I glad she agreed. When I kissed her, it was like my world had meaning again. I’d been a shell of a man when I met Hailee, and now it’s like I had a purpose again. I knew I had to find out who vandalized her apartment, and I knew just the person who could help out with it. So, while Hailee was in the shower getting ready for the day, I picked up my phone and dialed the one person who could solve this.

“Dude, you know I just got off of a twelve hour shift, so this had better be good,” Lance grumbled over the phone.

Yes, I knew he’d just gotten off work, but damn it I needed his help. I knew he would get over his grumpiness as soon as he heard what I had to say. “Yes, asshole, I know, but this shit is important or I wouldn’t have called. I met someone—”

“Whoa! Really, dude? That’s awesome it’s about damn time!”

“Yeah, I know it is, but I need your help. I took her to her apartment last night, and was only gone maybe twenty minutes, when she texted me in a panic. Someone got into her apartment and spray painted ‘cheating whore’ on her bedroom wall. I’m telling you, something isn’t right here.”

“Well, I can come over later today. You know I’m here for whatever you need, and I definitely want to meet this chick that you’ve fallen for.”

“Help me catch this son of a bitch, and I’ll even buy you dinner when we do go out. Maybe even a couple of drinks, if you’re lucky.” It felt like I hadn’t talked to Lance in forever. The problem is I haven’t, and it’s really all my fault. I hadn’t really talked to anyone in over a year. I just couldn’t open up to anyone after she died.

“Yeah whatever asshole, you know you like buying my drinks, it shows that you’re a real man. And who knows, maybe you’ll get a happy ending after you buy me these drinks.”

“Hey now, the only happy ending I better be getting is from Hailee, and you will definitely not be invited. Get your own woman.” I know he realizes that I’m just messing around with him, and it felt good just talking like this again. I really have missed it.

He laughed through the phone. “Damn, man it’s good to hear you busting my balls again. I’ve missed you man. You need to come out with us again and stop living with just Jax in that big ole’ house. You know Scar wouldn’t want you to live like this either. You need to rejoin the living, and I think this Hailee chick may just be the one to do it. I’m happy for you, I really am. Now, back to the matter at hand…what happened last night? You know I’m going to have to talk to her to figure out who she may know that would want to do something harmful to her. She probably knows who this person is. So, set up a day and time for her to talk to me, and I’ll make it happen whether it’s at your house, my house, or the station.”

I opened my mouth to answer him when I heard her voice.

“Please, oh please don’t hurt them! They haven’t done anything to you!

“Dude, gotta go—call ya later!” I hung up the phone, and ran for the stairs. What I found when I got up there would haunt me for a long time. I didn’t know how to react at first, but the moment I saw the glass shatter I jumped right into action. I couldn’t bear it if she hurt herself, so I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into my room. I just held her as she had her panic attack. I’m not sure what brought it on, but I was determined to find out.







etting ready for the day, I couldn’t help but to feel excited about whatever Shawn had planned for us. I was getting more and more comfortable with the idea of dating him. Every time I pictured that kiss last night, I would smile because I know if he could kiss like that…set my body on fire with just a kiss. I could only imagine what he could do with other parts of his body.

I heard my phone beeping with texts. Assuming it’s either Steven or Eddie, I just ignored it while I finished getting ready. While I’m putting the final touches on my mascara, my phone beeped yet again. I ran over to pick it up, and what I read turned my blood cold.

So you think you can just go on with your life like nothing happened?
Did you think I wouldn’t find you or did you think I was really that stupid?
I have found you and I will make your life a living hell like you have mine. You belong to me Hailee, or did you forget that? You will always belong to me.

You think your little cop boyfriend can save you? He may think he’s big and tough but I can guarantee that I will kill him and his dog while I make you watch. You have stolen everything from me, so I will make sure you make up for what you did.

I will make sure your life is hell because I’m not going to kill you. Oh, no that would be too easy. I’m going to start by killing your precious friends like Eddie and his partner Steven. Then I’m coming after  Amy, she sure is a pretty thing, so maybe I’ll even do some other things with that hot little body too. Then, it will be time for Shawn, and his stupid dog. So, I suggest that you go back home and never have any kind of contact with them again, or else it’ll be their blood on your hands.

“Please, oh please don’t hurt them! They haven’t done anything to you,” I screamed at my phone as if the person on the other side could hear me, but then again, maybe Brandon could. He seemed to know everything else going on in my life.

I ran into the bathroom while feeling beyond panicked. I looked in the mirror and saw all the bruises he’d left there before. I knew in reality that they were long gone, but my mind just turned back to a past that made me wish to die everyday. Something happened then—I just lost it. I punched the mirror. I’ve never felt this much rage before in my life. I just kept punching the mirror and yelling at it. It eventually shattered and I barely noticed the pain that shot through my hands.

All of a sudden, I’m being lifted off the ground and carried away from the mess that I made. I don’t care about any of it though. I don’t want to lose my new family, and I definitely don’t want to lose Shawn.

“Hailee, baby, come back to me, please. I’m begging you. You’re starting to scare me, it’s like you’ve gone catatonic on me, and if you don’t come back to me soon, I’m going to take you to the hospital. I need to see those gorgeous eyes of yours. Please, bring her back to me, I can’t lose her too. I’m begging you to give her back to me.” The last part was said almost like a prayer.

I didn’t understand who he was talking to, but I wasn’t going to ask either. “Shawn? What happened? I was in the bathroom getting ready, and—did something happen? Why am I bleeding? Oh, my God, what did I do?” I saw the blood on my hands and my mind kept grasping for an explanation. “I can’t breathe. I think I’m going to pass out. Why can’t I breathe?”

“Hey Shortcake, its okay, it’s all going to be okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re bleeding from a broken mirror in the bathroom. I’m not sure what happened though. One minute, I was on the phone and the next, I heard you screaming. I found you yelling at your reflection. All of a sudden, you slammed your fists into the mirror. I had to carry you in here, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself more. So you tell me, what happened?”

“I broke your mirror? I am so sorry, Shawn, please forgive me. I’ve never done something like that before. I swear I’ll get a job to replace it, or I will pay you back for whatever the replacement costs. Please don’t throw me out, I have nowhere to go now that my apartment was broken into. Oh, my God, I’m going to be sick.” I jumped off of Shawn, and ran into the bathroom where I emptied my stomach of what little was in my system.

Next thing I know, I felt a cool rag on the back of my neck.

Then Shawn was whispering that it was going to be okay in my ear. “You are not going anywhere Hailee. I would never throw you out; that mirror is replaceable, you are not. I just want to take you out, and get to know you better. However, I think we are going to have to postpone our plans since I’m having Lance come over here and take your statement about your apartment. We need to find out who did this, and Lance is the best detective in Franklin.”

He can’t be serious, can he? I can’t tell him what Brandon did to me. There’s no way. I’m beginning to panic again, and I’m not sure I can be brought back this time. The last thing I remember is Shawn yelling my name, and then everything faded to black.


~*  *  *  *~


…I’m running through the house trying to get away from Brandon. I smacked him in the face, and the look he gave me was pure evil. I didn’t know who he was anymore. He called me a whore and accused me of cheating, all because I said thank you to the guy at the store who bagged our groceries.

He’s a monster, but I know that I’ll never be able to get away.

“Where the fuck are you going you whore? You know you can’t outrun me! Get out here, and just take your punishment. I’ll go easier on you if you do, but you have to learn you can’t cheat on me. And you definitely can’t slap me.”

I know I’m stuck, so I come out from the bathroom where I’ve hidden.

He must have heard the door open because he turned around, and gave me that sinister smile.

I know I’m in for it, so I looked down at the ground and wait for the beating to begin.

The first slap doesn’t hurt so badly, so I think he might actually go easy on me. Man, was I naïve. The second and third hits were to my ribs and stomach. He’s broken my ribs before, so I know they are broken again. They’re never going to heal correctly now. I hope he doesn’t leave huge bruises on my face. I hated having to lie about them to the people I know in town.

“You’re going to learn not to think you can get away with cheating on me. Do you understand me Hailee? You are mine, your pussy and your body belongs to me, and it’ll be over my dead body before someone else gets his hands on what is mine.”

I know I’m about to black out, and I welcomed it. I know that when I do, I no longer felt the pain Brandon inflicted on me. Plus, every time I passed out from the beatings, I got to see my dad. This time is no different, except it’s not my dad I see this time, it’s Shawn and he’s yelling for me to wake up and come back to him.


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