Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1)
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Chapter Forty-Two




still can’t believe today is finally here. It seemed like I’ve been waiting for this day since I first laid eyes on her. She could have any guy she wants, yet she chose me.

When Lance came back to me and said she was having a panic attack, I knew bad luck or not, I had to get to her. I promised that I would always be there for her. I needed to give her the wedding gift anyway. I was so excited for her to see the artwork up close and personal. I knew she would love it, but I thought I would give her the picture, so she would have something to look forward to tonight. Lord knows, I was looking forward to seeing what she was wearing.

I fixed my tie for the millionth time when I felt someone hit my shoulder and I turned around.

Lance stood there with the biggest smile on his face. “Well, I never thought I’d get to be your best man twice, but I also never thought I’d walk someone down the aisle except my own little girl someday. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you. Hailee’s a good woman, and I know she’ll keep you on your toes. If she doesn’t, then we all know little Scar will. She’s half you and half Hailee; good luck with her.”

We both chuckled, because neither one of us thought I would ever get to be a dad.

Hailee has no idea, but Lance is going to walk her down the aisle today. I know she thinks she’s just going to walk down on her own, because that’s how we rehearsed it last night, but I couldn’t bear the thought of her walking alone when I know she really wanted her dad to be here. It’s another one of the surprises I have in store for her today.

“Well, it’s that time man. I’m going to get your lovely bride. See ya in a few, brother.”

I headed to the altar at the end of the aisle and waited for the woman of my dreams to finally become mine.

While I stood there, my hands begin to sweat. I didn’t think I’d be nervous, but I guess everything is starting to catch up with me. We’d decided to write our own vows, with the exception of the ‘Love is Kind’ poem from the Bible. I’m not very religious, but it’s what Hailee requested and I am going to give that woman whatever she wants.

I heard the music start, and realize it’s time to get this started, whether I was fully ready or not. I gazed back at the aisle behind me.

Amy strolled along the carpet in her royal blue dress. Hailee said she wanted royal blue and silver for the colors since they were the colors on my uniform. She loved my job of helping people everyday.

Amy gave me a wink like she knew some big secret that I don’t know yet, but would soon find out.

I’m pretty sure it was because she could see how nervous I was, and she was just trying to get me to relax. Sadly, just when I started to relax, the song ‘Lost in This Moment’ by Big & Rich comes on and the nerves hit me all over again.

I glanced up just in time to see Hailee turning the corner holding onto Lance’s arm. She looked stunning in her wedding gown. She’s absolutely glowing, and her stomach is so pronounced now, that no one could question my baby growing inside her. Just seeing her walk toward me made me beam with pride. My two girls are getting ready to be mine forever.

Suddenly, I realized that there are tears rolling along her cheeks already, and we haven’t even started yet. I wanted to wipe the tears from her face, but I know they’re happy tears. When they reached me, I wanted to go to her.

The preacher’s words stopped me. “Who gives this woman away?” I froze because technically, Lance was just walking her to me. I wasn’t expecting the preacher to ask that. I look over to Hailee, and she is on the verge of sad tears. I can tell the difference in her facial expressions.

“On behalf of her father, who is resting peacefully in heaven, I am giving this woman away today.” Lance has once again saved the day.

I really didn’t know he was planning on saying anything. I thought he was just going to hand her over, then take his place next to me.

Lance then kissed Hailee’s cheek, placed her hand into mine, and moved over to my other side. I knew having him walk her down the aisle was a good idea, and judging by the smile on Hailee’s face I was right.

We both looked the preacher as he started the service.

It’s a good thing too, because I was close to saying, “Fuck it” and just kissing my woman—I’m pretty sure that would be frowned upon. I’m just hoping I could hold off until the end of the ceremony, but I’m not sure if that’s going to be possible.



Chapter Forty-Three




teven and Eddie were sitting in the chairs we set up close to the small podium we will use as the altar. Both of them had their tissues out and were crying like the sweet men they were. I heard their, “Ooohs and ahhhs.” While they stared at my dress.

Having them here was like having my family attend. The pair saved my life and if it weren’t for them and their plan to help me escape, I wouldn’t be getting married here today. My eyes welled up with tears as I passed by them.

Finally, I reached Shawn. Damn, I thought the ceremony would last forever. After the reading of the “Love is Kind” poem that I wanted, it was time for the vows.

Of course, being the gentleman that Shawn is, he let me go first.

Amy handed me a sheet of paper I wrote my vows on. “Shawn, I never thought I’d fall in love again. I was so damaged when I came to Franklin, but you just wouldn’t give up on me. Everyone knows I tried not to fall for you, but you’re kind of impossible not to love. You wormed your way into my broken heart, and began the process of healing it from the inside out. You brought me back to life. For the first time since my dad died, I felt safe and protected. I felt like nothing could touch me as long as we were together. We’ve had our share of ups and downs, but nothing could ever rip us apart. I promise to love, honor, and protect you. I promise to uphold your dreams as if they were my own. When you’re sad, I promise to make you smile. When you’re sick, I’ll nurse you back to health. I promise to be the best wife and mother to you and our little girl. Until death do us part.” I gazed back up at him.

My big, strong man had tears streaming down his face.

I’ve never seen him cry so openly before. It took me off guard, and I raised my hand to wipe his tears away.

The preacher then said it was his turn.

Now I know, it’ll be my turn to cry.

“Shortcake, we have had one wild ride so far. You brought me back to life that day I almost ran you over. You just looked so frail walking on the side of that road, and I just wanted to take you home with me and always protect you. I will forever be grateful for what you have done for me. I’ve come close to losing you too many times, and I can honestly say that nothing could ever separate us again. Our little girl will want for nothing, and she will be the most loved little girl in the world. Oh, and she’s not allowed to date until I’m dead.”

That earned him a chuckle from everyone, including me.

“In all seriousness though, you both are my world. You make my heart beat, and my world go round. You are my sunshine at the end of the darkest of tunnels. From this day forward, I promise you my heart. Please don’t ever give it back, because I simply won’t take it…It’s yours now.”

By the time he was done, I’m bawling like a little girl. His words touched the deepest part of my heart. I finally felt that last little broken piece mend as he spoke his vows to me.

“The rings please, Jax,” Lance called out.

We decided to make Jax our ring bearer because he was the only one that wasn’t really in the wedding party, but he was part of the family.

Jax walked forward with the rings tied to his collar.

Lance bent down to untie the bow, and then handed the respective rings to us.

While I hold onto Shawn’s ring, I looked into his eyes as I repeated the words we rehearsed, “With this ring, I thee wed. Take it as a sign of my faithfulness and devotion to you. Until death do us part, I’m yours.” I slid the cool metal band onto Shawn’s finger, and just stared at it for a moment. He’s mine now, and I can’t wait to kiss the shit out of him.

He picked up my left hand and placed the ring onto my finger as he said, “With this ring, I thee wed. Take it as a sign of faithfulness and devotion to you. Until death do us part, I’m yours.”

“By the power vested to me by the beautiful state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Shawn, you may kiss your bride.”

We just stared at each other for a few seconds, then Shawn took me in his arms, and kissed me like he’s never kissed me before. He only broke apart from me when Lance coughed very loudly.

I gazed around, and blushed. I didn’t mean to get so carried away.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson.”

Eddie and Steven were the first ones who jumped up as they hollered and cheered.

Shawn and I linked arms as we walked back up the aisle.

Our family of friends were all beaming at us.

I thought to myself. There dad and Scarlett…there is your happily ever after.

We are now officially married, and for once, that thought doesn’t scare me. I am so ready for the reception, and after that, we will be together—always.







t’s been three blissful months since Shawn and I were married. I still remember the wedding day like it was yesterday. Having Lance walk me down the aisle wasn’t the only surprise he had in store for me that day.

…When we walked around to the other side of the back yard where the reception was taking place, I spotted Shawn’s friend who’s an EMT with the department. I have met Mason a few times, and he’s kind of a shy man. He’s geeky, but it suits him very well.

We decided to just do a buffet, since we only have like six people including us there. Shawn would’ve been happy with take out, but I wanted something a little more formal. It is a wedding after all and I’m entitled, since I am carrying a bowling ball in my belly 24/7.

Just as we finished eating, Shawn said it was time for our first dance. This makes me a little nervous since I have no clue what song he has chosen. The only thing he asked for was to be able to pick our first song to dance to, as husband and wife, and I couldn’t deny him that.

We walked to the middle of the dance floor, and I heard the very familiar tune of Blake Shelton’s ‘God Gave Me You’ playing. It is the first song we ever danced to, so there wasn’t a more perfect song to be played as our first official dance as husband and wife. There were pretty much two reasons I was brought here to Tennessee: to become Shawn’s wife, and to be Scarlett’s momma. I can’t wait until we get to meet the little princess that already has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and she isn’t even born yet.

“Is it everything you dreamed of?”

I looked up at my husband and answered, “It’s everything I dreamed of and more.”….

Now, lying here, I shook the wonderful memory from my head when I felt another twinge of pain. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks contractions all day, and I am so sick and tired of them. I’m two weeks overdue, and scheduled to be induced in three more days, if she doesn’t come sooner.

Another strike of lightening lights up the whole living room. There’s a terrible storm raging on outside. I’m glad we’re having Lance and Amy over for dinner tonight. I’ve missed my best friends while I we were on our honeymoon in Gatlinburg for two weeks. We couldn’t do our honeymoon right after the wedding, because Shawn had to work a lot with Lance getting ready to go on some big undercover assignment. It didn’t matter to me when we got to take one or if we even got one, but Shawn was adamant that we were going on a vacation. So, even though we had to wait about two and a half months, we still got our honeymoon.

“Hailee are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been having those contractions all day. We should probably take you to the hospital.” Shawn has become such a worrier the past few days. Every little thing makes him say we needed to go to the hospital.

“Honey, I’m fine I promise. Plus, with this storm there’s no way that we could get to the hospital. We would wreck for sure, and besides, my water hasn’t even broke yet. Ask Amy, I am fine.”

Shawn gazed over at Amy.

She looked totally serious for a long moment, till Shawn started to squirm, then she laughed. “She’s fine Shawn, I promise. She’s right, her water hasn’t broke, so the hospital would just send her home anyways. Besides, if she does go into labor, I’m a nurse remember? I’m pretty sure I can deliver a baby because that is what I went to school for.” She then glanced over at Lance.

I could tell that something was going to happen between those two. They are so alike, yet so different, and they are definitely attracted to each other. Another contraction hit, and I grabbed the side of the couch. “I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back. Shawn, please try and relax.”

He jumped up and helped me to stand.

“We will have a new baby soon enough, and as much as I’m ready for her to join us out here, she’s apparently very comfy in here. We just need to wait.” I giggled at my husband because he is really is paranoid. When I’m done using the bathroom, I pulled my pants up when it felt like a water balloon just popped between my legs. I peered down, and I know right then and there—I am screwed.

I walked out to where everyone is sitting. They’re laughing, but I just couldn’t join them this time.

Lance is the first to gaze up at me, and as soon as he saw my face, he jumped up and sprinted over to where I’m standing. “Hailee, darlin’, you okay there? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost or something.”

It’s not more than thirty seconds before Shawn is at my other side. He guided me to sit down on the couch.

Then, the first real contraction hits. “Oh, my God, that hurts! Please make it stop, oh please let it stop. Shawn, baby, I think you’re going to get your wish. We need to go the hospital since my water broke in the bathroom.”

Shawn gaped at me like his brain just seized.

I realize I am now
screwed if he zoned out on me.

Thankfully, my best friend is here. “Okay, guys, we can’t get her to a hospital in this weather. We’re going to have to do a home delivery. Lance, go get some towels and a pair of scissors. Oh, and something Hailee can bite down on.”

“Oh no, I can’t have the baby here! Shawn, tell her, we can’t have the baby here. We need to get to the hospital. She’s just going to have to wait.”

By the time I’m done whining, Lance showed back up with towels, scissors, and a knife. I guess that’s for me to bite down on, or I am going to end up stabbing Shawn, because I am in a lot of pain. Let’s face it, it’s his fault I’m in the state that I’m in right now.

“Shortcake, I’m so sorry, but Amy is right. There’s no way we’d make it to the hospital tonight. If Scarlett wants to meet the world tonight, it’s going to be here at home. I’ll call Mason, and see if he can get an ambulance out here. If he can’t though, I’m going to need you to be the strong woman that you are, and give birth to our baby here.”

I couldn’t believe what I’m hearing. There’s no way in hell, I’m going to have a baby at home. This isn’t the 1800’s anymore! I was busy planning my escape, when another crippling contraction hits.

“Shawn, get off the phone and come back to your wife. She’s 7 centimeters dilated, and that means your little girl is ready to meet her mommy and daddy.”

Shawn rushed back over to my side, and instructed Lance to pull out the hide a bed out from the other couch, so I could at least lay down. He picked me up, and moved me over to the bed. “Hailee, I love you. You’re being so brave for our little girl right now. I hope she is as beautiful, brave, strong and resilient as her momma.”

“Shawn, honey, I love you too, but please shut up. I’m in the predicament I’m in right now because of you, and at this exact moment, I kinda hate you. I feel like I’m being ripped open from the inside out, and I’m pretty sure she’s an alien ripping me open.”

I heard laughter and I looked over to the source.

Lance and Shawn are laughing at me.

I leaned up and smacked Shawn as hard as I could upside the back of the head.

“Ouch, Hailee! What the hell was that for? It’s not my fault you sound crazy right now.”

Oh no, he did not just go there.
I am SO going to kick his ass—well, as soon as this contraction passes I will. He doesn’t know the kind of pain I’m in right now, and he never would. “I’m never having anymore kids, and I’m going to make sure of that, when I feed you your balls for doing this to me. You have no idea—” Yet another contraction ripped through my body, and I screamed in pain.

Amy hurried over to check my progress again.

I love this girl, but she’s getting far too familiar with my lady bits.

“It’s time, I can see her head. Lance and Shawn both of you come up and each of you grab a leg and a hand.” She seemed so at ease with everything that’s going on.

I, on the other hand, am a basket case. Why am I having the baby at home? This shouldn’t be happening to me right now. I’m supposed to have her at the hospital like a normal person, but nothing about my life has ever been normal. Why should this be any different?

“Okay, Hailee, when I tell you to; you are going to push as hard as you can. Grip the boys’ other hands while they grab your legs for leverage. While you’re pushing, I’m going to count to three. On three, you can rest. When you feel another contraction starting, nod at me, and we’ll repeat pushing and counting okay?”

All I could do was to just nod my head…It’s not like I could tell her I wasn’t ready for any of this. It’s time for me to become a mom, even if I’m not fully ready for that title yet.

“All right, Hailee, it’s time to start pushing. On the count of three, take a deep breath, and push. One, two, three…PUSH!”

I pushed as hard as I could.

Shawn and Lance are encouraging me the whole time, and I’m not sure I could’ve done it without them here with me. They are my rocks, while Amy is my savior. I don’t know what would’ve happened if she hadn’t been here tonight. I’m shaken out of my thoughts when I felt another contraction coming on. I looked down, and nodded at Amy.

She tells me it’s time to push again, and I do.

This goes on for what seemed like forever, but in reality, it’s only about an hour; when I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. My daughter is crying, and she sounds strong and healthy.

“Shawn, do you want to come cut the cord?” Amy held up the pair of scissors.

He looked down at me.

I nodded my head to give him the reassurance he needed.

He moved down and with such precision…cuts the cord.

Amy cleaned the baby up, and when she was done; she wrapped her in a towel and handed her to me.

I peered down in awe of this tiny human I just brought into this world.

Shawn beamed at me. “You did good, Shortcake, you did really good. You were so brave and strong. I just knew you could do it.”

I gazed around at the three, now four people I loved most in this world.

Amy is in tears as she stared at us.

Lance just watched Amy all the while.

I know something great is going to happen with those two if they could get their heads out of their asses.

Shawn studied our daughter with a giddy expression on his face,

I felt the love radiating off him. He’s as much in love with her as I am.

The front door opened.

Mason came in with another EMT I didn’t recognize. Then, he walked over to me, and leaned down to kiss my head. “I see you started the party without me, and here I thought we were friends Hailee. How could you start without me?”

I just laughed as I gazed down at a now sleeping baby. “You know how women are Mase, you know we run on our own time. She decided to start the party early, and I had no say in the matter.” I peered up at Shawn, and pulled him down for a kiss. I can’t believe this is the turn my life took. Who would’ve guessed that a beaten and battered girl could actually have the life she always wanted? As I continued taking in our daughter, I couldn’t help but notice she has Shawn’s hair color, nose, and lips. “Shawn, baby, look at Scarlett; she looks just like you. She has your hair color, your nose and your lips. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect baby, and you gave her to me.”

He kissed Scarlett on the head and said, “You were always going to be mine weren’t you little one? You were made from mommy and daddy’s love, and now you are going to be the most loved girl in the whole wide world.”

I watched all of our friends, each one of them holding a special piece of my heart. I glance back over at Shawn and realized what he said earlier was wrong. “Shawn, when you said I did really good; you were wrong.”

He tilted his head at me in confusion.

did good, each one of us in this room was supposed to be here tonight. Amy was supposed to be here to make sure our little girl made it safely into this world. Lance was supposed to be here to support you since you basically went catatonic on me for a while there. Mason, even though he was late, was supposed to be here to make sure we got to the hospital safely. I’m lucky for each one of you in this room because you are all right where you’re supposed to be.”

I gazed around the room one more time, and realized how true those last words are. Everyone in this room was here for a purpose, and I couldn’t wait to see what other crazy rides this group of people will take us on.

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