Read Salvation Online

Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

Salvation (28 page)

BOOK: Salvation
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There he is!

Robyn squeaked. Three heads swung, almost in slow motion, in the direction of her gaze. Any lasting thoughts I had over whether I looked nice swiftly went when sultry blue eyes locked onto mine. My stomach lurched.

A smile lifted the corners of his mouth, spreading out lazily until his face lit with happiness.

Holy hell, that smile,

Robyn cooed.

Once again, I was spellbound. Nate came towards me, oblivious of the stir he was causing as he edged through the crowd. Both hands were pushed into black trouser pockets, and a couple of buttons undone at the neck of a long-sleeved slate grey shirt. A shiver chased through my body, desire pooling in my belly, discreetly revealing my unquestionable magnetism to him.

Someone whispered,


s coming this way!

but I had no idea which excited female it was. I was too busy clinging to the tiny shred of control over my raging hormones before losing it entirely.

Like a hunter circling its prey before going in for the kill, Nate didn’t take his eyes off me as he rounded Mai

s chair and stopped in front of me. I vaguely heard shocked gasps when he bent down, his hand coming under my chin, and pressed tender lips to mine.


His quickened breath feathered over my parted lips.


I replied softly. He smiled against my mouth, then drew his head back to glance over my shoulder at the crowd behind me.

I agree people shouldn’t know our business,

he said between kisses,

but it

s time they know we

re together.

A rush of heat swamped my body. This was a blatant show of possessiveness, and secretly, I was thrilled he

d done it.

No fucking way!

Robyn spluttered. Only then did I become alert to three sets of stunned eyes burning into us.

Nate straightened and placed a hand on my shoulder.


he smiled, addressing my friends. I faced them, only to see all three

even Mai

gaping. All in shock. All unable to speak.

This is Robyn and Jenna.

I pointed to the girls in turn and watched them evaporate into their seats as Nate reached across the table and shook each of their hands.

Good to see you again, Mai,

he said when he reached my friend next to me, who had come down from cloud nine and was grinning widely.

Nice work.

She gave him the thumbs up, congratulating him on his performance.


m ready to leave,

I said, rising from my seat and gathering up my belongings.

No rush.

Nate pressed my upper arm, gently easing me back into the chair.


ll order more wine.

As he sauntered back inside to the bar, there was a collective rush of released breaths.


Robyn squealed excitedly.

What the fuck?

Jenna joined in.


the hot date from last week?

I tried to say something, opening and closing my mouth, but couldn’t form any words as my eyes darted between the two of them.

Early days, girls.

Mai rescued me.

How long have

Jenna accused Mai with a pointy finger.

He knew you already.

I wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of questions and stood, needing space from the inquisition.


ll see if he needs a hand.

I made my way inside. I found Nate leaning against the bar finishing up a phone call.

He curled an arm around my waist and pulled me close.


s been too long, Kara.

My hands started on his forearms, then leisurely moved to his biceps. He took my mouth in a soft, lush kiss then moved to my ear. I tilted my neck, letting him work down, not caring where we were or who was watching.

Do you realise what you

ve done?

I asked, melting at the deliberately protracted caress.


s are notorious gossips. Come Monday, everyone

s going to know about us.

He continued as if I hadn’t spoken, placing open mouthed kisses in the hollow of my neck and shoulder. When he finally faced me, the mischievous glint in his eyes told me that had been the plan. Nate turned when the bartender approached and ordered more wine to be sent to our table.

I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks,

he said, turning back to me after he

d paid.

Let them be jealous because

the one you

re making love to,
bed you

re sleeping in.

He stroked a finger down my cheek and lifted my chin.


re my girl, Kara. I

m making damn sure the whole world knows it.

I couldn’t wrap my head around him believing men would be jealous of him being with
. I knew standing here, locked in his embrace made me the envy of many women. One look around us at the attention he was garnering verified that. There were also three women sat outside who would swap places with me at the drop of a hat.

Think you have that the wrong way around.

I beg to differ.

I raised a brow and smiled.

You know, I haven’t actually slept in your bed yet.

With his own brow arched over gorgeous eyes, he took my hand and led me away from the bar.


t count on doing it tonight. You need to know exactly how much I

ve missed you.

The delicious promise rang in my ears. My body rippled in anticipation of the night ahead. I was dying to be with him again. As we approached the girls, it was plainly obvious we were the hot topic of conversation.


ll get another chair,

I said, scanning the patio for an empty one.

No need.

Before I knew it, Nate was in my vacated one and tugging me onto his lap. Need and recognition charged through me from this close proximity to him.

Keep still,

he murmured, one hand securing me at the waist. His lips brushed my lobe, his hips flexing underneath me.


m desperate to make you come, and your wriggling ass is making me want to do it now.

My eyes shot to his. My skin quickly grew too sensitive, my breasts full and heavy. Nate handed me my glass and settled back into the seat with his own. His lips glistened after he took a sip, and without thinking, I licked along his bottom lip. The mixture of red wine and Nate was potent. But the immense longing in his eyes held the most power over me. In that second, something shifted between us, something so significant I
it leave him and take up residence inside of me.

Nate did, too. I saw it in the flicker of his eyes. He was giving me strength, astutely identifying what I lacked. He broke away from the exchange in our eyes first.

Should my ears be burning?

he asked quietly, nodding to Robyn and Jenna, who were huddled together chatting. I wasn’t sure where Mai was, but knew she wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye.


I agreed, sipping my wine.

Mine are.

Nate nuzzled against my ear, the warmth of his breath tickling my skin as he exhaled from a deep breath. I didn’t know if he was being polite in staying for a drink, or if it was all part of his grand plan to ensure everyone knew we were a couple.

There was no mistaking we were. Not by the way he was touching me. Forcing me onto his lap was also a sign for any woman wanting to try her luck that he was taken and to back off. I slotted my fingers into his hand resting next to me on the arm of the seat, appreciating he

d done that for me.

Are you trying to get me drunk?

I asked with narrowed eyes when he refilled my glass.


He breathed my name with the quiet cadence that instantly aroused me.

I don’t have to ply you with alcohol to make you want me.

The passion smouldering in his eyes captivated me and bound me to him. He knew me too well. Could expertly read my body. I wrapped an arm around his neck and teased the hair at his nape with my fingertips.

These past couple of days have felt like forever. I

ve tasted you in my dreams, felt your hot skin next to mine. The crazy energy that shoots into my soul when you touch me

kiss me.

Nate rubbed a thumb along my parted lips.


re crawling all over me, and I don’t want to do a damn thing about it except experience you again.

I licked my lips, my breaths coming faster and growing shallow. I turned into his touch, taking the tip of his thumb between my lips. I sucked, keeping my eyes firmly on his as I grazed my teeth over the soft pad. His eyes grew larger, then darkened to a smoky blue haze.



Jeez, get a room,

Mai shouted on her return. My face burnt.


m leaving, Mitchell

s outside.

She made her way around the table, saying goodbye, then disappeared into the throng of people.

Shall we go, too?

I asked Nate.

Definitely. I need to get you out of here and out of this dress.

He rose quickly, handing me my bag from beneath the table.

Good to meet you both,

he spoke to the girls. They gushed goodbyes

to him, not me

and watched us with awe as we left.

Ross weaved the Mercedes through wide lanes of traffic, heading through Beverly Hills and onto Wilshire Blvd. We pulled into a circular driveway of a crescent-shaped high-rise. Nate seized my hand and led me inside. A doorman greeted him by name and nodded indifferently to me as he opened oversized glass entry doors. I wondered how many other women he

d witnessed pass through on the arm of Nathan Blake.

Inside, a spectacular chandelier, all twisted glass and light hung from the ceiling of a double-storey grand lobby that screamed elegance and splendour. As we waited for the lift, the sexual tension was palpable, almost crackling in the air. When the doors glided open, Nate guided me into the empty car with a hand at the small of my back and used a private key to access the twenty-fourth floor.

I don

t even think the doors had closed properly before he lunged at me.

HIS HIPS PINNED me against the mirrored walls, his lips crashing to mine. Pleasure soared through me from the passion of his kiss and touch of his hands. I could taste the red wine he

d been drinking, berries with a hint of toffee, and the sweet mixture had me craving more.

My bag hit the floor when he spun us until he was against the wall and I was between his parted legs. I held him steady, right where I wanted him, and kissed him back with everything I had.

God, you feel good,

he breathed, sucking the heated flesh on my neck. His hand travelled down the back of my thigh, lifting my leg at the knee. He jerked away when the doors opened, leaving me panting and breathless.

Nate grabbed my bag and dragged me into a private entry foyer, digging into his jacket for keys.

I took advantage of the brief interlude to pull some air into my lungs and straighten the drape of my neckline. He waved a card over a panel on the wall, and double mahogany entry doors automatically swung open and sensor lights came on.

BOOK: Salvation
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