Read Salvation Online

Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

Salvation (31 page)

BOOK: Salvation
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I pressed into him.

I like being naked when I

m next to you.

I like you being naked next to me, too.

His playful reply was all the encouragement I required.


s later,

I purred, lips working over his ear, one hand splaying over his stomach and easing the sheet lower.

You made me a promise.

His muscular frame relaxed beside me.

I did.

His hands slid either side of my spine.

You seem to be taking advantage of that.

I grinned against his neck.


re not the type of man easily exploited. Unless you want to be.

Hell, sweetheart,

he said roughly,

with where your hand

s heading, you can manipulate me all you want.

My fingers curled around his quickly hardening cock.


t worry,

I smiled, raising my head,


s the plan.

I gave him a long, teasing kiss, humming at the taste of cool minty toothpaste. Nate

s hands came to my hair, fingers tangling into the waves. His hold was firm enough to dictate the direction of the kiss but lax enough to allow me to break away and begin my descent of his glorious body.

I took my time, mapping every inch of flesh with my lips and tongue. His growing erection in my hand as I pumped quickened my arousal. I sank my teeth into the dark trail on the flat skin below his navel, my greed and impatience growing too strong.

Kara, damn it,

he hissed, pulling my hair roughly.

I sat back on my heels. Seeing my hand wrapped around his cock made my muscles tense with a sweet yearning as I remembered him sliding deep inside, pleasuring me.

See something you like?

Nate drawled, both hands tucked behind his head. Watching with stormy eyes, his mouth parted with a sigh as my thumb brushed the head.

Humming my agreement, I lowered my head and licked from base to tip. Nate hissed through gritted teeth when I licked back down and sucked at the base. Fisting him with both hands, I firmed my grip and trailed my tongue to his balls.


he cried hoarsely, hips bucking reactively. The glittering blackness in his eyes told me he desperately wanted his cock in my mouth, banishing away the irrational fear that he wouldn’t enjoy it. Gradually, I took him into my mouth.

Ah, Kara.

I was giddy with power, my stomach twisting into knots as electricity surged through my loin. I moved slowly up and down, sliding my tongue over his thick length, applying a little pressure. Never had I enjoyed giving pleasure to a man as much as right now. I was so turned on by taking control I let out a small moan.



s voice shook with emotion.

I can

t fucking breathe.

The uninhibited admission that it was all too much drove me to suck harder. This was what I could do to him. He was as completely mindless as I got when he worked his mouth over me.

Ah, that

s so good.

He shuddered as the first drop of pre-cum spilt onto my tongue. He fisted my hair, holding me tight as he started pumping his hips, fucking my mouth. An aphrodisiac of scents consumed me. Shower gel, lust, the unique scent of Nate, all heightened by the increase in body temperature, engrained in my memory.


m gonna come so fucking hard.

His warning sent a shiver down my spine.


I panted, hungry to taste him.

His thighs tensed, the tug of my hair the right side of painful as the unmistakable groan of lost control reverberated in the darkness. Then he was coming. I swallowed repeatedly, drinking him down, licking and sucking until there was nothing left.

Feeling drunk on him, I let him slip out of my mouth with a moan of content. I peeked up at the man I

d taken to his limits and broke.


He lifted his head. Even in the dimmed light I could see his flushed face, his hair the disheveled mess I was beginning to love.

I knew those lips would be the death of me.

I smiled my satisfaction, my elation furthered when his mouth curved lazily. He was thoroughly fucked. Because of me.

Nate sat and brushed his lips over mine. Then he buried his face into my chest and held me close.

What are you doing to me?

he murmured, sounding lost.

It was a question I wasn’t expected to answer.

ARE YOU EVER waking up today?

The voice was vaguely familiar. Half asleep, I kicked away whatever was tickling the sole of my foot. A few seconds later, it happened again.


re so peaceful when you sleep.

I began to smile when I recognised the low, gravely bedroom voice.

What time is it?

I asked, blinking sleepily.

Almost nine.

I groaned and snuggled down again.


s barely dawn.

Nate crawled up from the foot of the bed and lay behind me.

I made you coffee,

he said, burying his nose in the crook of my neck and cuddling me against his chest. I shivered and squinted open one eye.

In a bowl?

I giggled, spotting a vat of steaming caffeine next to me.

It was the biggest vessel I could come up with. Hope I made it right.

I sat upright, cupping the giant mug with both hands, and took a sip. It was exactly to my liking, strong with a dash of milk. I settled back into the plumped pillows, hoisting the sheet over my breasts.

How did you know?

I pay attention.

I was impressed that, although he

d been off his game after our first night together, he

s still noticed that little detail.

Nate stretched, and the tiny expanse of exposed golden abdomen between a plain black tee and matching trunks made my toes curl.

You sleep okay? In my bed?

he drawled.


I smiled sweetly.

I was exhausted.


t possibly imagine why.

I got the full dazzling effect of his grin when he raised onto one arm and faced me.

I don

t usually sleep past five, but when you

re beside me
His brows drew in thoughtfully as he trailed a finger up my arm.

Then he shook his head, sprung off the bed and threw me the chemise.


ll make us breakfast. I need to refuel.


MY contribution to the feast of omelette, toast and bacon, was another round of coffee. We shared the kitchen like it was the norm, something we

d done a hundred times before. Everything felt


I cleared my plate, having worked up a considerable appetite, but the lure of leftover bacon, cooked to my idea of perfection

near cremation

was too much. I glanced discreetly at Nate whilst I snapped a piece off. All sleep-tousled hair, with a smattering of stubble gracing his jaw, I couldn’t imagine any woman, even some men, not finding him attractive.

That thought brought me full circle to the brunt of my issues. It was difficult accepting he wanted to be with me, when he could take his pick. I tugged at the hem of the chemise a few inches above my knees, tracing the lace pattern with my fingertip. It such little clothing, I felt more bared and vulnerable than ever.

Stop it, Kara.

The sternness in his voice made me jump.

Stop doubting yourself and second guessing me. It

s not a healthy headspace to be in.

His ability to read me was intimidating. I hadn’t appreciated I was so transparent, but five minutes with Nate proved how wrong I was. He brought my hand to his lips and grazed the knuckles. With a gentle smile, he sifted a few strands of my hair through his fingers.

I love your hair natural like this.

I forced a smile, glancing towards the window behind me in the breakfast room. It was late morning, and I could already feel the warmth of the day on my back. The last time we spent the night together, Nate had freaked out. This time, I was at his place. There was nowhere for him to run.

He stood and cleared the table.

What do you usually do on weekends?

Um, exercise, catch up with friends, the usual,

I shrugged, finishing my coffee as I joined him at the sink.

Any plans for today?

Not really.

I rinsed the mug and stacked it in the dishwasher.


ll shower then I can be out of here,

I said meekly, retreating to the door.


Not wanting to make either of us any more uncomfortable, I tried making light of the situation.


m sure you’re busy and don’t want me hanging around distracting you.

Nate sauntered towards me with that confidence I envied and wrapped his arms around me.

My plans
you. You

re the best distraction.

His gaze was bright and certain as he appraised me.

Spend the weekend with me.

The thrill of his lips on mine joined the excitement swirling in my belly.

That a yes?

he asked hopefully after I

d returned his kiss with much enthusiasm.

I flexed my fingers in his hair, loving the feel of it between my fingers.

I don’t have anything here. I

ll have to go home and collect some personal belongings.

I have a better idea.

He clasped my hand and led me out the kitchen.


ll go shopping instead.


I yanked him so he stopped.


re not buying me new clothes just for the weekend.

I can afford it,

he shrugged, continuing upstairs.


s not the point.

I followed him into the en-suite and leant on the marbled vanity, not letting this go without a fight. Nate turned on the shower and took fresh towels from the cupboard by my legs.

I don’t expect you to buy me things just because you can,

I insisted, my arms crossing in defiance.

There was a suppressed smile on his mouth when he tugged me nearer to the shower. The glass screen was already steaming up with the heat from the water.

You don’t
me to,

he repeated,


s why I want to.

My irritation weakened as he undressed me. It was impossible to stay mad when he had that twinkle in his eyes. Stroking a finger across my cheek, he continued the slight touch all the way down my arm to my hand and fit his fingers with mine. Goosebumps showed all over me, my nipples betraying how easily he affected me as they hardened.

Enjoy your shower.

He opened the glass door and ushered me in.

I have to make a call.


WITH yesterday

s clothes somewhere in Nate

s laundry, I was braless beneath one of his shirts as I made my way downstairs. I found him in an office next to the lounge, talking on the phone.

BOOK: Salvation
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