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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

Salvation (25 page)

BOOK: Salvation
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I knew it was a sexy dress, but hearing what it did to him, feeling how I affected him, was eye-opening.

Nate paused for breath, resting his forehead to mine and cradling my nape.

You have no idea how alluring you are, have you?

I shook my head. I didn

t, but I was beginning to get an idea.


s such a turn-on,

he murmured, his voice uneven.


s all I can do to stop myself from fucking you, right here, right now, regardless of where we are or who we

re with.


s greedy mouth covered mine again, absorbing my gasp into his hot mouth. The thumping bass from the music vibrated against my back, a similar rhythm to the thudding of Nate

s chest against mine. His hand skimmed my hip as it travelled up to my braless breast. His thumb brushed the erect nipple, his groan sending a shudder through his body as his lips touched my neck, collarbone then lower.

Nate, stop!

I jerked his head away before he reached my breast. Scorching eyes flared back at me, whilst his chest heaved with rapid breaths.

I can

t stop this,

he panted, closing in again.

Give me what I need.

Excuse me?

I dodged his mouth.

You want to have sex here?

I cried.

In front of everyone? A dirty little quickie in the corridor!

I craved his touch like I needed to breathe, but I didn’t want it here, not like this. I ducked under his arm and made for the gap in the curtain.

I knew this was a mistake.


Nate caught my wrist. Glaring at him, I couldn’t make sense of anything. His eyes were still wild with lust when he closed them and quietly said,


t say that.

I deflated, upset at the way he

d made me feel.

I thought I was more important to you than that?

I didn’t mean
Nate folded me into his arms.

You could be so good for me, Kara, but you have to open up. I

m drowning in feelings for you and need a sign. Anything to show me you

re feeling it, too. Give me something.

My indignation left me in a rush. The way Nate regarded me so adoringly with those gorgeous blue eyes made me ache. I brushed my lips over his.

I feel it.

My admission was so quiet I wasn’t sure if he

d heard me. But the release of tension in his frame confirmed he had.

Come home with me tonight,

he suggested, tracing the line of my neck with his thumbs.

We don’t have to make love. I just need to hold you, feel the heat from your body next to mine.

I can

t. Mai

s staying over. It

s not fair to abandon her.

She wouldn’t mind, but as much as I wanted to spend the night with Nate, I wasn’t the type of girl that dropped their friends for a man.

Nate stepped back, keeping me at arm

s length.

Do you want to be with me?

You know I do,

I said shyly, running my hand down the buttons of his shirt until I reached his belt.

I want this, so much. I can

t stop thinking about you. Every goddamn minute I

m awake, you’re in my thoughts. I can

t sleep.

He laughed quietly, tipping his head to the side.

Even in the few hours I do, I dream about you.

I trailed trembling fingers along his jaw, completely in awe of his honesty and openness.

But you

re hesitating,

he added.


What happens when all this goes wrong? You

ll be okay, you

ll simply move on to someone else. Trade in the new girl from the office for a better model.


s brow wrinkled.

You think I could forget you that easily?

I shrugged.

More than I could you.

You think?

he repeated flatly.

Well, look at me.

I gestured at my body, hoping he

d understand.

His gaze dropped the length of my body, then his lips curled.

Oh, believe me, I do. Every chance I get.


m being serious,

I tutted, batting his hand away as it slid over my arse.

So am I. If I could, I

d spend every second of the day with you. I wouldn’t let you out of my sight.

A man like you couldn’t possibly stay interested in me,

I mumbled, sagging against the wall.

You mean a man who

s living and breathing?

He stepped forward and caged me to the wall, one hand either side of my head.

I mean a man whose life is this.

I pointed over his shoulder to the event in full swing the other side of the curtain.

Glitzy parties, and an army of pretty girls all vying for his attention.

This isn’t my life,

Nate said despondently,

this is my job. Don’t mistake them for the same thing.

I lowered my eyes away from his impassioned gaze.


ve made poor judgements of people before, laid myself wide open and suffered the consequences. You wouldn’t understand.


He bent down to my line of sight, tilting my chin up with his finger, drawing my eyes back up.

I understand more than you think. Trust me on this, I

m right where I want to be.

The arms that were already too familiar wrapped around me, holding me like they never wanted to let go.

This is all I want,

he murmured into my hair,

you and me. Don

t pay attention to anyone else.

And I believed him because nothing else mattered, was important, when I was safely in his arms, where I belonged.

I agreed to meet Nate back at the table and made my way to the bathroom. Being thoroughly well ravaged had mussed me up. Having unsuccessfully trying to locate Mai, I returned to the table and found the two of them deep in conversation. All the humiliating stories she could tell him flashed through my mind as I rushed over.


Nate greeted me, placing a hand on my lower back. He slid a fresh Martini in front of me.

Thank you.

My eyes darted between the two of them, concerned by Mai

s impish smile.


t mind me,

I said, urging them to carry on.

Oh, we

re done,

Mai said, sipping what must

ve been her sixth drink,

think he

s got the message.

She gave Nate a conspiratorial wink and picked up her clutch.


m going for a smoke.

I watched her stagger off.


s scheming,

I muttered under my breath, sliding the olive off the stick with my teeth.


s watching out for her friend,

he corrected cryptically, rubbing my back reassuringly.

I like her.

She can be an interfering pain in the backside, too, but don’t hold that against her.


s enjoying herself.

Nate took a sip of the iced clear liquid in front of him.

Too much.

I swept the table and took in five empty Martini glasses.

Getting a ticket to this party will be the highlight of her life. She

s in her element that you and I are dating now.

Nate tucked me into his side and lowered his head to keep our conversation intimate.

Is that what we

re doing?

I thought so.

I glanced sideways.


t we?

His hand flexed on my hip.

Just wanted to make sure you understood that,

he said, nuzzling my ear.

Tell me when I can see you again.

I don

t have any plans tomorrow.

I found myself rubbing my face against his, the intimacy making my breath catch at how good it felt to be this close.


s hand glided up my spine and brushed my hair aside, then settled at my nape.


m out of the office all day,

he murmured,

and I can

t cancel dinner with my sister again.


Nate laughed softly.

Mel needs managing appropriately. Cancelling because of you again will really piss her off. But,

he said, turning me into a swift kiss,


m definitely seeing you Friday. No excuses.

My stomach fluttered, my entire body longing for his touch. I was missing him before we

d even said goodbye.

Mai returned, eyes gleaming brightly, the effects of alcohol and successful meddling agreeing with her. She took her ringing phone from her bag and said,

Fuck off, babe, you

re a real dick with double-standards,

in the sweetest, most insincere voice. The pent up resentment she held against Mitchell always came out when she

d been drinking. Hearing her snipe was our cue to leave before she humiliated us all.

I should get Mai home,

I told Nate, finding him engrossed in me and oblivious to Mai

s rising voice.

His expression dropped.

You really have to leave?

You can do without her causing a scene.

I kissed him, hoping to cheer him up.

Thank you for inviting us, I

ve had a great time.


ll have Ross bring the car to the rear.

Nate made a quick call whilst I indicated we were leaving to Mai.


Mai abruptly ended the call and knocked back the last of her drink. Nate

s brow rose at Mai

s pleasant description of her fianc

Everything okay?

I asked her.


My fianc
s a two-faced jerk. My best friend

s hooked the hottest bachelor for miles, ruining any chance I ever had. And I

ve just been hit on by a guy with more hair on his chin than his head,

she said sarcastically.


to love about life?

Bald men are supposed to be more virile,

I joked, tucking her phone into her bag and taking her hand. I was the last person to encourage infidelity.


she swayed,

in that case
Mai tried feebly to go back as Nate helped steer her to the exit.

If you

re not happy with your fianc
, don’t cheat,

Nate offered sagely, propping her up as we waited for the lift.

Calling off the engagement and walking away is more dignified.

The wise words of advice hit a nerve and stirred something in my soul. That small insight into Nate

s beliefs, standards, expectations, filled me with hope. How could he shred me so easily with a few innocent words? Nate glanced over, and when those smoky eyes latched onto mine, I knew he understood me more than I appreciated.

Nate came with us to the rear exit of the hotel. He held me back whilst Ross helped Mai into the Mercedes.

Don’t ever feel like you

re competing with any other woman,

he reiterated, giving me one last delicious kiss goodbye.

Because believe me, you

re gonna win hands down

BOOK: Salvation
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