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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

Salvation (26 page)

BOOK: Salvation
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I was left to process his words from the back seat of the car. Mai didn’t recover from her swooning until we were almost back at my place.

He coming over later?

she slurred, leaning into my shoulder.

No, he wanted me to go home with him.


cool. Ross can take me home.

Mai lurched forward and smacked Ross on the shoulder.

You can take me home.

Whatever you say, Miss,

Ross replied politely.

Cringing, I apologised on Mai

s behalf and distracted her with the contents of the gift bag we

d been given as we left.


KICKING off my shoes, I flopped into an armchair and tossed my clutch on the coffee table. Mai had found the bottle of Baileys, and was pouring generous measures into two glasses.

I don

t want one,

I told her.


m going to bed.

One for the road.

Holding hers aloft, she knocked it back like a shot. When my mobile rang and I saw Nate

s name, I took the call into my bedroom for privacy.


s Mai?

Nate asked.

Is she in bed?

I wish. She

s started on the Baileys. Could be a long night.



I laughed, switching on the bedside lamp as I perched on the edge of the bed.

Are you at home?

Still here. I

m hoping to leave shortly.

Since leaving, I

d tortured myself with thoughts of Nate still being at the event, surrounded by those stunning women keen to get noticed, all too happy to flaunt a relationship with him. Not hide it away like me.

I was peeved with Mai for not being able to handle her drink.

I wish I could

ve stayed.

My voice was tiny, timid and wary. A few simple words felt like an enormous commitment.


There was a pause and a small sigh.


d give anything to kiss you goodnight right now.

The sense of longing his words evoked in my soul was painful.


d be there if I could,

I whispered, hugging a pillow to my chest, hating myself for turning him down.


he said huskily, his voice catching.


I agreed. Though right now that seemed too long to wait.

Nate cleared his throat.

Sleep well, baby.

I hung up and held the phone to my chest, silently processing the enormity of everything Nate had said to me tonight. It was all happening so fast.
Too fast.
It was crazy. The only comfort? I wasn’t the only one feeling it.

That Nate?

Mai asked from her stretched out position on the sofa when I returned to the lounge.


I took my drink and curled up into the armchair cushions.

So what gives? You looked really uncomfortable around him.

She removed her earrings and set them on the table beside the necklace.

Thought you were happy?

I am.

I sighed.

I like him.

No kidding,

she said sarcastically. I threw a furry orange cushion at her which she caught and threw straight back, hitting me with surprising accuracy given her likely blurry vision.

Nate feels exactly the same. No doubt.


I swirled the glass, letting the creamy liquid coat the sides.

Because every time I see him, all I see are reminders of why he shouldn’t be with me.

I sat as still as I could, hoping she was falling asleep. I didn’t want to wake her. My bed was calling, and I was desperate to get some rest.

You want more,

Mai spoke unexpectedly, her eyes staying shut.


s trying to give it. S

all you can ask for. Want him to become a monk?

Good God no! He

s way too good in bed for that.

I knew it!

she cried, leaping up and rubbing her hands together expectantly.

Details, please!


I laughed and went to the kitchen to get us some water, ignoring her grumbling. She knew how to play me, but I wasn’t backing down this time.

Mai joined me.

Not all guys will jump into bed with the next slutty tramp who offers herself to them.

Even though she

d never met Stuart, she hated him with a vengeance that rivalled my own.

Thanks, Mai.

I pulled her into a hug and led her to the spare bedroom.

You going to be okay?


m great. Gonna sleep now.

Somehow she got out of her dress, leaving it in a pile on the floor with the rest of her discarded belongings. Then she crashed onto the bed, dragging the covers up, already half asleep and mumbling incoherently.

Night, Mai,

I said quietly.

And remember, no sneaky cigarettes in here, please.

EVEN WITH MY ironic choice of Taio Cruz blasting through the apartment on repeat whilst I jumped on Mai

s bed to try and rouse her, it had taken nearly an hour for her to get up, making us both late for work. I managed to get through Thursday without any consequence. She, on the other hand, spent all day in sunglasses, complaining about how rough she was and swearing off Martini

s for life.

Come five o

clock, I didn’t fancy hitting the gym, so after I dropped Mai home I went for a run. Popping the buds of my iPod in, I started off down the pavement with the dance music as somewhat of an anthem to my current state of mind. En route back, I picked up dinner, then sprinted home, starving hungry.

The man with intimidating eyes that had sat in a parked car when I headed out was still there on my return, watching me creepily. In LA, I

d learnt to expect the crazy, no longer batting an eyelid at the strange sights I saw on a daily basis. But for reasons I couldn’t fathom, he bothered me.

I showered, ate, and was about to crash in my PJ

s and paint my nails a different shade when the intercom went.

Open the door, Kara.

Mai announced her unexpected arrival with an air of irritation. I buzzed her in, unlatched the front door, and had settled on the sofa by the time she barged in.


she cursed, slamming the door. She hung some clothes on the back of a dining chair and dropped an overnight bag by the table. She didn’t blink at the garish green beauty mask slapped on my face.

What did he do this time?

I asked, lowering the volume of the TV.

I can

t even waste my breath explaining.

Mai took some wine from the fridge, collected two glasses and made her way over.


ll go home tomorrow once he

s suffered a night alone. Jay can keep him company if he

s that desperate.


re staying?

I asked, nodding to her overnighter.

That okay?

I nodded.

Keep it tidy this time. I

ve only just cleared up the mess you made last night.

Okay, mom.

Mai unwound the fuchsia animal print scarf from her neck and pulled off a coordinating beanie, revealing hair scraped back in a bun. I had no idea why she was so wrapped up. It was early August and a pleasant temperature outside. With no make-up, she looked tired, drained, and still a little bit hungover, and her tiny frame was covered in worn jeans and a cream jumper.

Why didn’t you use your key?


t sure if you had company.

She filled both glasses, pushed one in front of me and took hers to the window seat.

Nate has a family dinner tonight.

I picked up the bottle of nail varnish and started painting my toes.

He coming over later?

she asked, kicking off her ballet flats and opening the window. She stole the TV remote and curled her legs beneath her, taking a large swig of wine.


I studied my foot, seeing how the aqua shade looked.

Thank God. Couldn’t cope with you two going at it all night.

She changed channels until she found E! News.

I wanted to grin but couldn’t as the mask on my face dried out.

Thought you two were loved up after the weekend?

I mumbled.

Same here.

She took a long drag on her cigarette as she lit up.

He had two nights off this week, and he

s gone out with friends tonight as payback for me going out last night.

As well as I could, I lifted my brows in disbelief. Mai nodded and refilled her glass, eyes sweeping over my polish.

That new?



She sighed, dropping her head back and closing her eyes. I felt sorry for Mai. For so long, she

d been my rock and supported me through tough times. Now, when my life was taking a turn for the better, hers was taking a nosedive. The only good thing was Mai had much more strength than I ever did and handled the downs far better than I ever could.

I switched legs and started on the other foot.

Want to talk?

She snickered.

You can

t move your mouth.

I pulled my lobe, miming I could listen. Mai laughed and shook her head.

Nothing to say. Mitch is a dick sometimes. A cute one, but still a big one.

Suddenly, she sprang forward.

Shit, look!

Mai increased the volume as I glanced up at the TV. A brief shot of the starlet posing on the red carpet quickly switched to an image of her and Nate outside the party.

They look good together,

I said mournfully, carefully slipping on my glasses. The glamorous couple posing on TV were far better suited.

Ha! And you two


Mai sneered, flicking her cigarette out the window. We heard the end of the voiceover:
“…And ladies, prepare to have your hearts broken, as the man himself tells us he’s off the market…”


This should be interesting,

Mai mused, rubbing her hands together gleefully. My heart pounded against my chest. I screwed the lid on the bottle and waited agitatedly through the adverts for the program to return.

Beginning with a montage of guests arriving on the carpet, I gaped in disbelief. The moving image of Nate, standing with a small, pressed smile for the photographers, appeared in full HD in my living room, accompanied by the female voiceover:
“Our reporter was there to ask the gorgeous CEO the question we all wanted answering.”

Nate chatted eloquently with a female reporter about Acacia and gave some background on the project and design concept. He offered a vague reply when asked about his own beauty routine, quickly steering the conversation back to the new skincare range.

BOOK: Salvation
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