Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1)
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Chapter three





I can’t seem to shake the sensation someone is watching me. I used to get this feeling occasionally, but now it’s almost daily. I pull into the mall parking lot, making sure to park close to a light post. I might be young, but trust me, I’m not dumb about my safety in public. I look around again, but I don’t see anyone pulling in after me. The mall is somewhat dead for a Friday night.

I’m starving, so I head to the food court first. On my way there, my cell phone starts ringing. When I pull it out of my purse, I notice that it’s Laney.

“Dial-a-Whore. Queen Whore speaking.”

“Oh, bitch, that’s a good one.”

She laughs.

“What’s up, Laney Lou? I was going to call you tomorrow because it’s kind of late in Hoosier land,” I say, thankful for this call.

“I hadn’t heard from you in a few days and I thought I would call you before you go out for
.” She sighs.

“Well, it’s better to say that instead of fucking, right?” I laugh. “You’ll be happy to know that I am going to tame my ways. My grandma reached out from the dead and slapped me into reality. She knew what I was doing, so it makes me wonder if my father does.”

“If he hasn’t said anything, I’m sure he doesn’t. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” She sounds relieved that I’m thinking about making a change in my life.

“I think it might be time to settle down, or at least be in a steady, no strings attached, just fucking relationship or something. Or maybe invest in a ton of battery operated boyfriends.” That gets a huge laugh from her.

“Oh, I would love for you to find a B.O.B. that could keep up with your freakiness.” We both start laughing.

“I know. I need to do something because shit got real at work. My father is making me move floors and work with that guy I was telling you about the last time I called, Aedan Hughes. He is an asshole and annoys the piss out of me. When he looks at me, I feel like he’s undressing me or something.”

I order a drink from a pizza place while Laney tells me about how things are with her at work. I finally get my Dr. Pepper, and just as I’m taking a large gulp of it, I start choking when my eyes land on Aedan.

“Girl, you okay?” she asks.

I can’t answer her. The moment my eyes meet his, I’m at a loss for words. His gaze is so seductive, it’s as if he is trying to seduce me with his sexy smile and delicious body.
What the hell? No, no, no. This is Aedan, Mr. Asshole

“Jesse!” Laney screams through the phone, breaking Aedan’s hold on me.

“Holy shit, Laney. He’s here.”


“Aedan,” I scream in the phone.

“Go in the opposite direction,” she tells me.

I do, and, as I’m rushing into the lingerie store, I nearly run over the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

“Laney, I’m going to let you go. Something has come up.”

I press end, stand there, and let this fabulous, sexy man help me find something to make me feel better about myself.

Maybe tonight will turn out a little better than I thought.






Not wanting to freak her out, I order something to eat and sit down at a table that faces the direction she has to pass to get back out to her car. I wonder what she is buying. Hmm, I would love to see her in some of those sexy little outfits that are in the window of the lingerie store she went into.

She comes out twenty minutes later with two bags. Oh, how I want to go over there and see what she has in them. One day.

I make sure to maintain a safe distance behind her because I don’t want her to know I’m following her. She looks to be going in the direction of her car, so I wait a few moments before I go to mine. I can follow her without being right on her tail, but I like making sure she is okay. Because she is McCoy’s daughter, you never know who is going to come after her.

I’ve already had to take care of one asshole who thought he could plan to kidnap one of the McCoy children and demand a ransom. His plan didn’t work out so well for him. Good luck trying to find him. You mess with McCoy’s family and, well, you’ve pretty much signed your death wish. I’m waiting for the day I can take care of Mr. Boston. That fucker will get everything he deserves.

I turn on the GPS program on my cell phone and see that I’m a few blocks behind her. She looks to be at Starbucks. In a few minutes, I catch up to her. I’m surprised she isn’t going out tonight. Normally she is heading downtown by now, but she’s in workout clothes. Maybe a night in? I hope I don’t have to break up a party.

I continue to follow her as she heads home. I turn on the security system McCoy had installed for her home, which will send me an alert if she moves from home base. I sit outside of her house for thirty minutes to see if she is going to leave, but instead, her office light comes on and she sits down in front of her laptop.

The position of this window isn’t the best location for her to be, but I did have it reinforced before she moved in, in case something happened. The house is like a fortress—no one is getting in without the correct codes.

I decide to head to the bar down the street, hoping I won’t regret this in an hour and have to come back. A few drinks and a couple games of pool sound good.









Chapter Four





This has been the longest week ever. I was so ready for Friday to get here, but now that it’s here, I’ve hit snooze one too many times. I’m going to be late to work if I don’t hurry up. I jump into a scalding hot shower, not thinking about checking the water temperature before I get in. I finally adjust the water to where it’s soothing to my pink-tinted skin instead of searing. I let the cascading streams of warm water run over and relax my overly exhausted body.

I wash myself with my favorite Victoria’s Secret body wash, coating my body with the heavenly smell of apples and vanilla. The smell lifts my spirits. I am going to make this day awesome, even if I’m running behind. My best friend will be here for the weekend.

I hurry up and finish my shower. After turning off the water, I grab a towel to dry off. I make sure to put on plenty of the apple-scented lotion and deodorant. Nothing is worse than smelly pits. I’m keeping my makeup super simple today: mascara and lip gloss. I’m so thankful for my naturally curly hair. I run some anti-frizz lotion through my hair and brush my teeth before applying the lip gloss and mascara.

Friday’s are casual days at the office, but, since I’m my father’s assistant, I know I have to look professional. “
Jesse, you have to look your best at all times. You never know who you are going to see or where you’re going to see them
.” Pearse McCoy has beaten that in my head since I was a teenager. Sadly, I didn’t take his advice until I had to, when I started working for him.

A year and a half after returning to Denver, I’m getting ready to finally graduate from college. Though it took me almost two years, I’m getting through college and cleaning up my life after Chet made a huge mess of it. My house isn’t a feature mansion in
Better Homes & Gardens,
but it’s mine. I’m so thankful Grams left it to me. The house still has some of her touches, but it’s home—my home. I can’t believe she passed away shortly after I moved in, almost like she was waiting for me to come home.

I attach my black stockings to my favorite black, lacy garter belt. I fasten on the matching bra, and I throw on a black jersey dress over all my black laciness. I love how this dress hangs on my curves and comes to right above my knees. I add a pair of black stilettos and a dark green infinity scarf to complete my look.

Finally, I’m ready and out the door in record time. I might actually make it to work on time and before Aedan Hughes, or Asshole Hughes, as I call him.

I still can’t believe my father decided he won’t be retiring anytime soon. Well, at least I don’t have to worry about working for my siblings. My younger sister is going to medical school and my baby brother is dancing his way all over the world. Since I’m pretty much just a
phone operator
, to say I’m a disappointment in my father’s eyes is an understatement.






McCoy’s plan has been put into place and so far nothing he’s wanted me to try has worked. Nothing I’ve tried to see if I can get her to break has worked, but in a way I’m glad it hasn’t. I don’t want her to lose everything she’s worked for because of the stupid contract.

I guess it’s easier to think about it that way since I’m thinking she doesn’t feel the same way about me as I feel about her. However, I’m going to step up my game because I have to make sure she won’t change her mind. I have to relay to McCoy that I’ve tried everything in my power to try seduce her, and so far she is winning.
Well played, Jesse.

I know she picks up men from the club she frequents, but she hasn’t done that in a while. From the tracing software on her computer, I learned she has her profile up on a dating website, Denver Singles, so I figure she’s not ready to settle down anytime soon. I have my profile up there too, but so far, there hasn’t been any luck in matching us. Hopefully it will match us soon.

What is the head of security doing with his profile on a dating website? Well, this is part of the awesomeness of working for Pearse McCoy. I wish I could say I didn’t have trouble getting dates, but working the crazy hours I do for McCoy doesn’t allow for much socializing outside of the team. Normally, the kind of women I do meet are not the type of women I would take home to my mother. She would fall over dead if she met the women I fall into bed with.

Now, Jesse…I would take her home to my mother and she would smother her to death. She’s always asking me when I’ll settle down and give her a granddaughter. One of these days, Mom, one of these days.

Unfortunately, I’ve been out of the office for a few days and I’ve missed hearing Jesse’s little smart mouth. I see Jesse pull in while I’m talking to Veronica. Thanks to Veronica, I have this nice handprint on my face. Veronica didn’t take it too well when I told her she needed to make sure to get all of her shit out of my house this morning. Her hand told me what she thought, and the phone call made sure I knew she meant it. Finding good housekeepers is hard, especially when you find the one you thought was amazing screwing an unknown man on your dining room table when you come home from a business trip a day early. Whatever, crazy lady.

If I hurry up and park, maybe I can catch up with Jesse in the elevator. I run and see the door shutting. I quickly stick my arm in, hoping it opens while yelling to hold the door. Jesse opens the door, and I’m nearly breathless. She’s stunning in all black. I can’t look affected by her beauty, so I go with what works for me—acting like a cocky son of a bitch.









Chapter five





At seven fifty-five, I’m pulling my car into the vast parking lot that belongs to One McCoy Square. Today is my day because there is a parking spot close to the front door. I am positive I can park and make it to the forty-ninth floor on time. As I pull into my spot, I see Mr. Asshole himself pulling in. He’s enthralled by the conversation he is having on his phone.

Putting my car in park, I grab my purse, get out of my car, and almost sprint to the door. Security meets me at the door. Mr. Mills asks me how I’m doing this morning, and I respond, “I’m doing great, thank you.”

I hurry past him and rush to the elevator, hoping no one gets in with me. I need a minute to compose myself and make sure my minimal makeup is still in place. As I push the close door button, a manly hand and suit-clad arm pushes through the sliver of door still open and a voice yelling for me to hold the elevator comes from the other side. I hit the open door button and find Aedan Hughes shooting daggers at me.

Easy, killer. I could have closed the door on you, ass

“Good morning, Jesse. How are you?” the obviously irritated jerk asks me.

“Morning, Mr. Hughes. Fine, thank you,” I reply with an eye roll, followed by a sigh.

“Aedan. Please, Jesse, call me Aedan.” He almost sounds exasperated.

“Okay? Aedan. I’m fine,” I say, finally looking up at his face.

What’s that on his cheek?

I try not to stare at his face, but it looks like a handprint is imprinted on Mr. Asshole’s face, almost like he was bitch slapped. I smile inwardly at my thoughts, not realizing I must be smiling on the outside too.

“Is there something you find humorous, Jesse?” He looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Um, I thought of something I heard on the radio this morning on the way to the office,” I lie, trying not to break eye contact with him. I so want to say something about the welt on his face, but I can’t bring myself to do it.

Just as he is about to say something, the elevator dings at our floor before he can get his words out. The doors open, and I rush out of the tight confinements and head straight to my desk. I don’t know why he didn’t get off the elevator with me. I hear my desk phone ringing, so I hurry to pick it up before the answering service receives the call.

“McCoy Investments, this is Jesse. How may I help you?” I say almost breathlessly.

“Jesse, you rushed off the elevator before I could tell you how nice you look today.”

Chills run down my spine as his words register in my mind. “Um, thank you? Mr. Hughes…I mean, Aedan.” I’m trying to figure out why in the hell he would be saying something like this to me.

“You’re welcome. I hope you have a great day.” With that, he hangs up and I’m left holding my phone, staring at the closed doors of the elevator.

What the hell was that all about? And his words giving me chills? Oh, hell no
. I can’t be looking at him like that or letting my body react to him.

Once I start getting settled, I realize this day isn’t starting out as I thought it would. I was expecting drama, but it’s been quiet. The rest of my morning is uneventful, but my mind keeps going back to my first phone call of the day. I’m clueless as to why Aedan would even say anything nice to me.

Some days I believe my father put me up here so people wouldn’t see how big of a failure his oldest child is since he is rarely in the office these days. However, I still think I should be taking over the company, but Pearse McCoy is making sure I earn his job, just as he had to from his father.

I had dreamed of working beside my father before I was married. I slowly saw those dreams slip away when I found out I was pregnant. I was hoping this was a second chance to get what I wanted, but no luck. I’m exhausted. I hope people don’t think I was a rich, spoiled bitch growing up because I was far from it. So were my siblings. My father made sure we worked for what we got.

Yes, we had money, but I also did well in school even though I liked to party. Now I’m on the fence about what I want to do. Do I stay here and work my way up through the ranks after I graduate in a few weeks? I know I don’t want to work for someone who isn’t family if I don’t get the CEO position before my father retires. I know, really immature of me, but right now I’m being punished for the mistakes I made.

My phone rings, pulling me out of my cloud of thoughts.

“McCoy Investments, this is Jesse. How may I help you?” I ask absentmindedly.

“Jesse Rae!”

“Laney! How are you, sweets?”

“I’ll be in tonight around six. You’ll be there at the airport to pick me up, right?” she excitedly asks me.

“Yes, I’ll be there around five thirty. I’ll keep an eye on your flight for delays. I am so excited to see you. Six months is way too long,” I reply, thinking of the last time I saw her.

“I know, hun. I might have some exciting news for you when I get out there.”

“Tell me now! Please!”

“No, no, no! I want to make sure it’s a done deal before I tell you. I’ll see you in six and a half hours. Go eat lunch and we’ll talk soon.”

“Fine, bitch! I’m starving. I’ll have to tell you about my interesting phone call this morning when I see you.”


“I’ll wait to tell you. It’s lunchtime. Love you, sweets,” I say nonchalantly.

“Whore! I love you. See you soon.” She laughs as she hangs up.

I grab my purse and go to lunch. I hope the afternoon goes by as fast as the morning has.

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