Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (6 page)

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Chapter eleven





The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up. I don’t recognize the number, so I let it go to voicemail. I put my phone back on my nightstand and get up to start my day. When I finally make it downstairs, I start the coffee because I know Laney will need it this morning, and I go ahead and make her a light breakfast. The smell of the coffee must have woke her because she is down here as soon as the pot finishes brewing.

“Morning, whore. Why did you let me drink so much?” Laney complains, squinting her eyes as she stares at me.

“Morning, Laney Lou!” I say with a smile.

“Oh my God, you’re too chipper. You suck.”

“Hush. I made coffee and your breakfast will be on the table in a few. How many eggs do you want?”

“Two, please. Over medium. Aspirin?”

“I’ll grab you two and a glass of water. Just stay seated.”

I grab the aspirin and a glass out of the cabinet.

“Last night was so much fun. When I move here, we need to make clubbing a weekly event.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Here’s your aspirin and water. Make sure to drink all of it so you don’t get dehydrated,” I say matter-of-factly.

“Yes, Mother,” she snaps playfully.

“It will be nice to have you here. I work and come home every day, then go on hookups from the dating website whenever I need something other than B.O.B.”

Tilting her head, she looks at me while she lets what I said register. “Are you sure you’re not a hermit?”

I laugh at my friend. “No, Lanes. You know I’m trying to live a private life, especially after what I went through in Indy. I never want to see my name in the papers again.”

“Jesse. That. Was. Not. Your. Fault. It was an obvious set-up. He knew what he was going to do from day one. However, I don’t think the pregnancy went as planned. He was going after your dad’s money.”

I grimace. “I know, but why didn’t I see through his scheme? I should have known when everything went in my name, but he was paying the bills. It’s frustrating.”

“Girl, it’s over and done. Chalk it up to being young and dumb. You’ve paid for it in more ways than one. It’s time to get rid of the taint from him. You have been here almost two years. It’s time for you to meet someone and have your happily ever after,” she says as she looks at me with her puppy dog eyes.

“Ugh! I wish it were so easy. I should be up on the fiftieth floor, working, instead of playing phone tag with Aedan. What the hell is that about? It’s like my dad is having him babysit me while I work. I should have all this shit figured out and I don’t, but I finally realized what I’m going to do about Aedan,” I say with some confidence.

“Fuck him?”

“I am going to blow him off. I want to be CEO and I can’t do that if I throw myself at him.”

“You’re going to give him head?” She smirks.

“No! That isn’t want I meant. I mean I’m going to ignore him,” I yell at her.

“Meow, lady, although I think fucking him sounds like a good idea.” She laughs. “But all this feistiness is a bit like the old you. Maybe it’s coming back?”

“I feel better now that you’re moving in. Maybe that’s what I’m missing…you. Perhaps I won’t need so many random hookups with you back, although we could get hookups together.” I look at her, wondering if she will come to my dark little world.

“Um. Hmm. No, thank you. I like to at least know the guy I’m fucking. I know you have a rule about that, but no.”

“Ouch.” I laugh. “Let’s relax today and work on getting the house ready for you,” I say with a huge smile.

“Perfect!” she says, appearing almost human now.

We decide that Laney will move in to the basement of the house. The lower part is a fully finished walkout basement. The space has a large bedroom with a full bathroom, a large family room, and an office. The area used to be our playroom when we were younger, but when we started staying over on the weekends, my grandparents remodeled, adding the bedroom. After my mom died, I stayed here a lot more than just the weekends. That’s when Grandpa had the office put in so I could do homework in there since he worked a lot from his den, which I now use as a library.

After cleaning the basement, we get everything ready to move her furniture in. Luckily, I gave away most of my grandparents’ things once my grandma passed away. Items the family didn’t want or have an attachment to went to a local abuse shelter to raise money for the abused. I’m sure I could have sold the items for money, but I couldn’t do it.

The space is practically bare and ready for Laney to move in. She likes the Victorian feel my grams introduced to the area. She said she would leave it like this for now.

I’m super excited that she will be moving in soon. While finishing up, we realize it’s getting time for dinner. We decide to take showers and order a pizza. Before long,
True Blood
will be on, and that is the one show we do not miss. We love us some Alexander Skarsgård. The pizza arrives, and we eat it and drink beer while watching sexier than sin vampires drink some blood.

After the show, we head to bed because Laney is riding into the city with me tomorrow. She’s dropping me off at work so she can head to the museum to fill out paperwork and get things rolling for her upcoming move. This weekend was perfect.









Chapter Twelve





I want to make sure I get to the office before Jesse does, so I head out earlier than normal. I want to confront her about her actions in the club. When I get in the shower, I think about Jesse dancing on the dance floor. I’m going to have to relieve myself before I go into the office today or I’ll be walking around with a hard-on.

I make quick work of finding my release by thinking of Jesse’s curvy body and full, firm breasts and finish showering. I decide to leave a little stubble today and comb my dark auburn hair back, thinking I need to get it trimmed, but I like it a little longer. I look like a badass.

The walk-in closet is located outside of my bathroom. I enter it and choose my black, wool Tom Ford two-button suit. I want to make sure I look in total control today, so I add a gray dress shirt and the green tie I had on Saturday because it reminds me of Jesse’s eyes. I finish getting dressed and make sure to spray myself with my favorite cologne, Ralph Lauren. I’ve worn it forever; it’s one thing I won’t give up from simpler times in my life.

Bypassing the coffee I smell coming out of the kitchen as I walk by, I head straight to the garage instead of pouring a cup. I’ll stop and get some on the way to the office. My cell phone rings as I head out the door. When I look down, I see it’s McCoy. He’s contacting me to make sure I knew about Natalie, my part-time assistant. I tell him that I planned to be in the office all week if he needed anything since he will be out of town for the week.

He asked me to stay on Jesse’s detail since Laney’s in town. He’s got a gut feeling something isn’t right. He doesn’t want them to bring any unwanted attention since he’s getting ready to head out of town. I agree, especially after Saturday night.

After ending the call, I push the button to start my Volvo Concept Coup. This car isn’t due out until next year, but with my contacts, I was able to get the second concept car off the assembly line, a benefit of McCoy doing business with the richest people in the world.

When I arrive at the office, I see Jesse and her friend pulling up to the front of the building. I hurry up and park my car and try to make it inside the building before she can get in the elevator and shut the door. She’s going through security, and I am five steps behind her. She’s oblivious that I’m so close. I give a curt nod to security and slide into the elevator before the doors can close. When I look in her eyes, I decide I’m going to let her know about her behavior.






I’m actually up before my alarm clock goes off this morning. As I get ready, I take my time in the shower and make sure everything is properly washed, spending a little too much time on my lady bits.

I get out and dry myself off. I go with curly hair today and decide to spend a little extra time on my makeup. To play up my green eyes, I add some plum eyeshadow. Before you go all judgey on me, seriously try it. I was the same way but Laney took me to Sephora back in Indiana and had me try it before I bought it. I was totally amazed by the difference. I thought it would clash with my strawberry blonde hair, but it’s hot. I add a little smoke to my eyes and finish with clear lip gloss.

Grabbing a nude pair of thongs and the matching bra from my dresser, I go to my walk-in closet and decide I’m going to wear trousers today with a fitted blouse and jacket. I
trouser pants. They are so comfortable. These are black and they are semi fitted. They tamper right at the ankle. I pair them with a sheer white blouse, cropped black jacket, and put on a pair of red Steve Madden pumps.

Needing some coffee, I head downstairs to make some before I head to work. Laney arrives downstairs looking beautiful. She’s dressed in a flowing, flowery bohemian skirt with a fitted white t-shirt and a jean jacket. She looks like she came from a Boho photo shoot.

Grabbing two mugs, I pour us both some coffee and ask Laney if she wants breakfast, but she declines. I don’t eat before I go to work; I usually take a piece of fruit as I walk out the door. We get our things ready to go to the city. I normally don’t like the drive, but if I can commute with Laney, I will learn to love it. I love that my office isn’t far from the museum. Just a short cab ride there.

“All ready to go?” I ask as I get my purse and keys.

“Yes. I’m nervous as hell, though. I haven’t met the vice president or the curator in person. I’ve only held video conferences with them. I’m ready to get there and get this paperwork shit over with.”

“Understandable. Do you think you will be finished up by noon so we can grab lunch?” I ask, wondering if I will have to take a cab to lunch.

“I should be. I’ll text you when I get a free moment.”

“Sounds peachy keen, jelly bean.”

Smiling, she picks up her things as we head to the garage to get the car and drive to work. She takes the keys from me as she heads toward the driver’s side, which is totally fine with me. She can deal with the crazies.




Glancing down at my watch, I see we’ve arrived at the office thirty minutes early. All that driving in Indianapolis made Laney a very aggressive and heavy-footed driver. I am glad an officer didn’t pull us over, but in her defense, she did stay with the flow of traffic. I normally drive below the speed limit, like an old grandma.

Mr. Mills greets me at the door. “Good Monday morning, Ms. McCoy. I hope you’re having a great day!”

Giving him a smile, I reply, “It’s been a great morning, thank you.”

I head to the bank of elevators and get in. As I hit the close door button, Aedan steps in.
Oh, shit. Here goes my great morning

“Morning, Jesse. How was your weekend?” he asks with a glint in his eye. His scowl turns me on. My panties are getting wet.
What the hell?

. It was pretty good, but you already know about my Saturday night,” I state, cutting straight to the point, willing my body not to be betray me.

“That I do. Does your father know you went to a club with the worst reputation in the city, dressed like a whore and basically fucked your friend on the dance floor?” He smirks.

Say what?
I’m totally fucking speechless.
Where in the hell does he come off talking to me like that?
I’m now seeing red, and I slam my hand on the emergency stop button. The car comes to an abrupt standstill. I’m up in his face, standing on my tiptoes in my heels before he can blink.

“What I do with my free time away from this office is my business, not my father’s. He doesn’t tell me what I can or can’t wear. The last time I checked, I am an adult, so I don’t need his permission to go to a club. And if I want to
my best friend on the dance floor, well, that is my business too, definitely not yours. You don’t have to be a dick because I didn’t jump at the chance to ‘remedy’ getting to know you. You don’t know me and I sure in hell don’t want to know you,” I seethe, but stop short when the smell of his cologne invades my senses.
Mmm, Ralph Lauren

Turning around before I lose my pissed-off composure, I hit the emergency stop button again, and as the elevator starts on its way to the forty-ninth floor, I’m breathing heavily. Before the elevator can make it to its destination, he grabs my upper arm, sending jolts of electricity through my body, and spins me around. Reaching around me, he hits the emergency stop button this time. My body caves, begging for this man to take me here and now.

“First of all, I wasn’t being a dick. Secondly, I see where your decisions have led you. Third, I was concerned for your safety, especially after seeing you dressed like a prostitute and dancing like you were trying to crawl inside your friend. There were at least a dozen guys in that place jerking off to your little show. And I do know you. You may think I don’t, but I do. It’s
that doesn’t remember how much I know.”

He stares into my eyes, licking his lips, almost as if he is debating kissing me. His head starts to lower, and I feel myself starting to lean into him. Just as I feel his breath on my face, security comes through the speaker asking us if we are okay since the car’s not moving. He pulls back, speechless for a few moments, but he finally answers in the affirmative as I’m in a daze.

He breaks his eyes away from mine and hits the emergency stop button to start the elevator back on its original destination. A few moments later, I’m getting off the car and heading to my desk. I sit down in my chair and think about how wonderful that asshole’s lips would be on mine.

A clearing of a throat pulls me out of my daze. I look up and see my father.

“Good morning, Father. Are you in the office today?” I ask, secretly hoping he isn’t staying here for long.

“Morning, Jesse. I am taking the week off, but I wanted to come in and tell you where I am going to be and make sure things are in order. I’m taking Chantelle to New York for the week, and I will be in meetings during the day, so please be available in case I need you for files. Also, Natalie was in a car accident over the weekend. You will need to assist Aedan this week with anything he needs, so please don’t give him any of your attitude,” he says with finality in his voice.

I try not to show my annoyance with his instructions. “Yes, Father, I understand. Have safe trip.”

After he leaves the office, I remember I wanted to ask him for Friday off, but he’s already on the elevator on the way back down to the lobby.
I guess I can ask Aedan
. I roll my eyes at that thought and decide I’ll email Aedan later. I turn on the remaining lights that need to be turned on and fire up my computer.

Wanting to peek at the men that I’ve emailed on my profile, I login to my Denver Singles account and see that a match from last week, Levi Levine, has messaged me back again. Recalling what his profile says, I want to say he’s a college graduate. I know he works in Denver for a reputable company and he works out. The biggest thing that drew me to him was that he isn’t looking for a relationship; hook-ups are fine with him. I totally think he sounds amazing.

We’ve been playing twenty questions back and forth, and I feel comfortable meeting him. Something about the way he answers his questions makes me believe he is genuine…I guess as genuine as you can be on a dating site. I don’t think he’s a psycho stalker or anything.

After reading his thoughts about what an amazing date would be, I see he left his number in his email. Oh my. Do I want to call him? I think I’ll jump in for once. The only thing that has me a little hesitant is he has a picture of this amazing pool instead of him on his profile.

Looking at my watch, I notice it’s eight in the morning and wonder if he is available. I dial his number and hit send. He answers in three rings.

“This is Levi,” a deep, sexy voice answers, sending a chill up my spine.

“Good morning, umm…Levi? This is Jesse from the dating site. I got your email, and I was wondering if you are available to meet up soon,” I say, somewhat apprehensive. I can hear him breathing on the other end of the line.

“Hi, Jesse.” My name rolls off his tongue, making my panties wet. “I was hoping to hear from you. I’ve enjoyed our flirty emails back and forth. I’m out of town this week, but how does dinner and
sound for next Tuesday?”

“Next Tuesday sounds
. Do you have a certain time?”
All day long
, I think to myself.

“Does six in the evening work for you? I’ll text you with the location when I get back into town to make reservations.”

“That works for me. I’ll email you my cell number in my reply to your questions. I look forward to meeting you, Levi.”

I end the phone call with a huge smile on my face. I can’t wait to meet this man. He sounded so delicious on the phone.

I listen to my office voicemails. There are a few hang-ups, but that’s normal as most of the investors want to talk to a person instead of a machine. I check my email and it’s mostly follow up reminders from my father. He likes to make sure our investors know what is going on with their money via a phone call instead of only sending them a simple statement because he likes to keep business personal. That’s what has made him so successful.

I try to keep myself busy so I don’t think about the confrontation I had with Aedan this morning. In the back of my mind, I can’t help but wonder,
What did he mean by he knows a lot about me?
I let that thought drift away as I pick up the phone to call the twenty-two clients that my father instructed me to call. I hope these calls will make the morning go by quickly.

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