Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1)
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After hanging up the phone with the twenty-second client, my cell phone goes off. Laney texted me to let me know that she is waiting for me in the parking lot to go to lunch. I made twenty-two phone calls in less than four hours; I think that has to be a record for me.

After grabbing my purse, I head toward the elevator and press the button, waiting for it to come and whisk me downstairs. I don’t normally drink at lunch, but it’s been a crazy morning and I need a drink.

Laney and I head to the Falling Rock Tap House. The restaurant is one of my favorite places to grab a beer, and they have the most amazing chicken sandwich. Mmm, I can’t wait to get a beer in my hand and food in my belly.

We can’t find a parking space close to the bar, so we park in a garage. I have that same weird feeling that someone is watching me again. I check out the area, but don’t see anyone familiar, nor do I see anyone looking at us, for that matter. I ignore the feeling and hook my elbow with Laney’s as we make our way out of the garage and to the bar.

When we arrive, the restaurant is busy with the lunchtime crowd. We sit at the bar because it’s the only place with open seats. The bartender is busy, but luckily, the menu is on the bar. I peruse the selection of beers. Instantly, I know what I want, New Belgium Fat Tire. The bartender finally comes over to us to take our drink and food order. While taking my order, he is staring at Laney. She’s hot; I’d stare too. He leaves to put our order in and Laney rolls her eyes.

“How did meeting your new bosses go?” I ask as I lean into her, trying not to talk too loud.

“Wonderful! I am so happy I took the position. I’m ecstatic, actually. They want me to come back next week, but I don’t know how I can get this all worked out,” she says with a slight frown.

“That would be wonderful if you could! You would be here for sure to watch me graduate.” I can’t stop the huge smile from spreading across my face.

“I’ll have to see what I can work out. I’m going back to the museum today to do a tour and meet the employees that will be working under me. I might head back to Indiana early so I can try to speed up things. What do you think?”

“That could work. The sooner you leave, the quicker you can be back here, permanently,” I say as the bartender brings us our drinks.

“I think I will. I’ll get that arranged too, so I’ll see about leaving either tomorrow night or Wednesday instead of Sunday. I hope it’s okay and I didn’t ruin any plans you might have made for us.” She glances at me, obviously second-guessing herself.

“Oh no, not at all. I was going to see if you wanted to go to a movie or hit up another club,” I say before taking a sip of my beer.

“Okay, it’s settled, then. How was your morning?” She looks at me as if she knows there is something bugging me.

“I had a serious clash with Aedan this morning. He was all up in my ass about Saturday night, asking me if my father knew where I was and what I was doing, blah, blah. Suddenly he grabbed me, and I instantly wanted to jump him right there. Then he tells me that he does know me and it’s me that doesn’t remember him or whatever. I wouldn’t forget someone like him, especially the way he makes me feel. I have no idea what he is talking about,” I mutter, frustrated.

“Are you sure your father hasn’t told him everything? I mean, how much do you know about his position with your father? And I’m proud of you for not caving.”

The bartender brings us our food and asks if we need anything else. “We’re good,” we reply in unison.

“Thank you, I wanted to. And I don’t know. I’ve worked with him for a year and a half but not in a close proximity. He always communicates with my father, so I guess my father would have told him about what went on with Chet and the contract. I wasn’t joking when I said the past few weeks are the most I’ve talked to him since I’ve been here. I get the occasional hi and bye, but normally he’s cocky about it. Maybe it’s because he’s around my father, but I’m not sure. And get this, I have to assist him because Natalie was in an accident. Which, thinking about it now, I’m surprised I didn’t hear from him this morning.”

“Maybe he knows about the contract you signed with your father? I mean, you told me even though you weren't supposed to, and it's only in place for less than a month. After that, you are free to date anyone, including company employees.” She cocks her head to the side, seeming curious.

“Possibly, but I don't think my father would tell him, ‘Hey, don't let anyone around my daughter because I made her sign a contract so she can't hook up with co-workers.’ Maybe I should ask him. I don’t want to call him, though; it’s more of a face-to-face conversation. He took the lovely Chantelle to New York, so it will have to wait.”

“Oh, what is the latest adventure that step-mommy dearest is up to?”

“I have no idea. I stay away from her as much as I can. She tries to be all buddy-buddy, but I can’t do it. I’m polite to her, but that is as far as I can go. There is something off with her. I swear she married my dad for his money, but I’m sure he saw through that and made her sign a pre-nup. The man loves his contracts,” I say with a snort-laugh.

“Let’s hope so…but sometimes you McCoys go head first into love without thinking.” She smirks.

“Ouch, bitch.” I giggle.

We finish eating lunch and drink the rest of our beers, then pay and go to the parking garage to get my car so we can head back to our destinations. I wasn’t in the mood to talk very much because Aedan’s comments were on my mind. I will figure out what he meant about me forgetting him, I hope sooner than later.






I can’t believe I…well, Levi, was finally able to get a date with Jesse for Tuesday night at six. The time works out perfectly because it gives me a chance to get everything together for her. Dinner in the room, and then I’m going to fuck her until she begs me to make love to her.

After this morning, I feel hyperactive, ready to explode. I need to work out or hit something; I have to get out of the office. I take the elevator to the lobby, arriving just in time to see Jesse get in the car with her friend. Hurrying to my car, I follow them downtown. I should have known she would go to Falling Rock. The bar is one of her favorites.

Luckily, my gym is around the corner. I watch them go in the garage and then I follow behind them. I park, grab my gym bag out of the trunk, and hurry down the stairs to wait for Jesse and Laney to exit the garage. I watch them make it to the bar before heading to the gym. I need a good run. Hopefully, I can run long enough to get rid of this ache in my cock.

In the locker room, I change into a pair of black basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt, throw on my Nikes, and head out. I grab a bottle of water and a towel on my way to the treadmill. I think a five-mile run will lessen my hunger for Jesse.

After stretching out my body, I set the pace on the treadmill for a six-minute mile. That will give me time to get my run in, take a shower, and get back to work before it’s too late.

Forty minutes later, I look down. I’ve done well over six miles, yet the throbbing is still present. Argh.

Cold shower, here I come















When I get back to the office, I have two voicemails from Aedan. He needs to see me because my father wants me to work out a new security plan for the company he is buying. I really don’t want to help him and I am seriously about to tell him he can do it himself. I think I’ll let him stew over it a bit. I guess I should learn to work well with Aedan in case I do get my father’s position.

I need to check my school email. Luckily, this semester I only had to take a few filler courses and they are online. Many of my courses from IU transferred to UC. In two and half weeks, I will be finished with my bachelors and then I can start working my way toward the top.

I had nothing in my school email that needs my attention, so I check my work email. I see an email from someone I don’t know, so I click on it. A picture flashes up of me in a very compromising position, almost like a Snapchat
I try to get it back, but it won’t come up. I call IT and ask them to trace it. They log into my computer then tell me it’s gone from the server. They try to trace the email, but they come up with a dead end.

I thank them and hang up. Who in the hell besides Chet would have pictures of me looking like that, and why would they try messing with me now? With everything going on, it’s not as if I don’t have enough on my plate. My cell starts to ring and I look at it. The number shows up as unknown. I let it go to voicemail.

My office phone starts ringing.

“McCoy Investments…”

“Jesse, can you please come here
? I really need you to help with this project. Your father was very adamant about you learning this detail in security when we acquire new companies,” a very irritated Aedan states on the other end of the line.

“Yes, I was getting ready to come up there after I checked my work email. I had an issue, so it took a little longer than I thought it would. I’ll be there in five minutes,” I say. I hang up before he has a chance to reply.

I will have to see if I can contact my father’s private investigator and see if I can have that email checked for more detail. I want to know who exactly has pictures of me that could destroy everything that I have rebuilt since I left Indiana. I will not run away this time. I will fight to make sure I come out on top.

I sigh and begrudgingly head down the hallway to Aedan’s office. I hope this doesn’t take long. I think I am going to see if Laney can head out early today. I am ready to get out of here for the day. I don’t care that it’s only one thirty.






IT called me to inform me that someone sent a picture with a tracking virus to Jesse’s email. The picture wasn’t too pretty. I made IT destroy it after they took it off the server, where she couldn’t see it again. No one needs to relive what was happening in that picture. I swear if I find out Chet emailed this picture to her, I’ll have his balls on a platter. Why would he start messing with her after two years? I’m wondering if he is out of money. I’m not going to like telling McCoy about this email.

I start to call McCoy, but Jesse arrives in my office to help me with the security details we put together for each company that comes into McCoy Investments. McCoy wants Jesse to know how every single team works together to make the company as successful as it is. When I look up, I see Jesse’s face and she looks dejected.

“Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to learn this part of the company. I’m sure you won’t have to do it, but it would be beneficial for you to know all the pieces of the acquisition package,” I say as I give her the biggest smile I can.

“You’re welcome,” she says quietly.

“Um…is there something bothering you? Are you okay?” I ask. I’m wondering if all of this is because of that email.

“I’m fine. Just stress from work and graduating, I guess.” She sighs and then continues.

“Want a drink? I have whiskey, bourbon, or vodka.”

She gives me a look like I’m off my rocker. “Um, thank you, but no. I’m good. What all do we need to put this package together?”

“Here, sit in my chair. It’s easier for me to show you than tell you how it will look.” I try to give her a comforting smile.

She sits in my chair and I start showing her the forms I use and where I get the information to fill out the forms. The smell of her attacks my senses. I will never be able to get her apple scent out of my mind. The smell is comforting. I lose track of my current thoughts and think about what it would be like to be with her. She would be dressed in one of my white dress shirts with my favorite green tie. Yes, the one that matches her eyes. I’d lay her on the bed and start running my hands up her creamy…

“Aedan…Aedan?” Jesse says, gently touching my hand, zapping me back to reality.

Shit! I need to get my shit on straight and stop thinking about being with her. I’m going to lose it completely.

“Yes, sorry. I was wondering if there’s anything else I need to show you.”

“Oh, okay. Is it anything that needs to do with the acquisitions, or something else?”

“Umm…something else. I’ll remember later. However, I do want to apologize about getting on your ass this morning. I was kind of out of line. I don’t want to see you hurt again. I like seeing you smile instead of frown.”

“It’s over and done with, but what did you mean by your comment, ‘I don’t remember you’? You’ve worked for my dad since I came back. This is the only place I know you from,” she says to me as she stares at me.

“I meant that I met you before you went to college and your father has told me a lot about you, and you probably didn’t take that into consideration.”

She looks at me, trying to take everything I just said in. “Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense. By the way, do you know which PI my father uses? I have an email I want looked into.”

“I do. It’s all handled in-house now. Is there something I can have looked into for you?”

“Umm. Hmm. It was a weird email. I’m sure it’s not anything. Never mind,” she says nervously. “Is there anything else that I need to learn that goes along with this?

“No, you’re good to go.”

“Is it okay if I take the rest of the day off?” She looks at me, exhaustion on her face.

“Yes, and I’ll keep it between you and I.”

“Thank you very much, Aedan. Have a good night,” she says as she turns and heads for the door.

“You too,” I call out after her.

Her heels click down the hallway. Fuck. I’m going to have to get on that email because it’s bothering her and she won’t say it is. She doesn’t have to face this alone this time. She has people watching out for her. We will make sure that no one hurts her, that’s for damn sure.

I go back to calling McCoy. I tell him about the email and I let him know that Jesse is going home for the rest of the day. He sighs, but I tell him that she is pretty shaken up from the email. He asks me to get on it and find the asshole that sent it to her. He wants this taken care of yesterday. Sounds like it’s time to step up my game.

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