You Dropped a Blonde on Me

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Authors: Dakota Cassidy

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

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Praise for Kiss and Hell
“A fun, lighthearted paranormal romance that will keep readers entertained. Ms. Cassidy fills the pages of her book with nonstop banter, ghostly activity, and steamy romance.”
—Darque Reviews
“Delaney, with her amusing sarcastic asides, makes for an entertaining romantic fantasy with a wonderful mystery subplot . . . Readers will relish this lighthearted jocular frolic.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“Cassidy has created a hilarious lead in Delaney Markham. Readers will run through all types of emotions while enjoying laugh-out-loud moments, desperate passion, wacky and fun characters, pop-culture references, and one intense mystery. The book’s charm is apparent from the first page, but the twisted mystery tangled throughout will keep the pages turning.”
—Romantic Times
The Accidental Human
“I highly enjoyed every moment of Dakota Cassidy’s
The Accidental Human
. . . A paranormal romance with a strong dose of humor.”
—Errant Dreams
“A delightful, at times droll, contemporary tale starring a decidedly human heroine . . . Dakota Cassidy provides a fitting twisted ending to this amusingly warm urban romantic fantasy.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“The final member of Cassidy’s trio of decidedly offbeat friends faces her toughest challenge, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t humor to spare! With emotion, laughter, and some pathos, Cassidy serves up another winner!”
—Romantic Times
Accidentally Dead
“A laugh-out-loud follow-up to
The Accidental Werewolf
, and it’s a winner . . . Ms. Cassidy is an up-and-comer in the world of paranormal romance.”
—Fresh Fiction
“An enjoyable, humorous satire that takes a bite out of the vampire romance subgenre . . . Fans will appreciate the nonstop hilarity.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
The Accidental Werewolf
“Cassidy, a prolific author of erotica, has ventured into MaryJanice Davidson territory with a humorous, sexy tale.”
“If Bridget Jones became a lycanthrope, she might be Marty. Fun and flirty humor is cleverly interspersed with dramatic mystery and action. It’s hard to know which character to love best, though: Keegan or Muffin, the toy poodle that steals more than one scene.”
—The Eternal Night
“A riot! Marty’s internal dialogue will have you howling, and her antics will keep the laughs coming. If you love paranormal with a comedic twist, you’ll love this book.”
—Romance Junkies
“A lighthearted romp . . . [An] entertaining tale with an alpha twist.”
—Midwest Book Review
More praise for the novels of Dakota Cassidy
“The fictional equivalent of the little black dress—every reader should have one!”
—Michele Bardsley
“Serious, laugh-out-loud humor with heart, the kind of love story that leaves you rooting for the heroine, sighing for the hero, and looking for your own significant other at the same time.”
—Kate Douglas
“Expect great things from Cassidy.”
—Romantic Times
“Very fun, sexy. Five stars!”
—Affaire de Coeur
“Dakota Cassidy is going on my must-read list!”
—Joyfully Reviewed
“If you’re looking for some steamy romance with something that will have you smiling, you have to read [Dakota Cassidy].”
—The Best Reviews
Berkley Sensation titles by Dakota Cassidy
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Copyright © 2010 by Dakota Cassidy.
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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / December 2010
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cassidy, Dakota.
You dropped a blonde on me / Dakota Cassidy.—Berkley Sensation trade pbk., ed. p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-44589-1
1. Single mothers—Fiction. 2. Middle-aged women—Fiction. 3. New Jersey—Fiction. I. Title
PS3603.A8685Y68 2010

This book is for and because of some empowered, determined women who just wouldn’t get off my back and let me give up. They are Kate Douglas, Karen Woods, Sheri Fogarty, Angela Knight, Margaret Riley, Ann Jacobs, Treva Harte, Sahara Kelly, Maryam Salim, Diane White-side, Laura McHale, and MT. The power of their encouraging words, their late-night e-mails, their phone calls and instant messages during the darkest, freakiest time of my life kept me clinging to the edge of the cliff. The “Suck it up, Princess” rule comes from them. For that, and so much more, I’m one grateful woman.
To Pam and Don at
A Romance Review
, who let me read and review books until my eyeballs warbled. Look what you created . . .
My parents, Robert and Eleanor, who, for the grace of God, still love me after cramming myself and my two sons into their eight hundred and twenty square-foot retirement village home.

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