Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1)
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Chapter Twenty





Argh! This man is so infuriating. Getting anything from him is like getting milk from the tits of a boar. Yes, one of my Indiana sayings I picked up. He better get his sexy ass in here and tell me why he was at my house. I’ve about had enough of all this shit. All this bullshit is getting to be too much.

I decide to go ahead and start eating my burger. Screw Aedan, I’m starving. I take a bite of the concoction and groan. The sandwich is orgasmic-inducing amazement. I didn’t notice that Aedan had come back to the table.

“I bet I could make that sound come out of your mouth too,” he says, staring at me with a cocky ass look.

“Your smart mouth isn’t going to detour my thoughts on getting an answer from you. Again, how do you know where I live?”

He sighs. “This isn’t the time or place for us to discuss that. There is a lot you don’t know. Honestly, the less you know, the better off you will be. However, if these threats keep up, you will know everything a lot sooner,” he says with a firm voice and a tense face.

“Which one of you doesn’t want me to know? My father or you? Because if it’s you, screw that. If it involves me, I should know,” I say a little too loudly.

“Jesse, watch your mouth. We are in a family restaurant. You will know what you need to know soon enough. So yes, I know where you live because I have to. I know where your sister is staying and I know where your brother is. I do because it’s part of my job. I think I got all I can from the phone call and emails. Enough talk. We need to finish our lunches and get back to the office,” Aedan says in a stern, straight-to-the-point voice.

“Fine. But this conversation isn’t over. I demand to know everything, but you’re right. This isn’t the place for this conversation,” I say with a huff.

We finish our lunches in silence. The server brings us our bill and Aedan pays her. I’m picking at my fries when Aedan asks me if I’m finished. I nod my head at him. He stands up and offers me his hand. He lets me go first and puts his hand on my back. Damn it. Even his hand feels amazing, although I’m pissed at him.

We get back to the car and he helps me get in before shutting the door. Backing the car out, he pulls out of the parking spot and drives out of the lot. He turns left on the main road, heading toward the interstate, and gets on 87 North.

This car ride can’t be over soon enough.

“I won’t call in a bodyguard…yet. But if you get any more calls or emails, I will have my team on you faster than you can say I’m sorry. Your father wants to make sure you’re safe,” he says in a caring voice.

I about choke on my spit. “That’s rich. Really? Pearse McCoy watching out for my safety? Please. I’m a complete embarrassment to my father. He probably doesn’t give a crap about me. All he cares about is his company and wife.”

“You are completely wrong about that. His children come before the company and Chantelle. Maybe you don’t see it since you think you’re trapped on the forty-ninth floor, but you really need to open up your eyes,” he says calmly.

“Whatever. You probably think I’m some spoiled bitch who had her daddy bail her out.” I roll my eyes. Aedan quickly switches lanes and comes to a stop. He puts the car in park and takes my face in his hands.

“Look at me and listen. I do
think you are a bitch. Spoiled, maybe a bit, but not a bitch. You’re an amazing, beautiful, strong woman, and any man would be fortunate to have you. You really need to open your eyes because your father does love you, very much. He wants what is the best for you and he has worked very hard to make sure you’re successful. You might not see it at the very moment, but you will soon.” He slowly removes his hands from my face.

I’m speechless and shocked. He thinks I’m beautiful? Does he feel the same way I do? I’m so confused and don’t understand.

“Do you know about the contract my father made me sign?”






The urge to kiss her is taking over my body. Her beautiful face is cupped in my hands, and it feels so right. Trying not to give into my desires, I have to remove my hands now or I’ll cave and taste what I’m sure is delicious.

Her words are like ice-cold water. Tears are welling up in her eyes. She had to ask about the damn contract, the contract I thought would be the perfect way to get a taste of her, but it’s been a pain in my ass. So yes, I know all about it. Is it time to tell her what I know or should I wait?

I decide to lie to bid my time. “I know there is a contract, but I don’t know what the details are.”

Relief washes over her face, and then she sighs.

“Do you want me to know about the contract?” I ask, pushing her to tell me more.

“It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t apply to anything right now, so no; it’s really none of your business,” she says as she gazes out the window.

She drives me crazy. One minute, it’s as if she wants to jump my cock, and the next minute, it’s like she wants to cut it off. I’m hoping she’s acting like this because it’s been a hell of a day. I know I’m over it.

Silence fills the car on the drive back to the office. Actually, I can hear her softly breathing. I am sure she has fallen asleep again. I’ve never met anyone who falls asleep in a car so quickly.

I take the long way back to the office. She obviously needs down time. We finally arrive back to the office around two in the afternoon. We’ve been gone a little over three hours, and I don’t care.

I have to go to IT because they have some info on where the email from today is from. They are working on the phone call, but right now, they are coming up with a bunch of dead ends.

“Jesse…Jesse, we are back at the office.” I place my hand on her face.

She opens her eyes. There is a tenderness in them for a moment, but they quickly go back to guarded. “Thank you for lunch.” She hurries to open her door. She’s halfway to the building before I can tell her, “You’re welcome.” I’m going to let her go. She obviously needs to work out some things on her mind.

I get out of the car and make my way into the building. I go around the bank of elevators to the secret door. Behind this door is the heart of my security team. To a normal person, this door looks like a janitor’s closet; to the security team, it’s the entrance to our office.

I head to Craig’s office and knock on the door. He looks up from his computer. “Come on in, Mr. Hughes. Will you shut the door, please?”

I shut the door and take a seat in front of his desk. Littered with papers, maps, coffee cups, and candy bar wrappers, the desk is a mess.

“I have some good news and I have some bad news. First, the good. The email from this morning was from an internet café in the Midwest. Before you say anything, I thought ex-husband too, but it turns out he isn’t living in Indiana anymore. He is out on the East Coast, and we were able to match up that the emails are from the same person. Bad news is the phone call came from a prepaid cell phone. Since the phone is now off, it’s untraceable, and for all we know, it’s in the trash. I’m sorry we can’t get you more solid information. We will keep tabs on the phone to see if it happens to come back on,” Craig says as he looks at me.

“Thanks, Craig. Let’s keep this info between you, McCoy, and myself. I have a feeling we have either a very loose lipped team member or a mole. We need to flush them out. Please let me know if you find out anything else.”

“Will do, sir,” he says with a nod.

“Thank you.” I get up, open the door, and walk out.

I look through the large open space that houses the security team members, who are all working on their specific projects. I shake my head at the thought that one of them could be dirty. I make my way through the room and out to the elevators. The car arrives on the first floor. I get in and press the button for the forty-ninth floor.















The urge to slap him is so strong, I rush out of his car. He makes me so mad, but his lips are so yummy looking. And his suit today? Oh my fucking gravy, I want to rip it off him. I’m sure the man is built.

Today has utterly sucked ass. I’m ready to go on that date tonight, get my sex on, and relieve this built-up frustration from dealing with Aedan and the crazy person trying to scare me.

The elevator dings and I look up from my desk. Aedan is stalking toward my desk instead of his office.
For the love of all things good, please go away before I hump your leg.

“Hi. I am checking on you to make sure you didn’t receive any more phone calls or emails while we were at lunch,” he says as he stares at me.

“Nothing that’s not the usual. Clients wanting to talk to my father or updates on their accounts,” I say, blowing the question off.

“Please call me if you get anything not the
so I can follow up on it,” he says, using his fingers for quotes. His goofiness makes me smile. Here’s this big man using something girly, like finger quotes.

“Will do, sir.” I smirk.

“Mmm, I like that.” He winks and walks down the hallway to his office.

Holy hell. He is way too much. Today is way too much. Two and half hours left and I’m off for my date. I am so glad he dropped the bodyguard bullshit. How in the hell would I explain I’m randomly hooking up with a guy? My sex life is really none of his damn business. Too bad my date isn’t with Aedan. I would love to strip that well-fitted suit off his body. I bet he’s toned and tan under there.

I jump when the phone starts ringing.

“McCoy Investments, this is Jesse. How may I help you?” I say breathlessly.

“Hi, Jesse McCoy? This is IKEA and a…Laney Spears gave us this phone number as a contact number for the delivery of some furniture. I’m calling to verify the address and get a good delivery time from you,” the young man states on the phone.

Laney isn’t messing around with this moving business, is she?
I silently squeal.

“Hello. It’s 8644 East Cedar Avenue, Aurora. Just let me know what time and day works for you and I’ll work my schedule around it,” I say, unable to contain the excitement in my voice.

“Ms. McCoy, it will be next week. How about I call you Monday with a definite day and time?”

“That sounds perfect. Your name, please?”

“Matt, ma’am. I’m sorry about that.”

“No worries. I’ll look forward to your call next week. Thanks!” I say and grin.

“Thank you. Have a great day.”

“You too.” Hanging up, I do a fist pump in the air at my desk.

This is the best news today! Maybe I can turn this day around yet. Laney will be excited!

I dive back into my emails. My father has sent me a few follow-up call reminders. I think I will get to those now. Maybe they will make the next few hours fly by quickly. I need to call for a cab pick-up at five fifteen as well.

I do that first and then get to the phone calls. I am thankful I only have three because this first investor likes to talk excessively.




After hanging up with last client, I look up at the clock, and it’s five o’clock on the dot. I couldn’t have timed that any better. I shut down my computer, pick up my purse and bag that Laney grabbed for me, and turn off all the lights. I go to the elevator and I see that it’s on the fiftieth floor. I wonder who is up there.

When the doors open, there is one very sexy Aedan staring at me.

“I didn’t even see you walk by.”

“You were on the phone when I walked by, talking about making pies or something with grandchildren.” He chuckles.

“Oh, yes. Mrs. Rivera. She loves to bake.”

“Sure you don’t need a ride?” he asks.

“No, I have a cab waiting for me. Thank you, though,” I say politely.

The car arrives at the lobby and I see my cab outside of the door. Aedan opens the office door and the cab door for me.

“Have a great night.” He smirks.

“Um…you too,” I reply, feeling giddy.

What was that about? I give the driver the address of The Four Seasons and I sit back and try to relax before arriving at the hotel. The twenty-minute ride should help.






I want to pull her in my car and tell her that her date is with me tonight. I’ve been preparing what I am going to tell her at the hotel once she sees that she is meeting me.

I get in my car and make my way to the hotel. I pull into valet and grab my bag with my change of clothes. Then I go the front desk and get the key for my room. I requested the suite, and I’m going to send Jesse a text from the Skype phone number I’ve been using to text her. I tell her that she can meet me in my room or in the restaurant.

I get to my room, put my bag on the bed, and unzip it. I unpack my clothes and strip down to my boxer briefs. I grab my toiletries and fresh boxers and hit the shower.

After showering, I dry off, and I apply my lotion because I don’t want to have rough skin. I leave my five o’clock shadow. I spray my trusty cologne and put on my boxers. I walk out in the room to check my phone to see if Jesse has texted me back about if she’s going to meet me in the room or in the restaurant. She surprises me and says she will come up to the room.

I text her back, telling her to meet me at room number 902. After slipping on a pair of relaxed jeans and a fitted, black t-shirt, I throw on my black crocodile loafers. Sometimes nothing is more comfortable than a pair of loafers.

This night will be either epic or an epic failure. Everything depends on how well Jesse handles me answering the door.

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