ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (161 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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“Eric…” Locking her ankles around his waist, Katrina moaned as his tongue tangled with her own and he held her tightly against him. Her back hit something soft, and she arched into his solidness in a silent plea.

For two people that had never done this before things were going pretty smoothly. Everything he did, even taking a breath, turned her on, and judging by the thickness against her thigh he was having the same reactions.

“God- you’re so perfect.” Lifting his head, Eric took a second to take in the sight underneath him and she panted for air. He meant every word he’d said to her. She was perfect.

Taking a second to catch her breath, Katrina sighed softly and closed her eyes.

“I’m so glad it’s you.” Leaving small kisses on her face, Eric mumbled against her skin before capturing her lips again.

Shivering lightly, Katrina lifted her hips and opened her mouth. If she died right in that moment she wouldn’t have minded. She loved it when he kissed her.

Slowly he trailed his fingers past the collar of her work shirt and unfastened the button. It was like Eric was unwrapping a Christmas gift, and that gift was Katrina. He moved with precision and deliberant touches and it drove her insane.

When she was half naked, with no bra or shirt, he finally left her mouth to trail downward. Eric hovered over her breasts, and Katrina could feel them tightening as he slowly bent down. When he sucked one tight peak into his mouth she squirmed, clawing at his back as he moved with her arch. He grabbed each of her hands, and held them beside her head as he nipped, licked and sucked greedily.

Katrina had never experienced anything like this before, and she felt like it wouldn’t have been as good with someone else. She was swimming in the lust roiling under her skin. Her legs shook, and her crotch felt like it was on fire.

“Hurry… Eric- Hurry… P- please…” Choking out the plea, Katrina lifted her hips and shuddered violently when Eric reached down to tear at the button. If she didn’t get rid of this burning she was going to melt and it wasn’t in the good way. Breathing heavily, she felt goose bumps wash her legs when he yanked her jeans down, leaving her in just her socks and shoes. Those, though, were quickly gone.

Eric took off his shirt and Katrina went a little wide eyed. She’d never seen such chiseled perfection before. Everything was toned and a little bulky and she could completely understand why women fawned over him.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” Whispering, Katrina let her head fall back and smiled slightly. Then she heard Eric chuckle, and the sound of his own pants hitting the floor rang in her ears.

“This is really happening, baby.”

Scooting up a little, Katrina didn’t even try to look down, and she didn’t want to. She would get nervous, and call this off when she just wanted to go forward. Eric was quick to hold himself over her, and he dropped onto his elbows to duck his face into her neck.

“Are you ready?” Mumbling, Eric’s question made Katrina’s breath hitch in her throat before she nodded. Her hands gathered in his hair, and she held on tightly as the tip of his penis touched her heated folds.

“Bite me if you have to.”

Without warning, or anything really, Eric thrusted his hips hard and fast and Katrina sunk her teeth into his shoulder. The pain made her dizzy, and her fingers yanked his head so hard his luscious hair was caught between her fingernails. 

“F- fuck… baby…” When Eric pulled out of her Katrina couldn’t control the tortured cry that escaped her mouth, and her teeth slid deeper into his skin. She could taste his blood on her tongue. Her tears slid down her face and he reached up blindly to wipe them away.

“Ah-h… Yes-s-s…”  Making a noise between a growl and a hiss, Eric slammed into Katrina and she tore herself from his shoulder to let out a loud cry. He was quick, though, to cover her mouth with his own, and he groaned. Obviously he wasn’t feeling the pain she was.

“I’m so- sorry… I just… you- you feel so good…” Muttering, Eric stuttered slightly and Katrina nodded hastily in acknowledgement.

“Don’t stop…”

With every thrust, with each kiss or feather light touch, Katrina could feel herself slowly becoming undone. She wanted to cry from how good it felt.

“I can-n’t hold it…”

Moaning softly, Katrina clutched the sheets as ecstasy rolled over her. Something inside her snapped, and she felt like she was imploding. The growl that burst from his chest didn’t even sound human, but she didn’t care as she writhed in pleasure.

When it was over, Katrina was so tired. She could barely move, and everything was hazy. Her eyes refused to open.

“I wish I had… something to say… but that was incredible. Speechless.” Muttering haltingly, Eric wrapped his arms around Katrina and nuzzled her neck to lick her salty, sweaty flesh. She couldn’t even register what he’d said before she fell asleep.

The first thing that Katrina felt when she woke up was sore and the second was purely lazy. She rolled over sloppily, and snuggled into Eric with a soft sigh of content. It took a long time to remember what had happened, but she couldn’t find it in her to regret it. If she could go back, the only thing she’d change was the timing. She would’ve done this a lot sooner.

“Katrina…” Sighing her name, Eric squeezed Katrina before his eyes cracked open and a thought popped into his head.

She’d marked him. She bit him, and she bit him hard. Hard enough to leave a mark.

“Baby… Kat.” Forcing her eyes open, Katrina hummed in response before moving her head to look up at the man she’d lost her virginity to. Safe to say she felt some tiny twinge of relief that he looked just about as dazed as she did.

“You mean a lot to me.” Eric had trouble speaking, and it was clearly noticeably to Katrina. He was slurring from sleep, and his words were choppy. Truthfully, she wasn’t even sure if she could make words, so she settled on a kiss. It wasn’t a passionate or lustful kiss, but she felt like she conveyed herself well with it.

They took a shower together, but both male and female were too groggy to do much more than feel each other up and rub against each other. It was a testament to their activity the night before.

“I don’t want to go to work…!” Trudging into Eric’s kitchen, Katrina’s loud whine made him chuckle before he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. Ducking his head into her hair, he inhaled deeply and let it out in a sigh.

“Then don’t go. Stay with me.” Should she have expected such a sweet response? Maybe- because it shocked her as she leaned on the baker’s counter. Eric was still plastered to her back, and he paid his palms flat on the marble to place chaste kisses on her shoulder.

“I have to or my father will know I wasn’t with Luca.” Groaning, Katrina lifted her head enough to glance at the clock. It was already noon, and she had to be in for 1:30pm.

“Then let them know. Don’t lie about me.”

“… Eric-“

Before Katrina could say anything Eric squeezed her lightly, leaning against her to nibble the crest of her ear.

“I understand, baby. No pressure.”

Why did he have to be so perfect?

After what seemed like a long time but was only about half an hour Katrina found herself dressed in the same clothes she’d worn the day before and on her way to work. Eric drove, but the silence that stretched between them was comfortable.

“I have to sit here and make phone calls. I’ll see you inside after opening.” The kiss they shared felt so normal- as if they’d done it a hundred thousand times- before Katrina got out of the car.

Her problems, though, were only just beginning when she straightened and came face to face with her father. Wide eyed, all she could do was stare; by his expression he knew she’d lied.

Pushing himself off the wall of the bar, Katrina’s father strode forward and stood toe to toe with her.

“You are in some serious trouble, Katrina Beth Cassidy.” If it was one thing her father absolutely hated it was liars.

“I can explain, Papa…” Since the door was still open Eric could hear everything clearly, and he popped open the driver’s side door to climb out of the car just as Katrina’s father spoke up.

“No- no you can’t. You lied to me- right to my face- and you can explain? Do you think that just because I’m old means I’m stupid, Katrina? Since when do you
make plans
with Luca? Do you think I don’t notice the way this man stares at you for hours and never gets bored? Honestly, you’re a smart girl- so think!” The older man swatted the side of Katrina’s head, the same way he did when she was little, and she felt kind of shameful. What possibly possessed her to lie to her father?

“You should’ve told me yesterday and I would’ve been fine with it- but no. You lie, and you make Luca lie for you. I’m not mad because you spent the night with him, Katrina- but you lied to me and I won’t tolerate it. You’re grounded.”

Katrina’s jaw nearly hit the floor at those two little words. She’d never been grounded before. How does one even react to those words? She was 18 years old, how could he do this to her when she was practically an adult? Then again, what could she say to dispute the fact that her father was right? If she was acting like a little kid she would be treated like one.

“For how long?” Mumbling, Katrina glanced up at her father and bit her lip. She should’ve known better. Nothing got past him.

“Two weeks. You go to work- you come home. Nothing else. No friends- and none of this.” Gesturing to Eric, Katrina’s father’s stern demand made his daughter nod sluggishly. Trying to bargain would get her nothing but more time tacked on, and she didn’t want that. Two weeks was the best she was going to get.

“And you better be grateful I don’t tell your mother about this.”

After a week had gone by Katrina felt like she was falling apart. She was shaking all the time, and her mood swings were terrible. She’d even fallen asleep in the middle of the day and slept all the way through work and into the next morning.

Something was wrong with her.

Today was the eighth day of her grounding, and Katrina had her head in the toilet. Her mother held her hair back, but she would need a shower anyway as she threw up her entire breakfast.

“Kat I really think you should go to the hospital.” At the forceful suggestion Katrina shoved her mother’s hand off her back haphazardly before wiping her mouth, taking advantage of the precious seconds she had.

“No, I’m fine. I just have a cold.”

“You do know I’m a nurse, right? This isn’t a cold- something is wrong with you. What if it’s from when you were punched? Brain injuries could have delayed reactions that includes throwing up and mood swings.” Shakily pushing herself up, Katrina shook her head and held onto the sink to stand up on wobbling legs.

“I said I’m fine!”

Hearing his daughter scream across the house, Katrina’s father sighed and shook his head.

Like mother, like daughter.

Lying on her bed, Katrina cried openly but blamed it on the movie she was watching on her laptop when her father came into her room. He didn’t say anything, and sat next to her to take a deep breath. The silence, though, didn’t last long.

“I think I know what’s wrong with you.” His declaration made Katrina glare over the edge of her computer and she pursed her lips.

“I think you’re pregnant. Your mother was the same, although she never admitted it.” Maybe it was because of how crappy she felt but Katrina’s tears increased tenfold, and she shut her laptop rather violently before opening her mouth.

“So what are you gunna do? Force me to get married?” Snapping, she was in absolutely no mood for any kind of human contact. If Eric were here he’d probably run for the hills, and she’d chase him with a frying pan. Her father, though, took it all in stride and shrugged.

“I honestly don’t expect it to be that hard, Katrina. I got you this. And before you ask- no, I won’t take you off your punishment. Besides, you’ll need that time to figure out a way to tell him.” Katrina’s father never called Eric by his name, but then again he didn’t call many people outside of his family by their names unless they were in deep trouble. She honestly wasn’t bothered by it, and she knew he definitely wasn’t talking about Luca- so that was a plus. Handing her the pregnancy test, still wrapped in the bag it had been bought in, he stood up to leave.

Ten minutes later Katrina was in the bathroom staring at the little, pink cross sign that proved her father’s theory. She was pregnant. Groaning, she held her head in her hands and frowned as she stared hard at the floor.

It wasn’t like she wanted to be a mom. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about money. In fact, she was fairly certain that Eric would probably cuss her out if she worried about

Millionaires can do that kind of thing, though. They’ve got the money for it.

“Katrina, you look like shit.” Squeezing her eyes shut, Katrina pushed her palms into her eye sockets and groaned at Luca’s assessment. Leave it to him to state the obvious. Not only did she look bad, but she felt bad too- only for many more reasons.

“Don’t make me feel worse about it. Just go wait tables or something.” She wanted a drink, something to take the edge off her emotions, but she couldn’t. There was nothing she could do to relieve the stress and rampage going on inside her chest. It wasn’t like she could just take a pill and be okay. She had another life to think about, and pills- and alcohol- were a big ‘no no’.

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