ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (158 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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“Son, I’m doing this for you. I’m the head of the council. I’m the one who makes decisions. I don’t want anybody to know that I’m favoring you because you’re my son,” she spoke in a Romanian accent this time.

“I thought we were good, Ms. Biel, mom, or whatever you like to be called, I thought that you were okay with my decision, so that’s why you came here to make amends, but you’re here to find the girl, right? You’re here to deal with the business you left unfinished the other night?”

“Listen to me… you committed a murder, alright? How do you expect me to sleep with that, after all I’m head of the council and your mother too?”

“So you’re here to charge me with murder? What about the murders we commit every day, killing limitless human lives to keep our own dead hearts ticking. Why aren’t we accountable for those murders?”

“This is the way we are Adrian, this is our biological makeup, and the sooner you learn to accept it, the easier for you it will be, to live life as the prince of darkness and do whatever you want. But, even we creatures are accountable, for one crime only, that is murdering your own kind. Of all crimes, you chose to murder one of your own kind, without fearing the consequences?”

“He got what he deserved. He had it coming the moment he jumped on Cindy. I tried to warn everybody and him twice, but he was too blind to see that. So I had to end it that instance. I couldn’t let anyone harm that girl.”

“So now you’re telling me that you’re in love with that girl right?” she sat on a nice comfy sofa that was placed in the hall, and reached for the bottle of whisky that was placed on the table. She poured a glass for herself and slipped it down her throat,” she smiled, “you’re still into Maker’s Mark?”

“Mom, I’m asking you for the very last time. Leave. Please,” he almost pleaded.

“Or what?” she crushed the glass in her fragile old hands and slowly flew a couple of feet in the air, “are you gonna kill me the way you did the other night? Do you have the balls on you to kill your own goddamn mother Adrian? I fucking kept you in me for nine months. I raised you. You were nothing. I fed you my milk. Now, that you’re such a fucking strong vampire, you’re ready to cast aside your mother and her century’s old love, for what? For a girl, who you barely know? A girl with whom you felt this intimacy for less than twenty-four hours?”

“Mom, you were never there for me. You gave me birth but then you abandoned me. I didn’t know shit. Dad was chased out of Romania. You only turned me because you were bored. You always had this lust for power in you. It was dad’s mission to unite every vampire around the world, not so that we could kill human beings, so that we could protect our own kind by finding alternate methods of survival. You just took over the council that dad left, and you’re leading it for the last three hundred years, doing what you please. This is not going to work. You have to step back or I’ll forget that I’m your son.”

“Son, do you think they would have let me run the council if I had held on to my motherly emotions for you. I had to be strong. Women had no stature back in those times. Even among vampires. So I had to prove that I was worth that seat. I had huge boots to fill, so I had to leave you, but it was for the better good son.”

“I don’t believe a single word you said. You’re just a power hungry woman, who wants nobody to question her leadership, that’s why you’re here, that’s why you want to kill this innocent human girl, who hasn’t even lived long enough to see what the world is like.”

“The world is shitty enough boy, I’m just here to end her misery before she cuts her own throat.” she cupped her hands, closed her eyes, and started chanting something very slowly. Before Adrian could move her icy hands clenched deep in Adrian’s throat. He fell down unconscious.

“Now let’s find you.” She smiled, raised her eyebrows, and started looking for Cindy in the house. It did not take her long to figure out where she would be.

Chapter 10: The Betrayal

Ms. Biel sensed Cindy’s body heat, and went straight to the bedroom. Adrian was lying unconscious on the floor. She just walked right through the door, to find Cindy tangled up in her sheets, naked. She walked toward her with light footsteps and sat beside her, at the edge of the bed, examining her body.

“I guess my son has a good taste,” she gasped. She lifted her hand up and with that movement; Cindy rose up in the air, a few feet above the bed. The sheets slipped over her body, revealing her nakedness. “I thought you’re just a kid, but you have a woman’s body. What a waste.”

Ms. Biel closed her fist. It felt as if an invisible hand was choking Cindy. Cindy awoke in horror to see Ms. Biel’s face.

“Good bye, Cindy. You were a good housecleaner. I didn’t want things to end like this, but… I’m sorry.” Before she could twist her wrist, a hand pierced through her chest, holding out her dead unbeating heart, drenched in icy-cold blood. Ms. Biel’s hold over Cindy was over. Cindy collapsed back onto the bed.

It was Adrian’s hand. He quickly drew his hand out of Ms. Biel. Ms. Biel had enough strength left in her, to look back at the person who took away her life in seconds. Her reign as the vampire queen was over. She was surprised to see that it was Adrian, standing right behind him, holding her heart.

She touched her fair long face with her cold lifeless hands. “I love you, Adrian,” she said in an almost inaudible voice that was low and shaky.

“I’m sorry mom,” he cried. He felt her heart turn into black dust. “I love you too, but I know you killed my father and your reign has to end,” he cried once again. He wrapped his arms around her.

“Son, your bloodline is pure, so I wanted to protect you. You have royal blood in you, and you get to be the King of all the vampires in the world,” those were her last words. Her body turned into dust.

Adrian knelt down on the floor and started to dig the dust, out of frustration, hoping to revive his mother once again, but it was too late. He had made his choice. Only time could tell whether he made the right decision or not, but he had to do that, because Cindy’s life was at stake. He had to do that to finally honor his father’s death.

Cindy became conscious again, and in horror realized what had just happened.

“Adrian, I am sorry.”

She got up and wrapped a sheet around herself. Then she sat beside Adrian, and hugged him as tightly as she could.

“It’s my fault,” she said, “I wish I hadn’t come to the party.”

“No, it’s not. I asked mom a number of times, that it didn’t have to be this way, but she was so blinded by power that she couldn’t get a hold on her burning rage, which eventually got her killed.”

They sat on the floor for a while and then slept tangled in each other’s arms.

“Cindy,” he said, “I would like you to live here in the Hamptons with me. I want a life with you in it.”

Chapter 11: New Beginning

After a month, Adrian became the head of the vampire council. Not because he was the son of Ms. Biel, but because he was the strongest, wealthiest, and wisest vampire around to make decisions for the various vampire communities around the world. He carried on from where his father left.

He stood on the balcony of his mansion and stared out at the calm waters of the Atlantic that silhouetted the full moon. Cindy walked toward him, naked, holding a couple of champagne glasses in her hands. Adrian turned to look at her, and grabbed her from the waist. The glasses in her hand fell down and broke.

He started kissing her everywhere. “I wanna make love to you,” he said, as he tore off his clothes. “I wanna make you mine forever.”

“This is what I want Adrian,” she ripped his pants off.

He pressed her breasts with both his hands and kissed her belly, while kneeling down on the floor. Cindy grabbed him from his long blonde hair and pulled him up. He pushed her against his chest and asked in a seductive voice. “Let me ask you one last time, are you ready to be my vampire bride? Because if you say yes, then you’ll no longer be a human, you’ll be much more than that, and for survival you’ll be needing blood.”

“Do you drink human blood?” she inquired anxiously.

“I used to drink human blood,”

“So how do you get to survive without it then?”

“There are so many ways to survive, but all we need is a little love and commitment. If we promise to be truthful to each other forever then I believe that our life will be so much easier.”

“What are the alternate ways to survive?”

“We could feed on blood bags and animals,”

“Sounds fair enough to me,” she kissed him on the lips, “make me yours forever then.”

“Okay, now I want you to hold me tight, because it’s going to sting a little,” he said, “Is this your first time?”

“Of course it is, I don’t run into sexy vampires every day,” she giggled.

She wrapped her arms around him as tightly as she could. Adrian brushed her long hair away from her neck, and began to kiss it. His fangs clicked down and he sank them into her tender neck. Cindy felt a little pain, but mostly intense pleasure. He sucked from her. Then he drew his fangs out and bit his own wrist. “Drink,” he said with a sweet smile on his face. Cindy took a deep breath and drank from his wrist.

Her pulse dropped, and her heartbeat slowed down. In a moment, she was unconscious. Adrian picked up her in his arms, and took her right to bed, and waited for her vampire queen to wake up when the time was right. And that was how Vamperella, queen of the vampires, was born.




Billion Bear’s Baby

“Damnit Katrina
, you’re not getting a raise! Now get out of my office before I fire you!” Blinking slowly, Katrina let out the breath she’d been holding shakily before reluctantly turning to walk out of the room. Jack was a stingy bastard, and hadn’t given her a single raise in six years, even though he let her take on more hours than was legal.


Sliding behind the bar that she tended to, Katrina dropped into her lonely stool at the far end, and ran her hand through her thick brown curls. She’d had about enough of Jack, and this stupid bar that she’d worked at since she was 16. It wasn’t like she could quit, though, because Pine Hill, Colorado only had 6000 people in it, give or take, and not many of them worked a restaurant. That thought made her frown into space. If she had the choice she’d move, even if it wasn’t far away. Her little town did nothing but get on her nerves- especially in the winter.

“So, he said no again?” Luca sidled up next to Katrina and she shrugged, though the answer should’ve been obvious. He felt bad for her- she’d worked really hard at her job. At some point even he’d gotten into a falling out with Jack, and quit only to come crawling back.

“I don’t get it.” Sighing heavily, she rubbed her hands together and leaned back to watch the overhead fans twirl.

“Kat, he’s a stubborn old mule- and a cheap one at that. Don’t expect him to be fair. Anyway, work starts in five minutes so get your perfect ass in gear, yeah?” Scowling a little at the description, Katrina reached up to swat Luca only to come up with air as he danced out of reach with that stupid smirk on his face. He was older than her by a few years, and ever since she’d started working at the bar he’d been trying to get in her pants.

Safe to say it wasn’t working, and wouldn’t ever because Luca only wanted a quickie, and she didn’t.

“Katrina, I need three drafts.” Tonight was slow, and Katrina knew she wasn’t going to get anything in the way of tips. She was a good bartender, and had that flare that made her successful as well as a bouncy personality. The only problem was that everyone knew her so they didn’t tip well anymore. Sometimes she wished she was a waitress, but that required too much work, and she’d have to stay late with no overtime.

“Comin’ up, Luca.”

It was nearly the middle of her shift when Luca came bouncing up to the bar with a huge grin on his face, and Katrina couldn’t help but eyeball him suspiciously. Luca rarely got so happy about his job. Either someone gave him an amazing tip or… well- she couldn’t even think of any other reason.

“Do you know who just came in to sit at one of
tables?” Arching an eyebrow, Katrina leaned on her elbows and waited. Nothing was more amusing than Luca when he was excited.

“Okay, so you know that movie
Live Fast and Die Hard
that came out early this year? And that horror show
Two Ways to Die

Nodding, Katrina had to resist rolling her eyes. How could she not remember those? Luca had forcibly made her watch the movie in theatres- for nearly 40 dollars- and the television show every Tuesday night for 12 weeks.

“Yes, I remember. So what about it?”

“So, Eric Jacobson was the star in both those and tons more.” Obviously someone was missing something, and Katrina knew it was her.

“So-o-o…” Gesturing with a swift wave of her hand, she nibbled her lip and glanced around the bar slash restaurant for a moment.

“So he’s sitting right over there! Eric Jacobson is in our bar! He’s at one of my tables!”

Luca might’ve been excited from his toenails to his wavy brown hair, but Katrina simply shrugged.
Live Fast and Die Hard
hadn’t been her favorite movie because she didn’t like action thrillers.
Two Ways to Die
was something she had to keep her eyes closed for, and she still had nightmares.

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