ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (159 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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“I don’t see what the big deal is, Luca. Do you need a drink or what because you’re keeping Mr. Big Shot over there waiting, and he doesn’t seem very happy about it.” At the mention Luca whirled around, and Katrina smiled disarmingly at the man across the restaurant. There was no doubt he was good looking, with slicked back brown hair, and that superstar face that made him so successful. The thing was he didn’t look very enthusiastic about his service.

“Here. Give him this and apologize for being a dumbass.”

Katrina could look at a person and guess a good drink for them- that was how talented she was- but did she get extra tips? No. She made the movie star a Rusty Nail, and used a nice, aged scotch. Sliding the drink over to Luca, she couldn’t believe how incredibly worried he looked.

“Go- go- go. Stop being dumbstruck fan girl and man up.”

“Okay! Okay I’m going, damnit!” Floating away like a pixie, Luca’s reaction only made Katrina shake her head with a slight smile. Sometimes she thought he was into men even though he was always trying to make a pass at her. Glancing up at the man her co-worker was fawning over, she felt her smile stretch when he lifted his glass to her in thanks.

Some people had manners, at least.

After Eric Jacobson showed up the bar got busy, and within the hour people were pouring into her workplace. Since Jack required people to buy something even to just sit down, many people came to her first. It was a good thing too, because she would die from boredom. That, or burst out laughing at the way Luca fawned over his idol like a little school girl- and that wouldn’t be very professional.

“Kat! I need two Screwdrivers.” The shout across the rowdy bar made Katrina hold back a sigh and resist rubbing her palms into her eye sockets. Not even a single ‘please’ or ‘thank you’.

Other than Luca there were four servers, all female, and all of them practically threw themselves at Eric Jacobson. They would take the long way to their tables, and twitch their hips as they passed. Were normal people really this star struck? Did that mean that Katrina wasn’t normal because she wasn’t falling over herself?
Oh Lord,
she thought,
something was definitely wrong with this picture.
Not only was he rich, successful and a movie star, but he was hotter than Hell in a handbasket. She’d been watching when she had free time, and he would smile at people whenever they came over. He didn’t seem like he was enjoying the attention, though.

It made Katrina wonder what he was even doing in their small town. True, they were a tourist attraction but only in the winter, and it wasn’t even close to the end of summer yet.

“Katrina, busy night, huh?” The arrival of her father made Katrina jump a little, but she managed a smile as she leaned on the counter in front of the old man. He was nearly 60 years old, 16 older than her mother, but he didn’t look too bad. The gray on his head and the wrinkles on his skin suited him.

“Yeah, Papa. There’s a famous movie star here so everyone piled in.” She poured her father bourbon on the rocks- the same thing he always had- as she talked. Katrina’s father wasn’t big on gossip, but at least he’d have something to tell his wife when he got back home.

“Oh yeah. Has he tried to pick you up yet?” Chuckling a little at the teasing question, Katrina shook her head and leaned over the bar on her elbows.

“No way. He’s got everyone else on the floor though. Sarah’s been drooling over him all night.”

“Well just don’t get pregnant, okay? Or do, and we can file for child support.” Staring at her father in pure mortification, Katrina felt her face heat up as red as a tomato before she sputtered out a response. She should’ve known something like that would come out of his mouth, though. He was always telling her how she had the looks to catch a big hot shot even though it wasn’t really true.

“Papa! T- that’s not- I’m-! Don’t say that!” Curtis watched his eldest child in growing amusement as she tried, and failed, to get out of what he’d said. It was fun, though. He loved riling her up like this because it was so easy. Some people told him he was old, but inside he was 42 and enjoying it to the fullest.

“Okay, I’m just messing with you, Kat. Anyway, you have bigger problems than getting knocked up. I think Charlie’s going to start another fight.” Frowning, Katrina glanced over to the other end of the bar and fought back a scowl. Charlie was a big guy with a bigger ego and fists the size of her entire face. He liked to use them too. Jack always tried to ban him from the bar, but he spent a lot of money here and it never worked out for long.

She could tell Charlie was starting to get pissed off too. It was never a good sign.

“I’ll be right back.”

Katrina made it to Charlie and Lucas- Luca’s father- right as the big man jumped from his stool. She didn’t even have time to get his name out before ducking under the bar entrance. In even less time Charlie threw a punch.

Then everything went still, and the entire place was silenced as Katrina was forced sideways right into a table. Her eyes watered, and she had a hard time comprehending what had just happened. The flesh on her face stung, and her jaw clicked when she opened her mouth to gasp for air.

“Katrina!” Her father was on her, helping her stand, and it made her notice the soda that was currently drenching her. She even had food in her curly brown hair.

What should she do? Cry? Get mad? It wasn’t like Charlie meant to punch her- just Lucas.

Clenching her hands into fists, Katrina turned her watery glare on the man and didn’t even feel sorry for what she was about to do. He’d earned it, after all.

Sending her fist into his face, she knew he was big and bad but he couldn’t take a hit to save his life- especially one to the face. Charlie let out a sharp cry and slumped over the bar stool he’d been sitting on.

“Get out Charlie! And don’t come back! You’ll never get another drink from me ever again!” Katrina screamed at him and shook her father off her shoulders. Charlie might hit hard but she knew she had a little bit of time before she would probably black out. She was shaking, and reached up with trembling fingers to touch her face, gasping as pain enveloped her skull.

“Come on, Kat. Let’s get you to your mother.”

Katrina lost a big chunk of time between leaving the bar and getting home. At some point she’d taken a shower, but she didn’t remember that either.

Wincing as her mother prodded her swelling cheek, she couldn’t keep the tears back. It hurt, physically and emotionally. Lucas could’ve taken care of himself, so why did she even step in?

Because she was stupid sometimes- that’s why.

“Well you didn’t break anything, honey. Some ice and some sleep and you’ll be good as new in a few days.” Katrina’s mother was a nurse so she didn’t even bother saying anything in protest. She needed a few Asprin, though.

“I’ll go get you something for the pain.”

When Katrina woke up her face was stiff, her brain swam behind her eyes and her Asprin had obviously worn off. Groaning as she sat amid her blankets and sheets, she rubbed her eyes before glancing at the clock only to frown. She had to be to work in two hours. Was that even enough time to get her bearings?

“-nd where do you think you’re going, young lady?” Trying to sneak out the front door of her home to go to her job didn’t work, and Katrina closed her eyes briefly before turning around. Her mother had her hands on her hips and that ‘don’t mess with my authority’ attitude on her face.

“Going to work, Moma. You know, the place where I make money?” Instantly she held in the desire to wince when her mother’s expression flared and she opened her mouth. Apparently her sass wasn’t on the menu today.

“Oh no you’re not! You were punched! You can take a day off work Katrina.”

“I’ve never missed a day and I promise to call you if I feel bad. Moma please- I don’t want to feel like a victim.”  Maybe Katrina was laying it on thick but that was the only way to deal with her mother. The older woman was stubborn like that. Watching her frown, though, her daughter knew she’d give in.

“Fine, but you’re only working a half shift! And no bustling about! If you have more than 10 customers you get Luca to help you!” Sighing, Katrina nodded before slipping out of the house and stalling anything else her mother had to say. She took the few short steps to the walkway before shoving her hands in her pockets and ducking her head. Since when was getting to work so hard? Yes- there were times when she didn’t want to go to work but everyone went through that sometimes.

The very first thing Katrina was met with when she managed to walk across town to her bar was Luca. She made her way over to the bar and ignored his attempts to get himself riled up about her getting punched in the face.  It was pretty apparent by her expression that nothing was more annoying than Luca flittering over her like a mother bird- but she endured it. He wasn’t trying to be irritating, after all.

“Wow- there’s not even any bruises. Your mom must be magic. Charlie hits like a truck.” True, there may not have been any bruises but it surely hurt as Luca poked it with his fingertip. Scowling, Katrina swatted his hand away before pulling out a glass and filling it with ice.

“What happened after I left?” Glancing up to watch Luca lean on his elbows, she pulled out a bottle of water and waited patiently for him to say something.

“Jack flipped his shit and closed the bar. He made me open today. I haven’t seen him since last night either. You getting hit really got to him.”

To say Katrina was surprised was an understatement- in all the years she’s worked here Jack had never closed the bar early. Lifting the ice water to her lips, she furrowed her eyebrows and took a sip before holding the glass to her cheek.

“Wow. What do you think he’s gunna do? He could kick Charlie into next week and not get arrested…”

“I don’t know, Kat. Anyway, I gotta get back to work setting up.” Watching Luca walk off, Katrina let out a sigh and set down her glass to rub her face. She wasn’t really sore anywhere but her face, so maybe she hadn’t hit the table as hard as she thought.

It was an hour or so into her five hour shift when Katrina started feeling dizzy, and she leaned her upper half on the bar counter to rest her forehead on her forearms. She wasn’t even doing anything, and only had three customers at the bar as well as a few tables. There was no reason to be dizzy because she was simply idling. Maybe she had a concussion. If she did, though, her Moma would’ve known instantly. What if she had brain damage from that punch?

All of her thoughts only made her dizziness worse, and turn into a headache. Groaning, Katrina clutched her head. Why did all of the bad stuff have to happen to her, anyway? Why couldn’t Luca have been the brave one and gotten a sock to the face?

Oh right- because he’s not brave.

“Are you okay, Katrina?” Those four words made her peek up, and she was kind of surprised to find Eric Jacobson, the movie star, sitting in front of her with concern etched into his features. Up close he was much more handsome than she’d previously deduced- but she didn’t allow herself to marvel for too long. There was no way she would become a drooling desperado like her co-workers.

“Yeah. Just a little dizzy.” Mumbling, Katrina averted her gaze and unfurled herself to rub her eyes with her fists.

“Getting hit will do that to you.” Eric was so close to her now that he could reach out and touch her, and he very well did so. His inner beast saw the chance, and took it speedily. Even from across the restaurant he could tell her skin was smooth, and his fingers ached to brush against it. Before he even had time to think about it his hand shot out just as she let her own fists down to blink wildly.

The moment Eric’s hand touched her injured cheek Katrina felt her headache vanish, and her dizziness swiftly disappear into the gloom of her mind. For that second her face stopped hurting, and she unconsciously cracked a small smile. Then the moment was over, and she wondered how he was able to do that. When she opened her mouth he withdrew his hand, and she grimaced as the pain returned.

“How did you do that?” Glancing around, Katrina didn’t want anyone to have seen their little semi-intimate moment. She didn’t care about what people thought, but if her mother found out Eric was touching her she’d ask why, and she wouldn’t lie to her mother.

“Magic.” When she looked back at Eric he had a twinkle in his eye, and she huffed.

“Yeah. Fine- don’t tell me.” Katrina pulled out her glass of ice water and drank half the contents before holding it to her forehead. She wasn’t dizzy anymore, but her face still hurt.

“Oh come on- you think I’d lie to you. I’m serious. It’s magic.” Smiling at her, Eric leaned on his elbows and Katrina furrowed her eyebrows as she examined his face. After a moment, though, she simply shrugged.

“If you say so.”

Maybe it was because of what happened the night before but the bar wasn’t very busy, and Katrina was grateful for it. Occasionally she made a drink, but more often than not she just handed out beers and made small talk. Whenever she glanced around she noticed the other waitresses, and Luca, watching her- but the girls were obviously jealous. After all, there was no way to get to the famous movie star because the bar was at the back end of the restaurant beyond all of the tables.

“So- wait. Let me get this straight. You’ve never left this little town? How do you stand it?” Surprisingly Eric was very easy going, and Katrina liked talking to him. He smiled easily and despite the thousand watt brightness of it she was comfortable when she should’ve been squirming. Maybe Charlie had hit her harder than she thought.

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