Night Howls

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Authors: Amber Lynn

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Night Howls



By Amber Lynn





Copyright © 2013 Amber Lynn


This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.  The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


Warning: This book is the musings of a foulmouthed female assassin with Violence for a middle name. Reader discretion is advised due to language, violence, and sexual content.





I still cannot believe that it hasn't even been a year since I first started writing my ideas down. Even when I was a child, I always had thoughts rolling around in my head of great characters and the adventures they pursued, but I never wrote them out. In this day in age, technology makes things so much easier for independent authors to have a chance at sharing their dreams with others.

I want to thank all of the other authors out there and code monkeys for making my dreams of sharing the crazy thoughts in my head possible. Whoever invented the e-reader also gets a big tip of the hat from me, for envisioning a world where we can carry hundreds, if not thousands, of books with us everywhere we go.

Reading is important to all of us, so make sure you pick up a book today. There are so many different adventures out there for you to explore. Thanks for choosing one of mine to discover. I hope you enjoy.





Chapter 1

A great way to piss me off


“Paul, I am really hoping you are getting a start on April Fools’ Day a few months in advance,” I say into my phone seething at the sight before me and this is after I have had a chance to calm down. “I like you and all, but this may just be a killing offense.”

The open package sitting on the desk in my apartment arrived five minutes ago and the glee I felt when I saw it was very short lived after I opened it. Everyone knows I take my weapons seriously, so using them to play a joke on me is practically suicidal.

“Slaughter, what seems to be the problem,” Paul replies in a calm voice. I didn't think he knew me well enough to be used to my temper tantrums, but apparently he does. Most people would have replied back in a scared voice while they were pissing their pants if they heard that tone from me. I like that I can have that effect on people.

“Are you going to tell me you don't know what I found when I opened my package from your place of business?” I have been doing business with the man for years now; he had to have known I wouldn't find this funny.

“Please tell me there wasn't a mix-up with your order.” I cannot tell if he is just acting or if he really doesn’t know what is going on.

“If that's what you want to call it. I don't tend to go around ordering handcuffs and blank rounds. Even when I am just target shooting, I use live ammo and you know I tend to kill any of the bad guys I go after. What am I supposed to do with handcuffs?”

If you were to ask one of my mates that question, I am sure they would have all sorts of fun ideas, but right now I really don't want to think about them. My mind already spends way too much time in the gutter.

“Oh crap,” Paul curses softly under his breath. “We have a new guy, Larry, that has been shipping out our orders. The guy is missing way more than just a few brain cells and must have gotten things mixed up. It sounds like you got the order meant for the movie crew.” Great. Why in the world would they let someone who is obviously incompetent ship out orders with weapons? Talk about a giant fail. I am scared to know what else this idiot might have messed up.

“What do you mean ‘the movie crew’?” This is the first I am hearing about any movie crew being within the general vicinity of Night Owl City. Paranorms don't have their own set of actors, so I have to assume this crew is human. Who in their right mind would allow them access to our city? I know the answer to that; I am just hoping it isn’t really true.

“You haven't heard? That surprises me a little because I am sure Sebastian and Alex both know about it. The Collective, in their infinite stupidity, allowed a Hollywood crew to come and shoot the latest film in some stupid human adventure series. Why they think mixing a bunch of humans with us paranorms will have a positive outcome, is beyond me.”

Good. I am not the only one that thinks this won't end well. I know I grew up thinking I was a human and one “human” in this town was more than most of the inhabitants could take. Bring in a hundred of them and mass chaos is bound to ensue.

This won’t be the first time my two mates kept something from me. I imagine they were trying to keep my blood pressure down as long as they could. I doubt it would have worked much longer, especially if my little minion, Phee, got a hold of the news. She isn't very good about keeping her mouth shut.

These days if she gets too talkative around me, I just have her little mate Sam shove something in her mouth to keep it busy. Okay, that came out all wrong. I meant his tongue, not the appendage I am sure most minds would have thought of by my comment. I wager that my mind isn't the only one in the gutter.

“Sebastian and Alex must have forgotten to mention that little detail. The Collective isn't hard up for money, so I wonder what this movie crew could have offered to make them actually think this is a good idea. Right now, it isn't my concern. What is my concern is where my new shrapnel bullets and gun are at the present moment. If I got the movie's package, I sure as Hell hope they didn't receive mine.” No good can come from them having my gun in their possession.

“I haven't received a call from them yet, but I am afraid that may be the case. I can send someone down to retrieve your order and get this taken care of,” Paul responds eagerly ready to fix the mistake. This is the first mistake that has happened with any of my orders. Paul tends to take really good care of me.

“Don't bother with that. I have their order, so I might as well go make the exchange myself.” I would like to check out the visitors anyway. I assume eventually they will cause problems that make it to my door. I should get the lay of the land now. If I know who’s who, I will know who needs to be yelled at later.

“Thanks Nyx. In the future, I will make sure to see to your shipping personally. I know better than to allow the same mistake to happen twice.”

“I like the sound of that. You are still my favorite sales clerk, Paul. I will talk to you next week,” I tell him as I hang up the phone.

“I told you he would take care of everything,” Sebastian says as he releases my neck. He found it amusing to suck and nibble on it for the entire phone conversation. I was angry enough that I could pretend he wasn't trying his hardest to get me hot and bothered.

He seems to like me walking around with his marks visible on my neck and the ones he left on it a week ago had finally just disappeared. It has been three weeks since we took our relationship to the next level and spent a very long night getting to know every part of each other’s body. I felt the initiation into the world of passion would last me for a while and, so far, it has.

We haven't had any more bed sheet crumpling interludes, but I know I won't be able to last much longer. I am trying to not turn into a total slave to his loving and at the same time I am trying to respect the fact that our relationship has a third wheel.

Instead of being upset about me and Sebby's relationship moving past the hand holding stage, Alex was actually really excited about the fact that I was now versed in the art of multiple orgasms in a given night. His kisses have amped up in their heat and he has actually moved to second base after getting a good grope of my lady lumps.

Surprisingly, I didn't cut off any body parts when he took it to that level. Instead, I shamelessly ground my body up against him and proceeded to rub myself on his leg until I was screaming in climax. It was not one of my finer moments and, thankfully, we were in the privacy of my bedroom, even though the guards got the sound effects. I am sure my lapse in judgment had to do with the fact that I now can feel what Sebastian does and he was really turned on at that moment.

That is my story and I am sticking to it. I have to say it is really unfair that they seem to be teaming up against me in hopes of either of them getting some action.

“Paul was very informative, but you, of course, heard that part. Why didn't you guys tell me about the film crew?” I ask spinning around in his arms.

“Things have been going so good for us; we didn't want to burn bread. I am sure they will come in and do their thing, then leave in a couple of months. We have more important things to worry about.” He is right, but everyone knows how much I hate being left out.

“You guys are still in trouble, so don't think you are going to be able to talk your way out of this,” I say in a huff and wiggle my way out of his grasp. “Do you know where the crew is set up? I need to go make an exchange.”

I head towards my bedroom to grab my Hellhound Clyde's leash. If I am going out, I might as well take the time to walk the baby. I cannot exactly call him a baby anymore, since he is almost up to my hip now. That would be knee level on any of the Amazons that run around with me on a given day. So far, his growth spurt hasn't stopped and I am dreading the day he is taller than me. Maybe when he reaches that point I can ride him around like a horse.

“They are set up on the south edge of town,” Jake replies from his usual place laid out on one of the couches. “The leading lady in the movie is someone who I have been getting to know, if you know what I mean.” He adds a little wink thinking it will help with his description.

That figures. If it is over the age of eighteen and has boobs, Jake is trying to get in its pants. One of these days he is going to come home missing his dick and I don't think I will feel sorry for him.

“Maybe we should leave you home for this trip,” I say coming back out to join my group of guys. Right now, the group is missing my vampire guards because they went out for dinner, but Jonas, Jake, Alex, Sebby, and Walt are all here. Pretty soon we are going to need more furniture, or maybe I can finally convince them they need to find a clubhouse somewhere else.

“You wouldn't do that,” Jake says pouting like the two-year-old he acts on most days. He would be spending a lot of time in his room without supper if he really was two.

“Are we betting on this?” I ask knowing that he knows better than to try to tell me what I “would do”.

“No, of course not. It's just with the vamps leaving town for their big meeting, I won't have as much free time to partake in my extracurricular activities.” He just had to go and remind me of the trip. I had been doing so well forgetting it was going to happen.

There is some big conference for vampires going on in Emerald Town this weekend. Sebastian is required to go because of his kingly status, but he refuses to let me attend. I threw my biggest fit and tried everything short of stripping down naked and putting a bow on me to get him to change his mind. Nothing has worked and I don't like the idea of being separated from him for that long.

This new bond makes me all wacky about those types of things. I hate feeling so dependent on him. He is only going to be a few hours away and it feels like he is on his way to Antarctica. There is also something about the trip that just isn't sitting right with me. I don't know what it is, but I have a belly full of dread.

“I am sure you will live with not seeing your new inflatable doll for a couple of days. If I have to live without Sebastian for that long, you sure as Hell will live without your girl of the week,” I say attaching Clyde's leash to his collar.

“You still have Alex here to warm your bed, so that is not the same thing at all,” he whines and I start to ponder just shooting him. I would make sure the bullet isn't silver, but if he wants to whine, I will give him something to whine about.

“I am going to put an end to this conversation now,” Alex pipes in. “There will not be a good outcome for you if you continue it, Jake.” Of course, Alex knows that for a fact, since he can see what is turning around in my melon.

“Let's go make this package exchange and hope no one tried out one of my bullets thinking it was a blank. The way those bullets spread would leave a very large whole in a person and those humans probably wouldn't recover as easily as one of us,” I say leading Clyde to the elevator with my entourage quickly following behind.

I love it when they just do what I command.

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