Riding Bitch (8 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Multicultural; Contemporary

BOOK: Riding Bitch
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“Are you my nasty girl?” he asked deeply.

“Yes, always.”

He drove into her, his cock filling her completely. He grasped her hips and thrust faster, each one deeper than the last. She wanted to move so that she could put her fingers on her clit, but each hard push made her wonder if she were becoming part of the bed, her shoulders pressing into the soft cushion.

Each time he plunged into her, an incredible pressure built inside her. His dick pressed against a very sensitive spot, and the pressure built, the feeling that she was going to burst at the seams taking over her body.

When he hit the spot again, and then again, she exploded. This orgasm was not like the ones that came from playing with her clit. It felt like it was deeper inside her, starting at her core and moving outward. It took over, racing through her body until breathing became difficult.

After the sensations had faded, they were on their sides. Ash was behind her, breathing heavily. It actually matched the rapid rise and fall of her chest. She was covered in sweat, and when she put her hand over her shoulder to touch him, she realized he was too.

“I love you,” she whispered as he held her close.

“I love you too,” he said as he settled his face on her back. “As much as I hate the fact we were apart for so long, you were well worth the wait, my sweet Felicia.”

They didn’t say anything else as they lay, his arms wrapped around her, her hands grasping his muscular forearms. She didn’t care where else they went or what else was out there. As far as she was concerned, they could stay in this bed for the rest of their lives, and she’d be happy.

* * * *

They didn’t make the checkout time, and Ash had to pay extra money for the room. He didn’t seem to care, though. It didn’t take long to tour the Alamo, and it was after a trip to the gift shop, where she bought shirts for her family, that Ash declared it was time to “buy the fun stuff.”

The first thing they did was purchase a trailer for the motorcycle. After a trip to a sporting goods store they loaded it with a tent, pillows, an air mattress, cooler, and a camping stove complete with all the necessary equipment.

As they were paying for their purchases, Ash leaned toward the clerk and said something she didn’t catch. When the young man grinned at her, she was fairly certain what he’d asked. Sure enough, when they were back on the bike, Ash turned to her.

“Adult store, next stop. It’s on our way out of town.”

When they arrived, Ash told Felicia she couldn’t go inside. “I want the things I buy to be a surprise. If someone bothers you, press the horn. I’ll hear it. Plus I won’t be inside long.”

She sat and waited for him, and no one bothered her. As a matter of fact, no one else drove into the lot. The only other vehicles were two eighteen-wheelers parked at the end. She wondered if they were some of the vehicles they’d passed during the trip.

She wasn’t nearly as nervous today. She was ready to hit the road again, but more ready to find a place to stop for the evening so they could pitch a tent and she could see what Ash was purchasing.

They were going up through Lubbock so that Ash, a rock-and-roll fan, could see Buddy Holly’s grave. The next stop would be Palo Duro Canyon outside Amarillo for a few days of camping. From there, he said they’d catch I-40 for the five-hour drive to Santa Fe.

She was thinking about the stops and the trip when Ash came out of the building, one large sack in either hand.

“What you got there?” she asked innocently as he went to the back of the bike. She heard the top of the trailer lift and the rustle of sacks as Ash placed his new purchases with the old.

Without answering, he picked up his helmet. “Let’s get going.”

“Don’t I get a peek?”

“No, ma’am, you do not.” He settled himself in front of her. When he spoke again, she heard it through her helmet speaker. “If you keep bugging me, I might not give you anything to play with tonight.”

Felicia gasped in mock horror. “No cock?”

“No cock,” he replied.

“Bull.” She laughed. “You’d never make it that far.”

“Try me,” he said in a deadpan voice.

She tickled his side as he started up the bike. “You couldn’t live that long without me,” she whispered into the microphone.

He turned to look at her. He hadn’t lowered the shield on his helmet yet, and she could see the desire in his dark brown eyes.

“I’ve done it before,” he said before he grinned. “But it wasn’t much fun. I’d rather not do it again. Keep up the questions, young lady, and you might find yourself trying to guess what’s in the bag all the way to Santa Fe. No obey, no play.”

“You made a rhyme,” she said. “You’re just full of new skills, aren’t you?”

In response, he flipped down his visor. He chuckled as he said, “Babe, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

“I think I’ve heard that one before,” Felicia responded as she pulled down her own shield. She settled in her seat, her back pressed against the rest, her knees resting against Ash’s hips. It promised to be a good ride.

Chapter Five

“Tell me about this place again,” Felicia said as they rode. The traffic was considerably lighter up here, and the trip was very relaxing.

“My dad brought us here sometimes for inspiration. The colors are beautiful, and the landscape is amazing—a huge canyon in the middle of all this flat land. You’re going to love it.”

“I love you.” She ran her fingers up his sides.

“Watch it. I’m trying to concentrate on the road,” he said. But it didn’t sound to her as if he was upset that she was playing with him. Just the opposite, in fact. Yesterday was hard on him, she knew. They’d run into a thunderstorm before they’d reached Lubbock, and had finally had to pull over in a small town to wait it out.

They’d reached their destination late and fallen into bed, this time to sleep. They hadn’t even had sex when they’d woken up this morning, since they’d both slept later than they’d planned. After a whirlwind tour of the cemetery—mostly so Ash could see the sculptures—they’d headed toward Palo Duro Canyon.

As they neared their destination, the significance of it wasn’t lost on Felicia. She’d never been here, but she and Ash had been camping together before. In fact, it was their last trip together that had been their downfall, when her father had discovered that she wasn’t staying at Courtney’s house, as she’d said.

This would be the first time she’d pitched a tent with him since then, and she was a little nervous about it because of the way it tied into their past.

Ash didn’t respond to her question about the canyon. Instead he took her left hand and moved it to his thigh, right next to his cock.

Did she dare touch him while he was piloting the bike? A car passed them, and before she could decide what to do, Ash moved her hand, this time on top of his crotch. She scooted up so that she was pressed against him.

“Horny?” she asked. She really didn’t need him to answer the question. She could feel the response under his jeans. He was hard.


Heat rushed through her. “It’s only been a day.”

“Two days, really. All of yesterday and today.”

Felicia laughed. “Maybe we should find a room, then.”

“Not going to happen.” He exited the highway, and she noticed a sign that said the end of this leg of their journey was twenty-five miles to the right. “What I have planned is for a very private spot. I’m hoping there won’t be too many campers around.”

“Let me in on the secret?”

“Behave.” Even as he said it, he put his hand on hers and pushed down. She felt his dick pulse beneath his jeans. He adjusted his position, and she knew he needed to get off, and soon.

They drove a ways until they were past houses and out into empty country. When the main highway went to the left, Ash took a smaller road to the right. It wasn’t very long, but it was off the beaten path, even though the area was as flat as could be.

He brought the bike to a stop and turned to her.

“Off.” When she was standing, he got off and went to the trailer. She started to follow, stopping when he held up his hand. “I’ll be right back with a treat for you.”

“I like the sound of that.” She moved toward the front of the bike, thinking that although this area was devoid of trees, it really was very pretty. She was looking forward to seeing the canyon, which Ash had told her was billed as “The Grand Canyon of Texas.”

“I’m back,” he said, close enough that his breath tickled her neck. She turned to him and jumped when he grabbed one of her wrists and snapped a handcuff into place.

“What the—” Before she could finish the sentence, he’d grasped her other arm and snapped the cuff into place so that her hands were secured in front of her.


Without answering he sat down on the bike, his back to the main highway, his legs spread wide in front of him. “Come here.” He was undoing his pants. Next thing she knew, his hard cock was sticking out of his jeans. “Jerk me off.”

“Excuse me?” Felicia glanced around them, her head moving so fast she felt as if the world were spinning. “Cover yourself, and get these things off me. We’re in public.”

Ash blinked innocently. “We’re not really in public.”

“I think a sheriff’s officer would think differently if he, or she, happened to come down the road to see if we needed help.”

He touched himself, sliding his finger up and down his shaft. The movement made the head of his cock peek out from the foreskin, and Felicia’s mouth watered. The idea of doing something so naughty was frightening. It was also very enticing.

The air was hot around them, but unlike where they’d started from, this place was dry. The sweat forming on her forehead was from the ride, true, but it was also from the idea of jacking him off in so public a place.

Ash continued to touch himself slowly. He wouldn’t shoot off at this pace, but it tempted her very core to see him stroke his dick. She stepped between his legs and grasped him with her right hand.

His cock felt incredible, hard just for her.

“Shouldn’t we wait until we get down to our tent?”

“Do as I ask.” What was it about that dark tone of voice that made her quiver? It was definitely something new for her. It made him seem sexier. Add the voice on top of the cuffs and the dick in her hand, and her excitement level was off the charts.

But doing it outside, where anyone could drive by?

“What if we—”

“Get caught? The longer you wait, the more chance there is of it. Do it, Fee.”

She moved her hand, the clink of the handcuffs making things seem even naughtier. Down his shaft she went, then back up.

“That’s it, babe. Keep it going.” A car passed on the main road, and Felicia tried to pull her hand away. Ash wrapped his hand around hers to keep her in place.

“All they see is a motorcycle with two people standing close together. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Concentrate on me, not on them.”

Another car went by. At the sound, Felicia stopped moving, until Ash grasped her hand and moved it for her. When she’d picked up the rhythm he obviously wanted, he let her go, and she continued to stroke him.

“They just think we’re taking a break. Now if I had you bent over the bike, they might get pissed, or maybe they’d just stop to watch. That might be interesting.”

A few more pumps put her at ease. When Ash asked her to stop, she did. He reached into the saddlebag and then produced her overnight bag. After he opened it, he found some lotion. She held out her hand, and he filled it.

When she started again, her inhibitions were gone. The chain between the cuffs clanked louder, and her hand moved quicker, thanks to the lotion. Ash muttered words of encouragement, telling her how good it felt. She was pretty sure several cars could drive up right now and neither of them would notice.

“That’s it, babe,” Ash murmured. His uneven breath made her nipples harden. What would it be like to be fucked in public, bent over the bike? It was an exciting idea. Maybe they could do it tonight, after they were settled at their campground.

His cock pulsed in her hand, and Felicia tightened her grip.

“Fuck yeah,” Ash said. He leaned his head against her chest, and she had to bend just a little to keep her pace. If someone drove by now, they would definitely know something was going on, but she didn’t care anymore. All that mattered was Ash, getting him off.

All it took was a few more hard strokes. She felt it as it started, knew his balls were pulling up.

“Yeah, yeah, almost… Oh fuck.” His cum squirted into the air before it arced and then landed half on his boot, half on the ground.

“Damn, Fee, that was good.” She giggled. It hadn’t really taken long, but it was so very…
was the only word she could come up with. She’d done a lot of things with Ash that she’d never thought of doing before, and she wanted to keep doing them.

Felicia kept him in her hand, savoring the feel as he softened. “As a sculptor, you should consider making a cast of your dick for me. I think it would make a great present. You could even consider doing other people’s private parts on a commission basis. You could make a lot of money.”

She laughed, but the shocked look on his face made her stammer. Had she stepped over some sort of line? “I was just kidding. Ash, what’s wrong?”

“What day is it?”

Felicia moved away from him. “I have no clue. Someone took my phone away from me a few days ago.”

He put himself away hastily, then hurried to the trailer. She watched as he rummaged around before he pulled out his phone.

As he reconnected the battery, she waited for him to explain. That didn’t happen, since he was now solely focused on the plastic rectangle in his hand.

It made a tinkling noise as it started up. Ash shook it and said, “Come on, service. Damn it, service,” as he waited.

Finally, she asked him again, “What’s wrong?”

“I think I made a ten-thousand-dollar mistake.”

Felicia’s mouth dropped open. Then she repeated the number. “Are you kidding me?”

“No,” he said. He had the phone to his ear, as if he was waiting for someone to answer. She had no trouble hearing the loud, “Where the fuck are you?” from the man he’d just called. “Your mother is going ape shit, man. Get your ass here.”

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