Riding Bitch (3 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Multicultural; Contemporary

BOOK: Riding Bitch
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“Naughty girls get spanked. I hope you know that.”

There was a proper response to that, but Felicia wasn’t sure she knew it. Instead she just moaned his name. He was stroking her hair now. Electricity shot through her, and she thought she might come on the spot.

“I should take you to the room, make love to you take you slowly, gently.”

Once again, words failed her. “I… We…”

“I’m going to be bad, bend you over that railing and pound into you until you can’t walk. Then I’ll carry you to the room, and we’ll do it slowly.”

He led her to the far railing. “Grasp it for support, but before you do, lift your skirt. Are you wearing panties?”



Felicia pulled her skirt and slip up to her hips. She used one hand to keep them in place while she put the other on the railing and bent over.

“Oh fuck, Felicia.” Ash’s voice was deep. She turned her head in time to see him unzipping himself. He put a condom on so fast she worried it was not in place, but seconds later she didn’t care.

He was filling her completely. One of his hands grabbed her hip while the other reached around and found her clit. The railing seemed to move with them.

Ash was inside her. That was all that mattered. He’d barely touched her clit when she came, her nerve endings exploding as if someone had placed a lit match next to them. Her inner muscles squeezed, and Ash’s harsh “Oh fuck” told her that he’d climaxed along with her, and that he wasn’t very happy about it. At least she hoped that was what it meant. If he was disgusted by the whole thing, she would be mortified.

When he stroked her back and said, “Babe, I’m so sorry,” her stomach seized. Sorry for what? Timidly, she asked him that very question.

“Because this wasn’t right. I should have controlled myself better, loved you slowly.”

“Then take me again. I want to stay with you tonight, Ash.”

“Felicia, if I had my way, we’d be together every night.”

* * * *

“My room is a little remote, which means we can make as much noise as we want.” He leaned over and put his lips against her ear. “I want to hear you scream.”

He felt the shiver that ran through her body, and it made his dick, which should have stayed flaccid for some time considering recent events, shoot to life. It was almost as if it were knocking against his zipper, demanding to be let out, to find its way back inside Felicia’s soft warmth.

“Is there anything particular you want to hear me scream?” she asked innocently.

Ash moved in front of her and started to unbutton her blouse. “We’ll begin with my name and wing it from there.”


He had her blouse open now, and he pushed it aside. Her unbound breasts spilled out, and Ash licked his lips before lowering his mouth to one of them. She tasted like sweet honey. Her moans of approval made him suck her deeper before releasing her just enough so he could take her nipple between his teeth and gently nibble.

The hard nub was just the right size, and he thought he could stay this way all night, giving attention to this delectable part of her body.

She cupped his head in her hands, and he could tell by the way she tried to weave her fingers into his hair that she wanted it loose. There would be time for that later.

Ash turned his attention to her other breast, lavishing the same attention on the hard bud. He loved the way she shivered, the fact that she had trouble keeping herself steady on her feet as he sucked.

When he felt her sag against him, he lifted his head and looked at her face. Her features were soft with desire, her mouth slightly open, her eyes forming little slits.

“Do you want me, sweet Felicia?”

“You know I do.”

He caressed her hip. “Even though you just had me inside you?”

“It makes me want you more.” She looked down, and when she spoke again, her voice was so low he could barely hear her. “When I play with myself, I think of you.”

“Oh, babe.” It was all he could do to keep from asking why she hadn’t called him, when it was obvious she wanted him.
Don’t ruin the mood. There will be time for that later. Much, much later.

He stepped away from her but kept his gaze trained on her face. “Take off your skirt.”

It didn’t take her long to undo the fastenings and let the material fall to the floor. It pooled around her feet as her lush figure was revealed. He’d gotten into a fight with his older brother once when Keno had called Felicia fat. Ash had already blackened one of Keno’s eyes and was well into doing the same to the other when their father had pulled them apart.

Defending her had been easy then, and it would be easy now.

“You look scrumptious,” he said, but he could tell by the uncertain look on her face that she didn’t think that. Before she could voice her opinion, he pointed at the huge four-poster.

“In the middle.”

When she obeyed, his cock throbbed harder. He ignored it and licked his lips as she settled there. She looked at him with her brilliant green eyes, so trusting, just as she always had been. It hadn’t been enough to keep them together, though. Once again, it was something he pushed aside.

Ash crossed to the dresser and picked up the T-shirt. He’d used his pocketknife to make small slits in it earlier so it would be easier for him to tear. He took it between his hands and pulled. The material gave, the ripping sound filling the room.

Her soft gasp and whispered, “What are you doing?” was the perfect reaction. He’d wanted to split the shirt in front of her so she could see what was happening. Ash didn’t answer her question. It was too much fun to watch the look of anticipation on her face. He made six strips and noticed as he worked that she didn’t pose her question again. He tied them together, making two long strips.

“Are you going to…? Um…”

“Hush.” He straddled her. Her uncertainty gave him just a little pause. “I’m going to tie your hands to the posts so you’re at my mercy. If you want me to stop, say so now.”

The room was silent as she watched him. For a moment, he thought she would say no. But then her head moved slowly in assent.

Her left hand was first. After he’d made sure the ties weren’t too tight, he moved to the right. When she was secure, he stood and studied her. Stretched out between the posts, with her back against the headboard, she was in the ideal position for what he had in mind.

He undid the top button of his shirt, moving downward at a leisurely pace. He tossed the shirt on the floor before he put his fingers on the first button of his jeans.

“Talk to me, Felicia.”

“Take them off.”

Ash lifted an eyebrow. “Can you say please?”

She pulled on her bonds, and more blood flowed into his cock, making it even harder.

He stopped what he was doing and gave her what he hoped was a stern look. “Say please.”


The pleading tone in her voice was perfect, but he didn’t want to capitulate just yet. It was best to keep the tension going, even though they’d already surrendered to the lust they felt for each other.

What should he do next, he wondered? But he already knew. He lifted his hands to his hair, undoing the leather that held the braid in place. He unwound it slowly. The look of utter astonishment on her face made him smile. When he was done with the first one, he went to the second. When they were both done, he ran his fingers through his hair. It was slightly curly from being in the braids, and he could tell she wanted her fingers to replace his.

But he had something else in mind.

“Spread your legs.”

Once more, she obeyed. Ash sat down on the edge of the bed; then he went in for the kill.


FELICIA THOUGHT SHE might pull her arms out of her sockets when Ash’s mouth landed on her pussy. He licked and sucked while she bucked her hips. Incredible pleasure spread through her, singeing her nerve endings, making her fingers and toes feel as if they might explode.

“Ash!” The bonds tightened around her wrists as Felicia tried in vain to pull free. She wanted to touch him, to feel his body, his arms, chest, legs, and finally, to run her fingers through his glorious hair.

Right now, the closest she got to touching his hair was the silky feel of it against her thighs as he continued to feast on her. His tongue found places she was pretty sure she’d never known existed, throwing her body into a preorgasmic condition that she didn’t think she would survive.

Every time she got close to going over the edge, he pulled away. Then he kissed her thighs, running his tongue over her skin until she shivered and begged him to stop teasing her.

After the second go-round, he lifted his head and looked at her.

“Is something wrong?” His mocking tone of voice made her pull even harder against the headboard.

“Untie me. Fuck me. Stop teasing me.”

“Which is it?” He sat up on his knees, his hands on his muscular thighs still clad in his jeans. “Do you want me to untie you, fuck you, or stop teasing you?”

“All of it!”

“Um…no.” He dived back in. She felt his laughter shake her thighs; his hot breath made her wet skin tingle.

“You jerk!” She groaned as he started to lick her intimate parts again, sucking her clit into his mouth before he swirled his tongue around it. She was so close, so very… She exploded, and her body felt as if it might come apart.

“Ash! Oh, Ash!” Felicia had never come so hard in her entire life. She felt herself rolling and pulling, and suddenly, she was coming back down, and Ash’s arms were around her, holding her close. At some point he’d undone one of her arms, and she hadn’t realized it.

“Hush, babe. Don’t pull so hard. You’ll hurt yourself.” He untied the other, then sat down next to her and pulled her close. “How’s my Felicia?”

“Close to death, I think. My heart skipped a beat or two.”

Ash’s chuckle made her smile. He stroked her hair, his hands drifting down to her shoulders and arms.

“Felicia, I have something I want to ask you.”

“If you’re asking for permission to fuck me, you’ve got it.”

She giggled. “No, that’s not it. Well, it will be later. Do you remember Benny Andrews?”

“Benny the Bean?” She lifted her gaze to his face. “You want to ask me about him now?”

“I just wanted to make sure you remember him. Benny lives in Houston now. I’m buying a motorcycle from him.”

Felicia sat up and turned to look at him. “And this is important because…?”

“I’m picking it up and driving it back to Santa Fe. I’m leaving on Sunday. Will you ride with me?”

A nervous gasp of air escaped her mouth. “On a motorcycle? I haven’t ridden on one since…well, since you and I did thirteen years ago.”

His smile was bright. “That was a small bike compared to what I’m buying now. This is a touring bike, built for cross-country travel. There’s plenty of room for both of us. We can buy supplies to camp out under the stars, but we’ll stay a few nights in a hotel too. There are lots of things to see in Texas and New Mexico.”

This was so totally out of left field. Felicia had expected to have some great sex tonight and tomorrow, and then to take her flight out of New Orleans to Albuquerque on Sunday. After that she would go home and cry because she’d had something she’d always wanted and would never be able to have again.

But now…could she? The idea of spending so much time with Ash was very enticing.

“I’m not sure I remember how to ride a motorcycle.” It sounded like an excuse, but it gave her time to think.

“It’s like riding a bike,” he said, and they both grinned. “Seriously, babe, all you have to do is let me sit between your legs, and lean when I lean.”

That sounded perfect. “There’s a term for it, isn’t there, when you ride behind someone on a motorcycle?”

“Yeah, it’s called riding bitch.”

Felicia was pretty sure she should think this over, should consider all the implications. There was her house, which would be empty for how long?

“What sort of time frame are we talking about?”

“It’s about a fourteen-hour ride,” Ash responded. “But if we play our cards right, it can take up to a week, give or take a few days. That will give us plenty of playtime, where we can get to know each other again.”

“A week.”

“Yeah, we can visit San Antonio, maybe even go down to Carlsbad Caverns and then up to Santa Fe.”

A week with Ash, on the back of his motorcycle, her legs wrapped around his hips, nights spent under the stars, in the same position. There were many reasons she should say no, not the least of them being that when the week was over, he would be gone from her life again.

But she wanted to, and that was the main reason for saying yes. While she was still debating with herself about what she should do, she heard the words, “Ash, I’d love to ride bitch with you,” come out of her mouth.

Chapter Three

Was jealousy something you were supposed to feel at a wedding? Because that was the feeling seeping into Felicia’s bones right now. The look of sheer love on Doug’s face as he repeated his vows stirred the emotion. She wanted that expression on Ash’s face as he fixed his attention on her.

Felicia lowered her gaze, then lifted it and focused just a little behind Doug. Ash stood there, his muscles encased in a tuxedo. Her stomach and her clit tightened. Unlike Felicia, who had been watching Doug, Ash was not looking at Courtney. He was staring at Felicia, his expression unreadable.

Then a slight smile twitched at the edge of his lips, making him seem very roguish. Was he thinking of other ways to tie her up? It was all she could do to control the shiver that passed through her at the idea.

Last night had been incredible. After the first orgasm, he’d held her close and kissed the top of her head several times as he stroked her shoulders and arms. Then he’d refastened her arms and made love to her again—slowly, leisurely, his fingers touching her so lightly it had made her feel as if he were running feathers over her body.

After he’d brought her to orgasm with his tongue again, he’d entered her, this time taking his sweet time about coming to a climax. If last night had been any indication, she was in for a week of pure bliss.

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