Riding Bitch (6 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Multicultural; Contemporary

BOOK: Riding Bitch
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“That’s better,” he said, then added, “and it only took three hours and the image of my prick inside you to calm you down.”

“Forget the mileage.” She wished they weren’t wearing helmets so she could whisper in his ear. “It was the thought of you.”

“That’s good to hear.”

* * * *

They barely made it through the hotel room door before he was pushing her down on the bed. Their fingers tore at the buckles, buttons, and zippers, and only Felicia’s breathy “Ash, condom” kept him from thrusting inside her the minute they were both naked.

He was painfully hard by the time he’d rolled it on and slipped inside her. She was warm and tight, the same way she always was, and his body hummed with pleasure as they set up a hard, fast rhythm.

The headboard slammed against the wall, and he was sure the neighbors were either laughing or cussing them right now.

He made sure she came first, stopping his thrusts long enough to find her clit and give it a good amount of attention. Only after she screamed out his name did he allow himself to come.

When he collapsed on top of her, he wondered if she thought he was too heavy, or if she liked having the weight of his body pressing into hers. She tightened her legs around his hips, holding him close.

“One of these days I might be able to control myself long enough to show you that I know what foreplay is.”

She nestled her face against his neck, and he felt his cock stir, but since he’d just come, he thought it was impossible. “The ride was foreplay, remember.”

He kissed her deeply. She groaned under him, and sure enough, he started to harden again. He was still inside her, and her surprised “Oh my” told him she felt it too.

Before things went too far, he slipped out of her, savoring her soft “Come back.”

“Give me a minute.” He went to the bathroom to discard the first condom. After he grabbed the box off the floor where he’d dropped it earlier, he shook it. “We’re going to need more of these.”

“I hate them,” she said. “If it were up to me, I’d take you naked.”

He was about to tear open a second package, and he stopped, thinking he might just give her what she wanted. But he knew that wasn’t a good idea. They would have plenty of time to play like that later.

It would be important to make sure nothing he gave her took seed. As this thought pressed into his mind, her mother’s comment from earlier in the day raced up next to it.

“Are you trying to defy your mother by taking me bare, or do you really want me that way?”

“I really do.” She sat up and looked at him, her gaze innocent and trusting. His heart did a double take, and he almost tossed the condom over his shoulder and said,
Fuck yeah, let’s do this.

After all, this was the first woman he’d ever loved—the only woman he’d ever loved, really. When he dreamed of a woman, she was the only one who took front and center in his fantasies, the only one who held out her arms and said,
Love me, Ash. Please.

His stomach did a few flips as he worked to keep the words from flowing out of his mouth. It was too soon, even though he’d already said it to her so many times in the past. Now it was different, their lives different. The pain he’d felt when she hadn’t called him after Doug and Courtney’s first wedding had been devastating.

He’d been sure she’d come back to him, that they’d push aside their families’ objections and be together.
It wasn’t the right time
, a voice inside his head said.
But now it is.

He hoped that voice was right.

“I’m not worried about disease, Ash.” She was staring at him as if she were trying to penetrate his thoughts. “If that’s what you’re worried about. I haven’t had a boyfriend in quite some time now.”

“Let’s make a pact not to discuss past lovers,” he said. “I don’t care about them. All I care about is you.”


He took a step toward her. “But before we go in the no-condom direction, we need to make sure we’re using another form of birth control.”


His cock still wanted attention, but there was something else he wanted too. He’d wanted to spank her, to see how she’d react to it. Tonight would be the perfect opportunity to do what she’d thwarted the night before.

“Get on all fours,” he said. Her face lit up before she turned and did as he asked, her knees on the bed, her ass high in the air.

He imagined her squeal of surprise when he slapped her butt, pictured her sweet orbs nice and red after a good spanking, one that made her beg to be fucked.

Ash stepped behind her. He put his hand on her ass cheek, massaged it gently. She moaned her approval, even wiggled for him a little.

It was all the invitation he needed. He raised his hand and let it fly, giving her a good, hard swat.


“YIKES!” FELICIA TRIED to lie down, but it was as if Ash knew what she was thinking. He put his arm under her and lifted her back end up. He smacked her ass again, this one harder than the last.

“Ouch! Stop that!” Despite the objection coming out of her mouth, Felicia laughed.

“That’s for the smart comments you made at the reception.” He slapped her bottom. “And so is this.”

One more smack. “And this.”

Felicia tried as hard as she could to wiggle out of his hold, but he’d definitely gained upper body strength in their time apart. His grip was like being in an iron cage. He slapped her ass a few more times, and instead of being outraged, she still laughed.

“I think you’re enjoying this a bit too much.” He swatted her ass again, and Felicia moaned. He was right. She liked the sharp feel of his hand on her skin.

“Isn’t it supposed to be fun?” She tried once again to get away from him. This time she managed to break free and roll to the side. She took him with her, and they tumbled, their arms and legs intertwining. They broke into laughter, and seconds later he was kissing her, his tongue invading her mouth as if he wanted to take over.

The sheer masculine taste of him, the feel of his hands on her body, caused her to tremble. When he broke away to put on the condom, she cried out in frustration.

“You always were impatient,” he said when he was once again settled over her. “We’re going to have to work on that, starting right now. It’s time to teach you some discipline. Spread your legs wider.”

She did, lifting them so that they were bent at the knee.

“Now, don’t move. Understand me?”

Ash knelt between her legs. She waited for him to fill her, to give her what she’d just had and wanted again. When he didn’t, she bucked her hips.

“What did I say?”

Was he kidding? The stern look on his face said he wasn’t. “You said to hold still but…I need your dick.”

“When I say something, I mean it.”

The timbre of his voice let her know he was in charge, and she loved it. It was so hard to do as he asked, but she lay there, looking up at the man she’d dreamed about for so long.

What would she do when this was over, when she no longer woke up to see his broad back? When she could no longer wrap her fingers around his long, thick braid? Or wrap her hand around some other part of his body that was long and thick?

Her hand seemed to move of its own accord, snaking out to touch his cock.

“Felicia.” He didn’t raise his voice, but she drew her hand back just the same. “What did I say, young lady?”

“Young lady?” She sat up, which earned her a frown. So she flattened herself against the mattress, leaving her legs bent as they’d been before.

“You’re maybe six months older than I am.”

When he didn’t respond, she ran her tongue over her lips very slowly, hoping it would push him into action. But all he did was continue to stare at her.

“Ash!” Screw the stay-still order. She wanted to get laid. Felicia sat up and grasped his dick, pumping it in her hand. “Fuck me. Now!”

Ash put his hand on hers and gently worked her fingers until he was free. Then, to her utter dismay, he stood.



“I said no.” She watched as he rolled the condom off his dick. He walked to the trash and tossed it out. What had happened that he didn’t want to be inside her? She wasn’t sure, so she voiced the question.

“I want to be inside you, Felicia. I just don’t want to rush it, and that’s all we’ve done for the past three days—rush things.” He crossed back to the bed. “Now I want you to lie down, and don’t move until I give you permission, no matter what happens.”

“I don’t think I…”

Ash bent his head close to her ear and whispered, “Remember, Fee, good things come to those who wait.”

Her heart almost stopped. He hadn’t called her Fee since before her father had him arrested. She closed her eyes to blink back the tears that formed. Maybe good things did come from waiting—and she’d been waiting a long time to be with Ash. It would be interesting to see where this game took them.

“Keep your eyes closed.” That was easy to do, since she was afraid if she opened them, he would see the dew that was still there.

Felicia’s belly button was his first target. He ran his finger over it, then started to draw ever-widening circles around it. It tickled, but not enough for her to move. Hearing his pet name for her had turned things around.

She would definitely let him be in charge.

When his finger traced a line from her belly button to her chest, her nipples tightened. The tracing continued, this time around both breasts in a figure eight. After that he played with the left breast, drawing the circle around it until he got to the nipple.

Using his index finger, he pushed the nub into her soft flesh and rubbed. Intense pleasure seeped into her body.


“Hush. You’re being such a good girl. Just a little bit more.”

Small whimpers escaped her mouth as she tried to obey, but the more he touched her, the harder it became. He’d moved to the right breast, repeating his motions.

“It’s hard to let someone play with you, isn’t it, Fee?”

The simple statement was so true. Felicia managed to say, “Yes,” before she uttered the words that had come out of her mouth earlier. “Please, Ash, fuck me.”

“Just a little more.”

When his hand crept toward her pussy, she couldn’t stand it anymore. She moved her hips upward, bucking, her core aching for his touch.

“Can’t,” she whispered as lust grabbed hold and wouldn’t let go of her.

She expected Ash to admonish her, tell her to sit still or the fun was over. Instead he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“Okay, Fee, okay. I’ll give in—this time. It’ll be easier to teach you when you’re all tied up anyway.”

Her mouth watered in anticipation as she again watched him dress his cock in a condom.

When he was inside her, he buried his face in her neck, leaving a trail of kisses up and down that made her body shake.

“You taste so sweet,” he whispered. Felicia shivered under his touch. Just as he teased her with his lips, his cock thrust slowly and sweetly into her wetness. It was as if he was worshipping her in two different ways, with his sweet kisses and the mind-blowing feeling of his dick sliding in and out.

“If we could, I’d stay this way forever,” she said. Ash stilled. He shifted positions until his face was right above hers.

He thrust into her. Felicia grasped his hips with her knees. His cock slid into her softness, the tip of it caressing that sweet spot. Felicia arched up as he moved. Each thrust tantalized her more, the promised orgasm hovering just out of reach.

Ash seemed to know that. He plunged into her harder and faster. Each time he hit a different spot, and Felicia gasped and rolled her hips to take him as deeply inside her as she could.

Every few minutes he would stop to kiss her, his hands stroking her while his dick still filled her. When he stopped longer than usual, she looked up into his eyes. He was staring at her, his gaze intense.

“Made for each other,” he said. Felicia nodded. She gasped when his look turned wicked.

“Let’s go old-school.” He pulled out of her and patted her hip.

Felicia turned so that she was on all fours. She wiggled her ass at him, feeling deliciously sinful.

“Fuck me,” she said harshly.

Ash followed her order. He drove into her, and Felicia cried out.

“Harder, fuck me harder.” She thrust back to meet his plunges. His cock met her sweet spot with each thrust, and it spurred her on.

“Ash, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”

“Yes, ma’am,” he answered.

Felicia clawed at the bed as he claimed her. When one hard, final push hit her just right, her walls clenched his cock as she spiraled out of control.

“Ash!” Her body went rigid. He continued to pound into her.

“Felicia!” His cries mixed with hers as they both soared, collapsing moments later, limbs entwined.

Her chest heaving, she lay beneath him, her face turned to the blankets as she felt his body shudder above her. When he’d left the bed and come back, she nestled herself in the crook of his arms.

“If you have to tie me up to teach me, we need to find a store that specializes in ropes.”

He muttered an affirmative response, or at least that was what she thought it was. A few moments later he was sleeping, his arm tight around her. They hadn’t showered, hadn’t eaten, hadn’t done anything but make love.

And that was just fine with her.

* * * *

When Felicia woke the next morning, Ash had already made coffee. She sat up in bed and ran her fingers through her hair.

“Coffee?” He held up a disposable cup.

“Yes, please.”

“What would you like in it?”

“One sugar and a little cream.” She watched as he prepared it. He picked up his own cup before he came to the bed. After he handed her one cup, he sat down beside her. He was naked, and she rather liked seeing him that way.

“Strange, don’t you think?”

Felicia took a sip before she frowned at him. “What’s strange?”

“That I love you, but I had no idea until just a few minute ago how you liked your coffee.”

He stared at the covers, and Felicia wasn’t sure what to say next. Finally, she took the easy way out—being flippant. “We didn’t drink coffee in high school.”

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