Riding Bitch (5 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Multicultural; Contemporary

BOOK: Riding Bitch
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All he needed was for her to straddle him. But she didn’t do that immediately. She ducked her head and kissed his thighs, just like he’d done to her last night.

Ash’s insides turned to molten lava as she licked and nibbled around his cock. Her breasts pressed against his legs, the soft orbs fueling the desire he felt.

Her lips touched his balls, and he groaned. “Fuck, Felicia, you’re killing me.”

“Good.” She continued her slow torture, and as she touched his shaft, Ash wasn’t sure he could handle it.

“Felicia. Come on, babe, I need to be inside you.”

“Whatever you say.” She placed her mouth around his dick and slid down, taking a good portion of him into her mouth. She lifted off, and he heard a low gagging noise. The next time she took him in, she wrapped her hand around the lower part of his shaft to act as an extension of her mouth.

He might be able to handle the girl on top fucking, since he rarely came from that. But a blowjob?

“Felicia.” He stroked her hair. “Come on, babe. Let’s fuck.”

“No.” She looked up at him, her pouty expression making her appear sexier than he thought she’d ever looked. “You got to play last night. It’s my turn now.”

With hands that felt as if they were wrapped in silk, she slowly worked the condom back up his shaft. After it was off, she tossed it aside.

Then she went to work on him, slicking and licking. She used her teeth to nibble, causing flames to shoot through him. It almost drove him over the top, but he managed to hold himself back.

When she finally sat up, flipping her hair behind her, he shook his head. “I thought you wanted to get screwed tonight. You’ve made it impossible for me to last for any length of time.”

“Should I just get you off with my mouth?” The eagerness in her voice made him surge higher.

“Vixen,” he said after a few moments. It thwarted his plans for spanking her, but they’d have plenty of time for that later.

It hurt his ego to know he’d been right about being so close. It didn’t take but a few incredible tugs of her mouth, mixed with her hand, for him to shoot off. She took quite a bit of it inside her, but some of his cum splattered on his leg and stomach.

“I’m sorry,” she said when he was done. His eyes were closed, and pure pleasure enveloped him. At first he didn’t understand why she was apologizing. Then he realized she felt bad for not swallowing everything he gave.

“Felicia, it’s okay.” He watched as she scurried off the bed. Once she’d kicked off her shoes, she went to the bathroom. The sound of running water soon greeted his ears.

She was back quickly—a wet, warm cloth in her hand. She rubbed it over his skin, cleaning up all the cum that had spilled onto him.

Felicia acted as if she were going to take it back to the bathroom, but Ash tossed it to the floor. Then he patted his lap where his now limp cock lay.

“Come here.” She was swift to take the spot he’d shown her. Once she was on his lap, he caressed her hips. “Hold up your right hand.”

Once she’d done it, he intertwined his fingers with hers.

“Repeat after me. I, Felicia Louise Montrose, do hereby promise…”

After she’d repeated the words, he said, “To make this week about myself and Ashkii Yazzi Chee, and only the two of us.”

He kissed her when she was done, and said, “Furthermore, I swear that, after I’ve called and reported to whoever will worry that I will be late returning from my trip, I will surrender my phone to the man I will ride behind.”

“But what about maps and GPS and—”

He put his finger against her lip to make her stop talking. “Only what I said.”

Felicia said the words.

“Don’t worry about GPS, babe.” He squeezed her hand. “We’ll use maps, and if we can’t find someplace on it we want to see, we’ll go wherever the wind takes us. I’m going to take our phones, both of them, and take the batteries out. We’ll be phone free for a week. Very old-school.”

“I like that idea.”

“So do I.” He put his free hand between them and found her clit. He held her other hand tightly as he played, rubbing and pinching until she screamed. He savored the feel of her skin, the hard nub that pulsed just for the two of them. Listening to her increase in breath, her murmurs of “Ash, oh Ash,” made him wish he was young enough to get it up again quickly.

Felicia slumped against his shoulder, and Ash didn’t care that he hadn’t been inside her. There would be plenty of time for that during the upcoming week.

And he intended to use every second of it to their advantage.

Chapter Four

Benny the Bean hadn’t changed since high school. He was still as tall and skinny as ever. Benny greeted Ash with a huge smile, but when he saw Felicia, he’d grinned even wider and pulled her into a hug.

“I’ll be damned,” he said when he let her go. “This is a huge surprise. I didn’t know you two were back together.”

It was a morning for surprises, she wanted to tell him. When she’d called her parents, she’d prayed for the answering machine. Instead her mother had answered, sleepily since it was an hour earlier in New Mexico than it was in Louisiana. From the tone of her mother’s voice, Felicia was pretty sure she hadn’t known about her spending time with Ash—yet.

The call had been brief, because Felicia had decided that was just how it was going to be. She’d also voted to tell her mother the truth. She wasn’t a sixteen-year-old sneaking out of the house anymore.

“I’m going to be a week late,” she said quickly.

“What do you mean? Are you staying in Louisiana?” Her mother sounded wide-awake now. “Is something wrong?”

“No. Ash bought a motorcycle, and we’re going to ride it back. He’ll give me a ride to Albuquerque to pick up my car at the airport.”

The silence was damning. Finally, her mother said, “Ash Chee?”

“Yes, Mother, Ash Chee.”

At that moment, the man in question came out of the bathroom. He was naked, his hair streaming over his shoulders and down his back. He had a toothbrush in his mouth.

Felicia waited for her mother to explode. Instead she said, “I hope you’re going to wear a helmet.”

“Of course I am.”

There was another pregnant pause. Then, “I’m not going to tell your father. You know how he feels about that boy.”

“He’s a man, Mother.”

“Of course he is.” Her mother sounded flustered, and Felicia was pretty sure she wanted to say something else. But the phone remained silent.

Felicia explained that she wouldn’t have her phone. “I’ll talk to you in a week. I love you, Mother.”

This time there was no pause. “And I love you, Felicia. Be safe.” Another short pause, and then “Make him wear a condom” came over the line before the phone clicked dead.

Felicia had immediately turned it over and taken out the battery. Then she’d tossed it on the bed. Talking to her mother had been easier than she’d thought. But then again, it was her father who had taken an immediate disliking to Ash from the first time she’d mentioned his name at the dinner table. The silence had been deafening, and then her father had said,
“You want to go out with a Navajo?”

she’d said, wondering what was wrong.

“Don’t even think about it,”
he’d responded.

When she’d asked why, he’d slammed his fist on the table.
“Because you’re only fifteen, and because I said so. Don’t mention it again.”

Her mother had remained silent, and when Felicia had said something to her later, she’d repeated her father’s words.
“Don’t mention it again.”

Of course Felicia hadn’t listened to them. Well, in a way she had, because she hadn’t told her parents about her relationship with Ash. She’d seen him on the sly, during school, after school, and at nights, when she managed to sneak out of the house without being caught.

She wasn’t sneaking around now, she’d thought as she’d said to Ash,
“She wants to make sure you wear a condom and I wear a helmet.”
They’d both laughed.

“I guess she doesn’t care about protecting my brains,”
Ash had said before he went back into the bathroom.

“You’re next,”
she’d called out.

“Yeah, but I don’t have to call my mom, only the guy watching my dog and staying in my house.”

“You have a dog?”
She’d rushed to the door.
“What else don’t I know about you?”

“Darlin’, the list is long.”
He’d leaned over and kissed her, the taste of toothpaste heavy on his lips.
“But we got plenty of time to examine it all.”

Now she watched as Ash and Benny went over the finer points of the huge machine parked in the driveway. She didn’t know what any of the parts were. She just knew it had two wheels, a seat built for two, purple fenders, and lots of chrome.

On the ride in they’d decided not to turn in the rental car until after Ash had a chance to “learn the ins and outs,” of his new machine. He was straddling it now, his denim-clad legs hugging the frame. He’d had motorcycles when they were younger, and she’d loved to ride on them.

But that had been on the back roads of New Mexico. She had no clue how to be a passenger on a bike that was going seventy miles an hour down a freeway. She’d voiced her concerns in the car, and he’d repeated the same thing he told her before.

“Keep your hands on me, and lean with me. It’s as simple as that. All you’ve got to do is trust me.”

He’d emphasized the words, and Felicia wondered if there had been some sort of underlying meaning to them. They’d been talking about the physical aspect of being on the motorcycle, of her riding bitch. But his tone made her question if he was thinking about saying something else, something about trust between them in the relationship field.

She looked over the mode of transportation they’d use for the next week. She was happy to see there was a backrest for both the driver and the passenger. It was at that moment that Benny, almost as if he’d read her mind, pressed a button, and the rest for the operator lifted off. He snapped it back in place, and then he and Ash were shaking hands.

Ash came toward her, but Felicia couldn’t take her gaze off the huge purple monstrosity behind him. “Don’t you have to pay for it and do title work and everything?”

“Already done,” Ash informed her. “We did it all by mail.”

“You bought it sight unseen?”

Ash shook his head. “I saw it at a rally some time back in Red River. Benny let me take it for a short spin then. It’s just taken me a while to talk him into selling.”

He put his arms around her and kissed her. When the kiss broke, Felicia looked over Ash’s shoulder to where Benny stood, his ever-present grin wide. She had no doubt that, before she and Ash had even turned the corner of Benny’s block, he would be calling his parents, who still lived in Shiprock.

Her mother might not tell her dad, but he would know before the end of the week. She said a silent prayer, giving thanks for the battery-less cell phone as she took the car keys from Ash and walked to the driver’s side.

The plan was to follow him to a motorcycle shop to buy necessary equipment, and then to return the car to the airport.

The adventure was underway.

* * * *

They were about twenty minutes outside of Houston when Felicia wondered if she’d bitten off more than she could chew. The idea had no sooner formed in her mind when Ash’s voice sounded in her ear.

Part of the equipment they’d purchased had been helmets equipped with headphones and microphones so they could communicate with each other.

“Babe, you need to relax.”

“I’m trying,” she replied, even as her legs tightened on his hips. He’d taken out the backrest so they could be right next to each other for the first part of the trip. He’d told her it would make her feel more comfortable. She wasn’t sure if he was right. “It’s just that—”

An eighteen-wheeler whisked by them, and she grabbed him tighter. “It’s not you that scares me. It’s those huge…monstrosities.”

His chuckle relaxed her, somewhat. “
are basically the same thing.”

“Jerk.” She laughed nervously.

“When you tense up, I think about how worried you are and not about concentrating on the road. Just relax and enjoy the ride. I’ve got this handled.”

Felicia inhaled and exhaled several times in an effort to do as he asked. Surprisingly, as the massive bike ate up the miles, she actually felt herself relaxing. They didn’t talk much, although from time to time Ash would point out something he saw of interest.

They were headed for San Antonio tonight. Ash had booked them a room near the River Walk, and tomorrow they were going to see the Alamo. When they were done there, they would take out a map and decide where to go next.

They didn’t have a lot of things with them. Ash had been ready to ride back and had packed his belongings in a duffel bag that he’d planned to strap onto the bike. Unfortunately she was sitting in the spot he’d meant to use.

Before they’d left Houston, they’d picked items out of their bags—two pairs of jeans each, a few T-shirts for them both, and underclothes. These items were secured in the saddlebags. The suitcase had been shipped to Ash’s house via the postal service.

As they neared San Antonio and the traffic picked up, Felicia found herself tensing again.

“I want you to do something for me,” he said.

“Catch a plane in San Antonio?” she joked, hoping that wasn’t what he was going to ask.

“I want you to think of this motorcycle as my dick.”

That gave her pause. “Why?”

“Because you like to ride my cock. Just think of this trip as one long fucking session with you on top.”

The mental image of being on top of him made her clit twitch, and when she thought about doing it while they were riding down the highway, her nipples tightened too.

The incredible idea of a thousand-mile trip with her riding Ash did make her relax. She put her hands on his thighs.

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